View Full Version : Should i fight this ticket?

09-13-2005, 04:06 PM
Well not much i can do as far as fight a speeding ticket as much as beg the judge to drop it haha. Heres the deal.

First of all Town i got a ticet in is like in the middle of nowhere (town of Surry in VA between richmond and NOrfolk) there is literaly like 20 houses and one sheriff. Charge is 48 in 35 ... he got me right after sign said "reduce speed ahead".

I wounder if i can say i have a good drivign record being 21 with one offence 19 over 2 years ago. So i was going to tell him that this is my first time on this road and i have a good driving record and that i ask the judge to consider not putting this on my record.

Anyone think this will fly???

09-13-2005, 04:13 PM
I would go for it for sure. Judges are understanding generally and cops are tricky.

09-13-2005, 04:15 PM
If all else fails try a "Prayer For Judgement".