View Full Version : 17x9 17x10 fno1rc bronze
10-06-2005, 12:59 AM
17x9+15 17x10+12 FN01RC Bronze 95% tires
17x9+15 225/45/17 Falken ST115
17x10+12 245/45/17 Falken ST115
Tires and rims have less than 3,500 miles on these. NO curb rashes!! Very close to mint I take care of my wheels very well, and am very anal about how I mount them.
Asking $900 firm. this is the same exact wheels from Ritzs14 just wanted to get rid of it cause just found out that the company i work for is closing down and in need of cash. bought it from ritz about a month ago never mounted on the car. just got the car back from the shop. here is my cell phone number 510 798 3314 asked for ian thanks again also selling a 20 gb ipod photo new.
10-06-2005, 01:21 AM
PM sent. I'm very interested in the wheels.
10-06-2005, 01:22 AM
are u willing to part the wheels?
10-06-2005, 09:40 AM
DANG!!! $900 That's cool and all, but there are a couple of sellers selling theres for $750 shipped same offset and wheel! interested but not for $900, espesially if they are used! let us know if your willing to part the wheels as well, Thanks.
10-06-2005, 12:15 PM
yeah and if you seen there rims has curb rashes this looks like it just came off the box no dings no rashes or anything in that matter. if you can get one for the same wheel set up and its $750 shipped good for you with almost brand new tires then be my guess.
S13 Charlie
10-06-2005, 12:35 PM
DANG!!! $900 That's cool and all, but there are a couple of sellers selling theres for $750 shipped same offset and wheel! interested but not for $900, espesially if they are used! let us know if your willing to part the wheels as well, Thanks.
You're retarded. 900 bucks for these wheels with tires is a killer deal. In fact, with the aforementioned tires, it's an unbelievable deal..
On topic - how much would you like for the ipod photo?
10-06-2005, 01:09 PM
thanks... as for the ipod its $250 shipped
10-07-2005, 09:53 PM
id be interested in the 17x9's if someone wants to buy just the 17x10's
10-08-2005, 06:16 AM
yeah and if you seen there rims has curb rashes this looks like it just came off the box no dings no rashes or anything in that matter. if you can get one for the same wheel set up and its $750 shipped good for you with almost brand new tires then be my guess.
Go to 240sxforums and look for this! There is a guy selling his brand new for 750 shipped no BS! I'm not trying to pull anything your closer and would be easier to buy from you!
You're retarded. 900 bucks for these wheels with tires is a killer deal. In fact, with the aforementioned tires, it's an unbelievable deal..
On topic - how much would you like for the ipod photo?
Actually no i'm not retarded, the person who is retarded would be the one who spends 900 dollars on some "used" NOT "new" FNO1's and used tires. no matter how you look at it they're used!!
Not trying to hate but...if i see other sellers that are selling the same rim for 750 tell me...who would be more retarded?
id be interested in the 17x9's if someone wants to buy just the 17x10's
I'd be interested in buying the 17x10's but that's up to iansproj240.
10-08-2005, 07:22 AM
can you post pics? im interested in all four, are you willing to ship?
10-08-2005, 10:11 AM
Go to 240sxforums and look for this! There is a guy selling his brand new for 750 shipped no BS! I'm not trying to pull anything your closer and would be easier to buy from you!
Actually no i'm not retarded, the person who is retarded would be the one who spends 900 dollars on some "used" NOT "new" FNO1's and used tires. no matter how you look at it they're used!!
Not trying to hate but...if i see other sellers that are selling the same rim for 750 tell me...who would be more retarded?
I'd be interested in buying the 17x10's but that's up to iansproj240.
Do those "NEW" wheels come with tires? the tires on these are worth about $400 new, and with low miles they're easily worth the extra $150 over what that "other guy" wants for his. I'd be all over these if it wasn't such a bitch to ship 4 wheels and tires across the country...but quit being a douchebag, if you have the money and want the wheels then buy them, if you're just gonna bitch then go back to 240sxforums...
10-08-2005, 11:26 AM
Yup, I'd be all over these if the tire sizes were right for my car.
10-08-2005, 05:10 PM
Do those "NEW" wheels come with tires? the tires on these are worth about $400 new, and with low miles they're easily worth the extra $150 over what that "other guy" wants for his. I'd be all over these if it wasn't such a bitch to ship 4 wheels and tires across the country...but quit being a douchebag, if you have the money and want the wheels then buy them, if you're just gonna bitch then go back to 240sxforums...
Like you said if it wasn't across the country then i'd get them....look "douchebag" i could care less if these tires only have 3500 miles on them for all i know they could have 5000 or 8000 who knows but the fact that i'm going to believe that the tire only has 3500 exactly is BS! the fact of the matter is they are USED as are the RIMS. so let's see... take the tires off and now you have USED rims That are worth ohh what...well lets see NEW rims for 750 w/o tires and USED rims w/o tires shit i'd think he'd be lucky if some one bought these for 750? wouldn't you. Now would the price be right for you...I bet it would be! but like you said if it wasn't across the country then...i'd get them i figure i make it easier for the buyer.
