View Full Version : 17x10" +12 FN01rc on S13?

09-01-2005, 07:04 AM
about to order 17x9 +20 in the front with a stretched 215, and 17x10 +12 in the rear with a streched 235.. i have rolled/ pulled fenders all around so will it be a problem clearing on an S13? also, what side walls should i get with that tire size to make it look a little "meaty" not like im rolling on rubber bands you know what i mean? thanks for the help in advance.. also, does anyone have pics of a 17x10 +12 mounted in the rear of an S13? searched all day all i could find was a pic of 17x10 +35 on an S13...

09-01-2005, 07:38 AM
You should be ok, but you'll definitely need that pull. Check www.MA-Motorsports.com in the gallery, I believe they have a couple cars running that wheel in the rear. Burgundy Fastback and Champagne coupe with S13 front end. Don't quote me on that though. I think that's what Brian told me at the last event...


r thizzel
09-01-2005, 07:47 AM
go with a 40-45 sidewall,,,prolly 45 to satisfy ur meat craving

09-01-2005, 09:46 AM
I know that they barely clear using 30mm overfenders. for tire size I'd recommend 245/40-17. Maybe 45 if it'll clear.

09-01-2005, 10:56 AM
Woody's old car, RIP

When I go home from work, I'll look some more up, there are pics of those on his new hatch with much less roll, also pics of them on Brians coupe.

A Spec Products
09-01-2005, 01:17 PM
why not just go with the 10 +35 in the back instead?

you're putting a 17x9+20 in the front, which isn't nearly as aggressive as the 17x10+12 you want to put. the 10 +35 is gonna be plenty flush, just order that imo.

you have 5 lug only in the back? no hate, gotta save that paper!

09-01-2005, 02:52 PM
17x10 +12

09-01-2005, 03:02 PM
^^^^ thats hot...but when you hit a bump would the tires hit the rear fender and rub?

09-01-2005, 03:17 PM
with the right pull you can fit just about any rim even without wide fenders
here's 18x10 -5 offset on my hatch
kinda shitty pic but you get the idea

09-01-2005, 03:21 PM
^^^ shiet that hot too...them mesh rims..nice...

09-01-2005, 03:56 PM
why not just go with the 10 +35 in the back instead?

you're putting a 17x9+20 in the front, which isn't nearly as aggressive as the 17x10+12 you want to put. the 10 +35 is gonna be plenty flush, just order that imo.

you have 5 lug only in the back? no hate, gotta save that paper!
haha, yeah im just doing 5-lug to the rear because its easier and ALOT cheaper..

thanks for all the help guys! post more pics if you can

09-01-2005, 04:03 PM
^^^^ thats hot...but when you hit a bump would the tires hit the rear fender and rub?
My rear fender is pulled ~15mm. No rubbing.

vik, seems like you got that buckle on the quarter panels too. i got one on each side at the same exact spot!!

09-01-2005, 04:10 PM
My rear fender is pulled ~15mm. No rubbing.

vik, seems like you got that buckle on the quarter panels too. i got one on each side at the same exact spot!!
haha, happend to me to on the SAME side too.. people were telling me you have to heat up the quarter panel with a torch first to avoid buckling.

09-01-2005, 04:59 PM
i used a fuking torch but it wasnt enough. The best way is to get ur pull ready and have a body shop fix the dents and waves... that shit happens every time

09-01-2005, 09:12 PM
18x9.5 +12 R (fender pull on rear)
17x8 +25 F
Need spacer for front..

09-01-2005, 10:20 PM
what is up with people stretching tires????

09-01-2005, 11:22 PM
its not gay? like your car? (i dont know what you drive, but given the question you asked, i already know)

09-01-2005, 11:26 PM
stretch tires let you use the heaviest rim possible to put down as little rubber on the road. ITS JDM!
it does look kinda nice sometimes though.

09-02-2005, 02:01 AM
what is up with people stretching tires????
normaly i woudnt stretch tires, but since these wheels are so huge i need as much clearance as possible.. the slanting of the side wall should give me enough room to clear a slightyl pulled fender, unlike the straight sidewall of a 265..

09-02-2005, 07:41 AM
or you could actually do it right and run tires that fit right. fucking people i swear... people who stretch their tires obviously don't care about performance, unless you're a sweet drift0r, then i guess it doesnt matter and the smaller contact patch is good.

chmercer, you're a moron. go back to your awesome 18x10 rims that don't even perform as well as a set of 17x9s with tires that actually fit because you stretched the shit outta your tires and you're rolling on rubber bands... too cool. i bet that car looks badass while its parked and not moving, because thats all stretched tires are good for (even though they don't even look good)

i don't know what is up with the trend of "flush" rims with huge lips and stretched tires, waste of fucking money and performance.

