View Full Version : So Yahoo is racist, huh?

09-01-2005, 02:43 PM
Compare Captions. I found it a good chuckle, but i think its wrong.


compare to this


Its cool how people 'Find' stuff instead of looting like a burglar or hoodlum.

09-01-2005, 02:52 PM
gawd thats ghey...funny how dark=up to no good

09-01-2005, 02:52 PM
yeah I saw that this morning on honda-tech. Funny shit.

09-01-2005, 02:57 PM
Wow. That's just crazy.

09-01-2005, 03:12 PM
that news is from the associated press and not yahoo: http://news.yahoo.com/page/photostatement

but still...someone fucked up

09-01-2005, 03:18 PM
hahah damn thats funny but fu*ked up

09-01-2005, 03:38 PM
thats fucked up...and not funny.

09-01-2005, 03:43 PM

09-01-2005, 04:16 PM
happens all the time...

09-01-2005, 05:11 PM
hahahaaha Owned.....

09-01-2005, 05:32 PM
That is motherfucking UNREAL... Doesn't someone proof this shit before it is posted for billions of people to view?

09-01-2005, 05:43 PM
read into it a little.

"fyins says:
Read the explanation before screaming racism.


One was picked up floating by, the other was removed from inside a store. Found vs. looted.
Posted 2 hours ago. ( Permalink )"

09-01-2005, 05:52 PM
another parade..has been shat on

09-01-2005, 05:55 PM
what a typo, no harm done just finders dignity... but eh get over it, its just a typo

09-01-2005, 06:20 PM
not even a typo. The photographers submit short backstories to the press agencies so they can display the pics with a context. A picture is worth 1,000 words, but sometimes you need 1,001.

09-01-2005, 06:31 PM
its perfectly fine to loot down their, (or 'finding') hell even the cops are lootin themselves, why not there's nothing else for them to do down their like save lives or anything.

09-01-2005, 06:45 PM
Escape from LA!

09-01-2005, 07:07 PM
i love how the people down there are shooting at helicopters trying to rescue people and shooting at convoys bringing people to hospitals... what the fuck is wrong with these people? i mean honestly? we should just kill them on the spot for doing so.

09-01-2005, 07:10 PM
its perfectly fine to loot down their, (or 'finding') hell even the cops are lootin themselves, why not there's nothing else for them to do down their like save lives or anything.

i realize the sarcasm, there is a difference though. i wouldnt have any issue with people going into stores taking food, water and other survival "stuff". infact i dont. have at it. store owners get their insurance checks after all is said and done. i dont see why a big ass store like walmart isnt giving the shit away to be quite honest. but i suppose that is something else i could get into. then there are the worthless human beings that are walking out with big screen TV's and guns. TELEVISIONS. theres no fucking electricity, yet they feel the need to take televisions. :down:

theres survival, and there is taking advantage. which in this specific case makes me sick.

my family owns and runs a small private label water company here in michigan. even though we are very small. we just sent a pallet of bottled drinking water down to louisiana. i realize that 72 cases of 16.9oz bottles of water isnt that significant. but its a start.

09-01-2005, 07:17 PM
i realize the sarcasm, there is a difference though. i wouldnt have any issue with people going into stores taking food, water and other survival "stuff". infact i dont. have at it. store owners get their insurance checks after all is said and done. i dont see why a big ass store like walmart isnt giving the shit away to be quite honest. but i suppose that is something else i could get into. then there are the worthless human beings that are walking out with big screen TV's and guns. TELEVISIONS. theres no fucking electricity, yet they feel the need to take televisions. :down:

theres survival, and there is taking advantage. which in this specific case makes me sick.

my family owns and runs a small private label water company here in michigan. even though we are very small. we just sent a pallet of bottled drinking water down to louisiana. i realize that 72 cases of 16.9oz bottles of water isnt that significant. but its a start.

Wal-Mart WAS giving away food and essentials (i think it was wal-mart), but people took it upon themselves to just take whatever so people started walking out with TV's and stereos and DVD players, so they stopped.

I see nothing wrong with taking food and water, shit that is essential for life. but, these people (they happen to mostly be black) are taking TVs, guns, shoes, etc which is absolutely retarded. there was one lady who was interviewed on CNN comming out of a shoe store with 4 bags of shoes with what looked to be 2 boxes in each. i'll try to remember what she said, here's my best - "yea, what else am i supposed to do. wez out hurrr in all dis wata and my shoez iz getting all damaged, i gotta get new onez to replace them of my feetz iz gonna be cut up". okay, so you fucking need 8 pairs of shoes because your other shoes are wet? fucking morons. hopefully they just refuse to help anyone who stole shit like TVs, stereos, a bunch of shoes, anything other than what is necessary to live and just lets them sit out there and die with their awesome TVs and shit. maybe that will teach them a lesson.

09-01-2005, 07:35 PM
Wal-Mart WAS giving away food and essentials (i think it was wal-mart), but people took it upon themselves to just take whatever so people started walking out with TV's and stereos and DVD players, so they stopped.

I see nothing wrong with taking food and water, shit that is essential for life. but, these people (they happen to mostly be black) are taking TVs, guns, shoes, etc which is absolutely retarded. there was one lady who was interviewed on CNN comming out of a shoe store with 4 bags of shoes with what looked to be 2 boxes in each. i'll try to remember what she said, here's my best - "yea, what else am i supposed to do. wez out hurrr in all dis wata and my shoez iz getting all damaged, i gotta get new onez to replace them of my feetz iz gonna be cut up". okay, so you fucking need 8 pairs of shoes because your other shoes are wet? fucking morons. hopefully they just refuse to help anyone who stole shit like TVs, stereos, a bunch of shoes, anything other than what is necessary to live and just lets them sit out there and die with their awesome TVs and shit. maybe that will teach them a lesson.

i agree.

i also love how it was a MANDATORY evacuation, yet some people decided not to go. so the authorities were nice enough to let them go to that bigass dome (superdome?) so their asses wouldnt drown. nice of them right?? nolonger their responsibility, right? they decided to stay, right? FUCK EM'. now while people from all over are trying to help people stuck in buildings and whatnot, we have a giant building full of stubborn people bitching and complaining about how nobody will help them. you could have all done yourself a favor and helped yourself BEFORE the storm hit. and the levee's broke. now because people cant act mature in times of stress, people are stealing guns and shooting each other, women and children.. yes children are getting raped in this superdome thing. wtf is that?? where should these people fall on the priority list of people to help?? i see them towards the bottom of the list personally. but hey, just my opinion. ive seen and heard enough. :bash:

09-01-2005, 07:48 PM
i think they oughta just nuke the area and REALLY start over.
they had ample warning. screw em.

09-01-2005, 07:56 PM
yeah, i dont feel sorry for the morons who had plenty of warning to get out but stayed...

but i do feel sorry for those who didnt have the means to get out...

i really want to see a nuke go off in our generation, just to see how "our" world would handle it, and to see how many days it will take to get it off the headlines and fade into the background :)

09-01-2005, 07:56 PM
i think they oughta just nuke the area and REALLY start over.
they had ample warning. screw em.

precisely my point. ungreatful.

09-01-2005, 07:58 PM
but i do feel sorry for those who didnt have the means to get out...

but in reality. if they really wanted to leave. they could have done it. shouldnt even be an issue.

09-01-2005, 08:12 PM
but in reality. if they really wanted to leave. they could have done it. shouldnt even be an issue.

no, im talking about the critically ill people on lifesupport and the premature babies...

i just thought of this:

there are a LOT of extremly poor people in the bayou areas and some of them might be so cut off from the world that they never had any warning...

wouldnt that shit suck... "i think its going to rain..." ...a day later ...."aww fuck"

09-01-2005, 08:39 PM
i suppose that does make sence. although i honestly dont think its that likely of an occurance. im sure it being a mandatory evac, there were busses and other forms of transportation provided to people. although i dont know for sure, i can only imagine. word of mouth also spreads like the plauge. just more things to think about.

09-01-2005, 08:45 PM
i like the fucking people that live maybe 5-10 miles away from the stadium where people were told they could go, but instead they just sit on their asses and complain that nobody has come to pick them up. i'm pretty fucking lazy, but if somone was like "hey, there's a big ass hurricaine coming thats gonna whipe out this whole town, so you need to walk 5 miles to safety before it hits" i'd fucking do it.

09-01-2005, 09:22 PM
Oh boyyyyyaz, look what thes brothaz found, aparently while rowing their boat, the jerseys and shoes floated up to them,


09-01-2005, 10:11 PM
that picture is hilarious!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

09-01-2005, 10:29 PM
it makes me sick. absolutely sick.

09-01-2005, 10:34 PM
bad apples

09-01-2005, 11:00 PM
Yikes....a Sanfrancisco 49ers hat it the last thing I would have grabbed. That team sucks so bad I'd be afraid to be caught sporting any of their merchandise....ankle high water or not. Or an all black Saints jersey??.... which would be hot as hell to wear out in the sun all day as I slowly dehydrated from lack of water. Speaking of looting....I wonder how many jewelry stores and what not didnt get their merchandise either locked away in a safe or moved out before the storm??


