View Full Version : Broken Main Brake Bolts (56k warning)

09-01-2005, 10:04 PM
Ok, so I get around to installing my rotors and pads to hold me over until I get ready to do the big brake conversion. Passenger side goes well, no problems. I get to the driver side and the bolt *WOULD NOT* come loose. I tried everything from liquid wrench to WD-40. I can't even get the bolts to turn a millimeter towards coming loose. After I soaked them in some WD-40 and let it sit for an hour, I come back and try, I get a squeak as the bolt tries to come loose. So I keep trying until SNAP, the bolt breaks and falls to the ground. Anyone out there have an idea as to how I can get the remaining bolts out of the pins?


09-01-2005, 10:06 PM
weld a nut to the end of it?
you could always drill into it and cut a slot, but as far as actually getting it unstuck, you could torch it.

09-01-2005, 11:19 PM
i was thinking even if you can take the remaining of the bolts out how likely will the threads still be good ?

09-01-2005, 11:25 PM
easy out............ u have to drill thru the bolt leavin the sidewall still in tact... then hammer in a easy out and remove it... i doubt torching it would do anything... best bet if the easy out doesnt work buy a new one....

09-01-2005, 11:30 PM
buy some new [email protected] 14 bux for the two pins, the two bolts, and the two rubber seals.


09-02-2005, 01:19 AM
Ok, old pins on the left, new pins on the right. Why are they different, will they both work the same?


09-02-2005, 08:28 PM
Ok, so I'm an idiot. My manual (Chiltons) said nothing about the fucking bolt threads being reversed on different sides of the car. Once I figured that out, the torque member bolts came loose easily. Brake job complete. Thanks for the help guys.