09-02-2005, 08:14 AM
Dude, how about you calm down.
People can do what they want, and you may not like it, but doesn't put you in a position to be a dink about it.
Go start a pissing parade in another thread instead of taking this one there.

09-02-2005, 08:35 AM
17x9 +20 offset... that blows... it means you will have to run full positive camber on your OE bolts and full negative on a camber plate just to get your wheel to sit straight.

you need a 17x9 + 10 if you want your upper camber plates to work.
I got a 17x9 +15 and i hate the fact that i have to use spacers to get some savage negative.

09-02-2005, 08:39 AM
or you could actually do it right and run tires that fit right. fucking people i swear... people who stretch their tires obviously don't care about performance, unless you're a sweet drift0r, then i guess it doesnt matter and the smaller contact patch is good.

chmercer, you're a moron. go back to your awesome 18x10 rims that don't even perform as well as a set of 17x9s with tires that actually fit because you stretched the shit outta your tires and you're rolling on rubber bands... too cool. i bet that car looks badass while its parked and not moving, because thats all stretched tires are good for (even though they don't even look good)

i don't know what is up with the trend of "flush" rims with huge lips and stretched tires, waste of fucking money and performance.
ahahahahahaha going to the homosexual parade this weekend :cj:
make sure to tell all your homo friends about streching tires and big lips or make your own thread about it
why dont you concentrate on making your car into whatever you want it to be somewhere far away
crawl back to your hole until you have something useful to say faggot....
:madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk:

09-02-2005, 09:30 AM
okay mr. stretchy tires that can't handle for shit ;) i love you guys too.

09-02-2005, 09:45 AM
17x9 +20 offset... that blows... it means you will have to run full positive camber on your OE bolts and full negative on a camber plate just to get your wheel to sit straight.

you need a 17x9 + 10 if you want your upper camber plates to work.
I got a 17x9 +15 and i hate the fact that i have to use spacers to get some savage negative.

I'm running 17 x 9 +20 with no problems at all just rolled fenders, but I haven't droped her yet either, when I do I'll probably have to pull too. I imagine you wouldn't have to adjust your settings this extreme unless your slamming the car right? The most I'll be able to drop my car is 2 inches anyway, if I go anymore I won't be able to make into my driveway or drive more farther than 5 miles on the OK roads.


09-02-2005, 09:58 AM
okay mr. stretchy tires that can't handle for shit ;) i love you guys too.
i guess 245's on a 10j is not enough contact patch for you
or how bout mercer's 275's on 12j
ahhhh didnt think so.
btw what size tires and rims are you running right now?

09-02-2005, 10:02 AM
here are some 255's very lightly rolled fenders


sill beer
09-02-2005, 10:26 AM
^^^What size and offset are those

09-02-2005, 10:39 AM
or you could actually do it right and run tires that fit right. fucking people i swear... people who stretch their tires obviously don't care about performance, unless you're a sweet drift0r, then i guess it doesnt matter and the smaller contact patch is good.

chmercer, you're a moron. go back to your awesome 18x10 rims that don't even perform as well as a set of 17x9s with tires that actually fit because you stretched the shit outta your tires and you're rolling on rubber bands... too cool. i bet that car looks badass while its parked and not moving, because thats all stretched tires are good for (even though they don't even look good)

i don't know what is up with the trend of "flush" rims with huge lips and stretched tires, waste of fucking money and performance.

yea i dunno what the fuck is up with people increasing the track on their cars to make it more stable. id rather have my car be as narrow as possible. AWESOME. yea i guess 265f / 275r is rubber bands. id rather have your big dog steam roller 205s or whatever crackerjack shit you roll around on when your heading to the grocery store strapped in with your type r seatbelt pad. oh yea and i guess thats why my car was on the news for drifting, since i park it all over the place (not moving). go pick up some 1995 issues of super street, seems right up your alley.

