View Full Version : Dumb ?s people ask about your Nissan

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09-10-2005, 06:08 PM
I'll start with:

Do you drift?

"Do you have a swap yet?"
"Oh. . .that's aight then."

Sorry if this is a repost of a thread.

Just wondering if anyone has encountered anymore dumb questions.

09-10-2005, 06:14 PM
"is that a skyline?"

"how did you get that imported" <- before i even had the front end swap

im sure there are more

09-10-2005, 06:17 PM
"you wanna sell me your car?"
"I am having [problem] with [item] on my [s-chassis] do you know what might be causing it and how to correct it?"

09-10-2005, 06:24 PM
Got SR?

Do you Drift?

That pretty much covers all the Nissan folks I run in to. From the rest of the world I usually deal with...

Why are you wasting money on an old ass 4-cylinder?

So you street race like F&F?

Then once I "accidentaly" lose traction..

That thing is rear wheel drive?

09-10-2005, 06:51 PM
owner of riced out cavalier: "gonna put that S..uh..R20, D, E, T, in there?"

me: "no, im turboing the KA thats in there"

owner of riced out cavalier: "well you got RWD, you should get some power to kick out tail, why waste your money?"

me: "im not getting into this" (get in car, "kicking out tail" as i drive off)

09-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Ricer^. Lmao j/k. "Whats that?" - Hear it everyday. "Is it automatic or 5 speed?" wtf kinda question is that?

09-10-2005, 07:17 PM
My job sits 200 yards from a stop light, 2 lanes each direction, plus turning lanes in all 4 directions from that light, I turn left at that light and the ONLY turn I make between there and my house is a cloverleaf that puts me on the road I live on, albeit 10 miles short of my house. A couple of months ago, some kid is sitting in the furthest left non-turning lane and I am the only car in the turning lane.
Protected turn comes first, I turn left, he turns left from the MIDDLE lane behind me. Just as I exit the cloverleaf 3 miles later, my brother calls me on the phone, "bring me a pack of cigarrettes on the way in," and this tool is still behind me.

5 miles in a VERY straight line on a 6 lane thoroughfare, and this guy has not taken one of the other 2 lanes in our direction, even though I am HOPING he does, trying to force the issue by doing EXACTLY the speed limit. At the end of the 5-miles is where the road changes names, but there is an Exxon, the one I stop at when I need to stop for something. Brakes and signal, he signals too "FUCK!!!" I yell out...
Windows up, sunroof closed, I get out of the car, he doesn't (yet). I get my brother's smokes and a couple beers for myself, come out of the store and he has gotten out of his car:

kid: "Hey, nice car dude, whatcha got in it?"

me: "minor shit, twincam engine, 5-speed swaps, bone stock as it is"

kid: "you gettin a SR?"

me: "Nah, engine was out, I'da got one if I was getting one"

kid: "whatchu got planned next?"

me: "Way too much to stand here and call out"

kid: "you drift?"

me: "you are aware that we're in NC, right?"

kid: "yeah, but MAN, I wanted to get one of these, but all the ones I found were too much or were automatic"

me: *sees opportunity to end conversation and break heart* "word? because I had a 95 before and wrecked it, *points* right up there (I'd wrecked it on a parallell street), and I wasn't exactly looking for another one yet when this one found me... It HAD been an automatic with the single overhead cam auto, but it had no engine and the body/interior was straight and unabused, already set for the twincam to go in, found me for 500 bux. Copped the engine *points to junkyard across the street* over there for 400, tranny free, various parts and what have you from various locations cheap, I MIGHT have 2 grand in this car as you see it right now, including stereo, wheels/tires and everything... Guess I got a good deal."

I HEARD his heart break and he looked like he wanted to cry, so I finish:
"... look dude, I got someone at home waiting on these *motions with smokes* I gotta run"

... then I jump in the car and leave without even exchanging NAMES with this tool.

09-10-2005, 07:58 PM
I got tired of people asking me what my offsets were, so I wrote them on my hood and trunklid. Unfortunately, that only covers the Rikens but not many people know the difference between +17 or +25.

Usually the first question people in Civics ask is "How much did that cost you?" referring to my Silvia front. My usual answer is "Nothing, it came on the car." You can probably guess the question following that.

"Do you have an SR?" is the next most popular question.

From other 240 guys, the question most asked is usually "What coilovers do you have?" The next most popular is "Do you drift?"

The questions I get the most from my friends are "When are you gonna get that thing painted?" and "You bought MORE wheels?"

09-10-2005, 08:24 PM
They ask me "What do you have done?" Which I think is a fair question to ask. But then I tell them I have a few BRACES and they say "So I bet it gets sideways easy huh?" :wtf:

09-10-2005, 09:25 PM
whys your car still running??
why is your radiator so big and shiny??
whats the point in putting money into a four cylinder??
do you drift??
why dont you stop spending money on wheels and get a sr20det??
why do you have all those gauges??
why dont you build a mustang or something fast??

09-10-2005, 09:42 PM
do you drift?
got an SR?
"dude you shouldnt turbo your KA, the SR will be faster because its made for turbo"
wanna sell your car? (twice in one day in my shitty corolla)
wanna go touge?

09-10-2005, 09:48 PM
"nice camry"

09-10-2005, 10:00 PM
Someone put on the ticket at Circuit City one time that a friend of mine's was a Ford Probe one time

09-10-2005, 10:22 PM
do you drift is the most annoying question I always get...

09-10-2005, 10:38 PM
yeah one day my friend told me that he "drifted" a s2000 around a hairpin turn and that if i dont drift my car i should just get rid of it.

we aren't friends anymore. for real.

09-10-2005, 11:50 PM
While pumpin up gas in Diamond bar, these kids come out of a honda and start badgering me with questions.
Youngsters: "Dude, thats one sick 240! 5 Speed, right?"
Me: "Yea... sure is..."
Youngster 1: "Dude, i was lookin over one of these with my dad. I told him it saves gas so he would buy it for me. Do you drift? Have you mastered clutchkicking? Or braking drifts?"
Me: "Huh? Whats that? Drift... is that like, stealing or something?"
Youngsters in unison: "WHAT?!?!?! Are you SERIOUS???"
Youngster 2: "OMG, dude, he's a poser!!!"
Youngster 3: "Dude, you should be driving that thing like (that one guy from InitialD that drives a silvia)."
Youngster 1: "OMG, poser!!!"

Then i handle my business with gassin up, and they keep jabbering about Initial D and drifting and what not.

What hurt me most was the name calling. And then i see them in a video, you know, the one with the Miata and the infamous "My Precious car!!!"

09-11-2005, 12:12 AM
I got one for you guys so i take this auto class at the Junior college that i go to and there are these ricer kids in my class with there for door civics and there huge wings. So where in class and i see there looking at a car magizine that has a 240 with a sr in it and hear them arguing whether the cat is a skyline or a 240. at this point im already like wtf? So when i bring in my 89 hatch to work on i pop the hood and they all come walking up and look in and say
omg is that a skyline engine?
im like no thats just the stock sohc motor so he says o ok thats tight
I see you have an after market header says the kid "pointing at my intake manifold"
I continued with my work for the day trying not to laugh in there face rofl.

09-11-2005, 12:51 AM
what r u boosting

Nan Desu Ka?!
09-11-2005, 01:18 AM
of cource:
retard: "do you drift?"
me: "dirft? what is "drift?"
retard: 0.0... poser/wtf? why do you even have a silivia then?! (lol @ that... i have a 91 fb... not a silvia, ass)

"got an SR?"
me: "no, I still havent decided if i want to go NA or go KA-T"
"that would be a waste of money! just get an SR they are WAAAAY better for drifting"

"what year probe is that?" <-- guy at my work asked me that...

"dude, are your headlights broken?" (same guy/\)

while i was at a meet in fremont there was a guy with a AE86 that had done a very clean 4AG swap. we were checkin out the engine when he asked me what i drive. i pointed to my car and he asked if i had a SR (:rollseyes:) I said no, im rocking a rebuilt s14 KADE. he said i should junk that "K...A? whatever, truck" motor since it had NO potential and it was a waste of engine space; "not to mention they dont last long and wont go past 130k miles" (his exact words) I was like... "actually they are very torquey little motors that can last past 200K miles if properly maintained."

I guess he didnt want to hear it cause he kinda just said "oh...ok" and we dropped the subject. i swear, people read too many lame ass, BS filled posts on the internet about our cars. Mostly those posts are from people that done even own a 240 and only go by what they hear from other non-240-owning people and initialD. =/ whatever, ignorance is bliss i suppose.

09-11-2005, 02:15 AM
Oh, earlier this week, some cop pulled me over and asked funny questions.

Cop: "So... is this car stock?"
Me: "No, not at all officer. I've got everything you can imagine!"
Cop: "Like an illegal engine?"
Me: "Yea, i've got like, 4 or 5 of those. Wanna see?"
Cop: "Get out of the car, and pop your hood."
Me: "Okay officer!"

So i pop the hood, and he's looking around. Stock SOHC, koyo, crank pulley, optima.

Cop: "Is that one of those SRT20s or something? I hear they go fast"
Me: "Yea, its from JDM. You know where that is?"

And then the cops' partner comes out of the car, saying hey and then all the chitchat about firefighting. We make fun of the first officer, we all chuckle, and then the first cop says "Keep your SRT20s off the streets, ya hear?"

I love knowing nice cops.

09-11-2005, 03:34 AM
hahaha i bet he didnt recongonze it was a Gala4!

09-11-2005, 03:50 AM
do you drift is the most annoying question I always get...

Agreed. I get it constantly :down: :down: :down:

Andrew Bohan
09-11-2005, 03:53 AM
no one ever asked me a question mark about my nissan

09-11-2005, 03:58 AM
do you drift is the most annoying question I always get...



...do you drift? :hahano:

09-11-2005, 04:11 AM
whenever i tell people i go to the track to drift, they usually respond, "o the track?? whats your 1/4 mile time???"

I dont get the do you have a SR question as much as my friends with s13's but people still ask from time to time.

i get the do u drift question a lot... but i reluctantly say yes.. cus that just brings up more dumb questions i have to answer, or a conversation i dont want to have.

09-11-2005, 05:02 AM
"Why would you buy a Stanza?"..........

09-11-2005, 05:47 AM
"Are you a bosozoku?"

09-11-2005, 06:11 AM
idiot: "so.... .... .... do u drift?"
me: "drift? .... can you install that?"

idiot: "hey u got an sr?"
art: "naw its an RB"
me: ::smiles holding back a laugh::

idiot: "do u get sideways with that?"
me: ::looks at them strangely::

idiot: "u go toeg?" <supposedly touge>

more stupid questions but i cant remember. most of the times its... whoa u got a 240. ::drops jaw::

09-11-2005, 09:08 AM


...do you drift? :hahano:

I dunno. Do you?

09-11-2005, 12:23 PM
"sounds good. is it a v8?"

at the intersection (local ricers in civics) "damn i bet its fast huh? get on it!"

