View Full Version : Nasty drivers

09-27-2005, 02:10 PM
Was out with the convertible today driving to/home from school. And I noticed that every1 I saw was driving like an asshole.

ie: Merging from two lanes into one one and the person next to me speeds up so I can't get in and then flips me off. WTF...

There was an accident at an intersection coming out of school. The intersection was blocked off, so I back up a couple feet and turn the car around for an alternate route. Some jackass yells out, "You're going the wrong way asshole." WTF...

2006 Civic keeps speeding up and trying to block me off on the highway coming home. WTF...

Middle aged female in her Monte Carlo blasting music and tailing me. WTF...

Now these are just a couple things I run into all the time in Chicago's suburbs. Why? I don't know. I drive with the flow of traffic (not too fast, not too slow), the car is a completely factory Miata with no mods (so I'm not trying to "intimidate" anyone). WTF...

All I want to say is that if you are a person who drives like a dipshit as are the people above; you're a monkey's anus and your license should be revoked. That's how people get into accidents and that is how people get hurt...

For all the safe/courteous drivers on this forum...thank you!

If anyone is offended by what I say, lock the thread...:)

09-27-2005, 07:42 PM
When ppl are driving faster than I feel comfortable I move over and let them go past. There is no point in being stubborn in spite of them.

09-28-2005, 01:36 AM
if some one pisses you off like that write down thier lic plate number

then call 1800 exhaust and report thier car was "smoking"
2 complaints = you have to smog your car
hahahah what a fucker i am
ohh yea to all you assholes out there watch out
someone might just drop a dime on you


09-28-2005, 01:55 AM
Yeah, I feel your pain. But as for tailgaters, I like to brake check them. :D Mmm, as for the smog statment, I need to keep that in mind. HAha

09-28-2005, 11:39 PM
If it wasent for your location being listed I would of thought that you were from Cali. People drive like that over here all the time. Well in Socal anyways. I hate women driving SUV's and talking on their cell phones. And people who dont use their blinkers. There are stupid drivers everywere. I was rearended by some asshole in traffic. F*^ked my s^*t up.

09-29-2005, 12:41 AM
Yeah, I feel your pain. But as for tailgaters, I like to brake check them. :D Mmm, as for the smog statment, I need to keep that in mind. HAha

even though I would like for people to have to pay to fix my car, I wouldnt want to deal with the hassle. Brake checking is just as much a cause of the ensuing accident as them tailgating, so what have you fixed by doing that? nothing but a little boost to your obviously weak ego.

09-29-2005, 12:09 PM
even though I would like for people to have to pay to fix my car, I wouldnt want to deal with the hassle. Brake checking is just as much a cause of the ensuing accident as them tailgating, so what have you fixed by doing that? nothing but a little boost to your obviously weak ego.

Brake checking is asking for trouble. I've watched many people get into it on the highway because of that. If anything, I'll start to slow down until they try to pass, then hammer down! My big deal is to avoid confrontation at all costs. I don't want to get shot!

-Alex S.

10-01-2005, 12:27 PM
i hate it when you are the only car on the road and a person pulls out right in front of you. like they can't wait 4 more seconds. or when stupid people don't get up to speed when getting on the interstate. well the on ramp is a half mile, but i am only gonna get up to 50 mph the get into traffic. douchebags.