View Full Version : NES Zelda commercial

10-11-2005, 04:47 AM
Aww snap, Zelda raps. (http://www.alldumb.com/items/2005/10/16980.wmv)

I'm not old enough to remember this, but I thought it was kinda cool.

10-11-2005, 08:42 AM
Wow I feel old. I remember that like it was yesterday.

Does anyone remember the NES cereal? The song went.
Nin-ten-do, IT'S A CEREAL

It had all the popular NES characters as cereal pieces.

10-11-2005, 09:09 AM
fuck im old :(

10-11-2005, 12:24 PM
me 2
wicky wicky wick!
I remember having most of that memorized back in the days when Nintendo Power was the greatest magazine a kid could have a sub to.

10-11-2005, 12:36 PM
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start(or select start for 2 player)

If you've used that code a million times like me, then I guees your old too!

10-11-2005, 12:44 PM
U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,Sel,Start hah. Long time since I used that. Anyone remember the game River City Ransom, or Super Dodge Ball for the NES? A couple of my favorites. Not to mention, really a blast to play. Go emulate em if you haven't plyed em.

10-11-2005, 01:00 PM
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start(or select start for 2 player)

If you've used that code a million times like me, then I guees your old too!

It's actually B, A, B, A.....haha. ;)

10-11-2005, 01:27 PM
no way dude, for Konami games it was:
up up down down left right left right B A start (or sel start)

u might be thinking of ikari warrriors which was A B B A

dammit, why do I remember worthless stuff like that? LOL!

10-11-2005, 01:34 PM
hahaha Yoshi

Ikari Warriors A, B, B, A rocked

did any of you guys use that... Genie? thing Cheat Genie ?

GAME [email protected]!!!!

10-11-2005, 05:27 PM
Wow I feel old. I remember that like it was yesterday.

Does anyone remember the NES cereal? The song went.
Nin-ten-do, IT'S A CEREAL

It had all the popular NES characters as cereal pieces.

wrong. it went
NIN-TEN-DO, It's a Cerial now!
NIN-TEN-DO, It's a Cerial, WOW!

then went on from there.

It only had Zelda and Mario themed peices... as you'll see in this video!

too bad the first like 10 seconds of the commercial are cut off

10-11-2005, 06:42 PM
wrong. it went
NIN-TEN-DO, It's a Cerial now!
NIN-TEN-DO, It's a Cerial, WOW!

then went on from there.

It only had Zelda and Mario themed peices... as you'll see in this video!

too bad the first like 10 seconds of the commercial are cut off

Whatever that was so long ago. I can't believe I remember that much of it.

10-11-2005, 08:33 PM
haha i still have both nes zeldas :fawkd:

10-12-2005, 12:11 PM
I've got a gold Zelda somewhere.

10-12-2005, 05:54 PM
Ikari warriors was the shit but so fucking hard. The code was ABBA. As for the konami code, up up down down left right left right B A select start.

Shit, I think I still have the first 12 issues of nintendo power somewhere. I don't even think I subscribed to it. It just showed up one day. Maybe my parents did it or maybe my parents sent in registration info on the nintendo they bought me.

Rap was the new hot shit back then. You weren't cool unless you were popblockin, breakdancing on cardboard, wearing some wannabe michael jackson clothing, and a neon shirt and whatever other stuff that was popular back then.

10-13-2005, 03:15 PM
i wish i would've never sold my NES
i miss playing duck hunt :-/


10-14-2005, 02:42 PM

"I love the power glove, it's so bad"

Now tell me where that quote is from, haha

10-15-2005, 08:06 AM
me 2
wicky wicky wick!
I remember having most of that memorized back in the days when Nintendo Power was the greatest magazine a kid could have a sub to.

I remember being so happy when they switched from a black and white newsletter to a color magazine.

I gave stacks of those old mags away when I moved 2 years ago.....

10-15-2005, 10:05 AM
HAHAHHAHA funny ass commercial, that brings me back. someone post the video of that nintendo cereal!

10-15-2005, 10:23 AM
Someone already did...

10-15-2005, 12:13 PM
"I love the power glove, it's so bad"

Now tell me where that quote is from, haha

The Wizard. :wackit:

10-16-2005, 11:52 AM
about time someone figured it out. you cant get any cooler than the powerglove. especially for 25 bucks shipped on ebay. I always wanted one as a kid but had I opened that on christmas morning i'd have been pissed, it hardly works.