View Full Version : Games too good to finish????

09-21-2005, 03:13 PM
I've played a few games in the past that I felt were so good that I didnt want them to end. I usually end up just getting to the last task and then stop playing the game cause I was afraid to complete the game. This has happened to me with.....
Zelda: Windwaker
Zelda: Minish Cap
Front MIssion 3
Final Fantasy Tactics(after leveling Cloud up to 99 and having him run away from my party)
Devil May Cry

Is it just me or some people feel the same way??

09-21-2005, 03:16 PM
i think its just u, cuz i finish it to the end scenes. Everything has to come to an end sooner or later.

09-21-2005, 03:23 PM
Any MGS game
Any FF game

I never wanted FF7, FF9, and FF10 to end.

09-21-2005, 03:27 PM
I've played a few games in the past that I felt were so good that I didnt want them to end. I usually end up just getting to the last task and then stop playing the game cause I was afraid to complete the game. This has happened to me with.....
Zelda: Windwaker
Zelda: Minish Cap
Front MIssion 3
Final Fantasy Tactics(after leveling Cloud up to 99 and having him run away from my party)
Devil May Cry

Is it just me or some people feel the same way??

what u afraid of??? zeldas blows, devil may cry really sucks,, is boooored like tomb rider

09-21-2005, 03:33 PM
Contra for nes

09-21-2005, 03:37 PM
You mean Arnold Schwarzeneger and Slyvester Stalone in CONTRA? I loved that. Esp. with the cheat code.

RPGs own the world, Fighting games do to. Somegames i can't WAIT to finish, others, i give up midway cuz it sucks nuts *cough*Xenosaga*cough*

I always replay MGS games like, everyday! Makes me wanna become sterile, and fight for my country in a one-man mission and sometimes die while doing so.

09-21-2005, 03:38 PM
god of war
castlevania symphony of the night
halflife 2
hitman 2/3

thats the cool thing about counterstrike... it NEVER ENDS!!!!!!1

09-21-2005, 03:47 PM
Haha, I agree with Makoto here.

One game. . .

The Spider-Man the movie game. . . that shit was too SHORT.

09-21-2005, 03:53 PM
I finished the first few days on spider man, but at the end where it wants you to get a shitload of points and find a lot of stuff... that's when I quit playing, I got bored saving the guys off of buildings.

09-21-2005, 05:29 PM
WindWaker is a great game. It's hard as hell to actually finish the game with 100% of the quests actually done. So even if you finish the story, you can go back and play it through because there is tons of missions you'll not do the first time through.

Anyone who thinks Zelda games blows is an absolute mental retard and should be banned from video games for the rest of their life.

Arsenal of Glory
09-21-2005, 05:48 PM
RC Pro AM. Cause the game never ends.

09-21-2005, 05:52 PM
Earthworm jim

09-21-2005, 05:53 PM
I've played a few games in the past that I felt were so good that I didnt want them to end. I usually end up just getting to the last task and then stop playing the game cause I was afraid to complete the game. This has happened to me with.....
Zelda: Windwaker
Zelda: Minish Cap
Front MIssion 3
Final Fantasy Tactics(after leveling Cloud up to 99 and having him run away from my party)
Devil May Cry

Is it just me or some people feel the same way??

Tell me how you beat the mission on Front Mission 3 where there is an elevator a person has to go up and hit the switch to get 2 robots up to the level with all the enemies. They own me on that stage. Every other stage is cake.

09-21-2005, 06:52 PM
Katamari Damacy. I just wanted to keep rolling up bigger and bigger things... so I've played through it like 8 times.

Also FF7, I did everything but finish it, when I knew it was going to end I just ran around on chocobos and fought randoms forever and finally one day finished it. Poor Aerith :cry:

09-21-2005, 06:54 PM
You mean Arnold Schwarzeneger and Slyvester Stalone in CONTRA? I loved that. Esp. with the cheat code.

up down up down start select ab ab or something like that lol...

i used to play that for hours until the nes would mess up and you have to "trick" it to get it to work again...

im going to try and find that game and go play it now :)

anyone know the actual cheat code?

