View Full Version : oh noes da moko got bannoed!

09-08-2005, 06:19 PM
so i'm part of this local houston forum right? i actually went to a meet and had a blast. even got a few compadres out of the deal. really cool guys, most of em. so i'm just doin my thing and inquiring about local shops that might be reputable for a specific need that i have.


it basically starts out like this:

me- hi, can you answer my question or offer a good place to look?

mod- okay, here's this place that doesn't exist that you can consult via a means i didn't list

me- wow, what a completely useless post.

mod- don't take that tone with me

me- what tone? you didn't help

mod- yes i did, here's different search criteria than i originally offered but it counts since its almost the same word and since it almost counts but not really and i can't admit that i made a mistake, thus resolving this stupid conflict, i'm going to allow it to escallate so i can ban you.

me- okay, whatever dude.

so when you kids think our mods are ridiculously defensive go visit some other forums that actually ban you for "arguing with moderator"s.

i met this guy at the meet and i didn't even remember some argument we had on some forum but he had it in his hat waiting, or something.

liggity lame.

09-08-2005, 06:25 PM
if i was u i would hunt him down and spray his grandmothers crib

09-08-2005, 06:25 PM
i bet they a bunch of scronny lil bitches who talk shit and e-thug. loosers

09-08-2005, 06:31 PM
LMAO........gay as mod probably got his lunch took from him at school....lol

09-08-2005, 06:53 PM
i suggest everyone read the facts before saying stupid shit about people they dont even know

im not saying that i agree he should have been banned or talked to so harshly but after reading a few points they made i can see their side of it.

09-08-2005, 06:57 PM
Well, it definately seemed like you were egging him on, by making fun of him in every post after your first initial one.

It also seems like he researched your previous posts, and overall wanted to fight with you about past things that you said. He probably wanted to ban you previously but had no just-cause, but he made it personal. . .

IMO a pinkable offense, not a bannable one.

Just so you all know, I only like Makaki some of the time, but most of the time, no.

09-08-2005, 07:05 PM
That mod was a fuck-tard. I should have registered and backed Makoto up.

09-08-2005, 07:17 PM
It also seems like he researched your previous posts, and overall wanted to fight with you about past things that you said. He probably wanted to ban you previously but had no just-cause, but he made it personal. . .

pinked? i made legitimate points and all that could be said was that i was being getting smart with the mod. the thing is, i wasn't egging him on. if i wanted to piss the guy off i'd do it in a far more creative way than being misunderstood on the interweb.

after the initial "wtf?" post i was giving a halfway effort to defuse the situation but the mod wanted it to continue and knew i wouldn't back down. this dude always takes stuff out of context when talking to me so it really ins't a surprise. i think thats what our last quibble was over too. it really is complete retardation.

it is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.

09-08-2005, 07:31 PM
hmm sounds like a bitch fight to me. you were each tryin to get under the others skin, ho hum diddly dum tho.

09-08-2005, 07:33 PM
haha... i love ethugz

09-08-2005, 07:39 PM
it is better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.
One of those quotes that I like. . .LOL.

09-08-2005, 07:49 PM
I'll take a large order of truth with a side of reality, hold the bullcrap.

Truth- Doug you have an abrasive attitude, and you refuse to back down at all in an argument no matter how petty the topic.

Reality- Not everyone agrees with you, and as a Mod if he felt you were being a nuisance elsewhere in the Forum, then this could have been "The straw that broke the camel's back", and he had every right to Ban you. They likely don't have a PINK feature so a 1 month ban is nothing serious.

Bullcrap- Everyone on Zilvia thinks you were completely innocent and the Mod was way outta line. :D

09-08-2005, 07:52 PM
I thought you already got banned from there?

09-08-2005, 08:32 PM
I'll take a large order of truth with a side of reality, hold the bullcrap.

Truth- Doug you have an abrasive attitude, and you refuse to back down at all in an argument no matter how petty the topic.

yeah, i know and the principle was that i knew that dude was just trying to provoke me and when i didn't blow up like he anticipated they made it seem like i was a jerk eveywhere else in the forum when if you knew the context of the thread he mentioned you'd see everyone was actin' a fool.

the reality is that if that everybody i hang with from that forum knows its bullcrap and if thats how the place is ran i don't want any part of it. just thought you guys would find it funny.

my new favorite quote:

"the only thing I found useful in this thread is that your no different online than in person "

above all things one shoul strive for consistency right?

