View Full Version : Who works out?

09-20-2005, 06:02 PM
So who here works out? what kind of supplements are you taking, if any? What is your schedule like and what goals are you trying to achieve?

09-20-2005, 06:12 PM
no supplements... they are for pussies... i lift 4 times a week right now doing what ive always done... soon to start with the schedule that the wisconsin badgers football team uses since my friend is going to be a walk on...my goals are to stay in shape and build a little muscle...

09-20-2005, 06:15 PM
I use to take weight gainer and it really worked, but got expensive. I just work out 3 times a week at home.

09-20-2005, 06:33 PM
hhahaha, well, i do!!!!!!!!! 220 lbs at 5' 10 at 6-7% body fat my ninja!

09-20-2005, 07:07 PM
why the hell are supplements for pussies? Its not a replacement or a quick fix for anything.

09-20-2005, 07:09 PM
hhahaha, well, i do!!!!!!!!! 220 lbs at 5' 10 at 6-7% body fat my ninja!

Vodka is the only supplement needed to get strong.

09-20-2005, 07:21 PM
goal ... six pack... work out basically lifting own weight... push up .. variations of sit ups etc


09-20-2005, 07:34 PM
I just started working out. I do 30 minutes of cardio every day. 20 minutes on the elliptical, and 10 minutes on the treadmill with a level 10 incline @ 3mph.

As far as lifting, i'm learning about form and everything, and my friend is kinda like my personal trainer.

Supplements used (with links)

Glutamine (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/ast/gl3.html) taken before and after for faster healing after workouts

Muscle Milk (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/cs/milk.html) taken before bed. It's a slower digesting protein than VP2 so it's kinda like time release

VP2 (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/ast/vp2.html) taken within an hour after workout. its a fast digesting protein so your muscles can feed quickly after being broken down

Cell Mass Creatine w/ Glutamine (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/bsn/cell.html) taken before and after only weighlifting oriented workouts to increase muscle size. I dont take it for cardio

Lipo 6 (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/nutrex/lipo6.html) taken before breakfast and before workout for energy and weight loss effects

Bulk Whey Protein (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/opt/whey.html) taken for breakfast and before workouts. It's a 10lb bag for 55 bucks, so i dont have to be careful with it. It's like a whenever protein. Other stuff gets too expensive if you're not careful with it.

Animal Pak Vitamins (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/univ/animalpak.html) taken after the meal before my workout. Has tons of vitamins, but it has 11 pills and 8 of them are almost too big to swallow. (and it smells like urine)

Horny Goat Weed (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/pl/weed.html) my friend told me about these, but i havent tried them yet. I'll post up again if they keep me up at night

Dextrose Corn Sugar (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/now/dex.html) mixed in with the protein shake after workouts when the body is depleted of carbs. Carbs also help transport the protein to your muscles faster.

there's some other stuff i bought from whole foods..it's like 80 bucks for a jar. it has live bacteria cultures or some shit. a teaspoon is supposed to be like a week's worth of vegetables

Dieting. I eat...chicken breast, and chicken breast, and chicken breast. SOmetimes with teryaki, sometimes with bbq sauce, and sometimes with hot sauce. No fried food. No fat. no butter, mayo, cheese, etc. I should consistently lose 2-3 pounds a week and gain lean muscle in the process. No meals without protein. :w00t:

09-20-2005, 07:53 PM
IMO I feel you only need a good quality whey protein and glutamine and a multi vitamin and plenty of water and you'll be straight, just use what really works for you theres alot of hype bullshit out there.

09-20-2005, 08:25 PM
i work out 5 times a day. Or try to at least. No supplements although my friend does take some. They really work too. He is smaller than me but he can lift just as much as I do. His muscles can last longer because of the shit he takes. But yea, I do a different muscle every day.

Monday = Chest and abs
Tuesday = Legs and Shoulders
Wednesday = Back and abs
Thursday = Arms (Bi's and tri's)
Friday = Whatever i feel like and abs

I try to get on the treadmill before working out but i get lazy.

09-20-2005, 08:33 PM
Do you REALLY wanna answer this? Look at my SIG, that should tell you something. :wiggle:

I used to work out back when i was visiting texas, being as we had a personal gym nextdoor to work at our disposal. About 3-4 days a week, every other day. I'm not technical at all, so please excuse my yolkel honky terms.