Andrew Bohan
09-02-2005, 02:55 AM
but i do feel sorry for those who didnt have the means to get out...

you can walk a long ways in a week man

09-02-2005, 07:03 AM
you can walk a long ways in a week man
And so can you, but the fact of the matter is that some people, when they have small children or frail old people in tow, have the means to get out for long distances in a timely fashion... Yeah, there were the stubborn asses who chose to stay and they got what the had coming, but that is not an assessment applicable to all of the people left behind, no more is the one that the people shooting at the help and cops and shit is enough for them to simply abandon EVERYONE. I am looking for the angry mob of people who are legitimitely looking for help to turn on the idiots shooting at the help. This shit is turning into a sadly entertaining movie to an outsider looking in.

09-02-2005, 07:50 AM
a lot of the people that didn't leave COULD have left by walking, but they didn't. they refused to move and to leave and they don't deserve shit. the people who are looting shit other than food and water deserve NOTHING, they deserve to sit and roast in the sun with their TVs and air force one's and black saint jerseys... fucking pieces of shit what a waste of resources, life, air and space.

09-02-2005, 09:05 AM
^^^ That is Charles Darwin's theory at work. The people who COULDN'T leave unfortunately will suffer, if only at the hands of the ones who WOULDN'T leave. Unfortunately, among the ones who *wouldn't* leave are the are the ones who are fucking things up for the ones who didn't have much of a choice.
... but you will NOT tell me that "everyone could have just easily fucking left" when you, like I am, are on the outside looking in.

09-02-2005, 09:28 AM
i didnt say everyone, and if i did, i didnt mean everyone. okay, this might be a bad analogy/comparisson, but how about the jews wandering the desert for 40 years? they all had kids and there were old people but they still walked. why? to get away/out of slavery and to be safe. look at these people, able-bodied people who are too fucking stupid/ignorant to walk or evacuate and are complaining because they're not being picked up and catered too.

09-02-2005, 10:08 AM
You're right, that was a HORRIBLE analogy, because when they were in the desert, there was no such thing as FEMA or the red cross, national guard or ANY of the shit that is SUPPOSED to be in place to help human beings in times such as this one. The fact remains that all throughout history the innocent pay for the sins of those that choose evil... In this case, the jackasses that are stealing televisions they will never be able to watch and airforce ones and throwback jerseys to wear to the club that will never again open and are committing themselves to generally stupid behavior are the ones that are going to cause several fucking thousands of people to die IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS of dehydration and starving. Would YOU like to have been one of those people who couldn't leave immediately under the understanding that help should, by any stretch of the imagination (remember the bus convoys to NY 4 years ago?) should have BEEN there by now? And why the FUCK are they only taking these people to Houston and San Antonio when there are millions of people throughout the entire country who would be more than willing to take these people into their homes and/or churches to try and help as much as they can, as an alternative to watching innocent people die in the street like a fucking dog?

09-02-2005, 11:03 AM
yes, i know. BUT, the red cross and other organizations cant help everyone, its just not possible, people need to help themselves too and if they refuse to or just dont want to AND ARE ABLE TO, which is what i said before, then they don't deserve help.

09-02-2005, 11:38 AM
there are hundreds of busses full of water and food and shit. national guard is there. people there arent making things easy. fires at atleast 2 locations delayed the deployment of food and water to people. its just ignorant to say that nobody is doing anything. as are the people down there pillaging everything in sight while fighting off people attempting to help them. its one of those issues that can be debated for years to come, with no sure ending. i for one am quite frustrated with this entire news coverage. they turn everything into a race discrepency. basically saying this entire situation is racist. fuck that. fuck that. there are races, yes. then there are fucking morons. those people come in any color you can think of. so reguardless of the different races down there, the morons are just fucking themselves. not to mention the rest of the legitimate helpful people down there. so cnn, fox, whoever is covering the entire catastrophy i say this to you. FUCK YOU. media coverage is a big buisness. if they think they need to bring race into the mix of things to stir people up, they are just adding to the problem. its an easy way to get dumbasses all riled up, who normally wouldnt be intelligent enough to form their own damn opinion on things. im telling you, this entire story. this petro "emergency" as the media is shoving down our throats. it furiates me. oil this, oil that. gas price this, gas price that. ENOUGH! life sucks, and then we die. get a fucking helmet. again, with the gas situation. i really think this is being blown out of proportion. im a firm believer that this is all temporary. i dont know if there is 1 specific source, or person you can point the finger at. i dont think there should be. from now on, im gonna do my part and shut my damn mouth. no sence getting pissed or frustrated at something i cant control. anyhow, ive been jumping all over the damn place. sorry if this shit was long and pointless. im just disgusted at the moment. wont you join me??

-Dane from michigan. fuck.

09-02-2005, 02:30 PM

Everyone, donate something. Me and the fam are sending cash to our mom, who lives in Buras, LA.

Please help out!

09-02-2005, 02:57 PM
Build a wall around the descruction area and quanrantine the looters in there. Have them wage war on each other and whoever crosses the wall will be shot!!

09-02-2005, 03:07 PM

Everyone, donate something. Me and the fam are sending cash to our mom, who lives in Buras, LA.

Please help out!

already have. despite some of the actions i do not condone to. a pallet of drinking water is already headed their way.

09-02-2005, 03:32 PM
And little did they realize, that those shoes and jerseys are going to be as useful
as an iodine enema. In a lawful city they do have value.... not in a lawless one.
Thats how out of touch they were with reality. I have always believed that being poor in America was a state of mind. And the mind nevers evolves as long as people coninue to live in that perpetually hopeless world. I pity those people pictured.

09-02-2005, 03:42 PM
Build a wall around the descruction area and quanrantine the looters in there. Have them wage war on each other and whoever crosses the wall will be shot!!

I agree.

Not too long ago, in the "Batman" comics, they had this story arc called "No Man's Land" where Gotham got so fucked up by a earthquake, that the gov't gave everyone 48 hrs to leave Gotham before they closed it off and abandoned it.

It was supposedly really really good, but I don't read comics anymore so I dunno if thats accurate.

Either way, when I first read about the idiots looting, running around like retards and shooting at people trying to help them, I immediately thought of that story arc from the Batman comics.

Either that, or nuke 'em like Makaki said.

For once, I agree with him.

I feel sorry for the good people who got caught up in it because they were unable to leave for whatever reason, especially more so because they are stuck there with these idiots lacking common sense who are exploiting the situation and making it worse.

Drunk Bastard
09-02-2005, 04:47 PM
you can walk a long ways in a week man

you can also walk a long ways when your drunk....only to come home and puke your brains out. :yum:

09-02-2005, 05:03 PM
you can walk a long ways in a week man
With food and water...

09-02-2005, 05:40 PM
I do agree with the statement, whomever it was that made it, that the media is cooking this whole thing up to be this big racial riot, all the bad black people fucking everything in New Orleans up, while the few non-black remaining in the city are the victim to these neanderthals' acts. The only ones I have seen not doing this (at least not as badly) is MSNBC. I would like every last one of them, as they did on Sept. 11, like they did in Florida last year, like they did in the Tsunamis, step back and look at the loss of human life, especially when it comes in such a tragic an unnecessary manner. I would like to see them employ the same line of transportation that they are using to get their well-fed, well-dressed, impeccably made up reporters, cameramen and equipment into New Orleans and use that to either get some food in or people out, is that too much to ask?
I would like to see, live on television, when the innocent people who are being forced to watch themselves and their loved ones starve to death while they walllow in their own waste, decide that enough is fucking enough and go "angry mob" on the fucking idiots who are causing the delays in their own escape from what I see as a form of fucking imprisonment. I would like to see the law enforcement and national guardsmen use a little more common sense when differentiating between a "looter" and a "desparate person fighting to stay alive." Does it take a genius to realize that the simple difference between this is whether they are at foot locker getting a pair of Jordans and throwback jersey, versus going into wal mart to get water, diapers, bread and underwear.
It is my observation that New Orleans will never be the same... It is my opinion that New Orleans will not exist in the capacity of what we think of when US cities come to mind after this, I am thinking that it will soon become the modern-day lost city of Atlantis.
Sad? Hell yes it is.
Surprising? Unfortunately not, for a group of reasons, both obvious ones that such a failure was almost inevitible when taking into consideration the possibility of the magnitude of acts of God, on a city that is below sea level and protected from flooding by a series of levees and pumps, and for other personal reasons that I will not discuss on this board, as the diatribe that would follow would SURELY see me pinked for a LONG LONG time.
Must life go on? As difficult as it is to say so, yes it must, and work must be done to try and preserve whatever amount of human life that can be saved, ESPECIALLY the ones who are left behind being forced to starve to death FIRST.

09-02-2005, 05:43 PM
, and for other personal reasons that I will not discuss on this board, as the diatribe that would follow would SURELY see me pinked for a LONG LONG time.

hit me up on aim when you get a chance.

09-02-2005, 08:04 PM
Awww, thats cute. media tends to slander alot of things. Always onesided. I don't pay attention to news much tho, so that caught my eye.

09-02-2005, 09:14 PM
I would like to see the law enforcement and national guardsmen use a little more common sense when differentiating between a "looter" and a "desparate person fighting to stay alive." Does it take a genius to realize that the simple difference between this is whether they are at foot locker getting a pair of Jordans and throwback jersey, versus going into wal mart to get water, diapers, bread and underwear.

Yup, it's not hard.
Food or mechandise?
In the end, the looting of food isn't cool but it's contributing to the preservation of life. Because of that, no punishment should be put on *FOOD* looters until all willing evacuees are out of the city. If you choose to stay behind, that means you've CHOSEN to steal - not out of necessity, but out of desire.

09-02-2005, 09:22 PM
What if you never had the means to evacuate?