09-08-2005, 09:19 PM
You dont even want to know what happens when I go on a Sentra forum. They catch on fire with hatred when ever I appear. What they call "the story of TheSnail" spread threw the sentra forums like a varial disease. That was two years ago. And I still go to the sites to watch them catch on fire. I dont say any thing bad, just answer someones question nicely and start the stopwatch, and within seconds haters pop out of no where. They Ban any one who has the word Snail in there user name.

Ritz S14
09-08-2005, 09:24 PM
^WTF? Care to explain o wise one? bhwhaha

09-08-2005, 09:30 PM
This is where it all started from.


Not to hijack makotos thread. I have a crapload of other threads. Even ones from today, lol

09-08-2005, 09:43 PM
Everyone on Zilvia thinks you were completely innocent and the Mod was way outta line. :D

hahaha thats because they dont wannah get pinked like i did

on your first reply "MOKO"..why did u reply like that? it just sounded rude...

09-08-2005, 10:08 PM
i woud have banned you too

09-08-2005, 10:10 PM
Makoto or me? If me, why?

09-08-2005, 10:16 PM
^have u been drinking?


09-08-2005, 10:21 PM
i woud have banned you too

I would ban you matt.

09-08-2005, 10:21 PM
^have u been drinking?

You are NOT kidding... If the day ends in 'y' then snail is most assured drinking.

... and possibly playing with firearms

09-08-2005, 10:23 PM
^have u been drinking?


Just a tad... You made me feel sorry for myself, after I took that picture. But that may be a good thing:)


09-08-2005, 10:25 PM
..Why did you get so upset? He was just suggesting something else.. A few other people even made some negative comments, ie not powdercoating the pulleys. I guess you forgot to go off on them.

Please don't flip out.

09-08-2005, 10:27 PM
looks like that sentra forum has a serious case of lame. 28% drivetrain loss in a FWD 5spd lol they INVENTED fwd because it had less drivetrain loss thus improved fuel economy.

hardy har har.

oh and i don't deny that my initial reponse could be taken badly. i was having a rough day and didn't sugarcoat it. big deal? the guy blew it way out of proportion.

hunter- you don't get it. i wasn't upset. there are like very few things in this world that cause me to get upset over words. this isn't one of them. i tried to explain that it was a misunderstanding but it wouldn't be heard. the guy just kept pushing the issue because he wanted to see it end in me being an "example".

snail- i hear ya. i was "zero" on fastcougar.com when my had my old car. mediocre car with really lame people. complete pussies.

09-08-2005, 11:13 PM
Just a tad... You made me feel sorry for myself, after I took that picture. But that may be a good thing:)

$5 off coupon?

09-08-2005, 11:37 PM
Ive been trying to figure out what you mean by "$5 coupon" for the past 10min. I cant figure it out. Maybe I drank too much to use my brain.

09-08-2005, 11:58 PM
Ive been trying to figure out what you mean by "$5 coupon" for the past 10min. I cant figure it out. Maybe I drank too much to use my brain.
Bud had a big sale over the weekend.

09-09-2005, 12:03 AM
Damn! I wish I new that before buying all those 22's!

09-09-2005, 12:26 AM
Here is one from last month. Welcome to the Haters Ball. Start from page 6, I find it, and reply on page 7 as "The$nail".


09-09-2005, 12:55 AM
wow bud light for the lose </3

09-09-2005, 01:36 AM
Damn we all know dougs an ass. Thats just how it is. Learn to deal with it. Or you can just bann him. But that would take out all the fun!!!

09-09-2005, 01:45 AM
I would miss his newbe ownage and his v8 blabber.

09-09-2005, 02:06 AM
See, you are loved at Zilvia! Domoarigato Mr.Makato!!!!!! But sometimes you are kinda mean. Makes me all sad, and want to cry.

I was also hoping you would get bondo'ed. :wackit:

09-09-2005, 03:06 AM
That is a LOT Of beer...

and that is a FINANCE calculator? eh eh?... did I win anything?

I spy beer bottles..

Drunk Bastard
09-09-2005, 04:39 AM

snail, you and i have agreed that we are the alcholics, i mean Drunks, on this forum. how many nights ( :rolleyes: ) did it take you to drink that many beers?

Drunk Bastard
09-09-2005, 04:42 AM
i count 24+ beers
3 nights worth of HARD-A drinking

my suggestion:
start drinking Jagermeister and chasing it with Coors Lite (or Bud Light) in your case.

believe me bro, thast the shit. when you hit the bars, just order Jager in the bucket with a coors lt. chaser.

09-09-2005, 04:46 AM
and that is a FINANCE calculator? eh eh?... did I win anything?

it's a TI-89 Graphing Calculator...