Mondays = Shoulders and back
Tuesdays = Legs (if we weren't too tired)
Wednesdays = Bis and Tris
Friday = Chest and abs.

I was actually toned and had more muscle mass, but when i came back to Cali, i didn't have a membership anywhere and no workout buddies, so i started to deteriorate.
Then, 170lbs, majority muscles. Now, 150lbs, waste of space.

09-20-2005, 08:37 PM
i try to lift 3-4 times a week. I guess my goal was to hit 165(5'9") I set that goal about a year and a half ago when i weighed about 135. I am at 160 so i am almost at my goal with no supplements. I was sick of being skinny so i put on some muscle.

09-20-2005, 08:43 PM
i used to work out a ton, then i pinched a nerve in my neck and quit lol

i was 5'11 n 225 with like 8% bodyfat when i wrestled in college

im like 185 now ;) ty ephedra

09-20-2005, 08:53 PM
IMO I feel you only need a good quality whey protein and glutamine and a multi vitamin and plenty of water and you'll be straight, just use what really works for you theres alot of hype bullshit out there.

I'm not really qualified to agree or disagree and have my oppinion online matter... but are you? I'm not dissing you I just wonder because I am trying to decipher what is BS and what isn't.

09-20-2005, 09:32 PM
check out


lots of good info on the forums

09-20-2005, 09:44 PM
i work out 5 times a day. Or try to at least. No supplements although my friend does take some. They really work too. He is smaller than me but he can lift just as much as I do. His muscles can last longer because of the shit he takes. But yea, I do a different muscle every day.

Monday = Chest and abs
Tuesday = Legs and Shoulders
Wednesday = Back and abs
Thursday = Arms (Bi's and tri's)
Friday = Whatever i feel like and abs

I try to get on the treadmill before working out but i get lazy.

You should hit the treadmill after you lift. If you do your cardio before lifting then you won't be as inclined to lift and won't be able to do as much work.

If you lift in the day and later on run, like a few hours later, you're supposed to have more energy than if you just ran. I read it in "Mens Fitness" I think it was this months issue. One of the sidebar things about studies.

09-20-2005, 09:51 PM
You should hit the treadmill after you lift. If you do your cardio before lifting then you won't be as inclined to lift and won't be able to do as much work.

If you lift in the day and later on run, like a few hours later, you're supposed to have more energy than if you just ran. I read it in "Mens Fitness" I think it was this months issue. One of the sidebar things about studies.

Didnt know that. I need to start running more often. Ppl keep saying that I am fat!!

09-20-2005, 10:02 PM

Lots and lots and lots of good info.

For instance, did you know that if you exercise for more than an hour fat usage goes up to 7 times as much as normal?

09-20-2005, 10:05 PM
Also if you hit the cardio right after you lift, then you burn more fat cause your heart rate will already be up and you burned carbs lifting, so what's left to burn is fat or muscle. you're better off doing a low intensity cardio after lifting and keep your heart rate shy of 150bpm. 20 minutes max, then go slam some protein or you burn muscle instead of fat.

09-20-2005, 10:07 PM

There is the 7 times thing. I think I may be wrong about that. It says "mobilization" but I dunno what they mean by it, so take it with a grain of salt.

09-20-2005, 10:10 PM
one cool sounding tip I ran into while reading on bodybuilding.com

if you do Major upper body work on monday, then on the next day you work out you do a LOT of reps of really light weight you increase bloodflow to the areas you just worked out really hard the previous workout, and the muscles are able to rebuild themselves a lot better than if you just wait. I'm hoping this works because when I workout until I get sore it seems like it takes me forever to feel like working out again.

09-20-2005, 11:57 PM
^ that actually is wrong in the core. let the muscle rests, dont pump up the torn tissue, you gonna get the opposite effect. its all mental. bodybuilding.com sucks.

09-21-2005, 01:23 AM
take some glutomine

09-21-2005, 06:14 AM
If you really want to get your blood flowing through some muscles then do a little work til you break a sweat then stretch. Probably one of the best things you could do for a recovering muscle.

