View Full Version : New Nintendo Console and Controller

09-16-2005, 09:21 PM

download and watch. quicktime.

i dont know about anyone else, but this controller got me really excited about the next nintendo console. I havnt really been a big console gamer since the SNES-N64 days (never owned a ps or ps2 or really played any of the games for them either), but this is sure to get me into them again.

i this this will revitalize FPS games on the console. personally i always hated dual joystick or w/e system they used for FPS games on consoles.

All i can say is, for the first time in many many years i am as giddy as a schoolgirl over the upcoming console.

another link to info.

09-16-2005, 09:33 PM
system has been shown since May. the controller is a prototype i believe.

09-16-2005, 09:37 PM
nope. this is the official controler and console. they just revealed it today or yesterday in japan. the console they showed in may was the prototype and theyve never shown a controller till now.

09-16-2005, 09:44 PM
"Finally, you'll want to take some time to examine the main remote. We got to handle this prototype, which Nintendo says is pretty close to the final design." - IGN

"GameSpot had the chance to gain a better understanding of what Nintendo is going for with the benefit of a visual and tactile aid--a working prototype of the Revolution controller." - Gamespot

granted it is close to final design, it is still a prototype. a lot of things can change last min. the controller shown for PS3 is a prototype and they ahve already decided to make slight changes to it and the system itself.

i know all of that info, ive been on this since May

09-16-2005, 10:03 PM
That is one weird ass controller.

09-16-2005, 10:37 PM
maybe this will restore my faith in nintendo.. i had nes, original game boy, super nintendo, n64,, then after that.. went to playstation, ps2 and pc.. lost interest in nintendo for thier limited usage and kids games.

but i do miss playin on nintendo systems

09-16-2005, 10:39 PM
super nintendo > all Nintendo systems

09-16-2005, 11:35 PM
Can you beat people with it?

09-17-2005, 12:11 AM
i like the XBox 'S' controllers the best of all and i like XBox better than PS2. GameCube was pretty much the worst system ever made. i've lost all faith in nintendo.

09-17-2005, 12:26 AM
super nintendo > all Nintendo systems

Oh yeah.

I personally hope that they don't use a different controller for the PS3 or they offer a controller like the present one.

So I hear you'll be able to dl all old SNES games on this new Nintendo. If that's true then that thing is sold. I'd buy it to play all my old games. Even if I had to pay for them again. Just not at 50 a pop. lol

09-17-2005, 12:27 AM
I only got a gamecube a few years back because t was while I was still hustling and came up on it free, and there was SOMETHING I could get for it that I couldnt for my PS2 at the time... Ask me what the fuck game that was now, and I will not even lie to you, I don't fucking remember. I got rid of that sumbish forever ago

09-17-2005, 12:37 AM
"Finally, you'll want to take some time to examine the main remote. We got to handle this prototype, which Nintendo says is pretty close to the final design." - IGN

"GameSpot had the chance to gain a better understanding of what Nintendo is going for with the benefit of a visual and tactile aid--a working prototype of the Revolution controller." - Gamespot

granted it is close to final design, it is still a prototype. a lot of things can change last min. the controller shown for PS3 is a prototype and they ahve already decided to make slight changes to it and the system itself.

i know all of that info, ive been on this since May

nintendo is the least likely company to change things last minute.

in the past they have come out with everything they said they would as they said it would come out.

IMO, thats how they got beat in the past few systems. sony and microsoft were able to build beyond nintendo.

BUT, until now, they havent said much about the revolution. so maybe they are going to bust out a great system (with last minute changes).

for me, if the price tag is less than the competitors, ill probably get it.
$500 is too much

09-17-2005, 12:54 AM
for me, if the price tag is less than the competitors, ill probably get it.
$500 is too much
Bullshit, I will drop 5 bills on a PS3, and people likely will if the 360 costs that as well.

09-17-2005, 02:10 AM
ill take the Nintendo and the 360 you can have the crappy PS3, sony gots nothing on nintendo... exept the hundred billion of crap titles and the few great ones. Sony is the crappies off the 3, and by the looks of the new systems nintendo is in a league of its own.

GC had lots of great games, its just sad that because everyone had the old crapy PSUX2 ppl think it had an impact in the game industry, when it advanced nothing... XBOX is just awsome cant think of anything bad about it!

09-17-2005, 02:25 AM
you're kidding right? Game Cube is fucking terrible. Worst controllers too.

09-17-2005, 05:15 AM
ill take the Nintendo and the 360 you can have the crappy PS3, sony gots nothing on nintendo... exept the hundred billion of crap titles and the few great ones. Sony is the crappies off the 3, and by the looks of the new systems nintendo is in a league of its own.

