View Full Version : good cell phone around 100 that i can get on ebay...

09-09-2005, 05:35 PM
Any suggestions? my t720's screen finally took a dump.. Lookin for somethin around 100.. to work with cingular or unlocked.. WHats a good phone? I havent been keepin up with technology, just need a good budget phone thats sstill pretty pimp..

09-09-2005, 05:52 PM
Call them and bitch and moan saying your gonna switch unless they get ya a new phone. My friends done it twice, its at least worth a try.

09-09-2005, 06:48 PM
GSM? Cause you have a lot of options then.

09-09-2005, 07:15 PM
yah GSM..
hehe i tried callin them about the broken phone.. well i had AT&T and cingular took over, so we woulda had to sign a new contract to get a new phone.. otherwise they wouldnt do anything..

09-09-2005, 07:49 PM
Just search for "GSM Unlocked" on ebay. Be a pimp and get yourself a black razor.

09-09-2005, 08:00 PM
If you want to stick w/ Motorola, you should get the V220. Its a basic flip phone with all the same functions as the T720 and it has a camera.

Clearly S14DB, you did not read Hypertek's post. He stated that he had a budget of $100 and you post a reply telling him to pick up a black RAZR V3 which runs $200+. Way to go! Besides, the RAZR V3 is a piece of shit phone anyways. Its best feature is the it's thin body.

09-09-2005, 08:36 PM
Motorola mpx200 any good? unlocked ones on ebay are pretty cheap..

I guess i dont really need all those camara features etc..

09-09-2005, 09:05 PM
Clearly S14DB, you did not read Hypertek's post. He stated that he had a budget of $100 and you post a reply telling him to pick up a black RAZR V3 which runs $200+. Way to go! Besides, the RAZR V3 is a piece of shit phone anyways. Its best feature is the it's thin body.

Watch how you speak to a mod. And elaborate on "piece of shit phone". I have one, and it rocks.
When someone bitches about something they don't have, it's because the grapes are sour.

And don't say that it sucks because the camera takes crappy pics. Because, well.. I have a phone. And a camera. When I want quick pics, I use my phone. When I want 7.2mp pics, I use my camera.

09-09-2005, 09:15 PM
By "be a pimp" I meant to hock up some more clams and get the Razor. I'm not stupid enough to think the V3 goes for under $100.

I'm having a hell of a time finding a bluetooth phone for sprint.

09-09-2005, 09:43 PM
The Motorola RAZR V3 sucks because of the following. It does not have expandable memory, the on-board 5 mb chip isn't enough for anything. Its OS interface hasn't changed since the T720. Its camera is piss poor compared to other phones within its price range. Its media player sucks.


09-09-2005, 10:10 PM
What about the Motorola V551... I own one and it seems pretty good! :)

09-09-2005, 11:28 PM
The Motorola RAZR V3 sucks because of the following. It does not have expandable memory, the on-board 5 mb chip isn't enough for anything. Its OS interface hasn't changed since the T720. Its camera is piss poor compared to other phones within its price range. Its media player sucks.

Seriously. My razr takes better pics than whateverthefuck you used to snap that pic. And you're complaining.
What do you want memory for? At 30kb per pic, and 1kb per address... that's 5,000 addys or ~150 pictures. Download the shit off your phone, and clear out people's names that you don't talk to.
OS interface.. whambulance.
Camera. Again, it's a fucking phone. If you want a camera, buy a camera.
Media player? OMG. If you want a media player, the ROKR or iPod should be looked at.

The $200 razr is designed to:
Talk to people. Does extremely well.
Be small and fit in my front pocket. Does so extremely well.
Not have an antenna to poke you in the balls/thigh when you sit down. Check.
Take pics of random stuff. .3mega px is enough for random stuff.
Hold tons of contacts. Check.
Bluetooth for headset and pic downloads. Check.
Look cool. Done.
Still get people to say "Hey. Is that a razr? Can I see it?" (as of last week).

The $200 razr is not designed to:
Replace my $500 Sony 7.2mp camera.
Replace my $250 Apple iPod.
Replace my $400 palm pilot, nor my $2000 Vaio.