09-02-2005, 11:08 AM
apparently you missed the part where i was giving him shit for STRETCHING the tires. and for "rubber bands" i was referring to sidewall stiffness and height. obviously a wider tire and greater contact patch is better, but stretching the shit out of a tire to fit on a 10" rim isn't good. sidewalls aren't made to be slanted or at an angle due to stretching. it wont handle as well or last as long as a tire that fits right on say an 8.5" or 9" rim which is what i was saying.

don't get me wrong, big rims with a lot of lip are cool, i love the look. however, stretching the shit out of tires so they don't rub isn't. you're proud to be on the news because... ? why would drifting be on the news? its not like you won a D1 event. i'm not a drifter fan either way, so i could care less really.

now lets keep the bickering to a minimum so this guy's thread doesn't get locked.

09-02-2005, 11:35 AM
A 12 inch wide rim is also more weight.

Go to the next HPDE or other non-drift event and find me someone running a 12 inch rim, not counting Supras and Vipers.

09-02-2005, 11:40 AM
to the thread starter. had you used the search button you would have found numerous threads, strictly on wheel fitment, offset, camber, tire specs.....235 isn't meaty on a 10. 245/255 definately cleans up the look. BTW depending on how to get the fenders repulled, camber will allow more or less tire-to-fender clearance http://site.jdmfresh.com/gallery/woody/images/DSCN0569.jpg a fender setup like that is GOLD for meaty tires and ability to get into vik sized wheels.

09-02-2005, 11:49 AM
^^^What size and offset are those

17x10 +17.....................

09-02-2005, 12:03 PM
Vik, you are a fucking moron. Get off this board and quit being such a homophobic/gay basher.

09-02-2005, 12:30 PM
on a side note to hopefully calm down this shit:

There's nothing wrong with drift style- but it is one style. Drifting is not about outright speed, it's about car control, and therefore drift setups have different goals in mind when making decisions.

There are other people that do NOT drift and therefore don't adhere to "Drift style"

Thats why i think comments from chmercer are way off base, just like jcsb(wutever)'s comments are unnecessary. Just respect people they do different things.

We can still flame the newbie with 17x7 +44 though.

09-02-2005, 01:23 PM
i was simply saying i'm not impressed by him being on the news for drifting cuz i'm not a drift fanatic, drifting is fine and good and cool in its own aspect just like drag, track, autox and whatever else, its all fuckin cool and fun, drifting just isn't my thing.

stretching a tire isn't good for anything. you don't want to stretch a tire period. ever. you just don't.

how many le mans cars, drag cars, autox cars, track cars, real drift cars have stretched tires? the answer should be 0 for a reason. so yeah, stretched tires on a huge rim are super sweet d00d.

I'm trying to cure this tire stretching epidemic that has been going around. anyone else care to help me stop it? :down: :nono: :wiggle:

09-02-2005, 01:32 PM
Vik, you are a fucking moron. Get off this board and quit being such a homophobic/gay basher.
ahhh im sorry i hurt your feelings i guess my statement hit close to home
anyways if you need to insult me you can pm me unless you have something to contribute to this thread :madfawk:
and im still waiting on your "performance" setup jcb890..........

09-02-2005, 01:38 PM
Stretched Tires look Kewl, Yo! :nono:

09-02-2005, 01:41 PM
Stretched Tires look Kewl, Yo! :nono:

hahahaha. werd lyfe y0!!

09-02-2005, 01:43 PM
ahhh im sorry i hurt your feelings i guess my statement hit close to home
anyways if you need to insult me you can pm me unless you have something to contribute to this thread :madfawk:
and im still waiting on your "performance" setup jcb890..........

fully built sr22det (stroker kit) gt35r turbo and a 150-shot. runs 9's.

09-02-2005, 01:47 PM
where did you find my picture?
wheels and tires not engine
godamit what is this thread about????

09-02-2005, 02:10 PM
i was simply saying i'm not impressed by him being on the news for drifting cuz i'm not a drift fanatic, drifting is fine and good and cool in its own aspect just like drag, track, autox and whatever else, its all fuckin cool and fun, drifting just isn't my thing.

stretching a tire isn't good for anything. you don't want to stretch a tire period. ever. you just don't.

how many le mans cars, drag cars, autox cars, track cars, real drift cars have stretched tires? the answer should be 0 for a reason. so yeah, stretched tires on a huge rim are super sweet d00d.

I'm trying to cure this tire stretching epidemic that has been going around. anyone else care to help me stop it? :down: :nono: :wiggle:

Drifting isnt my thing either but i can understand stretched tires.

le man cars dont run stretched tires because they have the budget for wideass R compound slicks. You cannot compare all out race tires to street tires. Some AutoX/track drivers i talked to stretches their tires mildly to prevent sidewall flex. As for drag cars, they run narrow wheels up front for weight issues if RWD, and wide in the back for traction. All motorsports set up their cars different.

