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08-31-2005, 09:44 PM
>>>hey everyone this is edgardo. i am from new orleans and i wanted to make this thread so everyone thats from n.o.l.a. that come on this forum to check in because the phone service is not working.<<<

yeah there are a few of use that are on here from new orleans. i have left everything behind, all i have with me is what i got in two small bags, my family, my 240, and my dog. everything else is gone, anything that was in the house is all gone now. alot of ppl i have talked to thought it would be a typical "o we are leaving again for two or three days and we'll be back", like we did for hurricane ivan. phone service is not working at all but a few times i have been able to call up ppl and let them know im alright, and vise versa. i hope that everyone is ok now and made it out safe.

the news just keeps getting worse. it was from the levee breaking, to it getting two blocks wide to now 6 blocks wide, the pumps failed, some pumps and since they broke are working in reverse. Looting is out of control, ppl are shooting each other because the don't care about anything anymore. ppl trying to leave the city are being car jacked, heard this on the news just now, ppl stealing cars to get out of town, the was a 3 foot shark spotted earlier today because water being pulled in from the gulf has left them in the city, alligators and poisonuos snakes have inhabited the ctiy as well. dead bodies have been floating around the city whcih will cause a mess of diseases, mosquitoes will soon breed out of control. no gas. no power. no drinkable water. there were reports of toxic materials that leaked into the water as well. oil and gas have been leaked into the water also. at least 80% of the city i under water. 25% of oil/gas comes through our city, so expect gas prices to go up ALOT some places up to $5-$6 a gallon. ppl drowning in their own homes. some people are refusing to evacuate. houses demolished and trees crushing homes (the other family that is with mine had this news given to them yesterday).

i dont even know where im going with all this i gues im rambling now, but i guess thats cuz i have to keep the rest of my family strong here and i can't let them see me break. i have to start thinking about he future now and what is going to happen. job gone, house gone, everything in the house gone, memories gone, valuables gone, where i worked gone, heh all my car parts gone. right now we are satying in a house one room 10 of us with three birds and a dog. but at least we aren't in a hotel. all i have is memories of friends i can't get in touch with, don't know how anyone's doing. haven't heard from my father since sunday, and i am worried sick over him. what next??? ok i am going to stop now.

all this is starting to get to me, there really isn't much to do but think about whats going on right now.

!!!!!!!!!->so far checked in:

drew -madscientist

ton - slowcoupe

08-31-2005, 09:55 PM
TAKE CARE BRO...GOOD LUCK AND YOU'LL MAKE IT. and people are fucking crazy so be careful.

drift freaq
08-31-2005, 10:07 PM
man , I am there for you edgardo , let me know if there is anything I can do.

08-31-2005, 10:13 PM
i hope for the best for you and your cherished ones

08-31-2005, 10:22 PM
It's the times like these that make America pull together and help each other. Other than these times, we don't give a fuck about each other.

My prayers are with the friends and family of the affected.

08-31-2005, 10:46 PM
man..i wish i could help...but all i can do is watch like most of us..best of luck and hope things work out..i will be donating some money and will try to work on setting up a donation fund or some sort.

08-31-2005, 10:57 PM
Good luck to you and your family, hope things get better from this point on.

08-31-2005, 11:43 PM
In times like these make me love the fact that I live in California.. we'll never have floods (I hope I'm not jinxing it) or snow storms (in south cali that is..).. but good luck dude. I hope you as well as your loved ones take care and make it through.

09-01-2005, 01:39 AM
^^^ I would rather have the skies move, rather then the ground move ;)

09-01-2005, 01:51 AM
its really tragic how this is happening. ppl shootin eachother just for survival. i mean i coudl see it happening but still its terrible. I mean, ur best friend could turn on you just to get out of the city. Just all reminds me of war of the worlds. i hope that drew, ton and you will all be able to recover from these tragedies.

best of luck

A Spec Products
09-01-2005, 02:04 AM
wow, really puts things in perspective. i wish it could be something you only see in the movies. it really hits home when it is in the states, even though its a coast away.

my prayers are with those affected, please be safe out there.

