View Full Version : what hobby/activity would you take up?

10-06-2005, 04:43 PM
so lately, it seems that life is getting more monotonous and boring...it seems that i learn/grow less and less each day that passes by...so ive decided to take up the three things ive always wanted for the sake of sanity and to shock my brain into activity...

i wanna get some of your feedback on a couple of topics...so theres been three things that ive always wanted to take up...could you guys/gals tell me what its like...like is it expensive, is it hard to take up, does it get tedious, etc...just anything to help me make a decision cuz i dont have the money or time to do all three...so here it is:

-the guitar?



-muy thai?

im 20 if that makes a difference...ive heard that learning an instrument at that age can be rather frustrating and hopeless...and i am a heavy smoker so muy thai could get pretty ugly...im bored at work and wanna do something new already

10-06-2005, 04:56 PM
for sure, muy thai.

you're pretty young so you should do it now, sure has hell will be harder when you're much older (40s-50s). And you can take up musical instruments then. Plus all that training will put ya in really good shape.

10-06-2005, 05:02 PM
buy airbags... bury them in the beach or playground... then detonate them... yeah its an expensive hobby

A Spec Products
10-06-2005, 05:38 PM
i used to collect sneakers until my friends called me imelda marcos.

expensive hobby, no real thought required, but for some reason the idea of getting rare sneakers give you a rush. and breaking necks in public was just the icing on the cake.

it got gay when the market turned and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. i actually have boycotted nike since.

as for a useful hobby, art is always a good one, whether or not you are good at it. that or digital graphics, reading books, etc.

the 240 is a big enough hobby, its hard to do more than one hobby. makes you lose focus and half ass both of them.

10-06-2005, 05:47 PM
use to be a comic/card collector back when i was a kid. i got a shitload. now im thinking about collecting liquor

10-06-2005, 05:52 PM
I used to be a Porn Star, but had to quit because it confused people that my name was Hung Wang and I wasn't asian. Thinking about taking it back up as a hobby though.

A Spec Products
10-06-2005, 05:53 PM
use to be a comic/card collector back when i was a kid. i got a shitload. now im thinking about collecting liquor

yeah me too, talk about depreciation!

i have closets full that probably total a value of $5.46. sucks.

10-06-2005, 07:00 PM
You could always head over to the gym, check out chicks, work out.

Or, if it floats your boat, get back into learning. Sounds nerdish, but you actually find cool books and awesome information. Im gettin back to nerd mode myself.

10-06-2005, 07:08 PM
Working out is a good one, not that expensive meet new people look better, etc... I guess the muy thai would fit in that category its the one I would pick from your list :o

10-06-2005, 07:25 PM

holy shit! its CA18guy!! damn havent seen you post in a LONG time

yeah me too, talk about depreciation!

i have closets full that probably total a value of $5.46. sucks.

yea i know. it was all of those reprints dammit! which caued the value to go down. now they dont reprint stuff much no more which causes things to stay up.

10-06-2005, 07:30 PM
i used to play bass guitar for a while. we never really had a band per se just used to jam out. i taught myself, plus im left handed... hehe. music instruments are fun, but it all goes to hell when u stuck up your car's tailpipe.

working out is a good hoby too. for me its easy to get big genetically so i took it up 3 something years ago. you should too. plus you get pussy :hsdance:

oh yea.... and stop peterpuffin' :naughty: cigarettes will kill you

10-06-2005, 07:51 PM
You should be like me and get into paintball and riding atvs. Two of the biggest money-pit hobbies in the world!! But,hey its only money right?

10-06-2005, 08:39 PM
Another vote for working out. You're making yourself better plus girls like it. Thats reason enough. Instruments are also good. I took up the drums a while ago and i'm still practicing. Its pretty cool. Plus girls also like guys who can play instruments. hahaha that sounds so shallow!

But fwiw, i'm quite athletic and very musically inclined. :D

All kidding aside though, working out and musical instruments are great hobbies. Art is also a really good one too. I'll draw a piece every now and then if i have time. Its really relaxing. If those dont float your boat, collect something.

Oh yeah and stop smoking. Its retarded.