09-21-2005, 07:50 AM
I feel horrible if I don't work out. I try to get in a little bit everyday.
I usually do aerobic one day, then anarobic the next, then on swing days I'll just play basketball or whatever all day.

As long as you work out and eat right, you"ll be in great shape. (/norman rockwell)

the head
09-21-2005, 08:23 AM
no suppliments

monday shoulders, tricepts
side laterals, incline bench, shrugs, skullcrushers

tuesday back, bicepts
rows, flys, preacher curls

wed. chest, tricepts
bench (bar and dumbell), pushups, tri pulldowns

Thurs. legs and bicepts
squats, calf raises, standing dumbell curls

take fri to sun off

eat lots of protien rich foods also strech right after you lift it will help prevent muscle soreness the next day

09-21-2005, 11:44 AM
Try my darndest to consume 200grams of protein a day be it through whey shakes, chicken, tuna, egss, milk, cottage cheese, or turkey sandwiches.

I'm currently 6'4" 210 lbs. I'm at about 11% body fat and need to get down to around 6-7%.

This is my current program:

Monday: Legs
squats 4x 6-8
leg pess 4x 6-8
leg extensions 4x 6-8
leg curls 4x 6-8

Tuesday: Chest
inclined bench "
inclined dumbell flys "
flat dumbell press "
standing isolation cable pulls "

Wednesday: arms
close grip bench "
standing curls "
cable pull downs"
inclined curls
hammer curls"
bench dips

Thursday: Back
dead pyrimids
lat pulldowns "
t bar "
rows "

Friday: shoulders
military press "
arnold press "
delt extensions (i think that what its called...lifing in a wing flapping motion)
vertical rows

I'm sticking with this program for the next two months...hoping to gain about 7-8 lbs.

09-21-2005, 11:48 AM
man you mustve been hella bored to ask such a question. hahaha

09-21-2005, 12:16 PM
bored, and I really need to start working out, because I'm super lazy since I moved to Idaho...

09-21-2005, 01:41 PM
get this book called, the big book of muscle

youll never run out of stuff to do :)

09-21-2005, 02:13 PM
During workouts, i prefer lower weights, increased # of reps, and slower, stretched reps.

Crack works wonders!!

09-21-2005, 02:18 PM
some peole can lift a pencil and get ripped, others can work 0out all day and see no results. there are "harder" supliments available, but you have to take other vitimins/blockers to counter out the negative effects. BUt i'm with you thatthere is so mutch BS out there that it makes it hard as shit to find out anyting with certanity. so a decent topic.

09-21-2005, 06:06 PM
some peole can lift a pencil and get ripped, others can work 0out all day and see no results. there are "harder" supliments available, but you have to take other vitimins/blockers to counter out the negative effects. BUt i'm with you thatthere is so mutch BS out there that it makes it hard as shit to find out anyting with certanity. so a decent topic.

This is a good point. My friend who I mentioned was training me has been pointing out people that arent working out correctly at the gym. People that dont supplement, or they just buy random supplements without knowing what they do, and they dont time them correctly. Or they just have bad form and they dont isolate their muscle, they just pretty much spend energy for no reason.. if course it's better than nothing but people wonder why it's not working, but if they do it correctly it should work. They've been going to the gym for the same amount of time as he has, and they are still the same size, doing two or three times as much reps on every machine as we do.

09-21-2005, 06:16 PM
Form is key. The problem with most people when they start to work out is that they try to lift more weight than they can handle and their form sucks. Doing that just hinders everything and can actually lead to injury if you are doing the wrong things. The site I linked has some good stuff as far as form goes. I think I saw a couple of them that had bad form for the vid but oh well. It's better than nothing. lol

09-21-2005, 06:41 PM
is it bad form to ask the buff guys you see at the gym for some help?

09-21-2005, 07:21 PM
No .

09-21-2005, 07:55 PM
most will be happy to help you out. Since we all all at the gym for the same reason.

09-21-2005, 08:57 PM
When you see someone who knows what he's doing...ask him for help. Me and my lifting buddy just got schooled on our deadlifts and it was very helpful. Ask and ye shall recieve. Most will be more than eager to help you.