09-09-2005, 05:29 AM
it's a TI-89 Graphing Calculator...


i got :Owned:

09-09-2005, 08:51 AM
Looks like an 83+ to me.

09-09-2005, 10:03 AM
thats the 83III newest model.

Nothing says pussy like light beer.

09-09-2005, 10:23 AM
Turdz is correct. Its a TI-89

Drunk Bastard- Average 5 22's per night if its Budlight, or 4 24's if its Heineken or Becks. Though the #'s change when the weekend comes around, or tonight:). Its a 300$ per month bad habit, which sucks, but it's so good. I need to stop, and I managed to not drink two nights in the past month, but those were the most boring/depressive/twitching/angered/sleepless nights I’ve had in a while. I learned to just drive my happy ass to the gas station, rather then “try” to cut back. I hate what I love, and it owns me.

09-09-2005, 11:10 AM
VIVE CUERVO!!!!! o yea and our mods kick ass...

09-09-2005, 11:43 AM
i wanna see makoto and olds13 fight.

09-09-2005, 11:49 AM
but i got no beef with mike.

Drunk Bastard
09-09-2005, 01:02 PM
Turdz is correct. Its a TI-89

Drunk Bastard- Average 5 22's per night if its Budlight, or 4 24's if its Heineken or Becks. Though the #'s change when the weekend comes around, or tonight:). Its a 300$ per month bad habit, which sucks, but it's so good. I need to stop, and I managed to not drink two nights in the past month, but those were the most boring/depressive/twitching/angered/sleepless nights I’ve had in a while. I learned to just drive my happy ass to the gas station, rather then “try” to cut back. I hate what I love, and it owns me.

yea $300 a month is real easy to hit when you go to the bars all the time...almost too easy. but yea, i feel ya on the drinkin thing. btw, becks is GREAT beer.

09-09-2005, 01:43 PM
u guys get too shitfaced too often....

09-09-2005, 02:33 PM
300 dollars a month is impossible if you are a local bar man. I can pull up a bar tab of close to 300 dollars a month from only going out once a weekend, shit sucks. Hell, last night I spent about 45 bucks and wasnt even hosed.

09-09-2005, 02:44 PM
Quality over quantity....I'd rather spend more $$$ on a nice bottle of wine that I can enjoy rather than get plastered.

09-09-2005, 04:04 PM
^^^ I guess I'm at the age still where enjoying any alcohol is getting plastered

09-09-2005, 04:13 PM
Quality over quantity....I'd rather spend more $$$ on a nice bottle of wine that I can enjoy rather than get plastered.

I like a nice Merlot. But I normally drink two bottles to be satisfied so I nor have get the 12$ for the 1.5 liter or get 8$ for 5 bruskies. The money is not the main issue, since I treat my self with 5 Becks which is also 12$. It is the fact of waking up with an average of 3hrs during the weekdays. I don’t know what other alcohol is worse for waking up then wine. In the picture you will see a 1.5 liter of wine to the right. That was from Sunday night since I did not buy beer on Saturday. Sitting at 13.5% it was the equivalent of over a pint of Paul Masson, and waking up 2hrs later and having to concentrate on driving an automatic truck to school was one thing, walking to class confuse and thirsty with a headache and looking like a pale zombie was another, being the only person in class shivering from the cold in 70deg temperature was another thing. While if I drink the satisfied amount of bud light, 3hrs later I wake up like a happy little bird.

09-09-2005, 04:29 PM
Merlot.... :ghey:


You're right wine hangovers are probably the worst, but then again the better the wine the less of a hangover...

btw, how did this turn into an alcohol thread?

09-09-2005, 05:14 PM
I like a nice Merlot. But I normally drink two bottles to be satisfied so I nor have get the 12$ for the 1.5 liter or get 8$ for 5 bruskies. The money is not the main issue, since I treat my self with 5 Becks which is also 12$. It is the fact of waking up with an average of 3hrs during the weekdays. I don’t know what other alcohol is worse for waking up then wine. In the picture you will see a 1.5 liter of wine to the right. That was from Sunday night since I did not buy beer on Saturday. Sitting at 13.5% it was the equivalent of over a pint of Paul Masson, and waking up 2hrs later and having to concentrate on driving an automatic truck to school was one thing, walking to class confuse and thirsty with a headache and looking like a pale zombie was another, being the only person in class shivering from the cold in 70deg temperature was another thing. While if I drink the satisfied amount of bud light, 3hrs later I wake up like a happy little bird.

haha!! That almost described exactly what I was going through today! I was aching from Sailor Jerry's rum which is 94 proof and cheap. So harssshhh

09-09-2005, 05:20 PM
how the hell did my excercise in hillarity become a wine tasting hootzba?