10-06-2005, 11:53 PM
If i had some extra money i would try and take up karting, it seems like fun. or are you trying to get away from the motorsports?

10-07-2005, 12:32 AM
breakdancing...simple as that
gives you a workout and an introduction to new people and asian girls :drool:

10-07-2005, 12:46 AM
maeda got me into fish
damn i want a bad ass fish tanks like and denise do.
shit is awesome. ad hell of lot cheaper.

10-07-2005, 12:56 AM
copper tube sculpting, and restoring a hotrod... id like to restore a impala or a malibu

10-07-2005, 12:58 AM
maeda got me into fish
damn i want a bad ass fish tanks like and denise do.
shit is awesome. ad hell of lot cheaper.

What kind of fish? I've been doing Tropical for years now... going to step into Saltwater next time around..

10-07-2005, 01:00 AM
Just sit on Zilvia like everyone else. That is my hobby. I can feel my self getting 1oz fatter every post.

10-07-2005, 01:00 AM
he does tropical and salt now too
such beautilful tanks
he'll probably post pics if he has time. he loves them. he's upgrading on the salt tank now i think. 10 gallon?
i forget if the tropcail is a 20 or so gallon.

its pretty cool. all DIY too, saves A LOT of money, looks like a far more expensive tank and setup then what he paid. pm hi, im sure he'd be happy to go into it more.

10-07-2005, 01:12 AM
play pool and work out. simple...

10-07-2005, 01:21 AM
Photography, working out, couple of sports

gotta keep busy or i'll go crazy

10-07-2005, 01:32 AM
Mmm a girlfriend is a hobby... Better yet, Muy thai.

10-07-2005, 01:36 AM
muay thai is just recently been hyped up a lot, just get into doing physical excersize in general.

Personally for me, working on the 240 is a big enough hobby, basically what my life revolves around right now.

10-07-2005, 01:47 AM
thanks for the tips guys...the thing is ive always wanted to do muay thai...ive always respected how it was judged traditionally and not solely about knockouts or size...i wouldnt mind working out again...ive gotten so skinny ever since i stopped...ive done the b-boy thang...ive done the fish thang...doing the zilvia thang like 23 hours a day...the more artistic ones sound interesting though...karting? no money...

10-07-2005, 01:51 AM
Why dont u try jujitsu. Some ppl may say its gay and what not but its the most useful fighting technique in teh world since most fights end up on the floor. It also builds up your stamina and shit.

10-07-2005, 01:52 AM
Workout, Fishing, hmm...

I dropped airsofting cuz the place I play at closed down, tried to play in backyards but that didn't work too well.

So picked up Paintballing again.

Should be a ZILVIA get together for some paintballing would be DOPE ass...

So Cali people! Lets hook up for a private game of Paintballing!

10-07-2005, 02:12 AM
When the winter months hit here in North Dakota, and this GA kid doesn't feel like going outside, I build a lot, and I mean a LOT of 1/24 car models. Mainly Tamiya.


Custom Single Turbo Supra, larger exhaust piping and muffler, front lip, FMIC, BOV

Working on a Sileighty right now, and after that probably one of 3 JGTC GT-Rs I've got left. I've found that I've still got some sort of creative edge.

10-07-2005, 02:15 AM
yeah ive got like 50 JGTC cars sittin in my closet...and the forever unfinished fairlady z31 and the castrol supra...very good job btw, i have very little patience to put all the decals on...i usually leave em "JGTC street mode" a.k.a im too lazy, fuck this shit...

10-07-2005, 06:13 PM
why take the time to bury airbags? shit we launched an S14 steering wheel at least 30 feet in the air.

10-07-2005, 07:24 PM

omg look at the snail on that! its almost as big as the engine block! of course.. its only a model.

10-08-2005, 01:58 AM
Photography is freaking AWESOME! But as always, physical perfection is #1. Try JeetKunDo, BruceLee status! Trying new things always rocks also. If you wanted to save cash, cardiovascular training is good.

Its always awesome to try and learn the Rubix Cube. And i mean learn, you'll actually pick things up from learning one. How to think about future reactions from current actions and stuff. Its goood stuff!

