View Full Version : Re-greetings from your old pal :p

09-21-2005, 04:25 AM
Hey wusup guys!

Most of you prolly dont know me now or maybe even forgotten.
Last time I was active in this forum was about a year ago lol.

I had to concentrate since last year was my senior year. Plus I got hooked on that stupid World of Warcraft game. ;p

Anyways, I just wanna say hello again now that I graduated and going to start working soon.

You all prolly forgot what I used to drive.. I know people like us memorize people by their cars :p

This is the car I used to drive/have.

Its now on sale. My best friend 240_keyy is helping me our with the selling since I went back to my home country for good 2 weeks ago. Im gonna miss America :(

However, I've already gotten a car here. Costs me about 2G USD. Keep in mind that cars here are about 150% more expensive than in america because of taxes.
Well here it is, my new/used car.


Its a 1990 nissan cefiro known as A31. For some reason, my country got the crappy version of cefiro. It came with RB20E (~140hp). To be honest, my stock KA was far superior in terms of power and torque. But I'm not that worried, RB25DET swap will only cost me 2500USD complete clip... and about 3000USD installed. RB26DET is only a couple of hundred dollars more. But that would be a long term project. My priority is buying a house atm... I think its time for me to get settled and maybe start a family ;p

09-21-2005, 06:10 AM
I was wondering where you went! I tried to get a hold of you to get that ECU you said you had. I thought you had dropped off the face of the planet. Have fun with the new car!

Do they have Auto-x there bandit? :hsdance:

09-21-2005, 06:42 AM
so where are you now? Durkadurkastan? Bumfuck, Egypt?

09-21-2005, 06:58 AM
i remember you man. congratulations on graduating. :)

09-22-2005, 12:40 AM
Thanks Aznpoopy

MrMeph, Im in Indonesia btw

And Kandy, I totally forgot about the ecu thing Im really sorry. I gave all my 240 related parts to Fastpace, you can still send him a pm and ask about it, he's still pretty much active on this forum.

Auto-x? nope.. we have a bunch of drag racing events here (averaging 17 sec for the street cars hehehe)

We have drift events also but 80% of the participants use their fwd cars so that kinda sucks

Planning on organizing an Auto-X event sometime in the future after I get together with some of my old pals here.

09-22-2005, 01:28 AM
Cool. You never mentioned where you were. :D

09-22-2005, 10:46 AM
17sec 1/4 mile? :wtf: Are you driving semi-trucks? lol

09-22-2005, 03:02 PM
aye foo! cant believe u forgot about me! you finally got the cefiro...the dream car you always wanted homie.

keep us updated on the thing if not me cuz im interested in seeing the progress

09-22-2005, 03:24 PM
What's up Yuda, glad to here from you good luck over there.

09-22-2005, 04:18 PM
WTF ppl?!
WHere's the Cefiro Love?!

Fine. Props from Yoshi then. Good to have u back man, I lost some good friends to WOW... consequently they also lost their GFs... serves them right I Say, WOW is a plague... it's actually killed one person so far...

WOW and Everquest.... cereal killaz y0.

Best of luck house hunting. Nothing fills you with pride than after you got all your shit into your brand new (to you) home... that first time you sit down and look around the room and say, "this is MINE".... one of the greatest feelings EVER. Car vs. House... no contest :D

Best investment I've ever made... cept maybe the wife LOL!