09-21-2005, 09:34 PM
don't take any supplements just be all natural, its not worth the money it gets too expensive and when you do it natural your muscle last longer then when you do it with supplements. What gains are you trying to go for muscle mass or being all cut up.

midnight zenki
09-21-2005, 09:59 PM
Thats absolute non-sense with the exception of anabolic steroids. Most people fail to understand the supplements are concentrated forms of naturaly occuring compounds that are impossible to isolate through normal food consumption.

As far as suppliments that are productive I recommend MRI's NO2 (hemodilator to deliver nutrients) creatine which replenishes ATP (muscles primary energy source) Z-Mass brand ZMA (anabolic forumla to promote free testosterone) glutamine (to protect and promote recovery of muscle).

Depending on your metabolism it is important to concentrate on the amount of carbohydrates you consume. Those who with high metabolism sometimes called hard-gainers require much higher levels of carbs. On a side note any carbs consumed should be non-processed and whole un-enriched wheat or flour. These "good" carbs are structured to provide energy and not become stored and converted as fat as opposed to bleached wheat and flour. Lean protein such as chicken breast and egg's should be your primary protein source when eating regular meals. In between meals or to supplement meals invest in whey protein powder as it is an excellent source of ready to absorb protein (especially important right after lifting as are carbohydrates). Another important oversight alot of people make is not eating enough meals a day. In order to maintain steady metabolism you must eat every 2.5-3 hours a day. Calculate your desired caloric intake and divide it appropratley per every 2.5-3 hours.

If leaning down is your goal while building make sure to limit your cardovascular aerobic time to 20-15 minuets each day you are not lifting. Also, to burn the most fat do your cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as that maximizes your fat burning. If you are worried about burning up muscle take your glutamine prior to your morning cardio.

When lifting you should devise a workout schedule that has you in the gym for no more than an hour to maximize your time and energy. For example: Mon lift... Tue-cardio day...Wed-lift...Thu-cardio day...Fri lift...Sat cardio day...Sun...Off.

Overall remember that suppliments are just that.. they add to your regular diet. Above all you must maintain a strict diet and regiment and your gains will be direclty related to your dedication to what amounts to a lifestyle change if you are truly serious.

09-21-2005, 10:31 PM
Creatine has to be taken in high quantities to be of any benefit. I just use whey protien and a multi-vitamin everyday.

Water is probably the best thing ever. Replace every carbonated beverage with water and you'll be much better off. Other things that are good are Milk, Peanut Butter is good for snacks, yogurt, most nuts, etc. People pretty much know what is good but chose not to eat that way.

09-21-2005, 10:34 PM
fuck... I've been killing like a 6 pack of soda daily.

09-22-2005, 12:10 AM
Its okay to ask for help, just not in the showers. Silly Dan.

09-22-2005, 12:30 AM
what if I have terrible showering form?

09-22-2005, 12:33 AM

Pushups rock. Try these 3 kinds.

Normal shoulder length, "diamond" pushups, and wide wings length. They ROCK.

09-22-2005, 12:34 AM
how do I do those neato pushups you speak of?

09-22-2005, 12:47 AM
absolute non-sense? how long has creatine been around? People thought the same when they were using steroids back then that there would be no side effects but look at them now after a long period of time.

I researched it up and this is what i found,

"This may seem ironic, but I actually work at GNC, and there is a very high possibility that creatine monohydrate/citrate DOES have potential side effects. (Boy, my district manager would be pissed if he knew that I was downplaying this creatine.) Anyway, who cares?

Just a little refresh.....Creatine phosphate is actually produced and stored by the kidneys and liver. So.... If the body is receiving an external supply of creatine, it will automatically shut down all production. This will create a condition, chemical dependency, making creatine a DRUG. Anyway, you'll be dependent on it. Later down the line, you'll experience kidney and liver damage. Why? Because the by-product of creatine, creatinine, is similar to uric acid, it is a toxin. When too much builds up, it puts stress on these two organs. (this may explain why one of your readers experienced a fiery pain, and why a lot of people breakout with pimples and get diarrhea, due to the body's inability to filter so much toxin.

