View Full Version : o2 sensor signal wire??

09-04-2005, 04:26 PM
Searched and couldn't find anywhere...need to know which is the signal wire on the o2 sensor for a red-top. 3 wires - red, black, and white...I want to assume it's the red one, but want to make sure before I install my a/f gauge. Don't want to blow anything up. Thanks

09-04-2005, 04:29 PM
There's no way u searched. I found it in under a minute. Its the white wire. But for a gauge, tap into signal at the ecu.

09-04-2005, 08:27 PM
The O2 sensor is a 3 pin connector; from left to right, with connector release on top, left black wire is negative, middle white wire is actual O2 signal wire, and right brown wire is power (shared with EAI solenoid and Boost Control/Cut solenoid). As suggested, you can splice/tap at the ECU, which is ECU Pin #19.

09-05-2005, 05:03 PM
Yes...I searched. Maybe not good keywords, but anyway, I know autometer is not exactly the best in the way of accuracy. But...right now, the signal wire to the gauge is tapped off of the white wire right off the o2 sensor wires. The gauge is only reading on the first 2 bars of the lean side and just stays there throughout the whole powerband no matter how open the throttle is or how much I'm boosting. Everything is grounded correctly...now I doubt that autometer is off that much on callibration of the gauge, so could this be a bad o2? What are the symptoms of a bad o2...? I've had my SR in for a few months now and I really thought that it would be more powerful than it feels. Could a bad o2 be the cause of this as well? Thanks

09-05-2005, 05:50 PM
first, the gauge should be connected to the ECU, second they are pretty much useless without a wideband o2...in regards to how fast your car is, what are you comparing it to? what are you specs?

09-05-2005, 09:44 PM
Oh then...My specs are as follows:

sr20det red-top w/ all stock internals and turbo.
3" catback exhaust
All this on california's wonderful 91 octane gas :)
oh, and a cheepo MBC running humbly on about 10psi

Now, I don't think I'm exhaggerating here, but I would think I should be seeing at least 240-50 horsies at the flywheel. I'm comparing this to my dreamcar that I couldn't afford to own anymore...a 93 FD3S which is stock about 255 and a bit lighter as well. And my 240 doesn't even come close to the smile that my rx7 used to put on my face. Also used to have that same autometer a/f gauge in the rx7 that used to work well.

That's about it...thanks

09-05-2005, 10:18 PM
don't waste your time with a narrowband a/f they are crap, spring for a wideband, i love my innovate motorsports one

09-05-2005, 10:36 PM
ok, I'll get the wide band, but after I find out how I know if my o2 is bad and what the symptoms are.....

09-05-2005, 11:17 PM
ok, I'll get the wide band, but after I find out how I know if my o2 is bad and what the symptoms are.....

even if your o2 sensor is bad, it wont effect WOT acceleration. that is in the open loop part of the ecu mapping, as afr's must be way past the rich side of a narrowband sensors scale. dont trust that gauge.

10-04-2005, 05:23 PM
Sorry to hijack...

Okay so connecting an Autometer AF guage is a bad idea. Well I am broke and it's all i got, took it from my old car. I have an FSM that i downloaded, and it says the O2 wire is #19, but other places on here have said the O2 wire is #40 something. Which is right? BTW I have a stock KA24de.