09-02-2005, 09:31 PM
Yup, it's not hard.
Food or mechandise?
In the end, the looting of food isn't cool but it's contributing to the preservation of life. Because of that, no punishment should be put on *FOOD* looters until all willing evacuees are out of the city. If you choose to stay behind, that means you've CHOSEN to steal - not out of necessity, but out of desire.
That is where it boils down to opening their eyes and seeing wheter that is a loaf of bread or a pair of sneakers those kids are carrying. We will do what we feel is necessary when we have to make a decision on whether to live or die, "fight or flight" I believe it has been referred to. "awww SHIT, I can cop the new jordans free!" should never enter this equation, shoot them dead for what I care.
What if you never had the means to evacuate?
Exactly what I was saying earlier, some of these people didn't ask or demand to stay.

09-02-2005, 09:56 PM
It gave me a XD.

09-02-2005, 10:40 PM
i fucking love how on 20/20 tonight they were making it into a race issue. black people were on there complaining about how if it was a white community that the government would have acted faster and it was basically black people in suits saying "the white man is trying to hold us down. White Devil!! White Devil!!" over and over again. yet, while they're in DC or wherever talking to the press and gov't officials, they aren't doing anything. they can shut the fuck up. how else should the gov't handle this shit? it wouldn't have been any different if it happened in a predominately white city.

these people stealing TVs, shoes, guns, etc instead of water, food, etc shit that is neccessary for survival is fucking beyond me. they're fucking retarded and deserve to die. these are the same people that didn't want to leave and are mad when they get rescued because it took too long. there are way too many people still there that are able-bodied and could have walked farther away to safety, but they didn't. i don't feel bad for people that could have fled and that are stealing ridiculous shit, they can die, they're a drain on the economy and our nation... fucking people.

09-02-2005, 10:52 PM
I say we give the national guard the "go ahead" to return fire for looters. just advertiseing that lawlessness will not be tolerated any more would do wonders. kinda like if you know that your hand is going to get cutt off if you steal you won't be as likely to do it. authorizing harsh actions in the only answer for people that don't possess common sense. <-------the same thing that needs to be done in Iraq.

09-03-2005, 02:38 AM
I swear there are sum ignorant ass,punk bitch people in this thread. Many who still have their noses & asses wiped by their parents, yet find it so easy to talk about 'what they would do' if it were them. BULLSHIT!
How many here live in Cali, but sit thru earthquakes..over and over again? how many are from that region and have sat out storms..over and over again? Mother Nature will cry wolf. If you havent been thru it then you dont know. Ive been thru big storms in that VERY same area and large ones Over seas....you never know when the 'big one' will hit. There are always reports of how big a storm will be. Sometimes its true and at other times it isnt.

'Drop a bomb' on the area? I hope that you have family that get stuck in sum earthquake or storm. I have family missing there, so fuck all of you stupid bitches for posting ignorant shit like that.

09-03-2005, 02:42 AM
i fucking love how on 20/20 tonight they were making it into a race issue. black people were on there complaining about how if it was a white community that the government would have acted faster and it was basically black people in suits saying "the white man is trying to hold us down. White Devil!! White Devil!!" over and over again. yet, while they're in DC or wherever talking to the press and gov't officials, they aren't doing anything. they can shut the fuck up. how else should the gov't handle this shit? it wouldn't have been any different if it happened in a predominately white city.

these people stealing TVs, shoes, guns, etc instead of water, food, etc shit that is neccessary for survival is fucking beyond me. they're fucking retarded and deserve to die. these are the same people that didn't want to leave and are mad when they get rescued because it took too long. there are way too many people still there that are able-bodied and could have walked farther away to safety, but they didn't. i don't feel bad for people that could have fled and that are stealing ridiculous shit, they can die, they're a drain on the economy and our nation... fucking people.

Guardsmen Halt Evacuation at Superdome
By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 3 minutes ago

Guard members said they were told only that the buses had stopped coming and to close down the area where the buses were loaded.

"We were rolling," Capt. Jean Clark said. "If the buses had kept coming, we would have this whole place cleaned out already or pretty close to it."

The remaining refugees remained orderly, sitting down after hearing the news.

Guard members reported that the operation for the most part had gone smoothly Friday. Two women had miscarriages and a few people had to be removed from the buses for drinking.

At one point Friday, the evacuation was interrupted briefly when school buses rolled up so some 700 guests and employees from the Hyatt Hotel could move to the head of the evacuation line — much to the amazement of those who had been crammed in the stinking Superdome since last Sunday.

"How does this work? They (are) clean, they are dry, they get out ahead of us?" exclaimed Howard Blue, 22, who tried to get in their line. The National Guard blocked him as other guardsmen helped the well-dressed guests with their luggage.

Full Story http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050903/ap_on_re_us/katrina_superdome_hk1

09-03-2005, 08:33 AM
so? you know how much money the local radio stations raised in three days? HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. this is one station, ONE in houston alone. maybe we texans are just more giving by giving these people clothes and money, idunno, but pushing this off like its some kind of race issue is bullcrap.

everyone knew this was going to be big. CATEGORY FIVE. MANDATORY EVACUATION. any of this ring a bell? the people that stayed took a risk and that risk got a lot of people killed. its a perfectly natural way to go. a few bad apples are ruining the bunch for a lot of other people too. shooting at helicopters? stealing TV's? out of the people we ARE saving guess whats happening? in the astrodome there have been RAPES and people straight up jacking food and water.

we open up our schools and homes and churches to these people despite not knowing who the hell they are and here you are making it into a class issue or whatever. screw that, you can take that on down the road cause i dont know what the other states are up to but texas is actually DOING something about the problem.

and you can eat that with mayo n cheese darlin.

09-03-2005, 08:59 AM
"How does this work? They (are) clean, they are dry, they get out ahead of us?" exclaimed Howard Blue, 22, who tried to get in their line. The National Guard blocked him as other guardsmen helped the well-dressed guests with their luggage.

The story fails to mention that the guests of the hotel paid a total of $25,000 to charter buses to get their asses out of there, and that when the buses initially came, they were commandeered by the National Guard to take people from the Dome (as they were still getting medical cases out of there).
I can TOTALLY understand the plight of the people in the dome, but I can also understand the point of view of those in the hotel.

09-03-2005, 10:35 AM
The story fails to mention that the guests of the hotel paid a total of $25,000 to charter buses to get their asses out of there, and that when the buses initially came, they were commandeered by the National Guard to take people from the Dome (as they were still getting medical cases out of there).
I can TOTALLY understand the plight of the people in the dome, but I can also understand the point of view of those in the hotel.
The amount of money you have should not dictate who gets out first. If a bus came then it should be used to remove the sick and weak....period.

The Feds should commandeer ANY and all mass transportation vehicles in the area to evacuate the sick. These people were loading luggage up.....shame on them.

09-03-2005, 10:57 AM

your right. the busses were just sitting inline much like taxi's. waiting for people to bust out their big fat pocket books right?? is that what you're reading in the news? i would like to hear the complete story. being a charter bus, it came from an outside source. and obviously, outside funding. no matter how you feel about it, its a business. heres how i feel. i have $25k to ensure i get my ass out of this mayhem. send my ass a bus asap. but seriously, dont you all hate those racist bus drivers?? i sure do. haha. NOW WE HAVE RACIST BUS DRIVERS!!??!? whats next, racist loaves of bread? seriously.

09-03-2005, 11:08 AM
so? you know how much money the local radio stations raised in three days? HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. this is one station, ONE in houston alone. maybe we texans are just more giving by giving these people clothes and money, idunno, but pushing this off like its some kind of race issue is bullcrap.

everyone knew this was going to be big. CATEGORY FIVE. MANDATORY EVACUATION. any of this ring a bell? the people that stayed took a risk and that risk got a lot of people killed. its a perfectly natural way to go. a few bad apples are ruining the bunch for a lot of other people too. shooting at helicopters? stealing TV's? out of the people we ARE saving guess whats happening? in the astrodome there have been RAPES and people straight up jacking food and water.

we open up our schools and homes and churches to these people despite not knowing who the hell they are and here you are making it into a class issue or whatever. screw that, you can take that on down the road cause i dont know what the other states are up to but texas is actually DOING something about the problem.

and you can eat that with mayo n cheese darlin.

STFU already,

you have to be the dumbest person on this board. Time and time again I hear you saying the dumbest shit ever. Lets get one thing straight. Its an AMERICAN issue, not a STATE issue. Every state in the union is doing sumthing. The problem is that the feds have simply dropped the ball in organizing and its become a private effort.

Ive ok'd a few staff members to head back east to help with the situation. My company has cleared beds to make them available...all the way up here in Washington if needed. My companys associate organization evacuated the main hospital down there in under 8hrs...this was a private effort. The feds couldve done it in half the time....if they were available to do it. Im writing the paperwork and clearing staff to go down and help on Wednesday. My life is focused on charitable causes. A quick search of this board would pull threads that were dedicated to efforts to help those in a less fortunate situation. I dont think i saw your screen name commenting or saying that you support any causes....

The total amount of money that I end up donating (private and raised thru business) is still unknown. PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU HAVE DONE
Please tell me that you are a part of the 'WE' that you speak of? I seriously doubt it. YOU didnt open up shit. These people are not refugees....they are american citizens. Please tell us all how much of that half a mil is your money? NONE. Please tell us how youre helping....or are you just a chicken hawk shit talker?