I'm not bitching that's for sure, but offering what i think is fair...espesially if others are selling theres for less. The question you need to ask yourself is...if it really is such a good deal...then why isn't it sold yet? Think about it "douchebag" BTW very original LOL douchbag, wow almost got me!
10-09-2005, 10:37 AM
i mean if you want to look at it since your by me anyways i will show you the rims then you can decide whether there good enough. or maybe you can give me your address and we can settle this.
10-09-2005, 12:41 PM
If you don't like the wheels and the price, don't buy them. It's that simple. I don't see why you have to hate on the prices that other people are asking for. If you like the price from 240sx forums, then by all means go over there and pay for them. Just don't come over here and run your mouth about what a ripoff someone elses prices are. Just my 2 cents.
10-09-2005, 01:12 PM
Where at in cali are you located?
10-10-2005, 01:32 AM
i mean if you want to look at it since your by me anyways i will show you the rims then you can decide whether there good enough. or maybe you can give me your address and we can settle this.
That's good with me, your cell phone is (510) so i'm guessing your fremont local?
If you can, we can meet...i suppose milpitas area?? That is if you are bay area local. I could meet you half way to where ever your located or what ever works....BTW are you willing to part the wheels? Let me know where you want to meet.
10-10-2005, 01:55 AM
yeah! if u part the wheels, i want the 17x9's
10-10-2005, 08:34 AM
thats the size I'm interested in for the rears so if you split them I might be interested in the 10's. I'm looking for a slightly higher offset in the front (fiberglass fenders, so no pulling).
10-10-2005, 08:59 AM
Scooter, stop being cheap. Also, you can tell how valuable the wheels + the tires are by looking at the tread.
10-10-2005, 02:49 PM
scooter is entitled to his own opinion about these wheels. leave him alone. plus i want the 17x9's :naughtyd:
10-10-2005, 04:06 PM
that means im entitled to my own opinion also...
iansproject-the price is dont let their rudimentary business tactics make you think twice...i wouldnt lower it a single penny more...bump for a deal...
10-12-2005, 01:52 AM
so whats goin on with these wheels?
drift into a curb
10-12-2005, 03:06 AM
Oh god, Scooter reminds me of the d00ds that say they can go buy everything off of ebay cheaper. Well go do that. Go buy it off 240forums, ebay, where ever. They don't need your input. If it's way off base, it's more respectful to just message them and let them know instead of shitting on their thread. No one cares that you know someone is selling new ones for 750 on 240sxforums. If you feel like it, make an offer in an e-mail. As for now, you're just another lowballer.
10-12-2005, 08:34 PM
ryanK i believe sold his exact same setup with tires for $800
10-12-2005, 08:54 PM
ryanK i believe sold his exact same setup with tires for $800
it also took forever for someone to buy it too.
10-13-2005, 01:05 PM
so that means... what... lower the price?
10-13-2005, 02:10 PM
have you seen the rims that he sold how many scratches it has and the paint. its plain and simple if you want a rims and tires that cheap you should off bought his. cause there is absulutely no way im selling this below what i got it for since i havent put this in my car or anything. so for all the lowballers sorry but im not going lower that $900 so if your not trying to pay that dont even bother pm ing or emailing me. i think thats a very nice price for this rims. there is no scratches or dent or bent nothing at all.
10-14-2005, 12:28 AM
so are u gonna let me pick up the 17x9's???
10-14-2005, 08:12 AM
I'll get the 17x10 ^_^ 2forty we'll split the cost, oh and iansproj240 i'll take the tires off for you and you could have them i.e. you let the 17x10 go for 400 and you have a deal and you get to keep the tires and sell them.
10-14-2005, 08:26 AM
is this 4 or 5 lug/
10-14-2005, 08:30 AM
can someone show me a pic of an S13 with the 17x10 +12 in the back? In all likelyhood I'm gonna get that size sooner or later and I want to know what if any spacer I'm going to need.
10-14-2005, 04:15 PM
does anyone know if im gonna have to roll and pull if i put the 17x9's in the front of my s14? its lowered on AGXs and sportlines...
10-14-2005, 06:39 PM
does anyone know if im gonna have to roll and pull if i put the 17x9's in the front of my s14? its lowered on AGXs and sportlines...
2forty no you don't, i have this same exact set up "wheels" and the fronts are fine! unless your slammed to the floor... yeah you'll rub on your inner fender liner but other than that you will be okay. PS same car if you were wondering.
10-14-2005, 11:21 PM
lets get them then. what are the prices if u were to split the wheels up?
10-28-2005, 12:44 PM
Are they still for sale? cuz ill buy all 4 right now. Money in hand i just wanna see some pics. thanks
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