"whats with the drifting for jesus sticker? you drift alot?" hahah (sticker is our inside joke)

"is that a probe" how the fuck s14 looks like a probe??

"whats a 240?"

09-11-2005, 12:28 PM
I can't believe no one put down the ultimate question of having any fast looking car.
"Can you do a burn out?"

09-11-2005, 12:45 PM
lady hit my car a good while back and the cop filling out the report started to write mazda mx5 on the report.

09-11-2005, 06:35 PM
"I thought s13's only came right hand drive"

"does it have an SR?"

"Is it 5speed?, it's useless if it's automatic" (said by person with RICED out auto civic)

(after looking under hood) "Is it rear wheel drive?"

"is that a skyline?"

"Cavaliers are faster and look better, I like my Cavalier" (yay!)

09-11-2005, 07:06 PM
where did you get those head lights, or what kind of headlights are those? (kouki s14)

do you drift? do you have a sr20?
that has a v6, right?

09-11-2005, 07:29 PM
(looking at my s14 zenki)

"are you going to do a JDM front end converson???"

09-11-2005, 07:31 PM
someone at a stoplight asked me if I had a GSR swap (S14) i rolled up the window and drove away

09-11-2005, 07:43 PM
I can't believe no one put down the ultimate question of having any fast looking car.
"Can you do a burn out?"

oh now i can evern do one with BOTH tires spinning!

suuuuuuuuhweet. does this mean i have a silvia now?

09-11-2005, 08:47 PM
Kid: You have an ESSUR TWENNY?
Me: Nah, I have a KA24DE.
Kid: Oh ok... (doesn't know WTF a KA is)

09-11-2005, 09:49 PM
someone at a stoplight asked me if I had a GSR swap (S14) i rolled up the window and drove away
Wow, I mean, that's like SUPER incorrect, I like yours the most.

09-11-2005, 09:59 PM
guy: do u drift?
me: you calling me names?!?!

guy: you got lsd?
me: nah fool i aint got no drugs!
guy: nevermind...

guy: when are you getting sr for it?
me: never why did you get an EVO wing on your lancer?

09-11-2005, 09:59 PM
*Entering parking lot of ricer gathering for some fun*

RAAWWWRRR whoossh(4k ish)

ricer:is that turbo?
me: no I just wired up a BOV to my stock KA
ricer:oh cool

ricer: Do you drift?
me: no, I road-race
ricer: *looks around* Like which roads?

09-12-2005, 04:21 AM
mainly "do you drift"

09-12-2005, 04:32 AM
I got my car repainted black and had a silvia face front end...

"Is that an integra?"

09-12-2005, 11:53 AM
"Are you going to do an S13 conversion?"

09-12-2005, 12:16 PM
Do you have a DE?

Yes, I have a DE. Kay aye twenty four dee ee.

Where'd you get the headlights?

Free with purchase of '97 240sx.

Do you drift?

Do you?

Are you a drifter?

No, i live in an apartment.

09-13-2005, 01:00 AM
I mostly get "do you drift?" or "when are you getting the swap?" I'm usually pretty patient and considerate of people's stupidity. This one time I was having a conversation with a friend of a friend that was looking to get a 240 and asked me what I've done to it and I told him about my suspension mods and he had a blank look on his face and then asked me when I was getting an SR. After he told me to get the 300zx brake conversion with a stupid grin and went on to tell me about the "drift" buttons for your ebrake like its a big innovation I walked away.

09-13-2005, 02:45 AM
what is that........an integra?

09-13-2005, 03:50 AM
i just get too many stares from stupid girls and moron guys... its probbaly the red rims. :)

09-13-2005, 10:16 AM
i just get too many stares from stupid girls and moron guys... its probbaly the red rims. :)
Maybe the girls want a "piece" of you . . . :whip:

09-15-2005, 10:29 AM
"So, you've got an SR right?"
me:"um, yeah I guess."
"Sweet. It's the SR20 notchback motor right?"
"Is it a notchback or a redtop?"
me:"What are you talking about?"

"Wow, do you have an airbag suspension?"
me: "No, just coil overs."
"Than how did you get it so low?"

"So, you need AWD for drifting right?"
me:"Maybe if all you drift are RC cars. My car's actually rear wheel drive."
"Whoa, so you must have a lot of skill to be able to drift that!"
"You should bust out a mad drift right here on the street!"

"So what's the most points you've ever gotten drifting?"

"Ah, so I see you did the vtec swap."

"You shoulda painted your car blue so it could be like the one those chicks drive in Initial D"

"So where do you usually drift?"
me: "Fontana."
"Whoa, isn't that an awfully fast track?"

"How much did it cost to do the skyline conversion?"

And now for the "things I overheard in parking lots from people looking at my car" section

guy1: "Hey, Hey, Hey! Check it out, It's a Silvia!"
guy2: "From Gran Turismo, right?"
guy1: "Yeah, I bet he got it imported through Motorex or something"

guy:"Hey, honey. Come check this out!"
girlfriend:"Why do the bumpers look like that?"
guy:"It's a body kit."
girlfriend:"No, I mean why do they have scuffs and cracks?"
guy:" Cuz this guy is a for real drifter, can't you tell? If you drift alot, your bumpers look like this, cuz it gets expensive to keep replacing them.

"What an idiot, he picked the wrong body for a Silvia conversion."

"Wow, a Sileighty. They sure didn't sell too many of these over here."

09-15-2005, 10:34 AM
"is that a skyline?"
also i get a few " Is that a skyline motor?"

09-15-2005, 11:45 AM
I usually get the "Do you drift?" and "You wanna sell your car?" lines.

09-15-2005, 12:17 PM
mine is..do you have SR? and is that a real Bride Seat? and then....is that a 12 valve? or a 16 valve?

09-15-2005, 12:21 PM
"is that a skyline?" as i walked to carl's jr. w/ my girlfriend, and we laughed all the way through the door

09-15-2005, 12:48 PM
Sorry if this is a repost of a thread.

Just wondering if anyone has encountered anymore dumb questions.

Here's an old thread along the same lines: just as entertaining.

09-15-2005, 01:00 PM
I get alot of:

"Dude what's wrong with your headlights, are they broken?"

"You have SR?"
- you have money to buy me one? Last time I checked they weren't free.

"Do you drift?"
- No..

I seriously want a sticker on my car that says "NO SR, DOESN'T DRIFT"

09-15-2005, 03:19 PM
some guy at a gas station: do you race?
me: no
him: why not, this car is fast
*me laughing out loud
me: no its not, this car is SLOW
him: do you drift then?
me: no
him: then what do you do?
me: i dont know
*gets in car and leaves

09-15-2005, 03:25 PM
people always ask if I race my sr5 corolla... I laugh

09-15-2005, 03:34 PM
I've had several people ask me "What model Z is that?" and "What year is your Z?" Referring to my S13 HB. I guess it's a bit of a compliment though, I would love to have a 240Z.

09-15-2005, 05:15 PM
some douche: "do you drift?"
me: "only in heavy traffic."

yeah the probe one sucks pretty bad...seeing as i used to own one of em.

09-15-2005, 11:53 PM
"What kind of car do you drive?"
A Nissan 240SX.
"You drive a rice rocket?"
WTF, my car is not a rice rocket.

09-16-2005, 07:14 AM
Do you drift?
>> No.
Are you going to swap an SR20DET on that?
>> No. I'm a single slammer.
Single Slammer?
>> Yeah, KA24ET.
*Looks Confused*
Dude, SR20's the way to go.
>> Why do you say that?
I dunno man but lot's of people are doing it.
>> Ok.
Shit. Are those 17x9 and 17x10 tires? WTF, you trying to be mexican?
>> They're +15 and +12's too.
Why would you buy a 17x10/9 shit when you can just buy 17x7's at Discount Tire?
>> I gtg. Bye.

09-16-2005, 07:15 AM
Oh and...

What's wrong with your headlights? Looks like a girl...
>> Fuck you.

09-16-2005, 07:44 AM
I finally had someone ask me a decent question for once. asked what sort of HID's i had and where i got them. it's nice to get a 1/2 way inteligent question every once and a while.

09-16-2005, 08:07 AM
wow, i HATE it when chicks ask if i "race" my car.

girl- do you race it?

me- haven't been to the track yet

girl- i had a 300ZX, it was fast

me- oh really? twin turbo right?

girl - no i just put a 75 shot of nawwz on it

me- i thought you said it was fast.

then she further displayed her complete retardation by assuming that i'm some faggot ricer that likes to be chased by cops.

sorry, i ain't about pulling a nitekids.

09-16-2005, 03:17 PM
+1 for Cops.Don't pull a nitekid yo. *Still feel's sorry for the car*.

09-16-2005, 11:39 PM
got the classic do you drift twice today at work.....do you drift? nope, just dont have the time to paint it.

09-17-2005, 12:08 AM
the new shit is people on the outside looking in, who WANT to make it seem as if they give a shit about stuff you do, and in such, ask silly assed questions that can be answered by opening one's FUCKING eyes:
"yo Phil, how da 240 comin?"
... to which I offer the retort:
"Phil is my father, I am known among my friends and family as Phillip, or 'Phlip' ("flip")... The car is what it is, I work when time and cash allows, you got something on it?"

09-17-2005, 12:16 AM
"Didn't know you could make an old-school prelude look like that."

09-17-2005, 12:19 AM
"15s? you mean you don't want something bigger, some 18s, 19s?
... gawd damn man, you don't want something you can throw some dubs or something like that on?"

(pay close attention to my user text, some stereotypes are accurate, even when they don't apply to me)

09-17-2005, 12:51 AM
lol Phil...... you trip me out dude

09-17-2005, 01:01 AM
I had a redneck in a work van ask me "Don't those things come with rotories?" I told him it was a 4cyl. Then he ask me to "gun it". Other then that its mainly "you have an sr?".

09-22-2005, 09:13 AM
one day this civic pulled up to me. i have a sr but not all that into showing it off. so he pulls up next to me on a red light and asks me if i wanna race. i was like "naw its cool." then he asks, "what u got in there? headers? CAI?" ... i was like "dude i dont got any of that... im all stock"
so he blasts off when the light turns green, so im like fuck it and burn the shit out of him.. then he pulls up next to me again and was like, "wtf i thought u had all stock", and i just looked straight at him and said "stock jdm bitch!" hahah
stupid honda owners...

09-22-2005, 12:55 PM
friend: You should get the JDM ka24det.
me: dude.... haha ur an idiot *walks away*

but the funny thing is that he owns a 240 but he dont know anything about it

09-22-2005, 04:18 PM
... Leaving the grocery store yesterday on my way home from work, needed some onions and peppers (and beer) so I could cook. I walk out of Bi Lo and there is some kid, late teens-early 20's walking around my car looking in and shit, I walk slower, so as to decide whether I will need to whoop his ass and allow his casing of my automobile to convene around to the passenger side...

