View Full Version : Back then

09-30-2005, 04:41 AM
This question is for the veterans of the site. When you guys first registered, how were you guys? Did you post away and tried to ask questions already, or did you read up first?

I registered in March of '03. At first, I just read the threads without posting. I admit, I was one of the typical newbies back then. I was sort of a ricer too, haha. I started to post more and more, and now, I'm the Zilvia.net NARC :rawk: (only premium members know what that is).

For the mods, how did you get to be mods? Were some of you mods already when Zilvia opened, or did you work your way up and show your extensive knowledge to make you mods? Who were the first mods anyways?

09-30-2005, 04:53 AM
I came onto Zilvia from FA at the behest of Grant (then a mod) and proceeded to be a bit of a jerk. I didn't like it here at first. After while, the fellowship grew on me.
I ended up becoming a mod after Grant vouched for me and recommended me (based on my technical knowledge).
After awhile, I started wanting to add stuff like smileys and ended up becoming an admin.
Now I never go to FA.
I'm a Zilviaddict.

09-30-2005, 07:26 AM
I actually just went around and registered at all the 240 forums. For some reason I stuck with 240sxforums which I'm regretting now. I'm just to lazy to leave that one because I actually have a post count there. I look like a noob here.

EDIT: I take that back, I just looked at my join date and I havent really been here THAT long. I guess the reason I stuck with 240forums is cause that was the first one I found.

09-30-2005, 07:53 AM
I registered on FA and read around on there and on 240SX.org for information, basically desparate to find all I could on the car I had just gotten myself into and didn't know much about, so I didn't post much ( may have 5 posts on FA to date), I lurked on Zilvia a while until someone posted SOMTHING I wanted to respond to. I came to realize that people on here were, while not "friendly," evidenced by the asshole that I can sometimes enjoy being, but were "human," as in they were comfortable asking questions about more than there cars, were full willing to fuck around and recognize when something was funny, even if the joke was on them, I hung around a while, then I was made a mod when the other mods/admins held this vote of sorts and I was in.

09-30-2005, 09:22 AM
i lurked for like a year trying to learn

and probably annoyied a lot of the longtime members with pm'd questions about shit

im rarely ever helpful back, such a sinner i am

09-30-2005, 09:31 AM
i had my car since 2002, since then i learned alot. thanks to zilvia in part and my own 2 hands heheeh. but yea, everyone starts out as a "ricer" and dont tell me you never were because its bullshit.

09-30-2005, 09:32 AM
friends dont let friends go to NICO

09-30-2005, 09:51 AM
Well I'm no veteran, and I was quit a newb when I joined. Look at my 1st post http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=32185
I actually got some great info that helped me pick out my car. I mispelled Silvia, asked about SR swaps and bodykits all in one post. If someone posted this today they would be flamed to a crisp. Now adays I mostly lurk and search. My post count is pretty low for a 2 year member.

09-30-2005, 10:37 AM
i mostly lurk...still do...im not really sure where all my posts come from, as i rarely ever post...started on zilvia, only board i ever post on, just read fa, and check other boards when im dead bored.

09-30-2005, 10:46 AM
i was mostly on 240sx.org in 01 and a lurker on zilvia till i finally reg. in 02 here. i made all of my 240 friends on here. learned a lot from other post and just searching around. 90% of all my post are made on the OT section lol.

09-30-2005, 01:49 PM
for obvious reasons its hard for me to lurk on a forum. this usually results in getting banned but for some reason i found zilvia which happens to be like a furnace that tempers users into being much stronger than the average car forum junkie.

we rock, some people see that as arrogance, but we still rock.

09-30-2005, 02:05 PM
I used to read up and ask stupid questions. Started looking at my old threads and found one where I'm complaining about the gas prices being at $1.65 ($3.25 now).

09-30-2005, 02:19 PM
and found one where I'm complaining about the gas prices being at $1.65 ($3.25 now).

I hear you on that one!

