View Full Version : Cali Gas On the RISE..

08-31-2005, 11:00 PM
yea..pretty bored..so mite as well post something.....i've noticed..a big jump on the gas again.i paid 3.19 a gal for middle grade(plus)....what bout yall??

08-31-2005, 11:27 PM
I just paid $2.95 for the cheap stuff 87octane in Pasadena.

08-31-2005, 11:28 PM
Fuck that, I live in NC, I passed stations on the way home tonight charging 3.29/gallon for 87 FUCKING OCTANE, I wound up stopping at an Exxon near my house and paying 3.19/gal for 93 octane though.

... and it will get a LOT worse before it gets ANY better, so lube up, ladies

08-31-2005, 11:32 PM
I think its time to seriously consider getting a street bike.

08-31-2005, 11:32 PM
yeah with the whole hurricane katrina chaos, there are places that are paying $6 a gallon! just to let ya'll know. when katrina hit it messed up oil rigs out in the gulf and what not. also bush allowed the use of the oil reserves that we had iirc. and thru the south here in new orleans and what not the amount we supplied was 25%. so yeah its gonna go up. this is hurricane has caused a national crisis.

08-31-2005, 11:39 PM
$3.05 for 91 in Moreno Valley (it's in Riverside county), and that's AFTER it rose up like 10 cents from the day before.

09-01-2005, 12:04 AM
yah just paid $3.19 for 91 (worried about the rise)....just heard on the news that they tapped the oil reserves and the gulf of mexico tanker is in hella bad condition...that and freaking in ATL, BP stations are charging $6.00+ a gallon!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hella freaked about what's going to happen here with Cali prices, that and with all the bad stuff with the southern states...best of luck to everyone.

09-01-2005, 12:04 AM
yeah i just got raped at the pump too, 2.89/g for 87 octane. it's gone up about 10c/day here in so cal since monday

09-01-2005, 12:10 AM
OMG. Looks like I'm gonna have to get my bike out, and learn how to balance again.

09-01-2005, 12:14 AM
OMG. Looks like I'm gonna have to get my bike out, and learn how to balance again.

I just can't imagine paying $6.00+ a gallon...i'm seriously going to have to get my old school bike out, I wish I had an electric car.

09-01-2005, 12:24 AM
So many of these GasPrice NOW? Threads. Walk, carpool, bus, just stop complaining about PRICES!!! If you wanna cry about the prices, do something about it and stop driving. I think like, every other day someone posts up a "how much are you paying now" thread. Just continue on one, like nice people would.

I too hate the prices, but hey, my car doesn't run on hopes and dreams. Someone gimme an AMEN!

-Sochbat, the most lovable guy in the world.

09-01-2005, 12:38 AM
I put 10$ (87 @ 2.99) in my car before class. On the way home, I filled the rest up before gas stations were out. After finding a gas station that still had gas, I had to wait in a line for 30min, and they only had premium gas left (@ 3.59per/g) finished filling the car up, then having to pay a tab of 50.92$

Lets make our invasion on Iraq worth while, and drop the gas prices down to 1$/per gal.

09-01-2005, 12:46 AM
I put 10$ (87 @ 2.99) in my car before class. On the way home, I filled the rest up before gas stations were out. After finding a gas station that still had gas, I had to wait in a line for 30min, and they only had premium gas left (@ 3.59per/g) finished filling the car up, then having to pay a tab of 50.92$

Lets make our invasion on Iraq worth while, and drop the gas prices down to 1$/per gal.

Iraq isn't the big reason right now why gas prices are so high. read up some.

anyone else sick of these "OMG gas prices" threads? Just make one big thread about "GAS PRICES" and put all the threads into 1. gas prices are going up, about 50 cents just in the past week around here (MA) and they're supposed to keep going up and $4/gal has been predicted.

09-01-2005, 12:58 AM
^ no shit the huricane caused the jump in prices.

Iraq is the answer, not the problem

09-01-2005, 01:17 AM
damm my friend works at a gas station near de anza blvd, cupertino they were selling 87 octane for 2.77 they were so busy hahaha

paid 2.98 for plus 2 days ago

09-01-2005, 01:18 AM
damm my friend works at a gas station near de anza blvd, cupertino they were selling 87 octane for 2.77 they were so busy hahaha

paid 2.98 for lastnight and now they are 3.15+

FastBack 240
09-01-2005, 01:20 AM
Just put 87 octane in the 4runner at a price of $3.19 a gallon.

09-01-2005, 01:21 AM
Edit, not post

09-01-2005, 01:37 AM
Can you imagine zilvians invading iraq for gas. That would be some shit. But we gotta throw snail in the front. He got the best weapon.