10-08-2005, 02:42 AM
go back to school and take more class and earn yourself a degree or certificate. they kill times and it is useful to your self.

FastBack 240
10-08-2005, 03:04 AM
Working out is always fun. I pay 16.50 a month unlimited use. Positive effects too.

10-08-2005, 03:31 AM

10-08-2005, 03:54 AM
Learn that Israeli Self Defense. Krav Maga. I hear that shit is NUTS...

10-08-2005, 03:59 AM
Working out is always fun. I pay 16.50 a month unlimited use. Positive effects too.

wow 16.50? pretty damn cheap

10-08-2005, 04:57 AM
breakdancing...simple as that
gives you a workout and an introduction to new people and asian girls :drool:

I'm 22 and I just started. I used to be really interested in it and fooled around in high school, but after watching that Red Bull BCOne 05 that someone posted here, I really got inspiried.

I do it for the workout, the relaxation, the feeling of being free with self-expression, and most of all, just for fun.

Dunno if you're into that, but give it a shot. I feel so good after a good session, even if I suck right now. (I'm proud of what I've accomplished, which is all that matters. And my WHOLE body has become stronger.)

kinda like yoga, but cooler. hehe

10-08-2005, 09:05 AM
I've recently taken up with photography myself.

Here is some of my recent work.




10-10-2005, 01:17 AM
yeah, i want to be a little more fit and exercise my mind...might sound cheesy, but i feel that at this point in my life, using my mind and its full potential is crucial...been feelin like a zombie for too long...i think ive done all the things all of you mention at one point or another, but didnt really form an affinity with any of them...i think im gonna see if a friend will teach me an instrument and see how it is before committing to it...but you guys have good advice...interesting to know what you guys do in your free time...

nice pics btw ^

10-11-2005, 04:02 AM
Maeda lick my nuts, and then post pictures of your awesome aquariums and i'll get you back!




Seriously though. Car's suck. Fish are much more interesting and cheaper! Although I do love my car, it creates more headaches then enjoyment. That's how I justify it to myself I spend a good 1000$ on fish stuff in the last 2 years, and didn't put that money into my car. :bigok:

Or you could always go back to school.

10-11-2005, 04:09 AM
those are really nice setups...ive always wanted to go all out with fish...watching them do their thang is so tranquil...but for now, i guess you can say im a poser cuz all i have are mixed freshwater with minimal equipment in a 10 gal...i was always under the impression that saltwater was hard to maintain...does it get stressful at times? ya kno, with the right pH levels and everything...and im sure its not cheap...

10-11-2005, 05:06 AM
i remember i hated cleaning my 50gal tank so it had a gravel pump filter, 1 little filter pump from my 10gal tank & 2 powerful oversized side filter pump thats blows away all the fish who comes near it. i also got 4 algea suckers , bunch of clown loach , corys, and that ugly catfish looking fish to help me clean. i had 2 gold fish cus i thought they eat poop. all my plants were real and rocks, none of the plastic crap.

my tank was filled with redplatty wags , tigerbarbs (attacked the other fishs), black redtail shark fish, tetras (died quickly cus of stress), swordtails, 2 fighting fish , 3 huge silver shark 3 smaller ones, bettas, other fish i cant remember. every fish died except 1 huge sliver shark and a female red platy , i gave them away when i put away my tank for good.

10-11-2005, 11:37 AM
i was always under the impression that saltwater was hard to maintain...does it get stressful at times? ya kno, with the right pH levels and everything...and im sure its not cheap...

Saltwater system was built for 120$

The freshwater system is harder to maintain because of the live plants and such.

STILL I don't ever clean the tanks. I do waterchanges only once a month(salty tank twice a month since its only 6 gallons). I do spend a lot of time fucking around building stuff though. The freshwater's sporting a custom overflow of my own design, as well as a sump and spraybar return. The Saltwater tank was built by homedepot and runs no filter.

10-11-2005, 12:52 PM
well getting a job will keep you busy but other than i took up tennis at college and ill post some pics of the tamiya 1/24's i built last summel, skyline and s13 slivia coupe once my battery finishes charging

aite here it is

the calsonic skyline
and the silvia k's
and the skyline again