09-30-2005, 10:15 PM
I found Zilvia in 01. I only looked at the pictures back then. There was a whole archive of thumbnail pictures back then (If im not wrong). I recently saw that I registered as "TheBigFatSnail" in 03, but then registered in jan 04 as "TheSnail". I tried to go on to other forums, but I was already Zilviated. I see retarded post and my eyes turn red and I start to type the words of the devil. While most forums can't tolerate a zilvian's response and attitude towards dumb asses, I found it home here. It takes a special type of person to be here, some make it some brake down, but in return we have a very tight community that all knows each other aswell as their strengths and weaknesses.

On the side note, I did not know Phlip became a mod. Kick ass. Congrats Phlip!

09-30-2005, 10:48 PM
"back then hoes didnt want me. Now im hot hoes all on me."

I registered awhile back. I posted right away. No one knew me, and they all thought i was an idiot. I have been on the site ever since. The community here is pretty tight. Everyone is cool, except for little quarals that dont matter. "just sit back, take it slow, and let the good times roll."

09-30-2005, 11:15 PM

courtesy of: http://www.archive.org/web/web.php

09-30-2005, 11:37 PM
well, I guess I wasn't a veteran - look at my noob count.

when I first joined in late 2003, I had my altima, and my AE86... next thing you know - I got flamed like crazy lol. I left Zilvia, and things fall apart like crazy - 86 got sold, and altima got broken in... and I went broke... etc etc. In a raining afternoon in late october 2004, I arrived in St. Louis and picked up my 240sx out of a junk yard, did a major tune up in the freezing rain (I thought so...) Life started back up - ZILVIA here I come!

I read more than I post -

I found zilvia.net to be addicting! more than altimas.net, and club4ag

10-01-2005, 02:43 AM
I read alot on the forums, good info. But after all taht reading, you kinda get tired and mad when you see someone post a thread about something thats been covered. So I made my sig, but even that doesnt help. Started on 240sxforums until i found out how um.... uncool it was and then branced to NICO then to zilvia where ive been since. Occasionally go on FA to look inot hte classifed section and articles. NICO is only for classified. 240sxforums hardly.

Zilvia is the shit! Yes some may saw we as asses and what not but you grow to love this site. Yes, the mods are asses too but hey, who isnt.

Jim Wolf Technology ECU Upgrade
The ECU is awesome...it removes the speed and rev limiter, advances the timing, and enriches the air/fuel ratio...so when you floor it now, it will dump the fuel in when you want it....kinda like VTEC...but way better...lol. The ECU is really easy to install and is a great buy. Save your money and get it. If you are going to get a turbo or NOS, Jim Wolf will program that in too! It's great for Normally Aspirated engines too...like mine. [email protected]
Overall Rating = 9/10 - Install Ease = 1/10

Got it off the old zilvia website!!!

10-01-2005, 01:00 PM
I found Zilvia in 01. I only looked at the pictures back then. There was a whole archive of thumbnail pictures back then (If im not wrong). I recently saw that I registered as "TheBigFatSnail" in 03, but then registered in jan 04 as "TheSnail". I tried to go on to other forums, but I was already Zilviated. I see retarded post and my eyes turn red and I start to type the words of the devil. While most forums can't tolerate a zilvian's response and attitude towards dumb asses, I found it home here. It takes a special type of person to be here, some make it some brake down, but in return we have a very tight community that all knows each other aswell as their strengths and weaknesses.

On the side note, I did not know Phlip became a mod. Kick ass. Congrats Phlip!
I have that same feeling... If by chance I end up at 240sxforums.com ohh man.. the newbie section is just begging to be flamed.

10-01-2005, 02:42 PM
I am old and wrinkly, I was a complete noob when I came on the forum. I got on the forum because I saw a s13 hatch for sale and I liked it. After discoving it was RWD I looked into it and found this site. I never ventured off too far into NICO or FA, just lingured around zilvia.

I was asking the noobest questions back than, there was so little flames and it was a big family (600 members) everyonw knew everyone else and it was fun.