09-02-2005, 02:12 PM
i was joking about the engine. i'm in the middle of a sr20det install. i'll probably be keeping stock rims and getting some sticky tires for them. or maybe i'll tub out the rear and pull and roll the fenders so i can run some 20" wide wheels and stretch some tires on there so the sidewall is almost nonexistant... that'll be sweet.

09-02-2005, 02:23 PM
so you are into drag racing thats fine it also explains a lot about the lack of understanding in suspension setup and tire setup for actual driving.

09-02-2005, 02:46 PM
so you are into drag racing thats fine it also explains a lot about the lack of understanding in suspension setup and tire setup for actual driving.

what am i lacking in sir? the only thing i've said is that stretching a tire is no good. i never said anything about suspension. stretching a tire on a wheel is bad. period. end of story. bad.

09-02-2005, 02:48 PM
Drifting isnt my thing either but i can understand stretched tires.

le man cars dont run stretched tires because they have the budget for wideass R compound slicks. You cannot compare all out race tires to street tires. Some AutoX/track drivers i talked to stretches their tires mildly to prevent sidewall flex. As for drag cars, they run narrow wheels up front for weight issues if RWD, and wide in the back for traction. All motorsports set up their cars different.

le mans cars dont have the budget??? dude... are you smoking crack? they're driving C5R's, RS6's, etc, etc, they have the budget to run whatever the fuck works best.

who stretches their tires for autox/track? i'd like to know who and see how stretched. running narrow wheels up front.. no shit, that has nothing to do with stretching tires. they run wide rims and tires in the back for traction... guess what, no stretching. according to vik tho, the wider the wheel, the better, no matter what, so why dont they run 35" wide tires with tires stretched like whoa across them? oh wait, thats cuz stretched tires don't handle/grip as well.

09-02-2005, 02:50 PM
are we really going to sit here and continue to argue about how a stretched tire is actually a good thing to do? fucking christ almighty people...

09-02-2005, 03:02 PM
le mans cars dont have the budget??? dude... are you smoking crack? they're driving C5R's, RS6's, etc, etc, they have the budget to run whatever the fuck works best.

who stretches their tires for autox/track? i'd like to know who and see how stretched. running narrow wheels up front.. no shit, that has nothing to do with stretching tires. they run wide rims and tires in the back for traction... guess what, no stretching. according to vik tho, the wider the wheel, the better, no matter what, so why dont they run 35" wide tires with tires stretched like whoa across them? oh wait, thats cuz stretched tires don't handle/grip as well.

wtf are you talking about, i said they have the budget to get expensive tires that works best. for that type of driving they have slicks with stiff ass sidewall. so you can't compared street tires to a le man's tire.

too wide of a tire creates sidewall flex when turning, some people dont like that sloppy feeling so they stretch it SLIGHTLY, i didn't imply that they were throwing on 225's on a x10. You can stretch it up to a certain point. Handling well depends on who is driving the car and their preferences, some people don't mind sidewall flex, some hate it... As for grip, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if your running a narrow tire on a wide wheel, traction isn't as great as a wider tire. Some people put 245's 255's on a x10 for that extra sidewall stiffness while still having some traction for whatever power they have. It all depends on the size tire your stretching on whatever wheel... a 255 tire non stretched will still have the same contact patch to the ground as a 255 tire on a wider wheel but stretched.

09-02-2005, 03:04 PM
le man cars dont run stretched tires because they have the budget for wideass R compound slicks.

le mans cars dont have the budget??? dude... are you smoking crack? they're driving C5R's, RS6's, etc, etc, they have the budget to run whatever the fuck works best.

yeah, reading is weaksauce

09-02-2005, 03:11 PM
according to vik tho, the wider the wheel, the better, no matter what, so why dont they run 35" wide tires with tires stretched like whoa across them? oh wait, thats cuz stretched tires don't handle/grip as well.
your are a dumbfuck i run a 245 on a 10j
i guess this is an extreme strech for you
well newsflash for you
so how do you get the idea that this such a bad combo well wait yeah i guess from your lack there of.

09-02-2005, 03:51 PM
your are a dumbfuck i run a 245 on a 10j
i guess this is an extreme strech for you
well newsflash for you
so how do you get the idea that this such a bad combo well wait yeah i guess from your lack there of.
Wow! Simply stunning. I'd recommend repeating grade 1 and on.