Its funny how people can judge when theyve never been thru anything. Let houston turn into a war zone and see what happens... :tweak:

about that bombing comment...I'd like to see you anywhere near my city.

..........and half a mill isnt that much money. trust me.

lucky7: I dont think anyone here said the bus drivers were racist or even implied that.

09-03-2005, 11:40 AM
The amount of money you have should not dictate who gets out first. If a bus came then it should be used to remove the sick and weak....period.

The Feds should commandeer ANY and all mass transportation vehicles in the area to evacuate the sick. These people were loading luggage up.....shame on them.
I disagree, somewhat... This is where it transitions from being a "human" issue to being a "capitalism" issue... If I, as an individual, or in this case a group of individuals, have the means to get together 25k to get my ass out of disaster, then by all means, I would do it.
I have discussed this with some people over the last few days, this is not a RACE issue as much as it is a class issue. The problem, however, is that race and class often follow one another on such a parallell line that they are easily confused.
You're right, though, the feds SHOULD commandeer mass transit vehicles where possible... PUBLIC mass transit vehicles. I live in NC, there is a company called Holiday Tours about 45 minutes from me in Asheboro, NC (right by where Richard Petty is from), I have ridden on their buses as far as Atlantic City, NJ and Cape Canaveral, FL... I would bet my last 100 bux that for 25k they would get some buses down there to New Orleans to get some people to Houston or wherever the hell else they're taking them. The people in the Hyatt simply saw it for what it was and did what they had to do to get where they needed to be.
Unfortunate turn of events? Yes, but what HASN'T been in this whole situation.

... and I think he was joking about the racist bus drivers, I use the "loaves of bread" comment as a precedent to that

09-03-2005, 11:48 AM
Maybe now buses wouldnt even want to go there, you know with the whole "victims shooting the rescuers" situation. Imagine if enough people wanted to get on the bus. It would either be flipped over, set on fire, or hijacked. The same people that you're trying to save are the ones who aren't gonna let it happen. My opinion on the whole bus thing, since i'm not such a humanitarian, is that the people that payed for the bus should decide who gets on it. The bus should have armed security, and should open fire on anyone who endangers the live of the people onboard.

09-03-2005, 12:00 PM
Good luck to everyone and may you have things done to you that you wish for others. ;)

I sleep well at night.......

09-03-2005, 12:06 PM
Me too. I love sleep. :) And i do wish the guys that ordered the bus got it, and when i order the bus, i hope i get it too.

09-03-2005, 12:19 PM
..........and half a mill isnt that much money. trust me.

what? did you just tell me that ONE radio station raising half a mill isn't a lot? this when we have quite a FEW stations in the sate doing the same exact thing? this NOT counting everything we're doing on our own? you are sitting there telling me that me taking money out of my bank account and clothes from my house and food from my pantry is not significant?

do you know how much food can be bought with a million dollars? CRAPtons. i live in liberty which is just a couple hours from the border of Louisiana. wonder how many LA license plates i see now? we have families living in schools and churches. everyone i know is doing something even if it isn't much. the truth is we CAN'T do a ton because we aren't loaded but every little bit help.

the fact that you sit there and whine about the problem and tell me i've done nothing only proves to me that you're full of it. just a whiney bleeding heart yuppie that can't think beyond what she is TOLD.

i had a cousin in the area. when things got bad guess what? he dropped his tools and left so don't act like i'm unaffected by all of this stuff thats going on because that's a lie. me explaining this is a public service granted to you so feel free to show you're appreciation by being a good little girl and shutting the hell up.

p.s. babies dont sleep this good.

09-03-2005, 12:31 PM
This is not a race issue, though many people think it should be. They have several seemingly good arguments: Which group of people are the predominant looters? Which group of people are firing shots at helicopters, police, fire departments, etc? Which group of people are starting fires? Which group of people are raping and mobbing?

Those people, the people blaming it on being black, don't get it. They don't understand that the population of downtown LA is predominantly black, so quite obviously there will be a disproportionate amount of crimes committed by blacks.

It's not about being black, though. It's about the undercurrent of lawlessness that dwells in the inner-city poverty-stricken culture. Once "the man" is gone, it's anarchy. I mean, who cares about morals when there's no one around to enforce laws? It's sickening, and it hurts our reputation in the world almost as much as the Iraq war. Most cultures teach respect as an integral corner stone of human life but we seem to have skipped over that part. It just so happens that most of the inner-city poverty-stricken population of New Orleans is black. It just so happens that most of the inner-city poverty-stricken population of every city in the entire country is some minority. There is a lack of aspiration among these people so they just continue to multiply without many getting out and the sitation just gets more and more dire.

09-03-2005, 12:40 PM
The Feds should commandeer ANY and all mass transportation vehicles in the area to evacuate the sick. These people were loading luggage up.....shame on them.

So, the United States Constitution gets thrown out the window?

Why doesn't anyone mention the fact the Federal government can't deploy troops anywhere without a request from the governor of that state. The President declared the area as "Disaster Areas" last Saturday, which started the staging of men and materials, however Gov. Blanco (Louisiana) didn't make the formal request for days.

09-03-2005, 12:49 PM
"I did more than you.." "Nu uh.. I did more than YOU!!" "OH YEAH>> WELL MY DAD CAN KICK YOUR DADS ASS!!"

You both sound like children.

Chill the fuk out.

09-03-2005, 12:50 PM
however Gov. Blanco (Louisiana) didn't make the formal request for days.

she's fired... :spank:

09-03-2005, 12:53 PM
the National Guard has been given the "Shoot to kill" order as of the other day to shoot back and kill people trying to get in the way of rescuing people. so hopefully that'll cut down on the mayhem some.

its easier to just blame the government or blame racism or something else than to look closer at what the real issues are. a lot of people will be fucked because they felt $200/year for flood insurance on their house was too much, so now they wont get their house covered by insurance.

i hope everyone gets out of there alive except for those who are looting (unneccessary shit) and shooting at people trying to rescue others. they deserve to sit and die from malaria or something. if they don't get help soon and have food and water, they will die soon anyways though, so thats good.

so some people didnt move when they were warned, fine, sucks for them. they should now fucking walk and go to wherever they can to be safe, like the superdome or wherever instead of fucking bitching about how the racist gov't wont spend a shitload of money to go out of their way to help 2 people who don't feel like moving to safety but would rather sit there and complain about not being saved yet. fuck them.

09-03-2005, 01:00 PM
If I was there.. and someone said $25k and you're out... I'd start looking for my checkbook and cellphone. I'd raise $25k, hop on the bus in the seat of MY choice, and head to the hotel. Whoever else can get on the bus without disturbing ME, THE ONE WHO PAID FOR IT, can come along.
I agree with Chris Rock.. "there are two types of black people in this world. There are blacks, and then there are N*****s. The N*****s have got to go." I fully agree. And Louisiana shows it. There is the kind that can hop on my bus and go to the Hayatt Hotel, and the kind who are stealing Nikes and shooting at rescuers. People are crying about stereotyping.. but when the shoe fits.. those bastards steal 'em.
I fully agree with Phlip in everything he's stated here. And DriftGirl, you're such a bleeding-heart liberal, I wonder how many transfusions you go through in a day.
The order people should be rescued in should be directly proportional to the ammount of help they've been to others, and inversely proportional to the ammount of trouble the make or bullets they fire. And once all the humans have been evacuated.. take the chance to eliminate the waste of flesh that's left behind. And I know that I, with a $25k fundraiser and a bus.. created sufficient "help" to others to get the hell out of there.

09-03-2005, 01:01 PM
who's in a pissing contest? i'm just sayin that everyone i know is doing something no matter how little and that everybody local to houston has scraped together a ridiculous amount of money and help for those affected by this. this chick is trying to turn it into a dick measuring contest.

09-03-2005, 01:11 PM
what? did you just tell me that ONE radio station raising half a mill isn't a lot? this when we have quite a FEW stations in the sate doing the same exact thing? this NOT counting everything we're doing on our own? you are sitting there telling me that me taking money out of my bank account and clothes from my house and food from my pantry is not significant?

do you know how much food can be bought with a million dollars? CRAPtons. i live in liberty which is just a couple hours from the border of Louisiana. wonder how many LA license plates i see now? we have families living in schools and churches. everyone i know is doing something even if it isn't much. the truth is we CAN'T do a ton because we aren't loaded but every little bit help.

the fact that you sit there and whine about the problem and tell me i've done nothing only proves to me that you're full of it. just a whiney bleeding heart yuppie that can't think beyond what she is TOLD.

i had a cousin in the area. when things got bad guess what? he dropped his tools and left so don't act like i'm unaffected by all of this stuff thats going on because that's a lie. me explaining this is a public service granted to you so feel free to show you're appreciation by being a good little girl and shutting the hell up.

p.s. babies dont sleep this good.

you make it sound like being 'human' is a fucken chore. you are the same retarded fuck that said a bomb should be dropped on the area. I wish you were in my area...you'd be soooo stomped the fuck out it wouldnt be funny.

Bleeding heart? doing what im told? you fucken retard, chicken hawk, shit talkin punk. YOU are whats wrong with the US. ANYONE that thinks your comment was funny or justified is just as wrong and fucked up as you.

I have family there. fuck ANY punk bitch that feels the way this fucktard thinks.

I seriously doubt you do anything but run your mouth. Im sure you're as quiet as a mouse in public :ghey:

all you do is sit on this board and talk shit. A pathetic soul....and you will never sleep as well as I do.