Now the world has paid so much attention to the 240's, withe people keep asking the same questions over and over again, we get annoyed with them and flame the crap outta them.

I miss the old days... Gas was $0.98 for a while. Yesterday I just paid 2.89 for 87 octang.... Boy do I miss the old days...

10-01-2005, 03:14 PM
I gave WeST a hand job and he upgraded me to MOD status. :coolugh:

10-01-2005, 03:40 PM

Too much information there.. haha

10-01-2005, 03:47 PM
If I knew how to work the computer I could be a mod, but has only been 2 years since I learned how to post, and all I realy know how to do is turn the computer on and off. Most of the time Im like that guy from the CS animation when he gets a virus from downloading a CS hack. "What the fuck! What the fuck is wrong with my computer ! RrrEEEEEEEE ! ! ! "

10-01-2005, 04:43 PM
I gave WeST a hand job and he upgraded me to MOD status. :coolugh:
What were his wife and your girlfriend doing while this took place, Charlie?

10-01-2005, 04:55 PM
Shiet I got my 240 back in early 01, a good yr before the whole drift thing started hitting mainstream US. Started off with the NICO boards *240sx.org* tru the years, i must have signed up in every 240sx forums you can think of under this same SN. Since i was in the east coast, i floated mostly in NICO and 240sxforums since most of the people there are from the east coast. Also a lil forum from the northeast that was started off by a bunch of 240sx enthusiast *importfanatix.com* I started hitting zilvia.net when i finally moved back and got stationed in norcali in late 03. Pretty koo then cuz alot of nocali 240 guys are post whores in this bitch. Been here ever since...

Biggest thing that ive noticed is that a lot of people just stopped having the patience with the influx of Nu-bies. Every Nubie that came tru here in the last 2 yrs just all seem to be your typical "I used to drive a civic but now i wanna go driftin or smash my car on the face of a cliff" Mods and OG guys in here just had enough of that but hey, were all nubies at one point and time.

10-01-2005, 04:58 PM
If I knew how to work the computer I could be a mod, but has only been 2 years since I learned how to post, and all I realy know how to do is turn the computer on and off. Most of the time Im like that guy from the CS animation when he gets a virus from downloading a CS hack. "What the fuck! What the fuck is wrong with my computer ! RrrEEEEEEEE ! ! ! "

hahahahaha LEAVE NOW BEFORE I TELL THE ADMIN! I know youre hacking!

I have gotten really lucky on zilvia, usually by the time I was about to post a question somebody had asked the same question earlier that day, or somebody bumped the question from a while back. After a while I realized that there are only a few problems in the world that can happen to any car that nobody has had before, so I realized that ALL questions have been asked. Therefore I just find it myself, or AIM somebody that has better searching abilities than me.

10-01-2005, 05:02 PM
I just finished looking at my old posts by "TheBigFatSnail". Its funny, I was a newbe, but a shit talking newbe. I guess I was a zilvian before I was a zilvian.

10-01-2005, 05:37 PM
I remember zilvia from when it was a little baby, but I never registered. I just remember reading the forums back when they were open. I grew tired of classic Z cars, and started researching 240's a lot, which led me to read zilvia and FA a lot. I posted on FA for a while, and it was a bit nazi over there. Still great for technical info, though. Then I met WeST in real life and decided I may as well post on Zilvia since it's based out of my town (although nobody else from Denver posts on here anymore).

Blah blah. When I registered, I just remember Dousan postwhoring a lot and NiteKids getting ripped on in every post of his. The good ol days. Not too long ago, really.

the head
10-03-2005, 08:48 AM
I was a lurker for the first 6 months or so but as reassembly came along on my car I had to ask some quesitons my 240 was a derelect that hadnt ran and several years it had a clean title but some parts had been liberated from it so I used members here to assist me with what was missing or how to do more obscure jobs (like replacing the whole front end wiring harness) and tracking down new structural metal (rad mount) ect