09-10-2005, 12:49 PM
I really didnt want to hear about how good/bad the razor is... i know it exisst and woulda just searched google for some reviews on it.. just wanted to get suggestions for a good phone around 100..

im leaning towards the mpx200 now. it has windows on it, and expandible memory..
Anyone try one?

09-10-2005, 01:51 PM
Call them and bitch and moan saying your gonna switch unless they get ya a new phone. My friends done it twice, its at least worth a try.
Your friend is the type of person that causes the prices and policies as it relates to the rest of the customers so fucked up... And why representatives treat customers like shit.

... shoot him

I really didnt want to hear about how good/bad the razor is... i know it exisst and woulda just searched google for some reviews on it.. just wanted to get suggestions for a good phone around 100..

im leaning towards the mpx200 now. it has windows on it, and expandible memory..
Anyone try one?
If you can find the former AT&T Wirless-compatible or an unlocked MPx200, it is a good buy, DO NOT buy an MPx220 until Motorola re-releases it, they had to recall it like 4 times or more for software issues and wound up pulling it from the market a couple months back to fix the problems

09-10-2005, 03:09 PM
IM starting to hate flipup phones for the fact the hinges tend to turn to shit when you accidentally drop em. Yea, its my fault i drop em, but accidents happen. Sometimes you forget, and then "oh shit, my phone!" Blah blah blah. IM diggin more slider phones. Tiny as they may be, it still is pretty cool. Anyone know the reception on those things?

drift freaq
09-10-2005, 03:45 PM
I use a Motorola V620 , has better resolution screen than the Razr. Its Black and very classy looking, has bluetooth. Its a European phone so it is Unlocked and its quad band GSM. The Razr is a repackaged V600. The V620 was the successor to the V600. There is also a V635 but it is larger. My v620 was $200 unlocked around 3 months ago so now you could probably get one for $150 check ebay.

09-10-2005, 10:55 PM
just wait for the new nokia flip phone to come out. supposedly its gonna rock teh partay.

09-11-2005, 10:50 PM
i wouldnt suggest the Motorola mpx200 my friend has it and he complains a lot about it, it's also a big phone.

12-30-2006, 06:10 PM
HAHA jeff, i HATE the RAZR. I had the older razr, got so sick of it. Picked up the Samsung t509s(tmobile), great phone, louder than the razr, better reception (side by side same provider), and its not cliche, not withstanding, i live in LA and everyone here has a razr.

This is definately my next phone.
Sony Ericson K800
K800 (http://www.sonyericsson.com/spg.jsp?cc=global&lc=en&ver=4001&template=pp1_1_1&zone=pp&lm=pp1&pid=10407)

MP3 Player, Flash Memory, 3.2 Megapixle Sony Cybershot camera, and the k800 has video calling (in the 21st century all i wanted was a video phone and a jetpack, so at least i am getting one of them).

This phone is 3g over 1900mhz. By summer 07 TMobile should be broadcasting 3g with video calling support. Tmobile is going to be the LARGEST 3g provider in the county (they spent 13 billion at the FCC's advanced wireless protocall auction compared to cingulars 1.3 billion).

You can pick this phone up for about 320 off of ebay if you snipe/search. As far as an investment this would be the way to go.

Other wise, i have been looking at this NEC Super Slim (import) for gsm.

12-30-2006, 07:41 PM
holy reviving thread batman, lol john, he allready got a new phone since this :keke:

and then I had to one up him, and got a badass pda phone :D

12-30-2006, 07:52 PM
johngriff - Next time look at the date of the first and last post.....

But to be slightly on-topic....the KRZR will be my next phone: http://promo.motorola.com/krazr/index.html

12-30-2006, 08:28 PM
holy snap, i caught up with this thread off another, yeah i really need to double check next time.... jeeeezz

12-30-2006, 09:14 PM
For what it is worth, a friend of mine, when we both quit working for Cingular within 3 weeks of one another, started working for Sony Ericsson.
New exclusive shit FTMFW!
My current is the Sony Ericsson Z710i, never seen it in a store, been using it over 3 months now.
If I HAVE to pay for a phone from here forward, it will MOST LIKELY be Sony Ericsson, but will never EVER be a Motorola.

12-31-2006, 10:16 AM
Motorola = Megan Racing (of phones)

I wanna upgrade to the Sanyo M1.

1gig internal memory!