"This your car?"
*motions with keys, unlocks the door*
"Nice car man"
me: "this one? Ahh, it's okay, but thanks dude" *opens door, key in ignition, windows down*
"Yo, you thinkin about selling it? I been looking to try and build a drift car"
me: *walks around the car, puzzled look on my face* "now where is that DAMNED for sale sign"
*excited look* "OH, YOU ARE SELLING IT?!!?"
me: "busted sarcasm meter, I gather? Look, I would love to stay and chat, but unfortunately I gotta get home, take a shit, wash my hands, drink a few beers and prepare a meal." *sit down, start up and drive off*

Revolver Ocelot
09-22-2005, 04:54 PM
This guy at work that we have nickname "comatoce" comes up to me and says.: Dude why the hell did you put such wide rims on the back of your car? I ask why not, they are only 17x10. Because dude, front wheel drives pull from the front not from the back dude. Just about then he goes off about his 99 malibu and how he slapped a naawwzz kit on it and smoked a civic at lunch. And now you know why we call him "comatoce".

09-22-2005, 04:59 PM
got the classic do you drift twice today at work.....do you drift? nope, just dont have the time to paint it.

u are a pic whore :wavey:

09-22-2005, 05:17 PM
I got "Is that one of those JDM KAs?" while my radiator hose busted loose again.
That had to be the best question EVER.

09-22-2005, 08:23 PM
me: "Yeah do you guys sell redline gear oil?"
kragen guy: "For what car?"
me: "91 240sx"
kragen guy: "SR tranny?"
me: "no, ka tranny..."
kg: "oh.... when are you going to do the swap?"
me: "probably never"
kg: "ah man because those japanese turbo engines are sooo fassssttt"
me: "yeah im gonna go check napa auto for that redline oil..."

09-22-2005, 09:53 PM
"When are you gonna sell that car and get it out of my damn driveway?"
Me: "I love that car."
"It doesn't even work."
Me: "It does in my head."

Toka Motorsports
09-22-2005, 10:18 PM
i pulled up to a shell gas station and a guy comes up and says "dude thats a sweet probe youve got there..." i was like (im my head) "get the hell away from me you tard" .. it pisses me off..!!!

09-22-2005, 10:21 PM
Thats what happens when you get a hatchback:)

09-22-2005, 10:32 PM
oh how can i forget....

"Whoa, do you have a cold air intake?"

"umm... homemade..."

"damn dude...thats so janky"

"yeah but its a 240sx, theyre all janky"

Toka Motorsports
09-22-2005, 10:54 PM
at a home depot parking lot and a guy runs up,

guy: "dude you got a motor in there?"
me: "yes i have a motor in there..."
guy: "can you take me for a ride?"
me: "i dont even know you.."
guy: "are you going to put huge brakes on this thing?" (i have z32 30mm)
me: "nah these are big enough"
guy: "dude i think i saw you on the speed channel"
me: "nah, i dont remember that...."
guy: "hey maybe i can get your number and we can race sometime?"
me: "i dont race"
guy: "oh, do you drift?"
me: (wanting to say no) "i try"
guy: "ya i drift my civic all the time, i love drifting"
me: "wow......." :loco:
me: "i got to go"
*as i get into my car the guy asks me for my name, i mumble "fuck off" to him and close the door. then as i drive away i see the dumass waving me goodbye... :bash:

09-23-2005, 12:03 AM
OOO . . .you're a meanie!

09-23-2005, 02:40 AM
at a home depot parking lot and a guy runs up,

guy: "dude you got a motor in there?"
me: "yes i have a motor in there..."
guy: "can you take me for a ride?"
me: "i dont even know you.."
guy: "are you going to put huge brakes on this thing?" (i have z32 30mm)
me: "nah these are big enough"
guy: "dude i think i saw you on the speed channel"
me: "nah, i dont remember that...."
guy: "hey maybe i can get your number and we can race sometime?"
me: "i dont race"
guy: "oh, do you drift?"
me: (wanting to say no) "i try"
guy: "ya i drift my civic all the time, i love drifting"
me: "wow......." :loco:
me: "i got to go"
*as i get into my car the guy asks me for my name, i mumble "fuck off" to him and close the door. then as i drive away i see the dumass waving me goodbye... :bash:
what the hell is wrong with honda drivers

09-23-2005, 03:45 AM
This Thread
Whats wrong with 240 Drivers?

09-23-2005, 09:24 AM
walking back to my car in walmart parking lot. i have 95 ruby pearl zenki with zigens and droped, sr blah blah. anyway.

i see 3 ricers staring at my car, looking inside "wows and oh's". finally as im close to the car and they are walking off,

one guy stares at my frontend, and says something real smart

"this aint even an s14 ese, what a looser yo"

.... i almost started laughing. kids....

09-23-2005, 01:14 PM
+1 for is your car for sale
+1 for where did you get that frontend (kouki S14)

09-23-2005, 01:33 PM
yea or "when u gonna do silvia conversion"

09-23-2005, 02:03 PM
i had some kids ask me when i was gasing up

"hey man does your car peel out"

and some ricer in a crx in walmart

"hey why does your car say 180sx in the back?"

And i had my hood poped (ka24e) some dumbass points to my alternator and is like "is this thing turbo man (pointing at alternator) oh yea it is" Then he pointed to my injen intake and said "man why did you get this kind of intercooler, you should've gotten one that sticks out in the front of your bumper."

09-23-2005, 02:41 PM
haha never heard the alternator one before

09-23-2005, 10:14 PM
little drift event..

Dude :you can drift pretty good
Me: Nah not really, its Open Slip
Dude : Im sorry to hear its broken

wtf? :coolugh:

09-23-2005, 10:34 PM
That reminds me of (my turbo sentra) this retarded Subway employee that crippled himself buy grabbing the turbo "is this the turbo". He could not make subs for the rest of the day. I forgot what thread I told the story in, but his retarded ass deserves to be made fun of twice.

09-24-2005, 02:09 AM
"Are those 17s?"

me: "15's"

"damn those are small"


"you gonna do a silvia conversion?"

09-24-2005, 11:21 AM
This thread is a concise reminder as to why I will not drive my car to "import functions" and will usually only go to the mall between 10am and 1pm on weekdays, unless I am in mom's car

09-24-2005, 11:25 AM
All you guys do get lots of comments. I dont get that much comment anymore since I got my 97 240sx. It just stock with oem lip and s/s. lowered on kts. I keep my as stock look at possible so no one will notice. If you get dumb comments like those mention, I think cops will notice those things too. I avoid stuff like that.

09-24-2005, 11:36 AM
i think its moreso, these kids think they are in the know. i stress, "think". but from reading, it appears they have no idea what they are talking about. i wouldnt worry about the cops. unless they start pulling you over and asking if your gonna swap an SR or if you drift, or how much your silvia conversion cost you. this thread is getting me prepped for when my car is road worthy.

09-24-2005, 12:46 PM
local nissan dealer.

me: i want to set up an appointment.
service tech: what car do you drive?
me: 1995 240sx
service tech: umm, what's the manufacturer of your car?
me: ummmm....nissan.
service tech: uh...ok. (at that point she's trying not to feel stupid)

09-24-2005, 09:19 PM
local nissan dealer.

me: i want to set up an appointment.
service tech: what car do you drive?
me: 1995 240sx
service tech: umm, what's the manufacturer of your car?
me: ummmm....nissan.
service tech: uh...ok. (at that point she's trying not to feel stupid)

hahahaha samething happened to me when i wanted to buy an oem oil filter....

09-25-2005, 04:45 AM
I get the 'nice conversion' on my bone stock 97 kouki all the time...

07-19-2006, 10:54 AM
Thought I'd revive this again. 240s are more popular.

Newest one I get is

"How come your wheels NEVER MATCH?!"

07-19-2006, 11:03 AM
I always get asked "where is your silvia" and always response "i drive a 240sx"

also always get 1000 diferente stupid questions with the s14 front end =P the most popular is "you import that front end fron japan"

beating many "fast cars" around with only my I/H/E been asked... wait not asked... they asume!!! "bah that is a fast V6" LOL or they also asume i have turbo O_o

07-19-2006, 11:18 AM
None for me, but my brother told me when he was driving my S14(auto) some kids came up to him at a light.

Kid:Is that a 240?
Kid: Drift it!
Bro: WTF? *rolls up window*

Not only that he was on a main road that is completely straight and right next to a cop station. Not that it even mattered because it was a stock auto S14 with suspension and wheels.

07-19-2006, 11:24 AM
Guy asking about my 1997 240sx se (not all at the same time)

Guy- "Where did you get that front end?"
Me- "It's the stock front end."

Guy-"Oh, you got a 6 cylinder in there, huh coz it's a silvia?"
Me-"No, it's a 240sx and it has a 4 cylinder."
(Guy has confused look and ponders what the difference is between a silvia and 240sx)
(Me thinking to myself, you dumb ass, silvia's come with a 4 cylinder also!)

Guy- "When you gonna drop in the SR20?"
Me- "Never. I'm keeping it legal."

Guy- "Why don't you do the S15 conversion?"
Me- "If I wanted to do the S15 conversion, do you really think i would have gotten a kouki?"

07-19-2006, 11:35 AM
haha, this thread is great... I got sick of answering said questions so I made a sticker to answer them. I'm not gonna keep it on for long, but I got bored one day and figured it'd be funny...


07-19-2006, 11:38 AM
I was talking to a guy at a kegger one night. I was feeling like pure shit. Had a sinus infection and a ear infection. I get really agitated when sick. I was just chilling talking to a few girls and this putz comes up to me:

him: so I hear you have a 240sx
me: yeah, I have a '90 Coupe
him: do you drift?
me: umm....no
him: you going to put a SR in it?
me: no, I am going KAE-T
him: Whats E for? you should put a SR in it
me: Why?
him: it is made for drifting...
me: Why do that when I can turbo my KA and for the price of the swap and be in the range I want for horsepower? and then if I manage to blow it up, I can afford a new engine instead of having down time.
him: true.
me: yes sir.
him: my buddy has a 300zx, it has rims, Nissan Brakes, exhaust and big wing.....
me: (Very Sarcastically) Nissan Brakes?
him: they are huge!!!
me: (Again, Very Sarcastically) Bro, it comes with Nissan Brakes. Do you own a car?
him: Yes, I own a Cavalier.
me: :walked away:

Swear, its a true story. I cant stand people who know absolutely dick about something and think they know everything. I get shit about selling my Silvia Front and putting on a 91+ front bumper? They are like, "Why did you do that? It would look so much better". Its my car bitch, STFU. :end rant:

I say we donate all the Ricer's to a Space Program where they send them to space with no intentions of returning. *a


BILLKLINEVT: I will Paypal you right now for a couple stickers man. Seriously, I want one. *a

07-19-2006, 11:46 AM
as im pulling my stock sohc for a rebuild...

guy:hey....you swapping your motor?
me: yeah.
me:no, i want to put something that would actually give me more power than an sr20.
me: no. 1jzgte.
guy:huh? why not an rb?
Me:because its heavy, and its slow.
guy:but a 1jz is a supra engine right?
guy: it wont fit, its a toyota!
guy:.............walks away, and never comes back.

its fun to make up stories when you are doing something simple like rebuilding your motor. heheh

07-19-2006, 01:35 PM
The ones that stick out in my mind:

"Dude, can you drift your car for me real quick?" This was in a crowded Circuit City parking lot, asked by an employee of CC. As I get in my car to leave, he yells at the guys in the installation bay, "Hey, this guy's gonna DRIFT!!!" haha, no

"Why are your tires blue?" Asked at a gas station after a drift event.

