View Full Version : fuel injector cylinder 1 going out after replacement, help

09-24-2005, 03:17 AM
ok ok i'm so going to cry lol

one of my fuel injectors took a shit on me, cyl 1, i check my spark plugs/plug wires i think they were fine or i just don't know how to check them, i replaced the fuel injector cause from the response from my other thread it was believed to be a fuel injector, well it was, then i replaced with a spare injector i had from my other motor, drove around for a few hours, it was fine, come back home turn the car off, chilled for about an hour, started car back up to go out, shit sounds like a dman wrx, running on 3 cylinders again, fuel injector 1 goes out or cylinder one goes otu thwatever...damn, then i replace it with another spare injector, works fine, drove around for a few hours, turned car on, shit it took another shit, assuming its the fuel injector, drive around, cause i have no other way home for miles like that, soudns liek a wrx, running 3 cylinders, and it's like it's running 4 sometimes, but it's like maybe the cylidner isn't getting enough fuel injection or whatever since it seems liek it's running normal for a split second or so, or whatever, any ideas? some bad fuel injectors? something clogging taking a shit on fuel injector 1? motor's fucked? i ono valve float? bad oil leading to so n so or i ono, i ono anything i just want to know what my problem could be, need to take car to get smogged soon, well not really just state ref, so i don't wanan be fucked more tahn i already am or could be lol..so yeah, HELP!

09-24-2005, 07:13 AM
maybe the wiring to injector #1 is fucked.

to check a plug pull the fuel pump fuse and touch the spark plug to something metal while cranking the engine. you should see a spark.

09-24-2005, 01:25 PM
could o rings cause injectors to fail or not do their job? i think i remember taking one out and the o ring was chewed up, but would that cause the injector to completely mess up? or would it still be functional if i jus replaced the o rings, cause if they were messed up i would assume they would at least still be like half working jus nto as good, but not in this case..well until i get new injectors or another spare or something i'll probably be recording/video taping my car spit ridiculous flames as loud as a loud ass gunshot, lighting the whole environment white (only cool thing about this problem..lol)

09-24-2005, 01:57 PM
if an o-ring on a injector is fucked up you will leak gas like a mofo.

when you put the injectors in, put them in very carefully so you don't crimp the o-ring. my buddy who was helping me out used some motor oil to help lube the o-ring so it would slide right in.

don't forget to check your wiring for injector #1.

09-24-2005, 01:59 PM
how should i go about checking the wiring? last time i checked, i just plugged in the cyl 1 injector to number 2, and it worked fine, any suggestions, thanks for your help/info

10-12-2005, 08:39 PM
I have the same problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only my cylinder 1 doesnt fire at all. i too have checked injectors and coil packs. sounds exactly a wrx just like u sed..... i also have tested my coil pack and saw it sparking. it is getting fuel and spark but not firing? maybe timing? i dont understand and am in the same boat as you are. mines in an SR though...

10-12-2005, 10:05 PM
does it only happen when you get on the throttle to a certain amount? sounds like what my car was doing, and when I pulled a spark plug I was awarded with coolant, turns out I had a steam leak in my headgasket and a bottle of stop leak fixed it, and worked fine for a long time.

10-13-2005, 12:11 AM
icecream, nah that wasn't my problem

oh yeah i should've mentioned, got my problem solved, check this thread for my long response http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?p=834392#post834392 or yeah just read below lol

but yeah it was my fuel injector, orange tip wasn't there to hold the o ring properly, o ring went bad (i think) it literally leaked out, didn't spray, gas was just pouring out, ran hella rich, causing nice big gunshot loud flash of white big flames haha

10-13-2005, 12:40 AM
ok since your problem was fixed, im gonna steal this thread :) yeah i already swapped out injectors, and i know my coil pack is sparking. plugs are brand new. new o rings on the injector....

10-13-2005, 12:58 AM
lol dont' forget those damn orange plastic pieces! those are fragile too, sorta, pretty much