View Full Version : Playstation!

09-12-2005, 10:13 AM
I was cleaning up my room and found my old playstation. I was like wow what a classic, most of the games on this thing can beat out almost all my xbox games! So i was like yeah they would....went online and found some games like parappa the rappa and bust a groove and of course FF7!!

I have to tell ya, parrap is tiight you can beat it it so damn funny and cool at the same time. Too bad they dont make games like this anymore.

What other games do you think is a "classic" on an old system?

09-12-2005, 10:21 AM
Metal Gear Solid
Driver (and Driver 2)
the ENTIRE Need For Speed series
Marvel vs. Capcom
Capcom vs. SNK
DragonBall GT
Street Fighter Alpha (throw 2 and 3 in there too)
... I am sure there is plenty more, I am naming what I can off the top of my head without going into my room for reference.

09-12-2005, 01:17 PM
Einhander and Chrono cross are cclassic playststion games too. that and they re-made Rampage for it. All those are must have.

09-12-2005, 01:36 PM
DAMMMN i loved driver. That game was hilarious. I never played chrono cross but i might start.

09-12-2005, 01:40 PM
Chrono Trigger>Chrono Cross

FF7, Breath of Fire Series, ARMORED CORE, Guilty Gear, Xenogears, and a lot more! Those are some of my favorites. Another not-so-well-known game is Warzone 2100 or something like that. Good strategy game. Warcraft 2 for Playstation is good too.

09-12-2005, 02:08 PM
hands down...metal gear solid is the best game ever for playstation...

09-12-2005, 03:51 PM
the funny cause i just moved and found a box on top of the rafters filled with sega genisis stuff.... beyond the oasis was a great game.....good find...

Arsenal of Glory
09-12-2005, 04:09 PM
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (still one of the best games today)
of course Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 2 (best RE game until RE4 came out)
Point Blank
Tekken 2
Tobal No. 2
NHL 97 (best hockey game ever made)

09-12-2005, 04:14 PM
Chrono Cross is LONG. But yea, Trigger > Cross.

SNES is teh win!

09-12-2005, 04:27 PM
just got my copy of final fantasy 7 again
back at nibelheim, scared of fighting sephiroth/jenova

09-12-2005, 05:17 PM
i dont even think ive touched a psx.....

but yeah cheat is right chrono trigger > chrono cross.

Oh and the same people that made chrono trigger INCLUDING akira toriyama are making an rpg for xbox 360 called blue dragon. cant wait :drool:

09-12-2005, 06:11 PM
Driver is definitely a good game. same for SOTN, Einhander, Tekken 3, SFA series, MGS, Amored core was a great game too

09-12-2005, 06:34 PM
I completely forgot about Castlevania: Symphony of the Night yeah that one is great. and i do have to agree Trigger>Cross, but cross looks better while trigger has the better story and a bit funner overall. that game is the only reason why i keep a SNES emulator around opn my computer.

09-12-2005, 09:10 PM
Wow I'm surprised to hear that you guys have heard of Eihander, I love that game, I have that game :D. All the bosses were bad ass and techo music was actually working for the game. I'm surprised because the people I talk to have never heard of it.

Games I think were classics and some I own:
Eihander (own)
Parappa (own)
Metal Gear Solid (own) (GC version also)
Castlevania SOTN
Street Fighter Alpha series (own)
Bust A Move a.k.a Bust A Groove U.S ver (own jap ver)
Grand Turismo 1 and 2
Brave Fencer Mushasi
Resident Evil
RE 2

Some of my Favorites that I own:
Ray Storm
Silohuette Mirage
FF Chronicles w/Chrono Trigger
Thunder Force 5

I would say I loved the Capcom vs. series but they never came close to being arcade perfert like Sega Saturn version with help of the 4meg ram cart.

09-12-2005, 09:12 PM
atari 2600 and NES

09-12-2005, 10:45 PM
sniffle, chrono trigger.

i pist away a good portion of my summer to that game on emulator.

09-12-2005, 11:35 PM
found another fun one in the case- Soul reaver : legacy of Kain.

Is it strange that i still like origional PS games just as much as new Xbox and PS2 ones?

09-13-2005, 12:04 AM
Anyone else unlocked the "Developers' Room" ending in Trigger? Without cheating?

09-13-2005, 12:40 AM
FF3 and Crono Trigger!! Best RPGs ever for the SNES!!

09-13-2005, 12:54 AM
GT3: A spec
N20 (The Crystal Method game)

09-13-2005, 01:59 AM
ahhh good old games!

Would you agree that even though the graphics arent like they are today, the games still kick a majority of the games in the ass?

Yeah the graphics are realistic and all but where has the quality of the actual gameplay gone?

09-13-2005, 02:14 AM
Nowadays its like, Graphics > Storyline.