07-19-2006, 02:26 PM
recent questions:

"you drift this thing?"

audi guy: "swap? stock motor?"
me: "stock"
audi guy" Oh..."

07-19-2006, 02:43 PM
"is your car broken? because i hear some clunking coming from the back"

and ive tried many times to tell them what it is but they still dont understand

07-19-2006, 02:54 PM
i get the usual "do you drift?" sometimes they skip that part and just ask where i drift, and i say i dont and then they ask why i even have the car. ive been asked tree times if that was a big radiator or an intercooler. and just about every day i get asked "hey is that a s13 or 240". i constantly get "HEY!,blow it off". i guess talking about BOV.(another reason to resirc.)

07-19-2006, 03:29 PM
i own a kouki s14 k's aero conversion...i stopped off at my bro's work a few weeks ago and a cop was walking by me and asked...is this your honda?? So i just paused and then, to keep the conversation to a minimum, said "YES"

07-19-2006, 03:56 PM
" when are you going to get rid of your integra?" - from my dear girlfriend

i had a white S13 coupe

Omarius Maximus
07-19-2006, 04:12 PM
They keep mistaking my car for a Mazda MX-6, its really freaking agitating.

07-19-2006, 04:28 PM
"WTF is a CA18?"

07-19-2006, 05:36 PM
Me: *Putting in my corbeau's*
Ricer gang: "what are you doing?"
Me: .......
Ricer gang:...."WHAT ARE YOU DOING"?
Me: Putting in new seats (as i take out stock one and put in new one)
Ricer gang : You race
Me : I'd like to but don't have the cash or time
Ricer gang: ?!!??!!?
Ricer gang: Oh I C.. So how fasts this thing in the 1/4 mile?
Me: I don't drag race.. I like road racing
Ricer gang: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? How much does it cost to race on the road?
Me: *thinking to myself* STEP AWAY FROM MY GARAGE/CAR/ME !!
Me: *shakes head*
Ricer gang: *Stares at engine bay*
Ricer gang: This a 6 cyl.
Me: NO!
Ricer gang: !?!?! *Leaves*

07-19-2006, 05:52 PM
my 97 240sx was thought to be a jdm integra conversion before when I was park out dt in san jose. I was laughing to myself while this guy try to impress a girl. I should have said something, but didnt wnat to be a hater.

07-19-2006, 06:41 PM
Same ol same ol:
-You drift that thing?
-When you gonna put an SR20 in it?
-Is that an SR20 (pointing at the KA-T)?
-How fast is it?
-How much hp?
-Can you beat a V-8?
-What is that thing (make &/or model, 240SX badge is off, Nissan badge still on it:duh: ) ? I even had this asked at a Nissan dealership by some employees:rofl:
-Oh, & once at a NOPI show, somebody pointed at the intake filter and asked if THAT was the turbo:eek2:

2iv0 sx
07-19-2006, 06:56 PM
haha, this thread is great... I got sick of answering said questions so I made a sticker to answer them. I'm not gonna keep it on for long, but I got bored one day and figured it'd be funny...


LOL thats sick.. can I gave one? but could you add "Yet." at the end? haha

but i was told.."Man a 240 is a cheat drift car..." :tweak:

07-19-2006, 08:03 PM
but i was told.."Man a 240 is a cheat drift car..." :tweak:

That could have been me who said that. :eek2:

07-19-2006, 08:07 PM
i was a gas station when i was asked quite possible the dumbest question of all time.i popped my hood to check the oil. the attendant came around to get a peak.

with a seriously shocked look on his face, he said, "yooooooooo dawg, you mounted the engine sideways?!"

07-20-2006, 12:22 AM
haha, this thread is great... I got sick of answering said questions so I made a sticker to answer them. I'm not gonna keep it on for long, but I got bored one day and figured it'd be funny...

i want one too. seriously.

i don't really get that many questions but i love the cones. i pretty much only use my car for autoX and DD but that would open up a whole new round of questions.

since i live in west texas most people there can't figure out why i don't drive a full size pickup with huge tires.

07-20-2006, 12:25 AM
okay this is a funny one. One of the best ones I've ever had.

So me and Projekts13 James, Were going into Auto Zone to pick up some sandpaper and turtle wax, to finish up my cars paint. We parked our s13's next to each other. As we were getting ringed out at the cash register, We noticed a group of kids inside a nissan maxima, they were pulling up to to parking space in front of the store, the driver then pulled an E-Brake, and skidded like 1 foot into the parking lot,

The kids came out of the car saying, "dude that was awesome"
"Greaat drifting man" blah blah blah. they talked highly of that e-brake pull.
Well me and james were laughing our fucking asses off haha.

when they were walking in, they saw our s13's and they said
" oh shit look 2 240sx's parked next to each other", and then they came up to me and asked if that was my car.

me: "yea thats my ride"
kids " do you drift "
me: "whats drifting??"
kids: " aww man you have a 240sx and dont know what drift is??"
me: "no lols,"
kids" want to sell your 240sx, i'll buy it, If i had a 240sx I would be drifting at the track every day!"
me: " wow that sounds cool man "
kids: "can we see the car"

then me and james started walking out of the store, and those kids followed us, When we got to our cars they were like drooling like they never seen a 240sx before,

kids " come on man, wanna sell it "
me: "no man, i dont want to sell, and i dont drift"

the kids walked back into the store, me and james, started up our cars, and dori dori'd out of the parking lot, and those kids were just staring as if we were god, good times.

Mr. Camshaft
07-20-2006, 12:45 AM
i was a gas station when i was asked quite possible the dumbest question of all time.i popped my hood to check the oil. the attendant came around to get a peak.

with a seriously shocked look on his face, he said, "yooooooooo dawg, you mounted the engine sideways?!"


2iv0 sx
07-20-2006, 12:57 AM
LOL!! thats a knee slapper forsure! hahaha

07-20-2006, 01:02 AM
me: "no man, i dont want to sell, and i dont drift"

the kids walked back into the store, me and james, started up our cars, and dori dori'd out of the parking lot, and those kids were just staring as if we were god, good times.

Safeway/AutoZone drifting ftw!

07-20-2006, 01:22 AM
Safeway/AutoZone drifting ftw!

:keke: lols. :duh:

07-20-2006, 02:32 AM
Oh are you like ff3? <wtf not even proper english?>

07-20-2006, 02:48 AM
read through 5 pages and you all miss the most common one...
"is it fast?" <- this qusetion always come before the "u drift?"
'naaaaaaaaaaaw...veeeery slow'

"how many horse power u got?"
'uh...30..i guess'

"wanna race?" (with an explorer)

"you got an Sr?"
'my engine is stock' (stock SR)

"how much you spend on ur car"
'you dun wanna know'

07-20-2006, 04:19 AM
"What kind of car do you drive?"
A Nissan 240SX.
"You drive a rice rocket?"
WTF, my car is not a rice rocket.

well most people who isnt into imports will consider any fixed up import a rice rocket, i just dont know should i take it as a offense or not =\

07-20-2006, 05:01 AM
not in a nissan but amusin none the less

I set my turbo timer (rx7) to 30 seconds,got out and left the car.

guy: ohhh nice man, turbo eh?
me: yes.
guy: is that an rx7 swap or what ??
me: : | ........
wasn't sure how to respond haha

07-20-2006, 07:40 AM
I decided to take a neighbor for a ride just to show him something (Something to do with sticks vs automatics)

Anyways never left second (It was just a quick demonstration)

Well we get out of the car

Neighbor:Now i see what you're talking about.. My car must be jacked then cause it feels nothing like that thing (200X Automatic focus)..
Me:Well that car will never really feel like that (mine) cause of the auto transmission , You'll always have a delay of power until the computer tells the car to downshift.. But from what you tell me it shouldn't delay that long..So you more then likely you'll have to take it to the dealer to get it checked out..
Neighbor:I want my car to sound feel like you're... How would I go about doing that..
Me:Buy a 240
Neighbor:*looks at my car*.. You wanna sell?
Me:NO !
Neighbor:I'd probably get in too much trouble if i had one of those.. What size motor is that? Sounds like a V8 kinda... It must be a V6 right? With at least 250 horses.
Me: Dude it's a four cyl just like yours with only about 125 HP to the wheels...My car is slow
Neighbor: :eek2: :eek:

07-20-2006, 08:20 AM
well... the questions i got the most

me: drive into the gas station while in first gear going 30 ... ( loud )
you can see from the outside that i have a exhaust, 300zx brake conversion and dropped a lot
idiot: what did you do to it?
me: it's stock ( with a very confused look ) :eek3d:
idiot: very puzzled look walks away

my uncle looks at my car says: you have a 2 door CAMRY ?
me : WTF?!!~?~!?~!?~!?ARG!!!!!

idiot with a crx: yo you have the s?? in there?
me: you mean the sr35? ( of course on purpose)
idiot: yea... the sr35... man that thing is a beast
me: get away from me please..

once on the highway

this civic pulls up to me downshifts and floors it... going aobut 50
and it still doesn't move... same 50 as i was cruising beside him while his engine is screaming, while me at around a good 2100 rpm...
idiot: glares at me and smirks...
me: not doing anything.
idiot: starts to pull inch by inch while his cars sounds like it's gonna die.
me: downshift to 2nd and punch it with the ka, match revved to 6200 and then shifted into 3rd HARD, as i hear my intake sucking as much air as possible, leave him in the dust


07-20-2006, 11:18 PM
today at work, I had my car on the lift.

And a customer walked by and said "nice mustang". I didnt take offense because he was an old man. but still it was rather funny. everyone laughed.
i said "thank you sir"

07-21-2006, 12:16 AM
5 pages of PURE HILARITY!

OK, I have to tall you mine. It happens usually once a month. Instead of fan bois or ricers, it's usually some old guy who used to like Z's who will approach me to ask about my car. I have a 1976 280z.

Guy: Hey, is that a 240z?

Me: No...

Guy: Oh, so it's a 260z?

Me: No, it's a 280z

Guy: Oh so it has the turbo?!

Me: No, that's the 280zx that has the turbo

Guy: What year is it then?

Me: it's a '76

Guy: You got the tripple webbers on it?

Me: No, it's fuel injected

Guy: you put that on yourself?

Me: No, it came with it from the factory

About then I thank them for the interest and leave.