And about running a 12" rim for drifting, chmercer doesn't. He drifts with stock wheels I believe.


09-02-2005, 04:10 PM
so then he runs a 12 purely for cosmetic purposes

09-02-2005, 04:16 PM
you guy above ^^^ me drifting on stock wheels is because im poor and my car is slow. if money was no object i would be drifting on 19x17s with 355/25s and 950 wheel. and it would be fucking AWESOME. dont even try to hate on victor. his driving and his car kick yours in the ass. cool auto trans and painted taillight garnish and stock everything. go die :hsdance:

JCB - i mentioned the news bit to disprove your stupid statment about me hardparking my car. if you want some action pics flip through the pics thread up top.

stock wheels with sticky tires = your car sucks. sorry dude. this completly confirms my 205 pizza cutters comment. if you havent driven on stretched tires, then go shut the fuck up. dont try to bust into somone elses thread with your awesome stock car and start pushing your shitty ideas about how a car should be tuned on every one else.

09-02-2005, 04:16 PM
yeah, reading is weaksauce

LOL woops. my bad on that one, sorry to the dude who posted about the le mans cars, i was at work so i just read it quickly and thought to myself "wtf is this kid thinkin?" lol.

09-02-2005, 04:18 PM
yes, u're poor and you're slow...so you run 12 inch wheel. It all makes sense.

yeah, it would suck to have an auto and painted tail light garnish. Whoever matches that description really sucks.

Wouldn't it be funny if someone with a 205 tire were faster than you around a track? Would you crack up? Would you?
Who thinks that'd be funny?

Not even a little bit?

For fun, i'll do a 4 lug conversion and run a 14x6 with 195 azenis.

It's also funny how you pop up in other peoples thread to bash HLSD's, stock aero, stock wheels...wait...isn't that stuff you "don't like".
And hey, don't you spend your time telling off people who don't do things "your way"?

SO if we're not all runnning 19x13 355's, i guess we suck?

If a stock wheel with a sticky tire sucks, don't you think an aftermarket wheel with a shtity tire sucks even more?

FUck man, you're killin me.

09-02-2005, 04:21 PM
guy above your post.

i dont see the problem with my setup? i dont understand why i have to be able to make a tire slide to be able to run it for gripping? if a corvette uses some slicks, is it a poser car, because it cant drift the slicks? and even if i had some monster motor in there, i wouldnt ever do it, cause i wouldnt want to be replacing the tires all the time (the poor bit). makes perfect sense to me?

edit - and no to the track question. i wouldnt give a shit? im sure a lot of thoes GMR 2000$ cars are far faster than mine on a track and i have way more than that in my car. who cares? thats not what ive built my car for.

again, this thread is retarded. i guess im going to go bust into everyones thread who runs square sidewall tires and call them fags and they need to stretch it. flip the situation around a bit, you know?

09-02-2005, 04:23 PM
you guy above ^^^ me drifting on stock wheels is because im poor and my car is slow. if money was no object i would be drifting on 19x17s with 355/25s and 950 wheel. and it would be fucking AWESOME. dont even try to hate on victor. his driving and his car kick yours in the ass. cool auto trans and painted taillight garnish and stock everything. go die :bigOK:

JCB - i mentioned the news bit to disprove your stupid statment about me hardparking my car. if you want some action pics flip through the pics thread up top.

stock wheels with sticky tires = your car sucks. sorry dude. this completly confirms my 205 pizza cutters comment. if you havent driven on stretched tires, then go shut the fuck up. dont try to bust into somone elses thread with your awesome stock car and start pushing your shitty ideas about how a car should be tuned on every one else.

okay, so if you had the choice to run a stretched tire or a tire that isn't stretched, you'd go with the stretched tire? stop being a fucking moron. i said i'd probably just get tires, doesn't matter either way as its going to be winter soon enough anyways and my car won't get any use during the winter months and hopefully i can save up some money, which i'd rather put into making my car faster as opposed to buying $3,000 rims and tires. i'll probably get some decently priced used rims with a good offset and sticky tires that are WIDER than stocks, if not, then i'll be forced to just get sticky tires for the stock rims, which i'd rather not do.

09-02-2005, 04:25 PM
The goal of the racing corvette is to NEVER slide the wheels. When you slide the wheel you're losing speed. The goal of the corvette is to go as fast as possible around the track. It's slicks are best suited for fulfilling that goal. There's nothing poseurish about that.