Nan Desu Ka?!
09-01-2005, 03:37 AM
its times like this where i both love an loath humanity. people should be helping others, not fucking shooting them and stealing and shit, i mean what the fuck is going through their minds? survival is all well and good, but no if it means taking someone else's life. no one has that right.


I wish every single person affected by this my sincerest hopes that everyone makes it through this rough time safely. I also extend my deepest condolences for those who lost loved-ones. may the spirits be with all of you in your time of need. take care, and keep us posted.

p.s. everyone should go onto the red coss's site and donate whatever you can to the relief effort. that is the core of humanity, helping your fellow man with any means necessary.

09-01-2005, 04:34 AM
I hope for the best for you and your family.

09-01-2005, 11:49 AM
i was really looking forward to comming back when they let us back in a for a few days to get whatever is left, but seeing the looters comming together and robbing reporters and looting people's houses. i don't know if its safe to come back. i even thought about buying me a shot gun and bringing it back but i don't think i can defend myself against a gang of looters with guns they stole from walmart and other stores.

09-01-2005, 04:32 PM
yeah my parebts went back today, i told them not to because its too dangerous right now, but still they went. i hope there ok. god help help them. im not sure what to do now. the looting is getting a lot worse. not only that some looters are not trying to get out but they think they own the city! this comment was overheard from a family that was stuck in a house and saw a few guys go by and talking about it. so there are some who are not trying to get out. i got in touch with Tao, mikey, danny, steve is kool, um edward with the rx7 is kool, so far. and ppl from nolarides and nostreetracing

09-01-2005, 08:39 PM
im not dead

09-01-2005, 09:45 PM
fucking terrorist looters.

09-02-2005, 12:17 AM
i got most of the story on the news, but didnt all those ppl that died, stayed willingly and knowlying?

why would they choose not to leave?

09-02-2005, 02:40 AM
prayers go out man..

09-02-2005, 10:21 AM
i got most of the story on the news, but didnt all those ppl that died, stayed willingly and knowlying?

why would they choose not to leave?

some of those people stayed because they are broke and didnt have the funds to just get up and leave on a moments notice....

09-02-2005, 09:58 PM
Be careful out there man, everyone is armed with guns.

09-03-2005, 12:04 PM
Hey Edgardo, do you know an Edgar Medrano? He's from Gretna and has an S13. His car was scheduled to get a swap on Monday but obviously that didn't work out.

I haven't been able to get in touch with him and though I only know the guy because I want his Fidanza flywheel, I'm worried about him and his family. I haven't been able to get in touch with him via e-mail and I don't know if he got out or not. This is the first time I've ever been involved personally with a hurricane and frankly I think about whether or not he's ok every couple hours. At this point I don't give a shit about the flywheel, I just want the guy to have gotten out alive and well and his house to have been spared by some grace of God.

09-03-2005, 01:25 PM
I hope that the rest of your family and friends (and everyone else for that matter) are well. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. We are sending people/money/supplies down to help with whatever we can.

I had family there who JUST contacted us last night (GulfPort) but are on their way back to the city to help with a group from Florida.

I hope all Americans will do sumthing to help...anything. These people are not refugees, they are Americans....period.

I hope that things work out better for you and yours.