07-21-2006, 12:19 AM
I owned a 280zx during freshman year of high school.
was fun as hell, untill it got stolen :( but u gotta love them old Z's

07-21-2006, 10:48 AM
I had this pleasent little exchange outside the bank:

I'm walking out and the security gaurd comes up to me:

Security: So I hear that you're the DK of the LBC.

me: I'm sorry?

Security: Yeah, the DK. C'mon you know exactly what I'm talking about!

me: ?

Security: DK. Drift King. Everyone tells me your the best.

me: Oh. You mean like that movie. I'm not.

Security: Yeah, Tokyo Drift!

me: ....

Security: Yeah, my girl's been doing it for a while.

me: really.

Security: Yeah, she's been sliding around the mall parking structure near our house for a year now.


Security: and now that the movie's come out, she's been teaching alot of people how to do it.

me::eek3d: :eek3d:

Security: I rode with her once, there isn't as much to drifting as I thought, she just goes really fast, and yanks the e-brake and spins around.

me::eek3d: :duh:

Security: I'm not really doin it though, I'm more of a street racer.
You should come out to the parking structure, and I'll tell them that the DK will show you how it's done!

me: Um, no thanks, I just drift on the track.

Security:Oh..... Hey, are you gonna drift in this parking lot?

me: I really have to go.

Security: later DK.

now everyone at that bank thinks I'm some crazy illegal street drifter.:rl:

07-21-2006, 11:41 AM
you guys think you have it bad... im a chick with a s14... so the usual is:

1. are you from drifting pretty?
NO! (no offense to the drifting pretty girls)

2. is it your boyfriends car?

3. wanna sell it? (ofcourse thats a normal one)

4. my friend can get you a sr20 and do all the work for pretty cheap, interested?
THANKS but no thanks! XS Built and Tuned.

5. wanna race?
i think to myself im rockin 411 to the wheels and say "HAHA, maybe if you had something worth it"

6. dont be a bitch!
Naw im just an asshole chick with a faster car then you, so i think that makes you the bitch hehe

oh and although its older then jesus "HEY YOUR CAR IS STILL ON" is still funny all the time.

07-21-2006, 11:56 AM
Thats hilarious as shit Yuri. I get a kick out of people who think drifting is all in the ebrake. I was in Wally World (Walmart) reading Turbo Mag and over heard this:

Girl1: I want to learn how to drift
Gril2: Whats that?
Girl1: You know, that they do in Tokyo Drift
Girl2: Oh Ok.
Girl1: Its pretty easy
Girl2: How do you do it?
Girl1: All you have to do is go fast and pull the ebrake :duh: :rl: :axe:

I laughed my ass off and walked by them shaking my head. I would give anything to see her try it. *a

07-21-2006, 05:06 PM
yesterday at autozone, chick is resetting my CEL, she has the thing plugged in and she is fumbling with it for a minute or two, then gets a blank look on her face. I ask whats wrong with it, she is like "what kind of chevy is this?" :eek2:

and the most usual for me, "that jdm front end looks hella mad tyte y0" (stock usdm kouki, no front lip)

some kid at my work "that thing got a twin turbo or something right?"

and of course the usual "is it fast?, what u got done, SR right? KA's are gay, blah blah blah usual garbage.

oh and i almost forgot this one....i let my friend use my car to run to the parts store while i went to class (he drives a civic) and his car was out of commision. when he rolls up to the parts department at the honda dealer, some newbie sales rep runs out and stops him in his tracks with questions. dude was like "WHOA how did u import one of those!! z0mg!!!11 its gotta have like 300 hp doesnt it???" and instead of leading him on, my friend was like "its stock, my buddies, i drive a civic, i gotta go..."
that really never happens to me, most people around here have no idea what it is

07-21-2006, 07:02 PM
is it front wheel drive

07-21-2006, 07:45 PM
now everyone at that bank thinks I'm some crazy illegal street drifter.:rl:

all hail the drift king!!

07-22-2006, 12:41 AM
Hail Hail Hail DK LIVES!

07-23-2006, 02:47 AM
1. Your hood's messed up.
2. Your pop-up's broken.
3. Your alignment looks funny.
4. I always get this notice...IS YOUR CAR FOR SALE?

07-23-2006, 10:21 AM
Some numbnut from my cousin's wife side just aksed me "is your 240 fast?", "how does it compare to a Civic?". This came from someone that hydrolocked his Civic from trying to drive to a flooded area with a CAI. The other day when I was at Autozone, some chic told me that she was going to buy an S14 (this is just some random person.)

07-23-2006, 11:28 AM
this is not a dumb question someone asked about my car. But it was another 240 owner i was talking to a gas station. He said he had an rb26 swap in his s14 that was at home. So for about a couple minutes, I could knew he was lying. I finally said what intercooler setup were you running. He goes it's the stock side mount. I was like "wait, gtr's never came with side mounts only frount mounts." And he thought my sr was a ca18det haha. I find it really funny also when people ask what kind of blow off valve I have, I say i don't have one. Then they look at me like why do I even own a turbo car.

07-23-2006, 12:06 PM
is your car for sale? do you drift? drift for me!! and that front end looks weird [s13 silvia front]

07-23-2006, 02:33 PM
Had a funny one just a few days ago.

Stopped at a gas station just to pick up a drink...only open spot was right beside an 89 240 with a "For Sale" on it. The guy was standing right there; so I asked him what he wanted for it (looked stock except for some 17" rims.)

Guy: I'd like to get $9,000
Me: That's ALOT to ask...have you done any work to it?
Guy: It has an SR20 in it!!! You interested?
Me: Can you open the hood. I wanna take a look.
(I wasn't interested...just curious I guess.)
Guy: (Opens his hood to reveal a very stock looking DOHC KA)
Me: That's not an SR20...(I explained what it actually was)
Guy: The guy who sold it to me said it was...at least it's turboed though!
Me: No it isn't.
Guy: What makes you think you know all this anyway?
Me: (Open my hood)...that's an SR20...and that is a turbo.

The conversation went on for about 10 more mins.

The guy was driving around for about 8 months thinking he had a turboed SR20, when all he had was a stock DOHC KA swap.

07-23-2006, 02:40 PM
^i find it hard to believe. do you have that kind of morons in your area? wow

07-23-2006, 03:03 PM
^i find it hard to believe. do you have that kind of morons in your area? wow

Yes...maybe there's something in the water here.

I had a hard time believing what I was hearing, and seeing, myself at first.

07-23-2006, 03:32 PM
some kid looked at my car and said "whoa that car says drift on it" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA little kids

07-23-2006, 04:00 PM
I think "Do you drift?" is a question most posed to me.

"No" is always the answer.

What makes that stupid? It's often asked while I'm standing at the back of the car, and on the trunklid "I don't drift" is written in 2-inch-tall letters.

07-23-2006, 10:41 PM
I was always asked "Does that have one of those SR engines" and the radiator question. I was never snooty about any of the the questions that were asked,haha

07-23-2006, 10:56 PM
Had a funny one just a few days ago.

Stopped at a gas station just to pick up a drink...only open spot was right beside an 89 240 with a "For Sale" on it. The guy was standing right there; so I asked him what he wanted for it (looked stock except for some 17" rims.)

Guy: I'd like to get $9,000
Me: That's ALOT to ask...have you done any work to it?
Guy: It has an SR20 in it!!! You interested?
Me: Can you open the hood. I wanna take a look.
(I wasn't interested...just curious I guess.)
Guy: (Opens his hood to reveal a very stock looking DOHC KA)
Me: That's not an SR20...(I explained what it actually was)
Guy: The guy who sold it to me said it was...at least it's turboed though!
Me: No it isn't.
Guy: What makes you think you know all this anyway?
Me: (Open my hood)...that's an SR20...and that is a turbo.

The conversation went on for about 10 more mins.

The guy was driving around for about 8 months thinking he had a turboed SR20, when all he had was a stock DOHC KA swap.

:owned: :loco: :love: :tweak: :ugh: :coolugh: :keke: :rant2: :hsdance: :hs: :love:

07-23-2006, 11:53 PM
ricer: "nice car!!! you look really fast" *but in an annoying tone*

me: "you wanna go?" *sarcasm i don't street race*

ricer: "hell naw you'll smoke us."

me: "-.-"

*ricer floors it...*

07-24-2006, 01:40 AM
Oh and another my friend got hit on for wearing a D1 hat....

"So you're into drifting huh.... That's sexy.... Can I get your number?"

*Power-auto windows FTW for her*

07-24-2006, 01:47 AM
Morons: Do you drift?

Morons: Damn, it looks fast. Is it a race car?
Me: Its slow.

My Sisters Friend: Nice Lexus!!!!!! (She Gets In)
Me: its a 240. (Me in my head. WTF!!!!!! A Lexus!!!! I Dont Get It!!!!!!)
My Sisters Friend: When did lexus make this model?
Me: (are you serious?) Its a Nissan!!! (I stop to get gas. She walks into the mini mart, and leave with out her.)

Moron walking in front of my house: How can somebody living in this area afford a Skyline?
Me: Its a 240SX!!! (Standing outside my door)
Moron: Whats that?
Me: (I go back inside my house)

Some high school kids rinding bikes: Have you watched Tokyo drift? Did you drift that day? Can you drift like them?

07-24-2006, 02:09 AM
kid: what kinda engine you got?
me: uhh ka
kid: oh.. *looks over to his buddy* yeah truck engine

i get the "do you drift?" also

07-24-2006, 02:10 AM
*annoying kids voices*


*camera zooms outward for a full view of the world*


*voices begin to echo*


*world blows up*..........

C. Senor
07-24-2006, 02:52 AM
lol, i get the "thats an acura right?" i'ma coupe with pop ups

sr and drifting ?'s r always a must for some reson as well.

the thing i always get without fail is while waiting at a red light the people next to me always start creeping up just waiting for the light change all while staring at me, i guess they're trying to tell me that they're faster than me, then i just drop the clutch and leave them behind, with my stock ka-e.

just the other night i went to barnes and nobles, and this riced out focus shows up, he parks next to me and i swear to god this guy just sat and waited till i got back and then when i turned on my car, he turned on his and while i was waiting for my friend to get in (lol tall people struggle to get in my car) and he took off all fast vroom vroom. then he got to a dip and literally went over it at almost 180 degrees, the sad thing was his car was higher than mine and no body kit or anything.lol funny ricers.

