View Full Version : Ka-T idle woes..

09-23-2005, 04:13 PM
alright, so the KA-T is running pretty damn good now.. EXCEPT at warm idle

when I first start her up she idles high (as usual) and the slowly settles in at around 7-800..

take her for a spin around the block (no tags yet.. smog trouble) and then set her back in the garage

her idle starts oscillating up and down.. it goes down and then it sounds like to try to compensate it goes up.. oscillations increase until she'll stall herself out...
vacuum is steady while this is happening (boost gauge reads 20 vac) but it does climb a little to about (18-19) it seems

extra info:
t3/t4 - hacked maf - 370s - no EGR -

09-23-2005, 04:25 PM
How close is the MAF to the turbo inlet?

Do you have a BOV recirculated?

Mine would 'hunt' when the BOV wasn't recirc'd...under vacuum, a BOV will act as a compressor bypass and smooth the idle.

- Brian

09-23-2005, 04:27 PM
MAF is about... a foot and a half away..
and negative on the recirc...

09-23-2005, 09:58 PM
you can get a hks bypass valve off of feebay for around 100 bucks
you must have one. the outlet of the valve should be plumbed back right before the turbo :2f2f:

09-24-2005, 04:03 AM
It shouldnt matter if he re-circ it or not if he got the maf on the charged side of the turbo.

09-24-2005, 08:41 AM
If there's a leak during idle, recirculating prevents rough idle.

09-24-2005, 08:48 AM
Even with no leak, mine would hunt...I blocked the BOV outlet and drove around...bad idle.

Recirc'd it, fixed immediately.

Like I said above...the vacuum pulls the BOV open a little and allows it to act as a compressor bypass.

Open BOVs are for ricers...they provide no advantage, and in your case...are screwing up your idle.

Recirc it. Done.

- Brian