09-21-2005, 07:42 PM
try this,
up up down down left right left right A B start
i know it works for something... just not sure for what! lol

09-21-2005, 07:48 PM
kingdom hearts

09-21-2005, 07:58 PM
FF7 no doubt. It was such an involving game, you did so much in it, that when it finnally ended you still felt unfullfilled.

Kingdom Hearts, wow I loved that game. As corny as it may be, it rocked.

09-21-2005, 08:17 PM
My personal favorite would have to be Chrono Trigger!!
Traveling through time and kicking ass and altering the future!!!!
And the main character getting killed, then your friends go back in time and save your ass??? WTF? This game had it all. Add to that the 13 endings you can achieve?? OMG, what a game!!

09-21-2005, 08:53 PM
I loved Chrono Trigger, but FF7 is the best RPG EVARR!!

09-21-2005, 09:10 PM
GTAIII, never finished VC. working on SA.

09-21-2005, 09:21 PM
God Of WAR

Arsenal of Glory
09-21-2005, 09:27 PM
Katamari Damacy. I just wanted to keep rolling up bigger and bigger things... so I've played through it like 8 times.

We Love Katamari came out today!

09-21-2005, 09:31 PM
paper mario

09-21-2005, 10:01 PM
We Love Katamari came out today!
Time to punk some bitches out in multiplayer!

09-21-2005, 10:07 PM
I am suprised my main men and women form the RE series havent been mentioned yet, alll the resident evil games for gamecube. Especially RE 1, graphics perfectly redone. perfection

09-21-2005, 10:23 PM
RE4 is soooo freakin good, the controls were super funky at first, but after you get used to it, you can't go back to the old targeting and control scheme!!!!

And yeah, I loved FF7 as well, VERY close between that and Chrono Trigger.....

OMG, I was going through my old games and i found...... SHINING FORCE 3 for Sega Saturn!! DOPE ass game, and.... PANZER DRAGOON RPG!!!! very awesome games.

Oh yeah, the WEAPONS in FF7 were a pain in the ass to kill.

09-21-2005, 10:47 PM
B A select start

09-21-2005, 11:08 PM
i agree. i played FF7. never finished it though. i wanted to at the time, but couldnt. due to not being able to breed a gold chocobo. i was pissed. but if i would have finished. i would have been soo pissed. the only game i can think of that consumed my life. it was an excellent game.

09-21-2005, 11:32 PM
Half life 1 & 2
Hitman 1 & 2

09-21-2005, 11:34 PM
B A select start
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A

09-21-2005, 11:56 PM
Bionic Commando for NES.
YO Noid for NES.
Dick Tracy for NES.
StreetFighter 2010 for NES.

OldSChool ALWAYS rocks.

09-21-2005, 11:57 PM
well come to think about it

HalfLife 1&2
Hitman 1&2

even after i finished the games i still go back and reply some of my previous saves

09-22-2005, 12:05 AM
And then you get 50 Arnolds and 50 Sylvesters.

Marvel v Capcom 2 BABY!!!
Zangief has his nuts in your FACE Chlat!! FINAL ATOMIC CRUSHER!!

Iron Skinned Zangief, Guile, and Jin/Capn Commando KILLS you!

09-22-2005, 12:29 AM
I've been going back on Hitman 2... man its so fun getting silent assassin on every mission.

09-22-2005, 12:35 AM
Its ALL about Pokemon. Then you battle your buddies for 20bucks a pokemon.

I love cheating.

09-22-2005, 09:38 AM
Man I forgot about Panzer Dragoon series. Those were all so freaking addicting.

Command And Conquer Red Alert 2

But the king is Counter-Strike, it really does never end.

09-22-2005, 09:36 PM
Counter-Strike was the best. Back in the 1.6 days. It was so hard to get away from the maps like aztech and the other "default" maps. No one wanted to play the new maps so it was pretty limited to it. Still fun but could of expanded. Doesnt really end....

