09-13-2005, 04:58 PM
msd 6al ignition system used(retail over $200), with msd blaster high vibration coil(retail $59) and tach fuel adapter(retail $30) total reatil $289,I'm selling it all for $100 plus shipping!! I had this installed on my altima KA24DE, and it really helped throttle response, I was getting the car ready to go turbo, which is another thing this ignition is really good for, but i decided to do a S13 SR swap instead :rofl:. So anyway i dont need this, I need SR parts, so my loss is your gain. I will gladly walk you though hooking it up, which is really easy. Oh yeah for those of you that dont know the tach fuel adapter is an extra part need on our cars to boost the signal enough to run the ignition.
E-mail me at [email protected]
E-mail me at [email protected]