View Full Version : User Bone and parts being shipped

09-19-2005, 01:37 PM
Hey guys.. As most here know I was parting my Kouki and several other cars so I could help out my mother. I just want to thank everyone that has had patience with me on shipping everything. I am running super behind like 3 to 4 weeks behind. To everyone that has hung in with me I deeply appreciatte it. Within these 4 weeks we have had 2 deaths in the family and my mother has had a few reactions to the chemo treatment I had to let my help go at the shop because of showing up late everyday. So it has been a trying few weeks. So to those of you that have understood I do appreciatte it. To those that have been jerk offs may I never sell you another part. Thx guys I think after the rest of the shipments go out today everything is caught up. I have pretty much put parting them out on hold since everything got so far behind with the family situation so hopefully soon I will be able to part out the rest of them. Thx so much guys.