07-24-2006, 03:07 AM
the thing i always get without fail is while waiting at a red light the people next to me always start creeping up just waiting for the light change all while staring at me, i guess they're trying to tell me that they're faster than me, then i just drop the clutch and leave them behind, with my stock ka-e.

so ur 110whp car is faster than every car thats done that to u? u must feel like the fastest street racer huh?

that makes me wanna make a "Dumb things nissan owners say?" thread

07-24-2006, 04:45 AM
While at an arcade with kids playing Initial D nearby...
Moron - "What kind of car do you drive?"
Me - "S13 coupe."
Moron - "Oh, a Silvia, thats cool."
Me - "No, not a Silvia. If you want to get tecnical, its a Onevia."
Moron - "Whats a Onevia?"
Me - "An S13 coupe with popup lights."
Moron - "Oh... You should make it a Silvia! That shit is tight!"
Me - "Umm... No thanks."
(Few minutes later...)
Moron - "So, do all your friends drift?"
Me - "Nope."
Moron - "So, you do it by yourself?"
Me - "Umm, no, I don't drift. I prefer grip."
Moron - "But... You drive a 240SX..."
Me - "Yeah, whats your point?"
::Moron walks away::

At work (I work at an auto parts store, so you'd think they'd know this shit)...
Stupid counter-guy - "Hey, is that your Legend out there?"
Me - "There's a Legend out there?"
Stupid counter-guy - "Yeah, the yellow one."
Me - "That's not a Legend. Its a 240SX."
Stupid counter-guy - "Oh shit, really?"
Me - "Yes. You're an idiot."
::counter-guy looks pissed and I walk away::

The most annoying is having people that don't know SHIT about 240's tell me that I should put an SR20 in it...

07-24-2006, 09:27 AM
I had this pleasent little exchange outside the bank:

I'm walking out and the security gaurd comes up to me:

Security: So I hear that you're the DK of the LBC.

me: I'm sorry?

Security: Yeah, the DK. C'mon you know exactly what I'm talking about!

me: ?

Security: DK. Drift King. Everyone tells me your the best.

now everyone at that bank thinks I'm some crazy illegal street drifter.:rl:

:keke: HA HA HA

Maybe now you can rob the bank and get away with it since the gaurd is a loyal subject of "THE KING" ! :bowrofl:

07-24-2006, 11:43 PM
Seing as how drifters, or people who own the car and associate themselves with the crowd, make up such a big portion of the 240 community, I dont think it's a dumb question at all. What are they supposed to think.
Your really calling them stupid for not knowing you well enough to be able to make that judgement. Drag, or grip isnt the 1st thing the comes to mind to most people when they think of 240's. i bet 1/2 of you are lying anyway

07-25-2006, 09:04 AM
The only thing i can think of is .. Most people (if not all).. I ask the person (whom i just met)..

*Compliment the car (if i can)*

You live around here.
Whatdo you have done to it.
You take it to the track? (Notice that that leaves the answer open for any type of motor sport, not specifically one type)
Then i talk a little about my back ground and my car..
If things go well we'll leave on a good note or we might hang out one of these days (Swap info #,AIM name,MSN name,E-mail ,etc.)


I think that's the main thing that bothers most of us... If you don't have anything nice to say or is you don't know what you're talking about (To save yourself from looking like an idiot) then stay quite or give the occassional not/salute/thumbs up/etc. Jesture and be on your way.. I have never seen someone be offended over that..

07-25-2006, 10:11 AM
I can bet at least half of these "stories" here are all made up. Who on earth would say " Get the F*** away from me!" for someone who says "can you drift for me?, nice 2 door camry, etc..." Some i believe but some are just ridiculously made-up.

07-25-2006, 11:07 AM
Not a question but instead a comment.

"Thats just about the sickest car there is!" :loco:

Guy said that about my bone stock 240 while I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for a tow truck because the pivot ball broke. :rofl:

07-25-2006, 11:55 AM
I had a guy say something to the effect of, " Well basicly 240s were made for drifting.". This guy owns a 240, and I have no clue where people come up with this shit. I had a guy the other day(mind you,I'm deployed) whos a Suby owner, say the S15 was made by nissan for drifting. I then told my finacee I have to go. And proceeded to leave her work place, I am 100% clueless as to where these ppl get this info that car manufacturers made any vehicle specifically for drifting.

07-25-2006, 12:26 PM
Not a question but instead a comment.

"Thats just about the sickest car there is!" :loco:

Guy said that about my bone stock 240 while I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for a tow truck because the pivot ball broke. :rofl:

Ha ha ha.. I get that a lot too but they are from little kids that live in my apt complex.. They all think that my car and the 3,000GT(SL) that live there are like pure sports cars...

I was filling up one day and this guy and 2 of his friends come up in a Mazda 6 wagon.. As i get out of the car he says "That's a nice car".. I smile and say "thanks.. I like that one too (Not being sarcastic.. I want of of those for the family car)".. He gets a weird face like I'm joking or something...

I mean i like the way FB's look and S14's but I'm not drooling over any of them (In stock form).. Kinda makes me feel good owning it (Even though it's almost 20 years old and 90% of those comments are from kids 10yrs. old and younger:) )

My neice also likes the FB's.. Everytime she's visiting she reminds me that i said that I'll give her my car when she gets her license (Which keeps slipping out of my mind :P).. It's also the only car she uses when she plays GT4.

07-25-2006, 02:08 PM
(walk into custom exhaust shop)
Guy 1:can I help you?
me:yeah I am looking to get this high flow cat and muffler installed,do you do mandrel bending?
guy 2 walks in: Holy shit thats a clean old datsun z!*points to s13*
guy 1:wow that is a badass datsun...you got that L28 motor?
me:thank you *walks out*.

old guy in parking lot of walmart: "man I thought chevy built the corvette not nissan?"

random kid in prelude circuit city parking lot yelling accross the parking lot: "YOU GOT THAT SR SWAP YET OR STILL HAVE A DAMN TRUCK MOTOR"
me(feeling like an asshole):its a ka24de..
idiot(now walking over to me):wow a what?
me:*walks away*

(at a pool party with uncle)
guy:I have a supercharged foxbody...
me: yeah I have a 240sx and an integra
guy:WOW what do you think of that rotary engine!?

I have gotten alot of the classic "do you drift" and etc too.

I've gotten "nice prelude" in my integra once before,too.

EDIT:apparently somebody thinks I'm a "liar" ..I just got a neg rep. So there is 240 owning idiots even on zilvia . net...

07-25-2006, 03:20 PM
Today I was at a SEMA pre-production measuring session. My S13.4 was parked right outside the door, and while I was measuring brakes on a new ford vehicle, two head SEMA guys were checking out my car and chatting over it. They were older middle-aged guys, and were going on about how cool my frenched gas door was before they realized it was that way because the widebody. I ended up talking with them, and they were both really impressed with my car, even though all they knew about it at first glance was that it was a Nissan. I thought it was really neat that these cool older guys would get so excited over a Nissan 240SX, and came up to me during the session several times to ask me questions and tell me how cool it was. It really made my day, I take compliments for what they are.

Ignorant or not, when someone compliments you on your car, it's usually because they like it and want you to know, so think about that before you act like an :mrmeph:

07-25-2006, 06:59 PM
Haha thats a good point about the complimenting...but usually if something like that happens my first reaction is "GODDAMN IDIOT GO AWAY :rl:

07-25-2006, 10:47 PM
Seing as how drifters, or people who own the car and associate themselves with the crowd, make up such a big portion of the 240 community, I dont think it's a dumb question at all. What are they supposed to think.
Your really calling them stupid for not knowing you well enough to be able to make that judgement. Drag, or grip isnt the 1st thing the comes to mind to most people when they think of 240's.

They're supposed to THINK, not assume.

I've talked to many people who seem to think that 240s are only good for drifting. I change the minds of people at the track but there's only so many people I can convert at a time.

Milk and peanut butter makes a delicious and protein-packed smoothie.

07-26-2006, 01:41 AM
Why dont you get a sr?

07-26-2006, 09:56 AM
Seing as how drifters, or people who own the car and associate themselves with the crowd, make up such a big portion of the 240 community, I dont think it's a dumb question at all. What are they supposed to think.
Your really calling them stupid for not knowing you well enough to be able to make that judgement. Drag, or grip isnt the 1st thing the comes to mind to most people when they think of 240's. i bet 1/2 of you are lying anyway

You don't have a 240 anymore, yet all I ever see is you coming into different threads, trying to be world police, and defend the people that do not have a precense on the board.

Trust me, no one is going to change their opinion, because YOU said something.

Cut it out.

07-26-2006, 10:16 AM
haha ever since i started to work at the theaters when people ask what car i drive and i respond w/ a 240... lol they always follow with so do you drift and then follows with a question about fast and furious

07-26-2006, 10:45 AM
I'm used to the freeway flybys, people tailing me and kids in their imports
staring - that stuff doesn't bother me too much and usually I just ignore it.
I get the 'Do you drift?' question whenever people talk to me.

A while back I was having problems. Car wouldn't start when warn - turned
out TPS plug was loose - and left me stranded at Pep Boys.
I ask an older latin guy driving a beat up pick up truck for a jump.
Typical guy from the neighborhood - mustached, thick accent, etc.
He agrees to help me and whips out his battery jumper. He sees the SR and starts
talking about his cousin's 240... how he's got the same engine but it's a
couple with Silvia front and so on.

That's the day when it really dawned on me just how popular/played-out 240s are when
even a guy that can hardly speak English knows about SRs, Silvias, etc.

the head
07-26-2006, 10:56 AM
The compliments (which are few given that my car looks like ass) are welcomed no matter ho ignorant they are

the issues i have are with other statments

from the stree racer kids "they say that if you add some bolt ons to the SR it can lay down mad tyte 1/4 mile times yo!" and "everyone says you should do the SR swap because it makes the car hella faster!"
I have an SR swap but that is not really the point I just want to know who the hell "they" and "everyone" are and why these omnipetent beings have decreed modifications that should be done to MY car I am really thinking of getting a sticker made for my bumper that just says "don't listen to they"

I also hate anyone that says "well you should do this or that to your car" end yourselves! if you want to see that done you do it cuz I think its stupid.

C. Senor
07-26-2006, 07:02 PM
so ur 110whp car is faster than every car thats done that to u? u must feel like the fastest street racer huh?

that makes me wanna make a "Dumb things nissan owners say?" thread

LOL..hold on i'm still laughin...i'm not a street racer...i havent been to a street race in about 5 years so thats that. and the only cars that do that to me are civic dx's. please my car looks so stock no one with anything worth racing wants to race me. cuz i've raced my buddies da integra and he beat, so i know i'm definetly not the fastest.

lol u can add the ""dumb things nissan owners say"" to your own list....chuckle

07-27-2006, 12:37 AM
"240zx" nuff said

07-27-2006, 01:11 AM
that thing gotta hemi?!?!

07-27-2006, 01:35 AM
Ok u kno what this thread is getting out of hand. For those who get "got an sr" why are you so offended? What offends you? Why are you offended by people thinking you have a fast car? Why do you guys take so much pride in owning 2k cars. Whocares if they think your sr or you drift? You wanna know why you tell them you dont drift? Because one either you cant and are too inexperienced to or two your too poor to do it and cant afford what it cost to do that fun sport. Stop being so uptight about your cars, because all of you know youd love to own a S15 or a fully built s-chassis period.

07-27-2006, 01:41 AM
240s suck. im gettin a hachi so people will ask if i deliver tofu.

07-27-2006, 03:24 AM
Is that a prelude.
Do you drift
Does it have torque-steer with the lsd?