Take care, ~Emerald

09-15-2005, 10:33 AM
hey everyone just checkin back!in! i'm at a shelter here in shreveport, no (more) bad news at the moment. after going back to the house... it was a dreadful sight. i was speechless as i drove back into the city. it looked like a set of some disaster movie, cept it wasn't a movie, it was the real thing. my house was really damaged, but nothing too extreme. 9-15 inches of water, roof damage, wind damage, roof caved in on my room and lil bro's room. went back threw everything out, and i mean everything. threw out clothes, furniture, carpet, food, everything! we were staying at a friends house the first few days after the hurricane, but after about four days they got kinda i dont know, they just started acting different. so we decided to leave. well the next morning we just got our stuff together and left. looking for a shelter in baton rouge but all three we went to were full. so somehow my stepdad convinced my mom to go back home.there was no power, no lights, no water, no gas, no nothing. so when we went back we started to clean up the house in metairie that we were gonna be staying at (the two guys stayed threw the hurricane) ripped out carpet, and took out furniture. i slept on the couch which the ppl saved because they had elevated them. and the beds were fine. taking showers was a real experience, we collected water from a broken pipeline. then to cook we were using little gas things, after a day or two the gas was on in their house. sun up to sun down is how our days went. reminded my of back in the days when there was no electricity. only thing we needed to do now is hunt for food. lol. but we had canned foods and bottled water. i ended up sleeping on the floor cuz the couch hurt my back. but i fluffed up the floor a lil bit to soften it up. put a quilt down and used a blanket. nights were really hot, days even hotter. no a/c, great. glad i don't have ac in my car cuz that would have been good. it wasn't that bad. mosquitoes were the worst part at night. it was like a ghost town. very eerie, especially when your used to seening busy streets. it was quiet, toooo quiet. i was left by myself cleanin up the house and i felt like, whats her face, at the end of resident evil part one after she walks out of the hospital. i swear alls i needed was a shotgun and it would have been the same! then after a few days we decided somehow on coming up here at shreveport to stay a while. don't know how long tho. times are tuff. if my computer is saved i will post pix. then again if my computer is not ok it might take a while for me to buy one. i was thinking of buying this cot im sleeping on heh. its really firm and good for my back :D. my bed and computer desk in my room was directly underneath the roof where it caved in. so had to throw that out! which sux b/c it was like the futon bed thing, and it was really comfortable, and my back didn't hurt when i slept on it. man i havent been able to keep track of days anymore. i will be checking in later on. i only keep track of time because of feeding time here at the shelter. im staying at broadmoor baptist church with another 90 ppl. and the ppl are EXTREMELY friendly! i have some access to the computer so i should be on every now and then. if anyone is in shreveport on here plz get in touch with me. well enuff ranting.

ka24des13 i don't know the person you named. what shop was he going to? do you know if he was going to psi? how old is he? did he go to uno? give me the info on him and i will try my best to get in touch with him.

thanks everyone from me and my family and everyone else that you have gotten to help through your support!

sup darnell :)



09-15-2005, 03:32 PM
Yo edgardo, i dont know what to say, and there isnt much i can do. I have donated to the redcross hoping the money will help any way it could. I see people here getting angry over gas prices when they dont know stories like yours. It really does put many things into perspective. I hope the best for you man. I dont know what i would do in your situation, but you cant just give up.

09-15-2005, 05:21 PM
It's the times like these that make America pull together and help each other. Other than these times, we don't give a fuck about each other.

good luck man! i hope you can get back on your feet and start again. I wish there was more i can do too, we donated, but sitting at home seems a little selfish some times. Look at the bright side, you have your family, pets, your 240 (:D)
once again, good luck man, let us know if we can help!

09-16-2005, 01:44 PM
yeah sorry for the long post too. thanks again all for your help and donations. a friend told me when flew to one of the northern states, that some ppl were upset because their, firefighters police, etc. went to new orleans. man if they only new. but he flipped out and went off on them! im still confused about whats going on heh. i have been helping out here a lot because most of the ppl here atthe shelter don't speak any english! so i am putting my bilingual skills to work the best that i can! i feel good helping the ppl here. so far i have taken on the responsibility of 2 teeth extractions and aftercare of a hernia surgery patient. and translating everything basically. im the go to guy. least i can do you know. i want to donate to the zilvia fund soon. filed for unemployment, so imma see how that works out. mmight get a job here conseling or social worker aid or something starting monday. and im getting the taxes taken out from the unemployment checks. i still feel like a loser tho. heh i need counseling lol. actually i was gonna go to see what it was about... and for myself i guess. crisis counseling it was called. well i'll check in later.

09-21-2005, 09:27 PM
is there anyone in shreveport? i am asking around to see if i can find ANYONE up here! someone who is familiar with shops and what not up here.

09-22-2005, 11:09 PM
any of you guys in destin area?? i see a black fastback with black rims going to my work like every now and then..

09-29-2005, 02:40 PM
I'm in BR. :)