View Full Version : P.e.t.a. (pw/ww)

09-18-2005, 07:25 PM
Work Warning is for language, if you give a piss.
Political Warning is for you tree-hugging dirt-worshipping hippie liberal queers.
P.E.T.A. standa, as an organization, stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals... I do not eat red meat, and could give less than a fuck where my poultry and seafood came from, so long as my fish was farm raised (applies itself to the same reason I do not eat pork), so to ME it stands for Phillip for the Ethical Treatment of his Asshole.
... I do, on the other hand, like Penn & Teller, so WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO (warning, 15 minutes long)

09-18-2005, 07:45 PM
tree-hugging dirt-worshipping hippie liberal queers
I have yet to meet anyone with those traits all combined. Just out of curiosity which part of tree-hugging dirt-worshipping hippie liberal queers
Do you find wrong and why? Because I see like one thing in there I define as "Wrong", but personally I dont really care I think I have bigger issues in the world to worry about than my someones sexual gender preference.

The Video pisses me off a bit then, I realize I see a group of at most 30 people demostrating something I think is "overboard". P.E.T.A has a "shitload" of members, and the people who do are members will say thats overboard also. Thats why we have the term "Extremists", just because there are Extremists in a group does not mean everyone in the P.E.T.A group is a group of....
tree-hugging dirt-worshipping hippie liberal queers
They just have people who go to far, but again to those small number of people who are Extremists they think the others are not going "Extreme Enough".

So to through off on the Entire P.E.T.A Orgination and all classify them all as the same, would be exactly like saying. "Everyone who owns a S14 with a SR20DET will run from the cops Because I saw a a post on zilvia.net forums of NiteKids Running from the cops". If you look closely some people say "Wow that was stupid of NiteKids" and others say "Hell ya cool, to bad he got caught". This example Sucks but oh well. Eh only thing I could think of when reading a very useless post.

Btw ..
I fucking Love steak.... and I would kill anyone who takes a puppy and slams it against the wall 19 or whatever times infront of his two kids under the age of 12.

09-18-2005, 07:59 PM
How the last PETA chat went:

I have Bullshit on DVD. I love it.

09-18-2005, 08:11 PM

09-18-2005, 08:14 PM
wow, that was awesome AND true.

Nan Desu Ka?!
09-18-2005, 10:59 PM
wow, that was awesome AND true.

for once, i agree with you. :P

09-18-2005, 11:57 PM
Btw ..
I fucking Love steak.... and I would kill anyone who takes a puppy and slams it against the wall 19 or whatever times infront of his two kids under the age of 12.
I had no qualms until I saw this...

Let me get this straight, you would basically kill a person in front of their children (whom you say could be underaged, meaning the burdening of psychological problems in the future and then some) just because someone slammed a puppy? I don't think it is right either, but to resort to that type of violence says alot about you. Last time I checked, we were at the top of the food chain when it comes to this situation. We are not some kind of japanese cartoon character, who train our animal friends and also treat equally when we feel so and coexist peacefully.

The animals don't go to work for us (as in take over our jobs, exclusion of the circus), make our dinner, wash our cars, watch our kids, etc. But that kind of comment is extremist in istself, to say the least. I am going to ASSume that maybe you are with PETA?

I don't condone that action either towards the animal, but would not do what was suggested by you on the same token.

09-19-2005, 12:05 AM
I don't condone misteatment of animals for no reason. but if a dog bites me (for no reason) he's dead.
My treaty w/ the spiders is also over.. so when i see a spider now i kill the damn bastards

09-19-2005, 01:01 AM
PETA can kiss my ass ! ! !

What's their email so I can send them pictures. The frog is one thing, but I used to have a Beagle. Just saying beagle, makes me shiver on how stupid those things are. I want to email them to see if they want to go into action, If they want to come to my door, If they have the same fate as my pets etc…

09-19-2005, 08:45 AM
Wtf is that?!

09-19-2005, 08:59 AM
Btw ..
I fucking Love steak.... and I would kill anyone who takes a puppy and slams it against the wall 19 or whatever times infront of his two kids under the age of 12.

i'm going with zero counter on this one. Anyone who would kill a person (especially in fron to chilpdren) even if they did mash a puppy into a pulp deserves a inhumane death themselves. The second you loose track of the value of human life, you have lost toutch with reality and either need to un-f**k your head or be mashed into a pulp like the puppy i mentioned earlier.

09-19-2005, 09:25 AM
Muahahahaha. I bet they hate the Atkins diet. All that meat and what not. LOL

09-19-2005, 05:42 PM
I was refering to the Man who SLAMMED a PUPPY against a Wall INFRONT of his Kids, who was recently in the news. (Half the reason he should be killed is because the super high chance of his kids being Traumatized).

Now if we are talking about a Dog or any Animal attacking someone it deserves to be put down.

09-20-2005, 01:41 AM
Too infuriating to watch. grrr.. i'm gonna go play with my hamster now.