09-09-2005, 05:22 PM
cause you have to be drunk to find you funny....

09-09-2005, 10:09 PM
I like a nice Merlot. But I normally drink two bottles to be satisfied so I nor have get the 12$ for the 1.5 liter or get 8$ for 5 bruskies. The money is not the main issue, since I treat my self with 5 Becks which is also 12$. It is the fact of waking up with an average of 3hrs during the weekdays. I don’t know what other alcohol is worse for waking up then wine. In the picture you will see a 1.5 liter of wine to the right. That was from Sunday night since I did not buy beer on Saturday. Sitting at 13.5% it was the equivalent of over a pint of Paul Masson, and waking up 2hrs later and having to concentrate on driving an automatic truck to school was one thing, walking to class confuse and thirsty with a headache and looking like a pale zombie was another, being the only person in class shivering from the cold in 70deg temperature was another thing. While if I drink the satisfied amount of bud light, 3hrs later I wake up like a happy little bird.
There is an alcohol worse to wake up to after having gotten hammered, and that is GIN. That is the piss of Satan himself, I swear. But I agree with you, I am good for 3-5 22's of Yuengling as I sit and abuse people on Zilvia nightly,I have beer worked into my monthly budget, and the man at the store next door to me sells me a case of 15 for 20 bucks, tax included, not that huge a discount, but considering the fact that he will let me pay him back on Fridays on non-pay weeks, the convenience cannot be beaten with a stick.

09-09-2005, 10:26 PM
Damn. I wish we georgia had that kind of hospitality. Since we dont, I've been thinking of buying beer in quantity at Sams Club aswell as buying a mini-fridge for my room. That would probably cut costs to 2/3rds. The only thing I fear, is that I would have 100 bruskies next to me, and would tell my self; "I could go for one more." Making me more of an alki and spending more money. But I will give it a shot, and see how it works out. Yuengling is the oldest beer from the US correct?

09-09-2005, 10:32 PM
you have to watch out at Sam's cause they can rip you off on the booze. Write down the prices you normally pay then go. Cause the big cases car throw you calculations off. You go in and are impressed with the big size but are paying more than buying two cases at publix.

09-09-2005, 10:34 PM
how the hell did my excercise in hillarity become a wine tasting hootzba?

1. Because you aren't funny
2. Because point 1 was established on the first page.

Sometimes you try too hard. This is one of those times.

09-09-2005, 10:39 PM
I did not know that. My friend always criticizes me for going to by singles at the gas station every night, and tells me to go to Sams Club. He is not a drinker, and I have never went to Sams Club before, so I will keep that in mind when I go. Thanks

09-09-2005, 10:46 PM
Damn. I wish we georgia had that kind of hospitality. Since we dont, I've been thinking of buying beer in quantity at Sams Club aswell as buying a mini-fridge for my room. That would probably cut costs to 2/3rds. The only thing I fear, is that I would have 100 bruskies next to me, and would tell my self; "I could go for one more." Making me more of an alki and spending more money. But I will give it a shot, and see how it works out. Yuengling is the oldest beer from the US correct?
I don't think everyone up here is, but Mr. Lee is really cool, and I was the one that called the cops and his house when some kids were trying to break into the back of the store one time at like 1am. I called the cops because my dogs, both of them, were barking, and one was indoors..
... and yes, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. Pottsville, PA 17901, America's oldest brewery and Phillip's beer of choice.

09-09-2005, 10:47 PM
1. Because you aren't funny
2. Because point 1 was established on the first page.

Sometimes you try too hard. This is one of those times.

i'm pretty sure its my thread and you can eat my ballsack if you don't like it shirly.

09-09-2005, 10:52 PM
I did not know that. My friend always criticizes me for going to by singles at the gas station every night, and tells me to go to Sams Club. He is not a drinker, and I have never went to Sams Club before, so I will keep that in mind when I go. Thanks
I have this thing I used to do, I called "beer math," I would figure out the unit cost by comparing the amount of ounces of beer versus the amount paid, then I would decide the least expensive way to get me the most beer... As it stands now, the grocery stores have removed the necessity of this from my beer-buying process, when I have time to GO to the grocery store for beer, since it is not next door to my house, like the convenience store is. Now they actually POST the unit price with damn near every measured item in the store right there with them on the shelves, making such a comparison while shopping a million times easier.

09-09-2005, 10:57 PM
We also have a Yuengling brewery in Tampa which is rather nice. Their lager is delightful and I hate everything else they have