09-03-2005, 01:15 PM
who's in a pissing contest? i'm just sayin that everyone i know is doing something no matter how little and that everybody local to houston has scraped together a ridiculous amount of money and help for those affected by this. this chick is trying to turn it into a dick measuring contest.

Im not turning it into a pissing contest. Im stating what other states are doing, what we are doing and the fact that I dont like people who talk shit with nothing to back themselves up with...or talk about what someone ELSE is doing and taking credit.

Im talking about a little punk bitch that made a comment about bombing the very place that I have family helping others now.

plus, it wouldnt be a good contest anyway....my dick is way bigger than yours boy.

09-03-2005, 01:24 PM
you make it sound like being 'human' is a fucken chore. you are the same retarded fuck that said a bomb should be dropped on the area. I wish you were in my area...you'd be soooo stomped the fuck out it wouldnt be funny.

Bleeding heart? doing what im told? you fucken retard, chicken hawk, shit talkin punk. YOU are whats wrong with the US. ANYONE that thinks your comment was funny or justified is just as wrong and fucked up as you.

I have family there. fuck ANY punk bitch that feels the way this fucktard thinks.

I seriously doubt you do anything but run your mouth. Im sure you're as quiet as a mouse in public :ghey:

all you do is sit on this board and talk shit. A pathetic soul....and you will never sleep as well as I do.

LOL...listen to yourself woman. You're actin a fool. Just relax. Leave the computer for a few hours.

A pathetic soul....and you will never sleep as well as I do

Im not turning it into a pissing contest

check yourself

09-03-2005, 01:25 PM
plus, it wouldnt be a good contest anyway....my dick is way bigger than yours boy.

Woah...for real? Doesnt say anything about that on your website. i feel dirty :barf:

09-03-2005, 01:25 PM
List driftgirl. I know this is a fairly explosive issue of "bleeding heart" versus "help those that help themselves", so I'm letting a lot of this slide. But, you need to stop direcly attacking members, or I will have to take action on your account. Have your feelings, post them up, be clear about it. But when you step into the personal attacks, I'm drawing the line.

09-03-2005, 01:30 PM
Woah...for real? Doesnt say anything about that on your website. i feel dirty :barf:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...hmmm, maybe that didnt come across the way I planned it :eek3:

uh, My Edick :p

I'd like to apologize to those that know me (personal and via Email) for my 'colorful' language, but this subject hits close to home, when you know that you have relatives there. They are ok now and headed back to the city with a group to help with a group from Florida.


I WILL not retract or apologize for my above statements. If im banned for it...so be it. Im not gonna sit and have someone say a bomb should be dropped on my family and just sit there and take it. Its a personal attack on my family and everyone else who has family/friends in that area.

If thats tolerated and my 'not taking it' isnt, then Zilvia isnt the place I should spend my time at. The 'Line' shouldve been drawn a few pages back.


09-03-2005, 01:34 PM
Cursing is fine, and part of a heated debate (which this is). But I'm sure we're on the same page now.
This goes for everyone else. No direct attacks to anyone.

09-03-2005, 01:34 PM
YOU are whats wrong with the US.

holy cow, maybe you should tell that to GW. i reckon he'll be more than happy to clip me if it'll solve 330 million american's problems all at once. oh wait, the problem with this country is bleeding heart liberals that always only want something to whine about instead of doing things that actually matter.

if being honest is what's wrong with this country then i'd have to say the same about you. the difference is i'm right and you're a liar, darlin.

09-03-2005, 01:43 PM
I always speak my mind. If you have a problem with that, then thats YOUR problem. Im very very public person. I dont hide behind screennames and computers...im not hard to find.

bleeding heart liberals? wtf!!?!? I dont go one way or the other. I dont accept being labled or put in a certain class...Im not a follower, thats sumthin that followers do ;)


beyond retarded...

09-03-2005, 01:49 PM
Sorry.. your views put you directly into the class of "bleeding heart liberal". You don't need to follow for that. You also don't need to make a choice and go one way or the other. Your opinions label you as such.

A bleeding heart liberal is a democrat or political left-winger(2 different things) who tends to be subjective in their political views. Political subjectiveness is ok to some degree, but I think that some people tend to get carried away or be unrealistic. These types are somewhat of sore to American society, but on the other hand help balance out crazy redneck or bureaucrat conservatives. Both could be done without in the end because of their serious bias on everything that ever happens.

There are few types of people who fall into this group:
1.Activists-the troublemakers who are
violent and crazy but try to cover up by pretending that their motives are moral.

2:Stoners-people who have taken a lot of time to think through where they stand politically, and realize that violence is an ineffective way to reach their goal, even if the establishment is refusing to listen to them. These people think Bush is a terrible president, and give logical reasons.

3:Metalheads-people who have taken a lot of time to think through where they stand politically, but are too carefree to do anything more than write music about it. Also, they are pessimistic and feel they will never change anything. This group also has logical reasons for hating Bush, such as the fact that the only Iraqis killed by Sadam were rebels who were trying to assassinate HIM.

4.Nobodies-people who really have none of their own views, but will make themselves think they believe in anything that is popular. Once they have a cause in mind, they will gather any evidence, without even thinking through it enough to realize it doesnt make any real sense. This group is very anti-Bush, but cannot give logical reasons why he is a bad president, such as the fact that he has a Texas accent(No shit. How is that a problem?)

Bleeding-heart liberal, or bleeding ass liberal is usually used by right-wing conservatives to refer to any and all democrats or liberals.
Middle-roaders like me use it for any person who thinks only about the benifit of individuals rather than society as a whole. In other words the kind of person who believes that we must not leave anyone behind, even if helping them would be a drag one the whole group. Someone who not only believes that, but will not waver on it no matter what, that is a bleeding heart-liberal.


09-03-2005, 02:05 PM
Look at what i've created. Zilvian Love, all the way.

IMO, simply put, those that resist assistance and put others in harms way (ie, fucking with guardmens) should be put down. personally, if i was a transporter, i might give in to the money, but rather than keep it, send a vast majority to some kind of relief fund, and save some for gassing up back and forth. But those drivers that just keep it for themselves are just mean.

Again, please donate to the Zilvian Relief Fund.

09-03-2005, 02:14 PM
^ wow nice one jeff...

09-03-2005, 02:26 PM
So what you're saying is that it's A bleeding heart-liberal vs. A chicken hawk punk bitch? You have no idea what my political views are or how I vote. I do not follow a political party and agree with everything they do based on being classified by sum retard. Im not a follower. One side doesnt have all of the answers. I have views that 'sound' rep., as well as dem. I wont blidly follow one side or the other.......

I find both terms offensive and will kindly return the insult. :fawk:

Those who are doing harm in that area (looting and claims of shots being fired) that need to be locked the f'up...for a VERY,VERY long time. I think a crime during this time should get maxed-out sentences, Simple as that. But there is NO excuse for sum punk ass to say drop a bomb on the whole stadium... and then have someone criticize me?!?! WTF? :jerkit:

09-03-2005, 02:35 PM
So what you're saying is that it's A bleeding heart-liberal vs. A chicken hawk punk bitch? You have no idea what my political views are or how I vote. I do not follow a political party and agree with everything they do based on being classified by sum retard. Im not a follower. One side doesnt have all of the answers.

there is no VS going on. You arent being classified in a political party. People who have your views have already been classified as bleeding heart liberals. We didnt invent this term, others did, and it has been applied to you. You arent a follower. You can lead and still be like millions of others who lead but think like you. Get over the bombing statement..Makoto is not a murderer. Some statements are made loosely to get a point accross.

You'd look hot in this . http://www.cafepress.com/rnastore.27184166

09-03-2005, 02:46 PM
Get over the bombing statement..Makoto is not a murderer....[/url]

Did you not hear the part about me having family in there? GET OVER IT? Uh, fuck him and anybody down with him. :keke:

OK, he's not a murder.......he's not even human.

09-03-2005, 02:48 PM
I'm telling you something Nadine (?), we talk loosely around here. Most people feel really comfortable speaking their mind and we know what the other person is saying most of the time. I guarantee you as a Christian he would not kill a group of people just sitting there doing nothing...but as a Texan, he might shoot you if you mess with his family or property. :)

09-03-2005, 02:53 PM
damn, it is getting hot in here...

09-03-2005, 03:40 PM
I'm telling you something Nadine (?), we talk loosely around here. Most people feel really comfortable speaking their mind and we know what the other person is saying most of the time. I guarantee you as a Christian he would not kill a group of people just sitting there doing nothing...but as a Texan, he might shoot you if you mess with his family or property. :)

I'm NOT Nadine. I dont want any of this spilling over on to her. :wiggle:

Thats all fine and good...I'm speaking my mind as well. If I think someones being an ass , then im gonna call em on it. if it pertains to me or a situation im involved in.

btw, My name is Emerald :coolugh:

09-03-2005, 03:50 PM
Ok Emerald.. nice to meet you. I forget Nadine is from drifting pretty. I dont hold inernet grudges in real life anyways. :p PS. I rule

09-03-2005, 04:09 PM
Ok Emerald.. nice to meet you. I forget Nadine is from drifting pretty. I dont hold inernet grudges in real life anyways. :p PS. I rule
Alright, Var, it is at this point in the conversation, following the exchange of names, that you whip out your Richard and invite her back to your house for a little fun.

09-03-2005, 04:12 PM
Actually, the last couple of times, the exchange of names came afterwards. It was quite a change. And twice in a row. ? maybe it's the car. damn women.

