View Full Version : Wireless PC adapters

09-06-2005, 06:50 PM
Ok, so i have a dlink extreeeeeeeeeme g wireless router in my house. It's on the middle floor in the center of the house. I have a pc in my room and another pc in my brothers room next to mine. Im not physically far from the router maybe about 10-13 feet. There are walls in the house but i do not believe they contain metal in them. Anyways I barley get signal and sometimes it will cut in and out of a signal and it pisses me off soo bad. Recently when one of my friends came by, he had his laptop(dell 800m or something) he got a full signal. When im on my laptop i dont get a signal at all! Even when he is outside he gets full signal and i dont.

Whats up with that? all of my adapters are dling extreme g series. Is there something im missing here? it gets really annoying.

09-06-2005, 07:08 PM
Update the firmware. This will be resolved...

09-06-2005, 07:46 PM
I have those same routers, and my sister's room is right next to me. She barely gets any signal, but I plugged my computer directly into the router so I have no problems. She doesn't really need the internet anyways. . .:P

09-06-2005, 08:04 PM
LOL ^^^

Anyways its the newest firmware out on both the router and adapter.

09-06-2005, 08:10 PM
off topic.. i heard one of my friends gets his free internet this way.. says a nieghbor down the street has the wireless router and he just shares it lol.. dunno how good that is.. id think it would end up bein slower..

If i had a lap top tho, id get one so i could roam around the house.

09-06-2005, 09:50 PM
yeah, Ive heard of a block or court doing that. Everyone splits the connection from one router, and a couple of access points. The speeds might suck unless it was a really fast line, 10mbs+. A regular line is about 1.5mbs. Sharing with people will definatly slow down the speed if someone is downloading movies, and whatnot.

There was recently a case though where some guy was "stealing" someone elses internet. He was in the car outside his house and somehow the owner found out and he got charged for something. Its easy to find the article if you search wifi case or something like that.

Edit: found the link http://www.sptimes.com/2005/07/04/State/Wi_Fi_cloaks_a_new_br.shtml

09-07-2005, 06:41 AM
try changing the router's broadcast frequency. other people's routers can interfere with your signal.

09-07-2005, 09:22 AM
I've found the location of the computers adapter is very important. If it is on the ground neer the computer put it higher closer to the monitor if you can. Minimizing visual obstructions from the NIC to the router is important.

09-07-2005, 12:33 PM
i have wireless in my house and yahoo sbc dsl but everytime someone calls, the wierless gets disconnected. i have no problem with a cable to the router. whats up with this?

09-07-2005, 03:00 PM
Ok, so i have a dlink extreeeeeeeeeme g wireless router in my house. It's on the middle floor in the center of the house. I have a pc in my room and another pc in my brothers room next to mine. Im not physically far from the router maybe about 10-13 feet. There are walls in the house but i do not believe they contain metal in them. Anyways I barley get signal and sometimes it will cut in and out of a signal and it pisses me off soo bad. Recently when one of my friends came by, he had his laptop(dell 800m or something) he got a full signal. When im on my laptop i dont get a signal at all! Even when he is outside he gets full signal and i dont.

Whats up with that? all of my adapters are dling extreme g series. Is there something im missing here? it gets really annoying.

From my experience, walls are bad. The best way is to be connected thru the ethernet, wouldn't have to worry about people leeching. Here are some things you can check for.

1. router place in an open space and not on the ground
2. check for other 2.4 GHz things (phones, radio, etc)
3. change to different channel as someone suggested (11, 3 or 1)
4. walk around with you laptop to see at what point signal drops
5. defective adapter

By doing some or all of this should give you a better idea on what's happening with your network.

Good luck.

09-07-2005, 03:06 PM
i have wireless in my house and yahoo sbc dsl but everytime someone calls, the wierless gets disconnected. i have no problem with a cable to the router. whats up with this?

I have the same problem with mine. My Panasonic cordless phone was the problem. It's spread spectrum which likes to cover over and around the 2.4GHz range at default. Get either a 900Mhz or another brand. Vtech is okay for me.

09-07-2005, 04:32 PM
i have a sony cordless phone 2.6ghz, maybe ill try unplugging it and see how it goes.

Another thing is that my router IS on the floor, but i dont think my parents would like people to see a router in their face when the first come in the door, oh well ill see what else can be done.

09-07-2005, 05:40 PM
3. change to different channel as someone suggested (11, 3 or 1)

Where do I look for the channel change thingy?

09-07-2005, 05:47 PM
Where do I look for the channel change thingy?

Well depending on your router, it's probably be under the "wireless" section. I just reread you message of having the same router. I went on the dlink page, for the DI-624 model. You need to click on HOME(top) and WIRELESS(side). I would disable the Super G mode and use the regular G mode until you get it right. The channel is in there as well. Just make sure the setting is the same for both router and adapter card.

09-07-2005, 05:53 PM
i have a sony cordless phone 2.6ghz, maybe ill try unplugging it and see how it goes.

Another thing is that my router IS on the floor, but i dont think my parents would like people to see a router in their face when the first come in the door, oh well ill see what else can be done.

As long as it's not being used when you are connected via wireless it should be okay. Are you sure that you are connected to your router and not someone else's. I've done that several time and wonder why my connection was so bad. My adapter connected to the 1st open router which wasn't mine.

09-08-2005, 11:05 AM
Im sure im connected to my router, its the strongest signal i get in my house. Plus mine is labled with my name and crap.

09-08-2005, 11:29 AM
You probably already tried this, but on my pc I had to keep "repairing" the IP addresses or else my connection would wig out.
It's somewhere in the wireless network properties window, i think....I'm on my friend's mac right now, but when i get my pc back i'll see if i cant tell you where it is better.