Your goal is to get the rear end to come loose but not too loose. Running a tire you can't break loose goes against YOUR goal and therefore it isn't the ideal setup.
If you know you don't have the monster engine to utlize a superwide rear tire, and you keep saying you're poor so I assume you aren't planning on getting that monster engine tomorrow...why do you insist on running such a wide tire?

Again, it's for looks- not because it works best for your driving situation. And there's nothing wrong with doing it for the look, just admit it.

09-02-2005, 04:26 PM
yes, u're poor and you're slow...so you run 12 inch wheel. It all makes sense.

yeah, it would suck to have an auto and painted tail light garnish. Whoever matches that description really sucks.

Wouldn't it be funny if someone with a 205 tire were faster than you around a track? Would you crack up? Would you?
Who thinks that'd be funny?

Not even a little bit?

For fun, i'll do a 4 lug conversion and run a 14x6 with 195 azenis.

It's also funny how you pop up in other peoples thread to bash HLSD's, stock aero, stock wheels...wait...isn't that stuff you "don't like".
And hey, don't you spend your time telling off people who don't do things "your way"?

SO if we're not all runnning 19x13 355's, i guess we suck?

If a stock wheel with a sticky tire sucks, don't you think an aftermarket wheel with a shtity tire sucks even more?

FUck man, you're killin me.

duhhhh obviously 19x11 rims with stretched rubber bands handle WAY better than any 16x7 or 16x8 rim with sticky tires that fit right... gosh.


09-02-2005, 04:32 PM
I think we need to put this argument in context here. You are arguing in absolutes: NEVER or ALWAYS stretched. You're forgetting there are degrees of stretch.

Not everyone is putting a 205 on a 17x10. Check out the Bozz Speed Mitsu EVO; they run the same size tire on each corner (i think a 245), but the fronts have a 9inch width rim and the rears have an 8.5inch width. Why? They wanted to reduce flex in front and utlize faster turn in, while keeping the same width but gradual breakaway characteristics of a rounder tire setup.

This is an isolated example (overpowered track-only AWD car), but illustrates there is a "Gray" in your "black and white" of stretched or not.

And I believe "real" drift cars do run a stretched tire, but again, not to the extreme degree that some people do it. They probably put like a 225 on a 9 or something, I don't know the exact setup of various d1 cars. Not all cars use the stickiest possible rubber as well (some do, it varies).

So stretching good or bad? Taken to an extreme, stretching is stupid. Likewise, running a 255 on a 7 would be stupid too. But there is a range of tire widths you can put on various rim widths and reasons for chooosing them: fender clearance, tire size availability, reducing sidewall flex, etc.

Also, some people like stagger...some people don't. Me, I haven't tried a million setups so I hardly know, but i'm inclined to keep it less staggered or not at all to keep it more neutral. More tire in front for more braking and turn-in grip as well, all that good stuff.

09-02-2005, 04:33 PM
And I would like to appluad chmercer. most of the time he pops in to bash someone and then leaves, but this time he's sticking around to fight back.

I commend his efforts to educate us.

There's a few things left to do:
1. Ignore everyone and not post anymore
2. come back and defend himself
3. Slam me and my crappy car (god no)
4. Accept that his setup is not ideal.
5. Call me names, threaten to kill or rape me.

And there's so many combinations to choose from!

I personally expect a combination of 5, followed up with some #1, but #2 is a possibility. Odds are against #4. If some friends of his show up, I'll put moeny on #3.

hey, is anyone still reading this?

09-02-2005, 04:40 PM
actually optionzero, i hate to bust in on you but in many situations its been proven a 5-10 degree slip angle into a turn is the fastest way around some particular turns. i'm not demanding super full counter lock 45+ angle, just saying, slight slip angle can sometimes be the optimal route around the course.

you guys are using chmercers wheels/tires as an extreme. he has the sizes he likes, period. not some faggot stock shit. 6.5" width, c'mon del sol's have more contact patch than you guys. don't even come in here trying to say there's a tire in the world you can put on that stupid son of a bitch wheel size to make up for another 2-3" of wheel width. even a 225/40 on a 17x9 could outperform anything you want to put on that 6.5" you guys get your egos high, widen the tire, and boom, SIDEWALL FLEX. you guys play it cool, slap on some 205s, BOOM, OMG UNDERSTEER BUT WHY? because 205s lick cak plain and simple. fuck man you guys want the bigger wheel argument, here it is. i'll put your test up and put an example setup on my car, 17x9 front 18x9.5 rear, we'll see how your arguments hold up. you can "zoom zoom" around the track in your se's, and i'll use my "oversized drifter setup" and we'll settle this threads endless agonizing pathetic whiney bullshit once and for all.