I'd take a crapass graphic game with stellar gameplay and story over a flashy hires graphics with crap "killed my master, save the world" or something stupid like that anyday.

That probably didn't make sense. I fucking LOVE oldschool Nintendo. Can't beat DickTracy! Him and his atomic punching glove.

Anyone remember old trick to get NES games to work? Stuffing them in your shirt, and blowing the cart. Stacking 2 games to hold down the game. And when you got the game to work, NO ONE moved, for fear of the game fucking up.

Sorry for the ThreadJacking.

09-13-2005, 02:42 AM
Anyone remember old trick to get NES games to work? Stuffing them in your shirt, and blowing the cart. Stacking 2 games to hold down the game. And when you got the game to work, NO ONE moved, for fear of the game fucking up.

Sorry for the ThreadJacking.

wow man, you just brought a tear to my eye. I remember playing the legend of zelda for 12 hours straight because the battery didnt work in the cart *wouldnt save your game*

I was the first kid in Key West to own a NES. My aunt had connections with the local JC Pennys and had it 2 days before they put it on shelves. Im gonna have to find mine and see if it still works.

About 2 years ago, we tore down my sisters dollhouse. We found my atari 2600, coleco vision, intellivision, and commodore. We ran inside and set up the atari. We screamed like little girls when it fired up perfectly!

09-13-2005, 07:43 AM
Anyone else unlocked the "Developers' Room" ending in Trigger? Without cheating?

I have. I've got about every variation there is. HAHA.

Did you know that Magus has some secret armor in "Ozzy's Castle"? The room Ozzy is standing on a platform and he tries to cut you with only one dropping blade thing. You go up then right. On the south side of the wall move back and forth till you go in the secret room. When you get all the way in the room is revealed. HAHAHA. Oh, and the guy in the "Developers Room" scared the shit out of me when he said he was reseting and the the screen went blank! :rofl:

Did you get all of the final weapons too?

Oh yeah, did you know that if you beat the god of war or whatever he was a bunch of times he changes colors and gets a lot harder??? ;)

09-13-2005, 03:09 PM
old school games are the greatest. I play lots of nes/snes on my xbox, but 2 months ago i found my snes in a shoe box under the china cabinet. There was only about 6 games in there. I played killer instinct for like an hour with my cousin. Fun shit.

We were thinking of trying to pass all the marios in one day hahaha. We get so bored when there isnt anything to do. We played for about 30 minutes before we got hungry.

09-13-2005, 06:36 PM
My SNES took a poop on me, I actually cried. LOL.

09-16-2005, 04:37 AM
Dude, i love playing C.Trigger. You can't beat Chrono, Robo, and Ayla. Physical Powerhouse BITCHES!!! And normally, i have Magus, or Frog leading the party cuz Magus is bad ass flying, and Glenn is cool hopping.

I HATE when nintendo games dont save. I remember i used my buddy's Final Fantasy game, or actually, any old RPG game. Whenever you saved, and held reset then powered off, it'd fuck your shit up. Hot damn that got me pissed too many times.

Or when you try and try to get the game to work, cuz you REALLY REALLY wanna play it. You spend like a whole hour try, only to get frustrated? Too many times...

Anyone remember the game KungFu? With Flaming homos that kiss you and drain your blood, midgets that run into your nuts, and other funky junk? Stupid blood sucking homos.

Or Uncanny Xmen! CRAP i hated that game. I ALWAYS lost, i never really 'beat' it cuz i couldn't figure how to get to the last level. Xavier kept saying 'turn off the game, its brainwashing you, etc etc etc." when he REALLY meant "Reset the game, and you'll be sent to the last level to fight Magneto." Stupid developers, WTF were they thinkin?

How about the first ever '3D' game, World Runner? that was trippy when i was a kid.

Or Super Mario Bros' 3? BEST SMB EVER!!! With the cool "Stand on the white block, and then RUN" for the flute trick, airships, Hammer bros, Tankooei/Racoon suits, oh my! GOOOOD times.

My personal favorite was Double Dragon 2. Level up your skills and gain heart for new moves. Hot damn, OLD times.

WOOTAGE for my 1k post :wiggle:

09-16-2005, 05:00 AM
I think one of the best combos is Magus, Marle, and Luca. Then you can do the Dark Matter if you have the black rock from the kingdom of Zeal. That reminds me. Did you ever spend hours scouring throughout time to try and find Schala? I kept thinking there was a way to save her but she can't. :-/

I remember playing FF2&3 on SNES too. Good games. They were actually like FF5&6 in Japan or something but they released them under different numbers here.

Nobunaga's Ambition was the shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love building up and army and taking over fiefs! lol

Old school Atari was cool too. Pac-man owned. I was soooo good at that game.