View Full Version : rendezvous in paris (movie)

09-28-2005, 09:26 PM

supposedly, someone paid a french f1 driver hauls ass through paris in a ferrari gtp circa 1970


09-29-2005, 06:18 AM
downloaded that a while back, but its cool. itd be cool if they cameras on his feet and arms too

09-29-2005, 06:45 AM
the trees arent moving by fast enough :)

09-29-2005, 06:59 AM
its a ferrari 275GTB actually, although there has been a lot of speculation whether or not it was actually a 275GTB. circa 1976.

"Lelouch had made enough money from his classic "Un Homme et une Femme" to buy himself a Ferrari, which he proceeded to drive with "enthusiasm" in his native Paris.

Whilst shooting another film, a new bit of equipment was being used - a gyro stabilised camera mount. Lelouch then came up with the idea for "C'était un Rendezvous". The camera used only had a ten minute film magazine - hence the mad dash to the steps of the Basilique du Sacre Couér in Montmatre.

On first showing, Lelouch was supposedly arrested. In his defence, he proclaimed he had taken all possible precautions. This included convincing a Formula One driver to helm the car (he refused to name him)." However it should be noted that there are rumours that claude lelouch was indeed the driver but never fessed up, he didn't divulge a lot of information about this movie in order to insure his immortality in the car enthusiast world because there would forever be rumours and theories.

the only staged part is the end of the dvd.

i have it on DVD. the real name is C'était un Rendezvous

if you get the chance, watch it on a wide screen hdtv with a dolby stereo system.

the highest speed reached during the dvd is 220 km/h 136mph. and my i remind you that this car was already 12 years old when the movie was shot...

you watch the dvd for the handling and the sounds of the engine from heel toe rather then the speed..

09-29-2005, 07:06 AM
its a ferrari 275GTB actually, although there has been a lot of speculation whether or not it was actually a 275GTB. circa 1976.

thanks for the clarification... yes i know absolutely nothing about ferraris. :bigok:

i have it on DVD. the real name is C'était un Rendezvous

if you get the chance, watch it on a wide screen hdtv with a dolby stereo system.

i definitely have to check it out...

09-29-2005, 08:11 AM
yea that guy has sum skills. u see where he almost took that person crossing the street? good stuff.