09-03-2005, 04:22 PM
chick, you really just don't get it do you? new orleans is a cess-pool (PERIOD). sure i dont really believe that they should drop a nuke on the area but i can't help but think "sodom and gamora" when i see the devastation. i HAVE family that was in the area. they left because they heard "cateogory five" and "mandatory evac". common sense says lets bail.

it shall rain upon the just and unjust. people die all the time for far more trivial reasons than mother nature so why don't you just go tinker on your toys and stop pretending like i've never lost anybody i've loved.

DEATH is a part of LIFE.

now, if you don't mind i'm going to go work on my car that i never work on cause its stock.

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 07:21 PM
Yes and now us the Tax payers, that have a job and are not on GA(Goverment assistance) or on section8 are left with the tab. This is not a racial thing. People were warn that if they stayed, help would be very hard to get. over 80% of the people icee are able bodied. and yea they are trying to use the excuse that some percentage of folks had no transportation. I am sorry but if in the couple of days that you had warning, you couldn't arange something... walk your ass. any person with some sort of sense would do anything to get out of harms way.

and all this racial shit... come one why is it certain people are always making excuses for shit that happens to them... maybe you should stop pointing the finger at everyone else and accept that you are the ones that are fucking up... Yea i come froma minority also.. but i can keep a job.. i can actually pronouce words correctly.. and dont cheat the geverment for aid.. and i do not come from a rich family or such. I do have friends from different backgrounds... and they are doing pretty well... so for these people who are always trying to blame others and always making excuses heres a big ... FUCK OFF!!!!!

09-03-2005, 07:44 PM
Yes and now us the Tax payers, that have a job and are not on GA(Goverment assistance) or on section8 are left with the tab. This is not a racial thing. People were warn that if they stayed, help would be very hard to get. over 80% of the people icee are able bodied. and yea they are trying to use the excuse that some percentage of folks had no transportation. I am sorry but if in the couple of days that you had warning, you couldn't arange something... walk your ass. any person with some sort of sense would do anything to get out of harms way.

and all this racial shit... come one why is it certain people are always making excuses for shit that happens to them... maybe you should stop pointing the finger at everyone else and accept that you are the ones that are fucking up... Yea i come froma minority also.. but i can keep a job.. i can actually pronouce words correctly.. and dont cheat the geverment for aid.. and i do not come from a rich family or such. I do have friends from different backgrounds... and they are doing pretty well... so for these people who are always trying to blame others and always making excuses heres a big ... FUCK OFF!!!!!
Color me unimpresssed...
I have a B.A. in English and I am a few hours of classes and a couple of tests from an Associates in Aviation Systems Technology thanks, in part to the classes I needed for that English degree... I will parlay that associates to Airframe (already got it) and powerplant (the class time needed) repair licenses.
I come from one of those minority families you make a feeble attempt at description of, and I made 35k last year AFTER taxes...
NOW does anyone find it the least bit odd that I am NOT the one offering some feeble and downright STUPID assessment of and excuses why my people are in New Orleans this week behaving like [n-words]? It is because I am the exception to so many of the norms and stereotypes that the world seems to want to apply to us, all while at the same time having ascertained the EXACT reasoning for said stereotypes.
I explained earlier today, it is NOT race as much as it is CLASS. The PROBLEM is that the 2 run on such an uncomfortable parallell that they are often understandably confused.

... get it now?

probably not

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 08:13 PM
Color me unimpresssed...
I have a B.A. in English and I am a few hours of classes and a couple of tests from an Associates in Aviation Systems Technology thanks, in part to the classes I needed for that English degree... I will parlay that associates to Ariframe (already got it) and powerplant (the class time needed) repair licenses.
I come from one of those minority families you make a feeble attempt at description of, and I made 35k last year AFTER taxes...
NOW does anyone find it the least bit odd that I am NOT the one offering some feeble and downright STUPID assessment of and excuses why my people are in New Orleans this week behaving like [n-words]? It is because I am the exception to so many of the norms and stereotypes that the world seems to want to apply to us, all while at the same time having ascertained the EXACT reasoning for said stereotypes.
I explained earlier today, it is NOT race as much as it is CLASS. The PROBLEM is that the 2 run on such an uncomfortable parallell that they are often understandably confused.

... get it now?

probably not

My statement was not made towards anything u said.. but to express my view of things.... and in case you did not read what i said carefully... i also come from a minority background and have alot of friends that are african-american.. that are doing really well.. job/money status etc....

Also my statement was against the whole race thing.. it is not racist that they are not getting help sooner.. it is just how things are... all these people are saying how fucked up it is and how slow things are.. yet no one is offering solutions... it is easy for anyone to talk shit... say u feel sorry.. of give opinions.. but are you joining a crises relief effort? no... how many blacks do you see joining red cross?

And also dont say that it is society that tries to portray those type of people that way.. obviously there is some truth to some stereotypes.. thats how stereotypes begin.. i would understand if would have said "all N****s are the same" or something .. so dont try to turn shit around and make it seem like i am racist

I feel sorry for the people that are actually suffering. and really could not leave.. but i could care less of the rest.

09-03-2005, 08:21 PM
how many blacks do you see joining red cross?
there have been THREE instances where Red Cross was not an option for me... I have TWO tatoos and they make you wait a year each before giving, the other was the fact that I had to TAKE blood after I damn near killed myself summer 2003, another year wait... I give EVERY time I am allowed to, ifr only because they helped my ass...

... oh, and ask any THREE of the mods, they ALL know what I look like, my avatar is ACCURATE.1

09-03-2005, 08:31 PM
... oh, and ask any THREE of the mods, they ALL know what I look like, my avatar is ACCURATE.1
yeah, add about 30lbs...

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 08:31 PM
there have been THREE instances where Red Cross was not an option for me... I have TWO tatoos and they make you wait a year each before giving, the other was the fact that I had to TAKE blood after I damn near killed myself summer 2003, another year wait... I give EVERY time I am allowed to, ifr only because they helped my ass...

... oh, and ask any THREE of the mods, they ALL know what I look like, my avatar is ACCURATE.1

Ok again u take things that i am saying like a personal attack on you.. i am not.. i am saying these things about those that make the stereo types true... i am not judging you about why you couldn't join and such.... i did not specifically ask you anything about urself... so why do you keep bringing it to that level.

09-03-2005, 08:41 PM
Ok again u take things that i am saying like a personal attack on you.. i am not.. i am saying these things about those that make the stereo types true... i am not judging you about why you couldn't join and such.... i did not specifically ask you anything about urself... so why do you keep bringing it to that level.
Because I am the exception to EVERY rule, I fuck things up when people say "black people..." Please do not take what I say as a personal challenge, it simply makes the ability to say "this, as a race issue, is BULLSHIT, so please don't present it as such"

09-03-2005, 08:51 PM
Best thread for 2005.....

But on a serious note, R.I.P for those who parished during and after Hurricane Katrina's devastation.

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 08:52 PM
I am not presenting this as a race issue...
it is your race that is making it seem that way by saying "hey they aint trying to help us fast enough cuz we black"

and also okay i think we all get the point that ur not the average black guy and all... just like i am not the average S**CK... okay lets proceed with the rest of the conversation.

You making it seem like i am being racist has no substance... It's not like i said... "yea they dont deserve it cause they are black" or "yea black folks got what they had coming cuz they are black" ...what i was expressing is my anger that folks like you and I will be left to pay for the mistakes, ignorence that both our races make... I mean common i go through the same amount of stereotypes that u do...

again like i stated before i feel for anyone who honestly did not have the ability to avoid Katrina, regardless of what color or race they are..... but i show no feeling for the rest.

09-03-2005, 08:59 PM
What's the average black guy?

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 09:04 PM
What's the average black guy?

Okay let me rephrase it since in know where your question is going.

I meant for lack of better words.. "Your stereotypical young afro-american male"

is that PC enough for you?

09-03-2005, 09:23 PM
yeah sum ppl r so ignorant they think it was everyones fault they couldnt evacuate. u realize how many ppl liv below poverty? things arent so easy when you dont have the money....
u dont wanna donate dont donate but why talk shit, u just end up proving how ignorant and bigoted you are.

as for a black vs white issue. the media makes this a black issue about looting...
garuntee theres jus as many rednecks down there looting shit... let the media show wut they want, but dont stoop to their level and believe it.
working in entertainment u get to learn a lot about how fake what we see on TV actually is.
what do ut hink pays better. a photo of a racial minority looting shit or a photo of some white guys doing the same thing....cmon now, its all about wut fills the camera mans pockets and what gets the biggest interest out of the masses, (and the masses are , in our oh so wonderful empire, er country, primarily white)

09-03-2005, 09:25 PM
Okay let me rephrase it since in know where your question is going.

I meant for lack of better words.. "Your stereotypical young afro-american male"

is that PC enough for you?

I would have preferred "African-American" instead of "afro-american".........

j/p I could care less...I was just curious.

09-03-2005, 09:27 PM
Okay let me rephrase it since in know where your question is going.

I meant for lack of better words.. "Your stereotypical young afro-american male"

is that PC enough for you?
No, that's stereotyping. Like, Flip you're special. You not like those normal black people that want to rob and rape you.