09-02-2005, 04:49 PM
That's so funny because doesn't chmercer take off his "oversize drifter setup" and drift on stock wheels?

And i'll be happy to use an oversize drifter setup 17x9 and 18x9.5. Will you buy me the wheels?

I run a 205/55/16 on a 16x6.5 because
A) I have the wheels already. They came on the car.
B) There's no better grip available for the money, unless u can top $377 shipped for 4 RT-215's.

is MY setup ideal? I'll say right now that it's not.
It is, however, the best I can do with the money I have for the type of driving I do.

is chmercer's crazy 18x12 the best HE can do? Well his goal is to drift, and he admits already that his car is slow and that he's (at the moment) poor, so i'd say his wheel setup isn't ideal for HIM and HIS SITUATION (drift, poor, no power).

So I say maybe he wouldn't be poor if he didn't spend money on 18x12's, and he wouldn't be slow if he had lighter wheels and usable grip. I won't talk about his paint.

hey when we race, will you take off your turbo and fully adjustable suspension?

09-02-2005, 04:50 PM
and to jcb, hahahahahha, dude get the fuck off your high horse. just because your wheels are oem, and probably have been the entire length of time you've owned whatever sorry excuse for a 240 you have, doesn't mean that styles you've never even TRIED are necessarily bad. your outlook is really huge wheels with really rubberband tires is bad bad bad. ok little red riding hood, you have an opinion and fingers to type it, good for you. where you went wrong is assuming charlie is 150% option magazined out rolling 235s. 18x12 with a 275 tire is not exactly that crazy. yeah, its a strictly for looks setup as-is on the street, we've figured that out, congratulations, you've made fun of him for not wanting his car to look like total stock shit on the street everyday. in turn, your victory dance can be driving your factory car with ultra tight sr swap daily, have fun loser. on top of that, charlie's fronts are 18x10 with 265s. can you honestly still insult that? where is your fucking thought process there? are you going to slap his wrist for not having 275s? i'm a tad guilty of "skimming" this thread here, but certain bullshit comments of yours pop up here and there and 1/2 of them were strictly fucking retarded. if you guys want to judge what others should do on this forum, take a look at what your doing yourself. you want chmercer to stop posting bullshit, thats fine. but how do you classify what you're doing? dropping absolute knowledge?

09-02-2005, 04:53 PM
wait wait wait...
so you're saying:
chmercer's setup is not for going fast?
and by extension
chmercer's setup is built for magazines?

DAMN, that changes everything!

09-02-2005, 04:54 PM
none of my wheel and tire setups have ever cost anywhere close to 3000$. ive had various ebay wheels, fn's, hres, and now im on the equips, for reference.

and yes, if i had enough motor in the car, i would run a fucking huge wheel with a fucking huge tire and stretch it. it would look like a dually. homeless people would sleep in my wheels. the car would be so incredibly wide it would not fit in one lane. i would extend the axles to make it wider.

you got my point on the corevette exactly right. thats what i was saying. i dont drift ALL the time. i dont drift on my way to the post office. so i have my "grip" wheels for daily driving. thats why i have the big tires on my street wheels. and i switch for when i drift. pretty easy concept. and the huge wheels are damn good at gripping. which is my goal when im on backroads and stuff. granted it probably hurts my speed. but id much rather have retarded grip than fast squirly exit speed. and hell yea its for looks. my car is covered in metallic blue sparkle vinyl. what the hell else would it be for.

09-02-2005, 04:57 PM
granted it probably hurts my speed

Thats all I wanted.

and if you ever go to the Left Coast when I set the car up, i'll hand you the keys and you can drive it.

Next time I'm in texas, i'll call you.

09-02-2005, 05:05 PM
deal. tandem doughunts video k? :D

09-02-2005, 05:07 PM
you bring the camcorder and i'll buy the donuts. Cookies n' creme krispy kreme special flavor of the month.

09-02-2005, 05:30 PM
stretching a tire isn't good for anything. you don't want to stretch a tire period. ever. you just don't.

NO. YOU may not want to stretch a tire, but a lot of other people DO.

stretching a tire on a wheel is bad. period. end of story. bad.