FF7 best RPG ever. I dont think i have played a rpg that can match up to it. As people said its very involved and took a good chunk of my life away. This game had it all. When i heard there was a new movie coming out i couldnt wait. So i started to play again, ive already spent almost 24 hours playing(not all at once). Now i have i have it on my laptop and play during class haha. It is so freakin awsome. The only thing that could make it better is if they came out with something just like it. Not just like it but something that coulc measure up to it. Even though you know what is going to happen you still play for the fun factor. Most games now are slow paced and crap story, you play, you finish, you move on.

You have to play it and pass it at least once to figure its too good to end.

09-22-2005, 09:41 PM
lets see.... battlefield 1942, battlefield 2, counter strike.... omfg.... cs.... rome total war, civ 2, civ 3, master of orion (back in the day). Ultima Online....

09-22-2005, 09:45 PM
You can never finish CS, but I admit it, cs is heroin.

09-23-2005, 12:56 AM
midtown madness series on pc!! dam that game was pointless, but tons of fun just driving around town... online play was hella fun too.. They should make a new pc version, that would hella make tons of sales.

09-23-2005, 01:03 AM
That reminds me of this game called Driver on ps1. You can play it for ever like gta1,2,3. Push x and the chevy nova moves, push O and you cant control the car from it spining tires.

09-23-2005, 01:24 AM
CS all the way!! I miss playing that game. So many have die for CS, and im SERIOUS! I used to punk gangsters when they played. eThugged em good, got them MAD, and kept asking who i was in the cafe. I then framed a nooby by changing my name to "Comp_12" and watched the ensuing madness that soon rutured.

Or sometimes, when playing, instead of tryin my best, i turned on Winamp, played it LOUDLY so you couldn't hearfootsteps and crap. Everyone got MAD.

09-23-2005, 01:33 AM
I was YoMamaBinSlabin, Venomous Guineapig, and TheSnail over the years. I spent 2 yrs of my life playing that game non stop. It is vitual heroin.

09-23-2005, 01:37 AM
i was MaruchanKid, [email protected]_BigKahuna, and PenisPump over the years. Can't beat the OnePump!

09-23-2005, 06:48 AM
Booom Headshot!!!

09-23-2005, 10:37 AM
It was all about the scout! FUCK that other sniper gun.

09-23-2005, 10:48 AM
i'll own you w/ the awp ;)

09-23-2005, 10:55 AM
speaking of pissing people off... on halo2 there was an srt4 guy that I had pretty pissed off. Every time I killed him I reminded him that he drives a neon, and he asked me if I've ever raced a stage 3 srt4 with nitrous, OH MAN i was laughing.

09-23-2005, 02:13 PM

That reminded me of alot of my CS buddies. I was too cool to be this guy tho. So im safe.

09-23-2005, 08:08 PM
HAHA that video is hella funny.

Halo 2 was pretty sick too. i loved to play on xbc, but now that school stared i dont anymore. It was another addictive game. I never even finished the game.

09-23-2005, 11:54 PM
And then you get 50 Arnolds and 50 Sylvesters.

Marvel v Capcom 2 BABY!!!
Zangief has his nuts in your FACE Chlat!! FINAL ATOMIC CRUSHER!!

Iron Skinned Zangief, Guile, and Jin/Capn Commando KILLS you!

Hahaha. Im still waitin for that day! YOu usually reset the system rite before you die! Good cheater tactic!!

09-24-2005, 01:24 AM
sheeeet biches i pwn with awp. ak/deagle whore for life tho.

i was:

EviL. GotEviL? GotVodka?

09-24-2005, 11:57 PM
Halo 2 multiplayer is fucking cool. linking 2 or more xboxs on a few TVs and playing each other is a good time.

09-25-2005, 05:00 AM
Zelda: Occarina of Time

09-25-2005, 01:38 PM
Metal Gear Solid (any) for me are my all time favorites...they are like playing out a movie. Also the Silent Hill and Resident Evil games were like that you just got so involved in the game you could play it for like 10 hours straight. CS was just like the most time consuming game it is so fun and is quite addicting too.