09-03-2005, 09:29 PM

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 09:30 PM
yeah sum ppl r so ignorant they think it was everyones fault they couldnt evacuate. u realize how many ppl liv below poverty? things arent so easy when you dont have the money....
u dont wanna donate dont donate but why talk shit, u just end up proving how ignorant and bigoted you are.

well it doesn not cost money to walk or run... i leave in cali and if some one told me that in a couple of days we are getting hit by the big one.. even if i dont have a penny to my name.. i wouldtry to do something even walk it... people that live in such places should be prepaired .. i live in the earthquake state.. and i have supplies and ther things incase we get hit.... unless your old or crippled with no one to call..there shoudl really be no excuse

09-03-2005, 09:36 PM
realistically i dont think walking or running is that practical. damn u guys really dont know wut its like to not have a penny to ur name do u. seems a lotta ppl here living in a world of bull....
so sad.
all i can say i i feel for the ppl down there and i know they mite not have made the best choice but theyre still our own countrymen. so i will help.

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 09:37 PM



s14: hey well the dude went out of his way several times to prove he wasnt the stereotype... so i granted him the acknowledgment that he was not the stereotypical black guy.. the funny thing is that i made a stament to not sound like a steroe typical stament..but came out the same after all

09-03-2005, 09:50 PM
s14: hey well the dude went out of his way several times to prove he wasn't the stereotype... so i granted him the acknowledgment that he was not the stereotypical black guy.. the funny thing is that i made a statement to not sound like a stereotypical statement..but came out the same after all
There is no Stereotypical black guy. Your mistake is thinking there is one.

Ghst 01
09-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Actually i do know what it is to live with only a penny... and it is not easy like u stated... but just because i only had a penny doesnt mean i sit around and bitch... oh the man is keeping me down.. society is geared against me... no what i did and what people need to realize is that all u have is urself.. and were there is a will there is a way... and yea walking can get you far... a couple of days of walking can get you very far.. .. it all comes down to again " If there is a will there is a way!"

but anyways this shit is getting boring...
I am out for the night.... not gonna spend my evening arguing.. cause at the end folsk are gonna believe or better yet convince themselves to believe what they want... I made my red cross contribution.. and thats all.... good night my fellow Zilvianians.... will be at @ the bar if any one cares to join me

09-03-2005, 10:07 PM
realistically i dont think walking or running is that practical. damn u guys really dont know wut its like to not have a penny to ur name do u. seems a lotta ppl here living in a world of bull....
so sad.
all i can say i i feel for the ppl down there and i know they mite not have made the best choice but theyre still our own countrymen. so i will help.

if you think walking or running from a natural disaster instead of sitting there and waiting for it to hit and hopefully living and then being helped is a good idea, then you're not poor, you're mentally retarded.

09-03-2005, 10:10 PM
ps - i am the "white man" thats "holding you down".

:) just kidding.

09-03-2005, 10:12 PM
Amazing. so i guess it would be fair to call all white people serial killers, child molestors and freaks who like to sleep with their sisters, cousins and farm animals? please tell me thats not true. Ive spent my life thinking everyone was different and should be judged that way. Was I wrong again?

Ive grown up in sum pretty bad areas and now sum really nice areas...I havent changed who or what I am.

Sleepin well....

09-03-2005, 10:13 PM
There is no Stereotypical black guy. Your mistake is thinking there is one.

best post in the thread :bowdown:

09-03-2005, 10:15 PM
Did you not hear the part about me having family in there? GET OVER IT? Uh, fuck him and anybody down with him. :keke:

OK, he's not a murder.......he's not even human.

did they evacuate? i hope so. if not are they now trying to get to safety and not getting in the way of rescue teams? i hope so. are they looting and staying there instead of trying to evacuate now? if so, shoot them in the face too or let them sit there and die from malaria or some shit because there's no fresh water.

i dont care if they're black, white, asian, yellow, purple, green or orange, if they decided to stay, fine, but they should be helping doing their part whether it be sitting tight and waiting for help, trying to get to safety or whatever. but if they are looting for shit they don't need aka anything other than food and water, then they should be the last ones helped if helped at all, personally, i'd let them sit there and die, i wouldn't even waste the bullet to shoot them, but the world would not accept that as a "right" or "just" thing to do.

i am GLAD that the National Guard has been given the right to "shoot to kill" anyone shooting at rescuers or anything like that. good, kill all those fuckers.

09-03-2005, 10:17 PM
well it doesn not cost money to walk or run... i leave in cali and if some one told me that in a couple of days we are getting hit by the big one.. even if i dont have a penny to my name.. i wouldtry to do something even walk it... people that live in such places should be prepaired .. i live in the earthquake state.. and i have supplies and ther things incase we get hit.... unless your old or crippled with no one to call..there shoudl really be no excuse
The failure in this particular case is the continued thought that there IS no excuse for not getting out... Between ages 15 and 18, I can think of 3 instances where my own family *owned* zero cars (none since and never again if I have ANYTHING to do with it) and I want you to understand that there were MANY families we knew with LESS...
Now take me, my moms, my, my twin brother and older sister and place us in New Orleans in August 2005, we LACK transportation out of the area when we need it most. Statistics show that we DAMN SURE don't have computer access, shouldn't have cable/television and shouldn't have phone access either. Given our level of existence, I want YOU to explain to ME what means we would have to hwve received any communication of the forthcoming storm other than the oft-sick and sometimes scenile granny in the corner musing "my knee hurt, baby, must mean it's gonna rain" as a clue that storm is soon coming?
NOW, I want you to look to pages 1-3 of this VERY thread for details of other potentially overriding circumstances for some of these people to have remained where they were. More recently, I have been made privy to the people who are FURTHER in who had ZERO means to know, and in such have since drowned, but there remains the off chance that SOMEONE has remained, but the fact that NONE of these people had a "simple 5-mile walk to their safety" amd nothing you say might make me stupid enough to agree with anything that does not support what I have set forth here...

09-03-2005, 10:19 PM
Amazing. so i guess it would be fair to call all white people serial killers, child molestors and freaks who like to sleep with their sisters, cousins and farm animals? please tell me thats not true. Ive spent my life thinking everyone was different and should be judged that way. Was I wrong again?

Ive grown up in sum pretty bad areas and now sum really nice areas...I havent changed who or what I am.

Sleepin well....

there's white stereotypes too buddy.

some are serial killers and they get stereotyped like at work if a guy is real quiet or weird, people might joke around about him being a serial killer, its happened before.

some are child molestors, and they are stereotyped - "Look at that weirdo" *pointing at the guy chilling in the playground* or *pointing at michael jackson*

people that sleep with their sister, animal or w/e are called hick. how about how black people call white people "crackers" thats racist isn't it?

09-03-2005, 10:23 PM
The failure in this particular case is the continued thought that there IS no excuse for not getting out... Between ages 15 and 18, I can think of 3 instances where my own family *owned* zero cars (none since and never again if I have ANYTHING to do with it) and I want you to understand that there were MANY families we knew with LESS...
Now take me, my moms, my, my twin brother and older sister and place us in New Orleans in August 2005, we LACK transportation out of the area when we need it most. Statistics show that we DAMN SURE don't have computer access, shouldn't have cable/television and shouldn't have phone access either. Given our level of existence, I want YOU to explain to ME what means we would have to hwve received any communication of the forthcoming storm other than the oft-sick and sometimes scenile granny in the corner musing "my knee hurt, baby, must mean it's gonna rain" as a clue that storm is soon coming?
NOW, I want you to look to pages 1-3 of this VERY thread for details of other potentially overriding circumstances for some of these people to have remained where they were. More recently, I have been made privy to the people who are FURTHER in who had ZERO means to know, and in such have since drowned, but there remains the off chance that SOMEONE has remained, but the fact that NONE of these people had a "simple 5-mile walk to their safety" amd nothing you say might make me stupid enough to agree with anything that does not support what I have set forth here...

this holds truth. for peope like that that couldnt have known and didnt know/were unable to walk/evacuate, they should be rescued and i feel bad. i'm glad you clarified your thought though because before you were just saying "hey, some people can't go!!" hehe. either way, you're basically right, but one would think word of mouth travels fast, but i dunno if i'd believe it if someone came up to me telling me to evacuate because my place was about to get owned by a storm... but wouldnt they see everyone else leaving and maybe follow suit? i dunno. sucks to be those who couldnt go and didnt know though and hopefully they get helped.

09-03-2005, 10:26 PM
Actually i do know what it is to live with only a penny... and it is not easy like u stated... but just because i only had a penny doesnt mean i sit around and bitch... oh the man is keeping me down.. society is geared against me... no what i did and what people need to realize is that all u have is urself.. and were there is a will there is a way... and yea walking can get you far... a couple of days of walking can get you very far.. .. it all comes down to again " If there is a will there is a way!"

but anyways this shit is getting boring...
I am out for the night.... not gonna spend my evening arguing.. cause at the end folsk are gonna believe or better yet convince themselves to believe what they want... I made my red cross contribution.. and thats all.... good night my fellow Zilvianians.... will be at @ the bar if any one cares to join me

I would like to join you at the bar for the $340 you owe since I dunno how long ago. You sound like you worked and earned everything yet ur action proves other wise. what a POS you are. Seriously you are the type of ppl who talk the talk but never walk the walk. An animal in tie- that's what ppl in my culture calls the type of person like you. Admit it you are a black hater but don't got the balls to speak up.

09-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Racism will always be abound, regardless of where, or by who its spoken to. Although we can't knock it out completely, we can do it one person at a time. Wow, sounded like a PSA right there.

