View Full Version : spun a bearing help??

09-04-2005, 12:14 PM
i spun a bearing before my last drift event...and i was wondering..what would be the best way to deal with...

-find a new bottom end..

-take apart fix the problem..

-buy a new motor..

i have about 600 bucks to work with now..so what am i able to do and whats the best way to get at this...to those who have had this problem and fixed it...

just want to know what people have done thanks!

09-04-2005, 12:36 PM
remove engine, disassemble, replace EVERYTHING you can afford to, especially the cause of the problem, reassemble engine and pray it stays together...
... or get together some more cash and replace EVERYTHING.

*edit* wait, is this a KA? Go to the junkyard and get another one for 400 bux and have some change left over, start a rebuild project with the old one.

09-04-2005, 09:13 PM
If you have to ask this question I would assume a complete teardown is beyond your mechanical ability (as it is most shadetree mechanics).

If you have a KA do like phlip said; buy another one.
If you have an SR, replace the longblock. You should be able to stay within your budget.

09-04-2005, 10:03 PM
thats not true i know someone who replaced his main bearings with the engine still in the car... gotta do it from the bottom... its doable.. but time consuming.. id just swap in a new motor and be done with it..

09-04-2005, 11:47 PM
thats not true i know someone who replaced his main bearings with the engine still in the car... gotta do it from the bottom... its doable.. but time consuming.. id just swap in a new motor and be done with it..

wow... my opinion..... thats just too muck work..... not calling you a liar... just stating my opinion...

first of all... take apart your long block... inspect how bad the damage is using your FSM to tell you how to go about inspecting what is needed... stuff that needs machine work get a price on how much its gonna cost... then go from there........ that wasnt very hard.... id say that was common sense

09-05-2005, 12:07 AM
swap in a new motor bought for 300 bucks 1 weekend at most.... change a bearing from the bottom u need a lift of course...but not needed... but also its not the best idea to do because like u said u gotta make sure each part is in spec.. but its a fix.. temp or not ... IMO.... if my motor was at the end of its life and i just needed it rollin again.. and all it needed was a bearing.. and i had no money... i would switch the bearings... but if i had money and all the time on my hands... i would swap the motor..
= ) happy this should suffice what u wanted anyhow

09-05-2005, 09:20 AM
replacing the bearings from bottom is plain retarded. when bearing gets spun like that it puts mad wear on crank . if you dont repair the surface of the crank from scoring and uneaven wear by polishing or whatever you have to do it wont hold for long time. dont do it half assed you'll be sorry.

09-09-2005, 10:12 PM
yo thanks for all the comments...i decided to pull everything out..replace what i need to replace and surface the crank....but if some one has a long block to sell and i can buy it and switch it that would be alot easier and less hassle!! i have an sr20 and i like the motor pretty good but had alot of problems with the one i had...but a new long block should be fine.. im pretty sure my head is good! so thanks alot guys....

ive done most of the work to my 240 but just dont know shit when it comes to internal work and wanted some opinions from people who had this type of problem before so thanks!

09-09-2005, 10:27 PM
thats not true i know someone who replaced his main bearings with the engine still in the car... gotta do it from the bottom... its doable.. but time consuming.. id just swap in a new motor and be done with it..
He obviously didn't spin the bearings. Cause you have to bore the mains and polish the crank journals. which you can't get to in the car.

09-10-2005, 02:42 AM
db eh delete my post i dont care anymore sorry

09-10-2005, 10:16 AM
If you have to ask this question I would assume a complete teardown is beyond your mechanical ability (as it is most shadetree mechanics).

What is it with this phrase? Why do people like to say that so often? Did you know how to tear down a motor the first time you did it? Have you ever?
I am 100% shadetree and that NEVER stops me from starting a new project. I have a FSM, a bunch of tools, and a place to work. I make mistakes, and have to learn new things as I go, and it usually takes longer than it would most people. But that is how I learn.
So if you have an FSM, good tools, and most importantly: TIME to sit down and do the project right than shadetree or not it doesn't matter.

I say take apart the motor and fix the problem.

Sorry for the O.T. rant.

09-10-2005, 03:04 PM
I have rebulit a few they all have held up. But for the time, effort, margin for error, and money I got to say slapping in a long block for $800 sounds good to me. You could do it all on a Saturday and be on the road.

Most SR importers have several long blocks instock that they stripped sensors off and what not for other motor sets.

Just check the compression before you buy. Slap a tranny and starter on and use a battery to turn the motor over a few times to make sure you get good compression. :hsdance:

09-10-2005, 03:11 PM
Also just a note, I replaced the rod bearings in my KA from the bottom in about 2.5 hours. They lasted for 10k miles then I put in a SR. Just undo the motor mounts and jack the motor up a few inches to give you clearance. $39 and 2.5 hours later I was back on the road. Not the best solution but it worked for a year or so.

Also my crank journals where in perfect shape, probably why mine lasted.