GC had lots of great games, its just sad that because everyone had the old crapy PSUX2 ppl think it had an impact in the game industry, when it advanced nothing... XBOX is just awsome cant think of anything bad about it!

haha the only thing nintendo has is mario n zelda, and they milk mario for everything hez got! mario paint, mario pinball, mario tennis, mario golf.

PS has a lot of titles, tekken, FF, MGS, GT and more. almost every title thats on the PS was and is on the GC. the only reason why nintendo even got to see resident evil was because capcom had feud with sony i believe.

nintendo is in its league of its own because they openly admit they cannot compete with 360/PS3 so they will try n do something different to stand out from the crowd. revolution is only approx 2-3x stronger than the GC, its a whole new world when you compare ps3 vs ps2


go there, view the new MGS4 trailer and the old Killzone trailer and then come back and let us know what you thought.

09-17-2005, 01:09 PM

GC controllers version 2 hahahaha

09-17-2005, 01:34 PM

GC controllers version 2 hahahaha
I guess the same skill set is needed for the revolution. Just smash the A button as fast as you can... :duh:

09-17-2005, 01:39 PM

GC controllers version 2 hahahaha
Does that remind anyone else of the Sega Dreamcast controller?

09-17-2005, 03:57 PM
haha the only thing nintendo has is mario n zelda, and they milk mario for everything hez got! mario paint, mario pinball, mario tennis, mario golf.

PS has a lot of titles, tekken, FF, MGS, GT and more. almost every title thats on the PS was and is on the GC. the only reason why nintendo even got to see resident evil was because capcom had feud with sony i believe.

nintendo is in its league of its own because they openly admit they cannot compete with 360/PS3 so they will try n do something different to stand out from the crowd. revolution is only approx 2-3x stronger than the GC, its a whole new world when you compare ps3 vs ps2


go there, view the new MGS4 trailer and the old Killzone trailer and then come back and let us know what you thought.

hmm last time i checked none of those titles mentioned are in house titles but 3rd party companies. sony has done nothing revolutionary. ps1 controller is just a copy of the super nintendo controller. just adding 2 (1 of them completly useless) thumb sticks or watever doesnt constitute as being original. come to think of it the controller for the ps3 is about the most original sony is gonna get and we've all seen how horrible that controller looks (boomerang anyone). im not siding with anybody (though the 360's hardware demonstration was hot) i just dont like people bashing on the little guy. its true nintendo milks their franchises but look at the reviews for said games, they're excellent so props to nintendo. i always like when a company does something innovative so i'll be happy to see how games will be played like in that video :)

09-17-2005, 08:03 PM
famicom is the best of everything!

09-17-2005, 08:03 PM

GC controllers version 2 hahahahacome on, they are totally different...

09-18-2005, 09:58 AM
come on, they are totally different...
please tell me you are just being sarcastic and not blind

09-18-2005, 10:12 AM
Does that remind anyone else of the Sega Dreamcast controller?

Yeah it does. With the big plug in in the middle. I actually liked the Dreamcast. They had some cool games. Dunno why it didn't pan out.

09-18-2005, 10:23 AM
please tell me you are just being sarcastic and not blind

maybe that big thing in the middle and the video shown above will give u some insight on the difference

09-18-2005, 11:01 AM
Yeah it does. With the big plug in in the middle. I actually liked the Dreamcast. They had some cool games. Dunno why it didn't pan out.
Sony waived that magic wand they obviously have and the Playstation 2 killed it deader than Elvis, rendering it equally not missed, that is why it didn't pan out.

09-18-2005, 01:49 PM
come on, they are totally different...

oh your right DB they are totally different...

totally different colors. hahahaha

09-18-2005, 03:18 PM
who cares.. sony used the same analog controller

09-18-2005, 03:37 PM
Umm... No they didn't...
I cannot tell anyone what the fuck, beyond my 20 bucks, was different between the blue analog controller that is wrapped up in the cord and bathed in dust from mt Playstation against the one that is plugged into the PS2, but I can tell you that someone is fucking around the INSTANT someone plugs one of them in and tries to use it when playing a PS2 game

09-18-2005, 09:31 PM
^^i can play any street fighter game just fine with a ps1 controller.

09-19-2005, 09:36 AM
maybe that big thing in the middle and the video shown above will give u some insight on the difference
we're talking about design, not function. The only difference is the random dreamcast style shit in the middle.

09-19-2005, 09:42 AM
The PS1 and the PS2 controllers were different internally. The PS1 buttons were digital in the sence that they were either on or off. The PS2 controllers you're able to press the button down anywhere from 0-100% and it can tell the difference. Even if it is hard to tell. Like on SOCOM. That's how you either stand up/crouch/prone. It depends on how hard you hit the triangle button. You can vary your throttle on GT4 even if it still sucks using the controller. lol