NO. A 225 on a 9j wheel will have more contact patch than the same tire on an 8j wheel. When you slightly stretch a tire, it increases the contact patch because the tire doesn't have to roll in to mount to the wheel. It also eliminates sidewall flex. Stretching tires in NOT pointless, but it does have it's applications (i.e.-it's not good for drag racing, but it is good for drift). You're entirely too closed minded. And before you say anything about me being a JDM TYT3 DoRiFt0r y0... I don't drift, not yet anyway, I may give it a try. I grew up around drag racing. The other side to the coin is asthetics. Some people just like the look of a stretched tire, some people like the look of a bulged tire. It's an opinion, just like an ass, everybody's got one, so just show it more than others. :rolleyes:


09-02-2005, 05:53 PM
NO. YOU may not want to stretch a tire, but a lot of other people DO.

NO. A 225 on a 9j wheel will have more contact patch than the same tire on an 8j wheel. When you slightly stretch a tire, it increases the contact patch because the tire doesn't have to roll in to mount to the wheel. It also eliminates sidewall flex. Stretching tires in NOT pointless, but it does have it's applications (i.e.-it's not good for drag racing, but it is good for drift). You're entirely too closed minded. And before you say anything about me being a JDM TYT3 DoRiFt0r y0... I don't drift, not yet anyway, I may give it a try. I grew up around drag racing. The other side to the coin is asthetics. Some people just like the look of a stretched tire, some people like the look of a bulged tire. It's an opinion, just like an ass, everybody's got one, so just show it more than others. :rolleyes:


my reply was to those who are running the super wide tires with really stretched out tires on there, which, are definately not the best for grip. thats what i was talking about. i know very slight stretch or using a "matched" tire that doesn't stretch will changet he characteristic of the car and can make it handle better/feel different and it depends on the driver.

let me clarify, which i guess i didn't do... all my arguments were directed towards stretching the shit out of tires to put them on huge rims. those are the people that are the "JDM TYT3 DoRiFt0r y0" crowd and thats what my comments were directed to. fine tuning to get the right feel and balance and best grip possible is fine, its different in every car, that isn't what i was bashing.

carry on...

09-02-2005, 05:55 PM
this thread is going no where..... :lockd:

09-02-2005, 05:56 PM
granted it probably hurts my speed... and hell yea its for looks. my car is covered in metallic blue sparkle vinyl. what the hell else would it be for.

thank you. that, sir, is what i was looking for. i still don't like the look of stretching a tire, but if its not for performance, then its not really a big deal.

09-02-2005, 05:56 PM
this thread is going no where..... :lockd:

we're having a friendly debate. :)

:rant2: :blah: :hammer: :nono: :down: :wtc: :fruit: :duh: :mepoke: :wavey: :rant: :x: :bow:

09-02-2005, 06:13 PM
thank you. that, sir, is what i was looking for. i still don't like the look of stretching a tire, but if its not for performance, then its not really a big deal.
what tha fuck do you know about performance or driving
seriously tell me one actual driving event you have been to and gay drag wars are not part of them :rl: :fawk2:

09-02-2005, 06:45 PM
I think we need to put this argument in context here. You are arguing in absolutes: NEVER or ALWAYS stretched. You're forgetting there are degrees of stretch.

Not everyone is putting a 205 on a 17x10. Check out the Bozz Speed Mitsu EVO; they run the same size tire on each corner (i think a 245), but the fronts have a 9inch width rim and the rears have an 8.5inch width. Why? They wanted to reduce flex in front and utlize faster turn in, while keeping the same width but gradual breakaway characteristics of a rounder tire setup.

This is an isolated example (overpowered track-only AWD car), but illustrates there is a "Gray" in your "black and white" of stretched or not.

And I believe "real" drift cars do run a stretched tire, but again, not to the extreme degree that some people do it. They probably put like a 225 on a 9 or something, I don't know the exact setup of various d1 cars. Not all cars use the stickiest possible rubber as well (some do, it varies).

So stretching good or bad? Taken to an extreme, stretching is stupid. Likewise, running a 255 on a 7 would be stupid too. But there is a range of tire widths you can put on various rim widths and reasons for chooosing them: fender clearance, tire size availability, reducing sidewall flex, etc.

Also, some people like stagger...some people don't. Me, I haven't tried a million setups so I hardly know, but i'm inclined to keep it less staggered or not at all to keep it more neutral. More tire in front for more braking and turn-in grip as well, all that good stuff.

thread over. :lockd:

Revolver Ocelot
09-02-2005, 08:23 PM
:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd:

09-02-2005, 08:36 PM
So, Can I fit 20"s on my S14?

God, this is why I still have stock rims on my car everyone bitches.