07-27-2006, 08:18 AM
That's the day when it really dawned on me just how popular/played-out 240s are when
even a guy that can hardly speak English knows about SRs, Silvias, etc.
dude your post is way off.....

lots of people living in Japan know more than we will ever know about silvias/ sr20's and they know very little if any english :keke:

07-27-2006, 09:37 AM
Ok u kno what this thread is getting out of hand. For those who get "got an sr" why are you so offended? What offends you? Why are you offended by people thinking you have a fast car? Why do you guys take so much pride in owning 2k cars. Whocares if they think your sr or you drift? You wanna know why you tell them you dont drift? Because one either you cant and are too inexperienced to or two your too poor to do it and cant afford what it cost to do that fun sport. Stop being so uptight about your cars, because all of you know youd love to own a S15 or a fully built s-chassis period.

maybe people say they don't drift because they don't. plain and simple

08-03-2006, 01:24 PM
Ok u kno what this thread is getting out of hand. For those who get "got an sr" why are you so offended? What offends you? Why are you offended by people thinking you have a fast car? Why do you guys take so much pride in owning 2k cars. Whocares if they think your sr or you drift? You wanna know why you tell them you dont drift? Because one either you cant and are too inexperienced to or two your too poor to do it and cant afford what it cost to do that fun sport. Stop being so uptight about your cars, because all of you know youd love to own a S15 or a fully built s-chassis period.

got asked one time, ok, 2,3,4,5-10 times, i can still take it, but if u just got asked by every dumbass kid on this question everywhere, (note: they dont even know what is SR, they just think SR is the strongest engine in the world, some even think SR is a 6 cylinder) you will really get annoyed. i didnt hate it so much, i just dun like the way ppl think. and yes i got an SR so what? isnt it just a car? but do i drift? no!

btw... i just got this fresh off the oven
i was tryin take some picture on my car for wallpaper, a guy walked by
Guy: is it 4 cylinder or 6
me: 4
Guy: (a little disappoint)...oh... it got ...good gas milage..
me: ......
again i didnt hate it, just get a lil annoyed og ppl's ignorance and misjudgement

08-03-2006, 03:59 PM
Ok u kno what this thread is getting out of hand. For those who get "got an sr" why are you so offended? What offends you? Why are you offended by people thinking you have a fast car?

An SR is associated with having a fast car? :keke:

Hahaha, I'm just messin'.

08-03-2006, 05:34 PM
I live in such a small town that Ive never been asked if it has an sr or not by anybody except another 240 owner. Even then it wasnt the first thing he asked but if I was ka-t. Theres only two fast imports around here besides mine which is just quick. Mostly domestics around here but the supra destroys all of them.

08-03-2006, 06:40 PM
At the gas station the other night.
some guy: "wow nice car, i'm trying to find one like it"
me: "yea it's alright, good luck"
some guy: "Do you have an h22 swap?"
me: "....??"
some guy: "yea, isn't your car a honda prelude?"

08-04-2006, 11:05 AM
Only question I ever get is "Is that the N/A SR?"

Usually followed with "are you going to turbo it"

Oy vay.

the head
08-04-2006, 11:31 AM
Ok u kno what this thread is getting out of hand. For those who get "got an sr" why are you so offended? What offends you? Why are you offended by people thinking you have a fast car? Why do you guys take so much pride in owning 2k cars. Whocares if they think your sr or you drift? You wanna know why you tell them you dont drift? Because one either you cant and are too inexperienced to or two your too poor to do it and cant afford what it cost to do that fun sport. Stop being so uptight about your cars, because all of you know youd love to own a S15 or a fully built s-chassis period.

congrats noob you said your piece...you didn't change our minds and we will still bitch about your friends asking us dumb questions...and actually there are quite a few people with S chassis that don't drift and have competition race licences and shit which tells me three things 1. they have a lot of skill 2. they have a decent amount of money because campaigaing a car like this is not cheap and 3. you are a complete idiot

Sorry drift king but just because you want to have morons bothering you all the time does not me we do.

08-04-2006, 03:29 PM
congrats noob you said your piece...you didn't change our minds and we will still bitch about your friends asking us dumb questions...and actually there are quite a few people with S chassis that don't drift and have competition race licences and shit which tells me three things 1. they have a lot of skill 2. they have a decent amount of money because campaigaing a car like this is not cheap and 3. you are a complete idiot

Sorry drift king but just because you want to have morons bothering you all the time does not me we do.

wtf was that all about? anyway Ill give you an example, my friend recently associated himself with a "new" crowd of peers. They were in a "fixed up" corolla, no not ae86 but the new 2004 corollas. The guys in the backseat saw my car and said

"whoa do you drift that???"

I smiled and laughed a little, I knew exactly what they were thinking but I wasnt going to be an asshole about it, because I have no idea who these guys are and dont know what else they know about life besides cars.

"nah man I dont drift, and right now its an auto"

"wow are you serious!? auto, well thats cool man I want a 240 too"

turns out the guys are pretty cool other than their car hobby. Anyway point is theres no reason to automatically be an asshole to someone you dont know, they probably just suck at knowing or being as "leet" as you about cars! :bigok:

08-15-2006, 03:23 PM
No I got one for most of you guys (well at least the ones drifting)

"Why dont you ever buy a car that runs or at least runs properly?"


08-15-2006, 04:30 PM
since i'm a girl the best ones are...

'is that your car?' (this is my favorite question on myspace. its like why would i post like 4 or 5 pics of someone else's car?)
'did you fix it up yourself or did your boyfriend do it for you?' (that's a fucked up question. that's just being ignorant. i think its funny when ppl come up to my bf at the track and ask him if he's driving today and he says 'no' then points at me and says 'but she is.')
'do you drift?'

08-15-2006, 08:14 PM
I went to Kroger at around 1am one night to pick up some ice cream for the girl that was with me. One of the night shift guys says to me as I'm walking out "Nice car, what is that....a Suburu".....I didn't know how to come back except with "Thanks, it's a Nissan"...as I was sort of laughing while I was saying it.

08-15-2006, 11:06 PM
dude your cars still running
Oh, i thought it was front drive
My boss with 520 whp 69' camaro: why dont you just buy a chevy?

08-15-2006, 11:26 PM
dude your cars still running
Oh, i thought it was front drive
My boss with 520 whp 69' camaro: why dont you just buy a chevy?


I'd sell my car 40 times for a '67-'69 camaro. 520 to boot. oh man

why the fuck DIDN'T you buy a chevy lmao

08-15-2006, 11:32 PM
i was at my college signing up for classes a couple weeks ago and was told by some girl that i should convert my car to a skyline and that she wanted to hook her olds station wagon up with a turbocharger, and then some honda kid asked if my car was front wheel drive

08-16-2006, 12:05 AM
hahahah lol everything on this thread is funny hahaha lol.

few weeks ago i seen some kids putting new fenders on thier cars testing how fast thier caus is. i showed them my sr then tis kid ask is that a skyline motor hahaha lol stupid kid. hahahaha lol

08-16-2006, 12:19 AM
I was at best buy the other day, dude starts running up to me as I:m leaving...

dude: hey,hey,HEY,HEYY!!!!, that shit is sick as fuck
me: thanks
dude: can you do a little something for me? (I guess he meant a little drift or something....)
me: ??huh ok

the dude is just standing in the middle of the road in front of best buy waiting for me to do somethin..I just leave casually.

Then at a local meet. a little kid comes up and see my interior ( which is camo'ed out) and says....

"It's like the army in there." lol

08-17-2006, 04:36 PM
i think the worst i had was "if mine was a s13 of a 180sx?"

08-17-2006, 06:40 PM
^ lol sounds like they had just enough knowlage to look like noobies :keke:

08-17-2006, 11:04 PM
what year is that accord? <<CRX owner, who then proceeded to ask me where he could get a B18C swap for his car

08-18-2006, 02:05 AM
How I made my wheels "stick out like that?" My rears are like 2in. past the fender.

08-18-2006, 01:08 PM
i have an sr and i drift.... but no one ever asked me a question except can i see you license and registration

got way funnier quesitons when i had a FC

08-18-2006, 05:29 PM
i used to get asked about my HUD all the time til it went out :) people would be like that came stock? hahah in an 89? damn...

i always get asked if im gonna be getting a silvia front and im like no...then they ask me if i have the skyline motor and im like no its from a silvia..then theyre like omg the s15 is sooo sick. im like no its from this car and s13 in japan , then theyre like no way they made this car in japan? then i saw where do u think the front end comes from. then they shut up and walk away

08-19-2006, 05:56 AM
when i had my 91 coupe everyone and their mommas would always ask me about the HUD.

08-19-2006, 06:00 AM
girl from work: where do you take your car to get fixed? i need new belts for my car.
me: i take my car to a specialist.
girl: you take that piece of shit to a specialist?
me: hey! have you seen what i have under the hood?
girl: no i've seen the outside and it's a pos.


08-20-2006, 04:29 PM
It's kind of funny to me because I have a s12 but I get "Is that a hatchi" all the time. Alot of the Corolla drifters yell out go toyota power.

08-20-2006, 04:40 PM
the comment cool silvia does it have an RB--I live in the US, my cars a fastback, and no

08-20-2006, 05:13 PM
Theres this guy that sometimes hangs out around my building. So im sitting there working on my car, he comes up asking me if i got an engine for that "thing" yet. Im like ya its out at my uncles i still have to tow my car out and drop it in. He goes, ya i have a friend who has the same car the uhh.. 300z or w/e. I ask "The 300zx"? He rambleson yea, the 300 zx, i go this is a 240sx not a 300zx, and he still rambled on how his friend has the same car. I just said im busy and i dont have time to talk. And i left to napa to get blinker bulbs lol.

08-20-2006, 05:49 PM
i have an sr and i drift.... but no one ever asked me a question except can i see you license and registration

got way funnier quesitons when i had a FC

LOL? LPD? Bad boy bad boy watcha gonna do when they come for you...lol. Sorry that made me laugh.

08-20-2006, 08:15 PM
This is from guy putting it on emission tester

Me: Dude thats backwards (frontwheels on the spinner thingy)
Him: You sure
Me: Yep
Him: You sure its not AWD
Me: lmao its RWD

08-21-2006, 11:49 AM
I figure I answer yes to almost any question now even if it not true

sr? yes (I don't have one)
drift? yes ( I don't I drag)
is that a silvia ? yes
fast? yes
slow? yes

help please these guys. No use explaing what the diff between 180sx/silvia/240sx. It help keep them from spread even more false info and you would know who is really a 240sx owner when they ask the right question.

08-21-2006, 06:09 PM
I never got "do you drift?"
Untill I was hardparking at HIN this weekend.
Up until then it was always "How long have you been drifting?"

But at HIN, I was asked "do you drift?" all the time, and I swear that someone's head was going to explode each time I said yes.

Best question ever was "Why did you enter HIN with a bent rim?"
My answer: "My buddy and I wanted to see what HIN was all about and entering a car was cheaper than buying tickets."

08-30-2006, 03:51 PM
^~~ Nice Yuri. I got a couple brainbusters last week.