So, my point is that creatine is another fad, and all of these "studies", which are actually sponsored by companies, can be doctored to show the "results" that become when supplementing. I have been on creatine for three days, and finally came to my senses; People, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD, PURELY PSYCHOLOGICAL. Just eat adequate protein, carbs, and fats, and you'll grow just fine. And another thing about creatinine's similarities to uric acid, it could possibly cause gout, a form of arthritis that's characterized by crystallized uric acid in the joints, causing sharp pains. Think about that the next time you load up with some grape juice....

09-22-2005, 01:01 AM
well if to break down my diet/work out. this is alot of food hahah..

keep in mind this is for me, 220 lbs, 5'10 6=7% bfat.

ok, FOOD:

30g protein shake as soon as you wake up,

breakfast, 20 min later, after shower and etc,

10 eggwhites round 60g protein, top it with a lil ketchup or bbq sauce for flavor, 2 whole dark wheat slices of bread, 40g carbs, glass of OJ

tuna 32g protein (drained and washed out ALWAYS, no salt) and rice for snack. (OPTIONAL, skip if workout before lunch)

3 hour later lunch,

1 lbs of ground beed, cooked, squized and drained. add jasmine or brown rice. bout 50g protein. be generous on rice.

work out. or work out before lunch, whichever comes to mind.
drink a shake 30g protein.

dinner. can of tuna 32g protein + rice. duh....

right before bed. protein shake.


day 1:
chest. favourite day. hit that bitch hard.
, bout 20-25 sets. 4-5 exercises. finish with light shoulder work out.

back, lats and traps first, then finish with lower back
20-25 sets on lats and traps combined, plus about 10 sets on lower back. finish with abs (optional)

arms. lots of exercises

bi & tri. bout 20 sets a peice on each.

day 4
Legs.... omfg..... till you puke bitches. 20-25 sets. finish with calves.
leg press
half squats
leg extensions
seated or horiz. leg curls

many choices here.

day of rest.


on day of rest can do cardio, eliptical, and abs.

on workout days, can start with cardio but no more than 15 min prior. and none after. if u wanna do cardio after however, its ok, but no longer than 10 min.

oh yea, and you should be sore for 4-5 days after a good workout if u train everything once a week

if you are not sore, you didnt push yourself hard.

09-22-2005, 01:07 AM
Hot DAMN. I ate anything that moved.

09-22-2005, 02:47 AM
Creatine has to be taken in high quantities to be of any benefit. I just use whey protien and a multi-vitamin everyday.

Creatine is good for the body, esp when your working out. I've taken those when I was still a senior in highschool, but when I went to college and took basketball and weight training for p.e., the basketball coach told me that taking creatine can be harmful to your body. At first I didn't believe him, but soon I found out from other people (workout friends, uncle, etc) that creatine can do more harm than good to your body in the long run. One way or another. I started to have doubts, so I read books and even went online to find out more about creatine. To make a long story short, little is known about the long-term effects of using creatine. Anyways, I still use creatine to this day as a supplement. If taken together with whey protien, getting bigger would be a lot faster with proper workout routines.

Another thing... if you have a big belly, gut, keg, etc. No matter how many sit ups you do, you won't get that six pack abs you've been dreaming of. The only way to get it is when you reduce the fat in your belly. This is when cardio comes in to play. Being patient is a also a key factor. You won't just get six pack abs after doing it for a week. It took me about 12 weeks to get the abs I was looking for. Also eat right. Believe me, i've done this and it really works! You feel better, have a better posture, and the chicks? Enough said...

Workout tip:
Heavier weights, slower reps = Mass (you get bigger)
Lighter weights, faster reps = Get cut (chiseled)

midnight zenki
09-22-2005, 12:36 PM
I was refering to the lack of understading you posses about the longevity of muscle tissue created with the addition of supplements JDMvelocity. The creatine debate has been around along time and your response in no way validated your comments regarding sustaining muscle on suppliments versus all natural lifting.

Another mistake that I believe you've overlooked is cycling your suppliments. Just like most other suppliment creatine needs to be cycled to avoid the build of uric acid and the decrease of naturally produced creatine. When cycled and taken with plenty of water creatine poses no significant threat. Also amino acids, you know the stuff that is in meat and also can be used in suppliment form, will also cause the same conditions that lead to gout. My point is moderation and proper cycling is key.