09-01-2005, 01:57 AM
damn imma buy some gallon jugs and fill those up for reserves. Prices will continue to grow from a few weeks maybe even months since 25% comes from the south. I wouldnt be surprised if the gas prices went up to $4 by next week. Just my luck too, i have to fill up my tank AND ill be goin to night drift. sigh looks like itll be 100 just for gas

09-01-2005, 01:57 AM
dudes im way ahead of u........... i dont drive my car anymore been awhile.... since i drive... been takin the bus and walkin and riding the bike.... and bummin rides

09-01-2005, 02:28 AM
it's so wrong for us to want to invade another country to prevent an inconvenience for ourselves. Do you guys realize..it's an actual country. people. culture. a way of life that's existed far longer than our pathetic fabricated image of ourselves. That being said. I"M ALL FOR IT. invade, bomb do whatever. drop those prices at the pumps. The end of the world is nearing anyways.

Ritz S14
09-01-2005, 03:07 AM
Man.. someone should invent synthetic 110 octane gasonline at a price of 1.29 a gallon or something.

09-01-2005, 03:08 AM
I was just about to call Var a fag. And then i finished reading. :rawk:

09-01-2005, 03:27 AM
i put only $20 worth of gas in my car tonight at $3.07 per gallon. i guess i should have filled up because it might be way more tomorrow

09-01-2005, 03:53 AM
According to the California Energy Commission stats in 2004, none of our oil comes from the south. ~40% is generated in-state, and 22% is from Alaska, with the rest coming from foreign countries.

09-01-2005, 04:06 AM
According to the California Energy Commission stats in 2004, none of our oil comes from the south. ~40% is generated in-state, and 22% is from Alaska, with the rest coming from foreign countries.
So they're raising it to keep up with the trend then? XD Zilvians should invade Iraq, I'm sure most have played Counterstrike, THATS ALL THE TRAINING YOU NEED!!


09-01-2005, 04:09 AM
Stop complaining.. $3.00 ain't bad compared to this:


Original Yahoo link can be found here:

http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/bs/031005gaspricesrisin/im:/050901/480/gagb10209010023;_ylt=AkatPlGOqvR8rKi0g3WAoJz9WccF; _ylu=X3oDMTA3dmhrOGVvBHNlYwNzc20-

09-01-2005, 04:32 AM
Stop complaining.. $3.00 ain't bad compared to this:


Original Yahoo link can be found here:

http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/bs/031005gaspricesrisin/im:/050901/480/gagb10209010023;_ylt=AkatPlGOqvR8rKi0g3WAoJz9WccF; _ylu=X3oDMTA3dmhrOGVvBHNlYwNzc20-
Holy god... where is that?!

EDIT:nvm.. wow.. that just sucks.. i wouln't drive at all..

09-01-2005, 07:52 AM
when I saw 3.19 (87) over the shell gas station around here, I drove to marathon (they aren't as responsive as Shell) hoping to fill up with $2.xx . I ended up putting 10 gallons worth of 89 octane at $3.29... no more high rev... for now..

I am thinking about using my gallon jigs to put something in reserve.

09-01-2005, 12:07 PM
They just had a movie about this not too long ago on cable...

"Oil Storm" I think it was

09-01-2005, 02:51 PM
Geez, there's a new gas thread every couple of days. And its on every car message board out there. There's nothing we can really do about it. Just try to drive less and maybe get a more fuel efficient car. Lately I've been seeing old Civics getting snapped up really fast.

09-01-2005, 03:35 PM
There's nothing we can really do about it.

Bullshit. Im converting my car to biodiesel.

09-01-2005, 03:37 PM
If cars ran on stupidity, 80 percent of the driving popluation would have free fuel for life.

09-01-2005, 07:25 PM
For once I get to say that you cali guys have it easy. Here in Knoxville, TN we have regular 87 for 3.29. All over the city its that much. I put about 3 gallons in my bike and it was more than 10 dollars. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

09-01-2005, 07:30 PM
at least i don't live in georgia, but these prices are fucking RIDICULOUS.

prices of EVERYTHING is going up because companies have to still make the same profit but are spending a lot more for gas. i hope all you guys don't want any parts from japan because those will be more expensive soon too ;)

09-01-2005, 08:42 PM
life sucks get a fucking helmet.

09-01-2005, 10:07 PM
Well, the reason why it's so high here in NC, is because 2 of the states major gas lines are down due to no electricity. Those 2 lines supply 90% of the state. Now, it's 3.29 for regular 87 octane. Cali guys.... I feel your pain!

What makes this even worse, is that state wide, we are pretty much out of gas. I know that here in Wilmington, we are totally out! I filled up the 5 cars here at the house, spend almost $200, and we aren't going anywhere!!! Home, work, home, work. Until we get more gas, I'm stuck here.

Thrill Capsule
09-01-2005, 10:21 PM
I personally plan on buying a bicycle this weekend and using that to get back and forth between jobs and friends houses. I will only take the car to college (25 mile round trip) help to have a motorcycle too.