"Were all 240's FWD???"

I got a sticker on my driver's quarter glass to answer all these questions. Yet assholes still ask. My sticker reads:

"No it's not a Silvia, No, I dont have a SR and No I dont Drift"

Pulled into a Sheets to get gas. Guy facing my driverside door yells out from a Maxima,

"Do you drift?"

I shook my head and said, "Whats that?"

He then preceded to tell me he Drifts his CR-X instead of SCCA-ing it since it slides better???? WTF???

People these days. *a

08-30-2006, 04:12 PM
No I got one for most of you guys (well at least the ones drifting)

"Why dont you ever buy a car that runs or at least runs properly?"


Glad I am not the only one who gets that. My family gives me shit about it all the time. *a

08-30-2006, 04:21 PM
I get the same questions as everyone else, i just tell them that I am too broke to drift.

But here is the odd thing. I can be on the opposite side of a parking lot away from every building, I open up my hood to check my oil or do something... and out of no where a crowd with form. And then the first question comes

Is it an SR? .... yes... (somtimes I'll say no to throw them off)

Does it have turbo? No... (although my plug cover says INTERCOOLER TURBO they still feel the need to ask... so i tell the illiterate child no)

Do you drift? Why yes... with my shitty tires, open diff. (before I got my LSD), shitty springs, and blown shocks.

Are you any good? Yes... I started when I was 8. They created initial d after me.

And then another common question: Why do you spend all your money on that?

08-31-2006, 12:00 PM
I've got some pretty bad questions in the past...but this one takes the cake...

Dude in a S14 pulls up to me at a signal:

Dude: Nice car man!
Me: Thanks dude, you too, that S14 looks pretty sick.
Dude: S14? HAHAHAHA! What the fuck man, I drive a 240, not a S14!
Me: :duh:
Dude: Peace brah
Me: :smash:

Ever since my car's stock KA24E ate a piston ring, and started with the piston slap/sounding like DEATH from a mile away, I've been getting some ridiculous questions from 240 owners!

"Dude, your car is dying! Get it fixed!"
Yeah, thanks. I know.

08-31-2006, 12:08 PM
Is that thing set up for drift?
Is that a girl's car?

08-31-2006, 04:43 PM
u guys either live in some isolated ass areas where theres NOTHING to do or are being really ridiculous because I dont get ANY kind of questions like that

Orly? Yarly.
08-31-2006, 05:09 PM
"What is that?"
"Will I get hepatitis if I touch it?"

Hepatitis. What the hell. It's just an old car, not Paris Hilton.

08-31-2006, 06:19 PM
u guys either live in some isolated ass areas where theres NOTHING to do or are being really ridiculous because I dont get ANY kind of questions like that

sell somethign related to a 240sx to someone on craigslist or even from here but meet them in person. Also drive your 240sx to them, 80% you will get , do you drift. Trust me.

08-31-2006, 06:27 PM
"Have you ever had sex in that thing?"

"Yes, yes i have"

09-02-2006, 02:58 PM
The only questions I get are in regards to why I took out most of my interior and wondering if my headlights are broken.

09-05-2006, 11:41 PM
Here is my story.

There is a hillbilly domestic family down the street where I live. Usually have 3 or 4 cars in the driveway jacked up. I try to ignore them. They do burnouts in front of my house.

One day I was doing a brake job, one of them pull and yells "Your 240 s x SUCKS!" and drives off. I can tell he is just reading the trunk.


This with my 65 Buick Riviera in plain sight in my garage.

09-06-2006, 08:26 AM
u guys either live in some isolated ass areas where theres NOTHING to do or are being really ridiculous because I dont get ANY kind of questions like that

really? you've never got that question before and we're from the same area?

10-18-2006, 09:50 PM
dude. this thread is too long. i read the first page, and im done lol

10-18-2006, 10:45 PM
You revived my thread for that.

I applaud you.

10-19-2006, 04:45 AM
u guys got some pretty funny stories . . i would like to share my story

so one day my friend was taking me home in his fastback and this is what happened:

the guy: pulled up next to my friend's car on the right side with riced out to the max E36 bmw and he said "wanna run????"
me: since he pulled up right on the passenger side . . i responded "nah man your car is too fast. . you got VTEC???" as i tryin not to laugh at his "POWER BY MUGEN" sticker on his rear left quarter panel
the guy: whats that????

then he tooked off with his really loud ebay "DTM style" exhaust

me and my friend was like " err . . hahahahahahahahahhaahah"

sorry for the lack of details but that bmw has like 16 inch chromes and like street fighter front bumper and black widow side skirts or whatever the import tuner magazines people called them hahahah

10-19-2006, 06:08 AM
Guy that used to sit in fronta me at work:
"You should let me drive your car one day, I'm trying to get into drifting sometime soon"

... I moved to a new seat, I got tired of trying to talk cars with a brick wall.

10-19-2006, 06:58 AM
Priceless e-mails that I have.

Hi Amanda,
When we first looked at all the pictures, there was not one from the direct rear view but more from the side. It is not very important but if you can take this view, plus we would like picture of engine with hood open. We noticed on front views that there is a gap between hood and fender? We ask a local body shop how much it would cost to fix it and they said it's around $900. And one final question, why is it listed as for off-road use only if it's not a truck/suv?
We just don't want to make the trip to GJ just to be disappointed.


*/Amanda Strauss <[email protected]>/* wrote:

Omg the 240sx is an FR.

10-19-2006, 04:55 PM
hahaha good one . .

Drift Motion
10-19-2006, 05:43 PM
ppl ask me the most is "do you drift?"

10-19-2006, 05:56 PM
I had to go measure some brakes at a Jeep dealership, and as soon as I pull up in my S13.4, a sales guy runs out, and says "You gonna sell me this car?"
"um. No."
"I bet you drift this thing, huh?"
"Man, I see that on TV all the time, it looks insane. So can I get you into a new car today?"
"I'm happy with this and my Mitsubishi Evo, thanks."

Earlier the same day, some guys were checking out my car, and started to ask me how to "start the drift"
They then looked at my car, and were like " Yeah, this is pimp, drifting ain't no car show, but this is pimp."
One of them then looked at my bumper, with it's scrape, and goes "You keeps it reals, dawg."
This was coming from a white guy in his late thirties.

10-19-2006, 06:06 PM
oh gawd, Yah i got the same thing, I went to get some cough sirup or something late night a while ago, and my bumper was super busted ass, and the same thing happend, a couple of kids chking it out, like damn see that, he drifts his car....

i guess according to the theory, alot of busted ass cars "drift" too

10-19-2006, 06:21 PM
See...i sold my car last week. Im not gonna lie but i do miss the POS. I mean you drive a car that puts down 310whp and you will miss it.

But after reading this thread....i dont quite miss it that much anymore

A Spec Products
10-19-2006, 06:30 PM
"How come you don't have an SR?"

"Oh this thing has a stock KA?"

Both make my blood boil. Especially since those who ask usually drive around a busted POS.

10-19-2006, 06:48 PM
haha, I loved being asked "Why don;t you have an SR or turbo" I just reply, because I dont want one right now.

10-19-2006, 08:39 PM
atleast you dont get "do you watch inital D"

10-20-2006, 12:24 AM
haha, I loved being asked "Why don;t you have an SR or turbo" I just reply, because I dont want one right now.
I have found, over thr past few years, that the most effective answer to "do you have an SR?" is a confrontational "why?" and REMEMBER, tone of voice is everything, the "why" has to make them full aware that you do not desire one and they must realize how they have now painted themselves into the corner of still having to try to explain why you should want one.

... I LOVE how that spot I put them into ends a conversation.

10-20-2006, 01:25 AM
how about "do you faint drift or e-brake????" . . i responded "so how many time did u watched DRIFT BIBLE . . " hahahahahah

Id RaThEr DrIfT
10-20-2006, 01:46 AM
okay this i get asked or told alll the time ....

1.why are u putting so much money into that old as car?
remind u most of the time thats someone that owns a civic and thinks there car is worth 10 times what mine is just cause its an ex and hav a tv in it
2. a G35 owner = looks at me and my car while getting into it/ opening it hey nice car, im like o thanx ... g35 owner= so is that thing like rwd???:ughug:
so im like okay .... yea it is .....
3. do u drift? Me= nope dont know how
4.some guys that live around the block always look at my car and sometime hear my bov well when i had one ... and then come by when im workin on it ... them all ready have heard my bov... seeing the big ass fmic, still having the middle sign that said intercooler turbo ask me so are u ever gonna get turbo on this thing:blah: lol i respond:o wait a sec i just look at them and turn around ... remind u there like 3 years older than me ....
5. when i had a fast back with (sleepy eyes) are ur head lights broken?
6.everyone has asked me do u have an SR?
7.dammm how does ur car do that bad ass sheewhjhgrewfhgqwrkef sound?
8.so how fast is ur car? is it fast?

10-20-2006, 09:04 AM
autozone employee: "dude is that a prelude? I had a 4th gen prelude"
*if you had one wouldn't you be able to distinguish one instead of confusing it with another?*

me: "uh.... no.... it's a 240"

autozone employee: "whoa that's a lexus?"

me: "no it's a nissan"
*guy starts to ramble and my friend and i just walk away... as fast as possible*

10-20-2006, 11:28 PM
stopped by Starbucks for my dose caffeine. 2 guys stopped me on the way out:

guy1: "dood that's a hot looking jdm conversion"
me: smiled - uhuh, thanks.
guy2: "damn daaaawg, that's a tight-a** jdm integra conversion!!!"
me: *oh boy!! - I was going to say S15 front-end conversion but....nevermind....I smiled....walked quickly to my car and did not look back*

Red Square
10-21-2006, 08:37 PM
350z guy: Are those wheels bigger than mine. how the hell did you fit those.

Me: Pleasezz!!!!!

10-21-2006, 10:19 PM
friend with a chevy: that little car is rear wheel drive?!?!?
random guy: do u drift??? ( i have a big yellow SEDA sticker on my car)
mom: what front end is that??

my friend thinks that auto zone carries s13 silvia headlights so he asked the guy "how much are s13 silvia triple projector headlights" autozone guy " s13 headlights............whats a s13 silvia"
i love screwing around with random people

10-21-2006, 10:51 PM
Priceless e-mails that I have.

Hi Amanda,
When we first looked at all the pictures, there was not one from the direct rear view but more from the side. It is not very important but if you can take this view, plus we would like picture of engine with hood open. We noticed on front views that there is a gap between hood and fender? We ask a local body shop how much it would cost to fix it and they said it's around $900. And one final question, why is it listed as for off-road use only if it's not a truck/suv?
We just don't want to make the trip to GJ just to be disappointed.


*/Amanda Strauss <[email protected]>/* wrote:

Omg the 240sx is an FR.
In case you didn't know... That email is from a scammer. I got a very very similar email a few months back. My reply... "WTF? I'm not even selling my car. And yes, its rear wheel drive."
Stupid scammers.