View Full Version : WTB driveshaft bolts, shifter plate bolts, ka24de harness

09-19-2005, 03:18 AM
Just like the title says I am looking for parts from a s14 or s13 can work too

I need the bolts (4 bolts) that connects the differential to the driveshaft.

I need the 6 bolts from the shifter plate. (this can also be from a s13 as well)

I need a uncut complete engine harness from a manual ka24de (this can either be s13 or s14) I believe that they are the same correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks everyone.

contact me via PM or email

[email protected]

or AIM: gesantengoku


MSN [email protected]

thanks thanks thanks

09-19-2005, 10:51 AM
just the driveshaft bolts, not sure about the shifter, i'd have to look

09-21-2005, 09:34 PM
I have all the bolts you need. PM me an offer.