So, if the Natl. Guard wasn't given the 'Shoot to kill' signal, there'd be a decent amount of dead guardsmen IMO.

I vote this "best Thread of 05''

09-03-2005, 10:43 PM
apparently i'm a child molestor according to drift girl...

i love double-standards. thank you america.

09-03-2005, 10:47 PM
We're all racist. We all have prejudice. And don't fucking lie to me stating you don't.
And since me and Phlip discussed this thread to it's fullest extent over AIM, I wouldn't feel left hanging if I closed this steaming hunk of thread up. Get to the topic, or get out of the thread.

09-03-2005, 11:08 PM
what was this thread about anyways? stereotypes are based on factual occurances, thats pretty much it. i think this pic is a fluke because most the people in NO are black so naturally if the populous decides to go into utter lawlessness they'll at least be a majority even if it isn't a cultural thing.

i'm sure there are tons of white looters, who cares? kill em all.

09-03-2005, 11:11 PM

I win.

09-03-2005, 11:19 PM

It's a black Snail.

I win

09-03-2005, 11:56 PM

It's a black Snail.

I win

you sure you're alright snail?? your arm looks kinda pale?? I think you need to see a doctor.

09-04-2005, 12:09 AM
I was trying to make myself look white. Though after photoshoping my arm, I gave up due to the amount of work invloved.


09-04-2005, 12:11 AM
oh there's definately race and prejudism, nobody is disagreeing there.

09-04-2005, 03:19 AM
there's white stereotypes too buddy.

some are serial killers and they get stereotyped like at work if a guy is real quiet or weird, people might joke around about him being a serial killer, its happened before.

some are child molestors, and they are stereotyped - "Look at that weirdo" *pointing at the guy chilling in the playground* or *pointing at michael jackson*

people that sleep with their sister, animal or w/e are called hick. how about how black people call white people "crackers" thats racist isn't it?

yes, they are stereotypes...thats my point smart guy. you guys seem to think its ok to stereotype one group of people. The street goes both ways buddy. If thats the case for group A, then the same should be said about group B correct? or should we just base our opinions and judgments on the INDIVIDUAL??

funny, it seemed to be OK to stereotype one group in this thread...guess it doesnt feel too nice when its switched around eh? :D

The point of this thread was the YAHOO images and captions. If the person is black it's looting, If they're white then it's 'Finding' :duh:

I'd hate to see the caption if It were me saving the family cat in a picture :D

And yes my family (sum) should be back in the area now. They are helping with the evacuation with a care group.

09-04-2005, 08:28 AM
yes, they are stereotypes...thats my point smart guy. you guys seem to think its ok to stereotype one group of people. The street goes both ways buddy. If thats the case for group A, then the same should be said about group B correct? or should we just base our opinions and judgments on the INDIVIDUAL??

funny, it seemed to be OK to stereotype one group in this thread...guess it doesnt feel too nice when its switched around eh? :D

The point of this thread was the YAHOO images and captions. If the person is black it's looting, If they're white then it's 'Finding' :duh:

I'd hate to see the caption if It were me saving the family cat in a picture :D

And yes my family (sum) should be back in the area now. They are helping with the evacuation with a care group.

what you dont get is that whether its okay or not its going to continue to happen. if nothing supported these stereotypes they would fade away into nothingness but they don't because there is PLENTY of support for them.

stereotyping doesn't bother me because i don't require someone elses belief to enjoy my reality. phlip is black and i respect the living hell out of him and is not stereotypical in any way but for every phlip there's like craptons more dudes screwing it up for everyone.

this is how life is. prejudice is part of life and sometimes even necessary for survival. get over it.

Ghst 01
09-04-2005, 11:41 AM
Good morning everyone!

I am not a black hater... I dont care if they are white, black, asian or what ever else.. the thing is that stereo types have some truth in them....thats how they started... the .problem is that people dont admit it... they all just point the finger at something else...admit ur fults and better urself

And the whole thing of people not having TV/phone/cable and all that other stuff.. is hardly the case....m dont they have eyes to see what is going on outside..... if you are going to lack the common sense and not notice what is going on around you... then there is something wrong.. i mean these people are in a major metro city.. it is not like they are living in the boondocks where there is not a house for 2 miles.... like i said before.. if you are a cripple/def/old with no relatives then i might be able to understand you did not leave.. other than that thers is really a small excuse why you could not leave or know what was comming.

09-04-2005, 12:04 PM
The point of this thread was the YAHOO images and captions. If the person is black it's looting, If they're white then it's 'Finding' :duh:

if you actually read further you wouldve discoverd that the photographer that supplied these photos/captions to the AP (which is one of yahoos many news sources) witnessed the boy leave the store with the items as he also witnessed the 2 white people grab things that were floating out of a store near by. In his mind one was looting and one was finding, would it have been the same captions if the roles were reversed? who knows...

09-04-2005, 12:08 PM

ok...with that, im done with this thread. :down:

Ghst 01
09-04-2005, 12:22 PM
if you actually read further you wouldve discoverd that the photographer that supplied these photos/captions to the AP (which is one of yahoos many news sources) witnessed the boy leave the store with the items as he also witnessed the 2 white people grab things that were floating out of a store near by. In his mind one was looting and one was finding, would it have been the same captions if the roles were reversed? who knows...

It just shows that for some reason.. when someone says something about some sort of people then its like "Oh shit that is wrong. your a racist"... no one cares to do the research or actyually make a educated remark.... people are quick to make a stament to just join in with the crowd...

Some people try to prove folks wrong.. yet they end up proving themselves wrong

09-04-2005, 12:27 PM

I win.
I especially like how he caught on to my lazy left eye, that was a good point made that I was not able to do without closing it all the way when I made my character.

09-04-2005, 03:03 PM
I especially like how he caught on to my lazy left eye, that was a good point made that I was not able to do without closing it all the way when I made my character.

LOL! Guess I forgot to port that bad-boy pupil over with the rest of ya...

09-04-2005, 06:19 PM

ok...with that, im done with this thread. :down:

and sleepin well.......

09-04-2005, 09:03 PM
the next couple of links I will post will be what we refer to, colloquially, as a "curveball," now look and see:

proof that people can and should set differences aside when it comes to the issue of genuine help of deserving individuals in time of peril

... and:
wow, I just don't fucking know how to respond to that one.

09-04-2005, 09:15 PM
wow i wonder whether or not the us will take castros money...

09-04-2005, 09:56 PM
That one's got me too. Fidel trying to come through, i dunno. Im gonna try to find some more on that.

09-04-2005, 10:25 PM
Kuwait's $500M is a fraction of what we spent keeping them from becomming Kuwait - Iraq's Bitch.

Castro.. we need his help. And he's right - if there is to be a fight, both competitors should be well. It would suck to win a Heavyweight title because your opponent has broken arms and a concussion from a barfight the night before.

09-04-2005, 10:32 PM
friend showed me this....


09-04-2005, 10:45 PM
Kuwait's $500M is a fraction of what we spent keeping them from becomming Kuwait - Iraq's Bitch.

Castro.. we need his help. And he's right - if there is to be a fight, both competitors should be well. It would suck to win a Heavyweight title because your opponent has broken arms and a concussion from a barfight the night before.

... and agreed.

Kuwait offers a fraction of what we offered/spent in protecting our interests, but offered what Kuwait is able to offer, being that they are physically smaller than most states, ya know?
I am WAY too in agreement with you on the Castro and title fight analogy.

09-05-2005, 01:59 AM
Oh, I'm not ridiculing the donation at all.. it's great. Hell.. it's over half what we gave Indonesia. Just, I have a mental list of "bitches who better pony up some cash for USA", and they were on my list for the aforementioned reason.

Cuba blindsided me.. I never would have expected it. However, those dickholes in Al Queida (sp?) saying it's God's judgement on us infidels.. need to continue to get bombed. That didn't surprise me.

09-05-2005, 02:25 AM
friend showed me this....

That's a Red Rider BB gun...

09-09-2005, 04:13 AM
Anyone else with awesome input? Im really digging the thread. Its better than watching television, cuz its uncensored. Opinions clashing, this is what makes good debates.

09-09-2005, 01:16 PM
Anyone else with awesome input? Im really digging the thread. Its better than watching television, cuz its uncensored. Opinions clashing, this is what makes good debates.

haha you girl..you just love the drama!! :drama:

09-09-2005, 02:33 PM
That's a Red Rider BB gun...

You missed the white guy...

09-10-2005, 10:57 PM
However, those dickholes in Al Queida (sp?) saying it's God's judgement on us infidels.. need to continue to get bombed. That didn't surprise me.

Praise be to Allah.

They go to heaven for dying for a just cause, which hopefully will be lower gas prices for us. Win-Win situation. They die, our gas prices go down. :w00t:

09-11-2005, 09:50 PM

http://cgi.ebay.com/I-SURVIVED-HURRICANE-KATRINA-ALL-I-GOT-WAS-THIS-LOUSY_W0QQitemZ8331619989QQcategoryZ15687QQrdZ1QQc mdZViewItem


09-11-2005, 10:09 PM

http://cgi.ebay.com/I-SURVIVED-HURRICANE-KATRINA-ALL-I-GOT-WAS-THIS-LOUSY_W0QQitemZ8331619989QQcategoryZ15687QQrdZ1QQc mdZViewItem


I don't find that to be humorous in the least.

09-11-2005, 10:41 PM
aw c'mon kev you know thats funny right there.

09-12-2005, 04:07 PM
I think it's funny. Sad but true