If you guys want a extremely fuel efficient bike all I have to say is Ninja 250r, mine gets 65-70mpg on 87octane :rawk: Screw everyone that looks down on the 250 as a "girls" bike.

PS anyone wanna buy my 1995 kawasaki Ninja zx600r? seriously lol...

09-01-2005, 10:22 PM
Well, the reason why it's so high here in NC, is because 2 of the states major gas lines are down due to no electricity. Those 2 lines supply 90% of the state. Now, it's 3.29 for regular 87 octane. Cali guys.... I feel your pain!

What makes this even worse, is that state wide, we are pretty much out of gas. I know that here in Wilmington, we are totally out! I filled up the 5 cars here at the house, spend almost $200, and we aren't going anywhere!!! Home, work, home, work. Until we get more gas, I'm stuck here.
I am in Greensboro and it is kinda weird here... Stations in the middle of town are charging like 3.29 for regular, but then as you go further east into the county, the stations are charging progressively less, except for where this is GUARANTEED traffic, these stations charge like the "middle of town ones." I filled my tank last night on 93 octane, 3.19/gallon. I will drive the 240 to work tomorrow, I will drive the Caprice if I go anywhere this weekend, which I likely will not, in an attempt to stretch the tank in the 240 2 weeks.

09-01-2005, 10:25 PM
According to the California Energy Commission stats in 2004, none of our oil comes from the south. ~40% is generated in-state, and 22% is from Alaska, with the rest coming from foreign countries.

And 100% of that foreign oil comes from supertankers so large they can only dock in the Gulf.....of which the ports they dock at have no power and are probably abandoned at the moment.


09-02-2005, 07:24 AM
i need to get my 240 running...paying freakin 370 a gallon for premium here in ny is killing me

09-02-2005, 09:18 AM
Im in Jacksonville NC and for the most part gas prices are anywhere between $3.20 and $3.50 per gallon of the cheap stuff. I guess its a good thing that my injector o-rings leak like the levees in L.A. Then again I want my car running again.:(

09-02-2005, 12:07 PM
You guys are paying 50 cents to a dollar more than we normally payed before Katrina. It was about 2.59-2.79 for 87 octane. Feel the pain . muhahahahah.. I pay stinkin 3.17 a gallon right now for premium. Seriously though, it'll pass. And we'll be more expensive again in no time. :)

09-03-2005, 05:29 AM
Lucky for me i don't drive so often. WEEE!!!!

09-03-2005, 05:54 AM
i didnt fill the tank all the way up few weeks ago because i was hoping it will go down, dam was i wrong. bout to get that go-ped started!

Wahl 36
09-03-2005, 08:01 AM
i need to get my 240 running...paying freakin 370 a gallon for premium here in ny is killing me

must be nice to pay 3.70, 87 is $3.89 and 92 is $4.05 a gallon. Yesterday after class I went to the gas station and they had a sign on all the pumps. 87 only due to shortage. Sweet.

09-03-2005, 12:03 PM
Gas went down in price here. Went from like $3.23 to $3.10 for 91 octane

09-03-2005, 02:05 PM
Still floating @ 3.17 across from my work for 91 octane. I thought it would have gone up to 4 bucks right now. Pathetic..i'm actually happy to be paying 3.19 a gallon for gas. 91 octane muchless. poop.

09-03-2005, 02:16 PM
I'm lucky I have a company car for a few weeks: free gas.

09-03-2005, 04:52 PM
Fuck that, I live in NC, I passed stations on the way home tonight charging 3.29/gallon for 87 FUCKING OCTANE, I wound up stopping at an Exxon near my house and paying 3.19/gal for 93 octane though.

... and it will get a LOT worse before it gets ANY better, so lube up, ladies

where in NC are you going that even HAS gas left?

09-03-2005, 05:21 PM
where in NC are you going that even HAS gas left?
Work in Greensboro, live in Gibsonville (between G-boro and Burlington) and the stations near my house are running outta 93, but one that saud they were COMPLETELY out had them all today, so I filled up again.

09-05-2005, 02:32 AM
damn ive been meanin to look into some bikes and learn how to ride one. this could be my push into gettin one :D

anyone wanna teach jon wayne how to ride a bike? (not a bicycle smartasses :P )

09-05-2005, 02:44 AM
Might be my push into getting one also. I was about to check the gas station that was known to have the best prices, but I had a run-in with a pig so I had to makea few detours I HATE PIGS

09-05-2005, 03:30 AM
Yea but bikes are even fuxed. I have a 2003 Yamaha R1 and a 2001 Honda CBR 600F4i.

Before all this bs I remember paying about $6.00 to fill the biatch up. Now on my motorcycle at $3.39 a gallon I'm paying close to $10-$11 for my bike! That is freakin' rediculous!

Ohhhhh and I'm faded right now, I just got back from bar hopping in sAn Jose, so I hope I spelled everything ok! BYE !