View Full Version : Anime!

08-31-2005, 12:27 PM
It is the end of summer and now back to school. Pretty crappy for use students. I just wanted to see what everyone watched over summer(anime).

Please give the title and your review, not just the title

Naruto - Was getting really good but recent episodes are kinda just dragging along.

Bleach - Awsome series and im constantly waiting for the new episode to come out each week! Definately recommend!

One Piece - Ive had lots of time on my hands and i have many episodes of one piece. I watch when i have nothing else to watch. Good funny series, dont watch the american dub'd version.

Gundam Seed Destiny - Another great series! Still in the process of watching this and it's good. Not as good as the regular Gundam Seed, but i really do like it. It seems like this series is more about the people and their actions compared to just all out fighting. Recommend to anyone who loves action and some drama(i guess thats what i would call it.)

Im looking for something along the lines of Gundum Seed/Destiny to watch in my spare time. If you have a recommendation please state it!

Buffalo Daughter
09-01-2005, 04:45 PM
Samurai Champloo - I accidently, ok it wasnt on accident, but i saw the last four episodes and its a great series. Must see.

Fullmetal Alchemist - I love this series. Smart story, great characters but adult swim is lagging on showing the rest.

Gundam seed - I seen like two episodes but couldnt catch anymore episodes.

Onepiece - Good series, seen quiet a few episodes.

Inuyasha - I've been watching the new episodes but they need to hurry up and get on with and drop all the old stuff.

:bigok: Ghost in the Shell, Stand alone Complex - This is my favorite. The story is so in depth about life and technology, trippy storylines that suck you in. And if you followed the Original Ghost in the Shell and The movie part 2 your gonna love this series.

09-01-2005, 05:50 PM
FMA, Naruto, Bleach, Samurai Champloo are all great...just fyi for anyone who's seen FMA or samurai champloo on adult swim, you can get on bittorrent and download the second seasons of both series.

Inuyasha is still probably the GAYEST show on cable television, so you know Buffalo Daughter, just be aware. :ugh:

09-02-2005, 01:37 AM
i forgot about champloo, probably the best ive seen all summer but was too short for my taste.

I think im going to check out Ghost in the shell series sounds good. Im sorry but some other anime on adult swim i cant stad because of the voice actors, sound so ghey

OT: Hey Buffalo you have a stock intake i can borrow?

09-02-2005, 01:46 AM
Basilisk ~ Koga Ninpo Cho ~ - Naruto w/o the gaysex =)

all u biatches can thank me later..

Buffalo Daughter
09-02-2005, 01:58 AM
i forgot about champloo, probably the best ive seen all summer but was too short for my taste.

I think im going to check out Ghost in the shell series sounds good. Im sorry but some other anime on adult swim i cant stad because of the voice actors, sound so ghey

OT: Hey Buffalo you have a stock intake i can borrow?

why yes i do. Call my celly Bj.

Lurkable - Yeah it is pretty wack but its whats on when i get home at night. I do hate the whiney ass voices.

Anyone who hasnt seen cowboy bebop the movie, needs to tune in this saturday to get your mind blown away. Its like a episode 24, 25 inbetweener but is highly highly recommended along with cowboy bebop itself, another all time favorite.

09-02-2005, 01:59 AM
Samurai Champloo- I swear to GOD that Mugen is the ancestor of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. They have the same hair, attitude, build, VOICE, and they both kick ass! Good series. Has a very good story.

Full Metal Panic- Good series. FUMOFFU is worth seeing too. It's the second season but doesn't really have a on-going plot. Very funny though.

Get Backers- I love this show. The Limitless Fortress is cool and each DVD contains 5(!!!!!!) episodes each!

Chrono Crusade- Still waiting to get the last episodes (they're out just don't have them yet). It's a good anime with religious elements.

Gantz- I can't believe they have one of the DVDs at Wal-Mart. It's soooo gorey. Lots of killing. It's a bit weird but everything comes together in the end.

Paranoia Agent- Very good psychological thriller type series. Every episode you're kinda left like "WTF!?" and everything comes together in the end.

Ghost In the Shell:Stand Alone Complex- One of my favorite series. Up there with Cowboy Bebop. Must see anime.

Kino's Journey- Girl travels through different countries experiencing their ways of life. Eventually you come to know how she became a traveler. Good one.

Kaleido Star- It's about a girl in a circus. Laugh if you want but I liked the series a lot. She starts out as a nobody from Japan coming to the US to try out for the world famous Kaleido Stage circus. She ends up a star!

Appleseed- Great movie. The CG is better than the Incredibles IMO. The story is good. A little quick moving. I think they could have drawn it out a little more and added a little more depth to the already thick plot. E-Swat is cool.

Maburaho- FUNNY! It's a world where magic is used daily. Each person has a level of power and also a finite amout of uses of magic. The main character has like 8 uses or something like that. But because of his lineage he's EXTREMELY powerful. SO, all the girls want his "genes". He ends up having to run from girls becuase they want him only for his "genes". Eventually they, one by one, start to fall in love with him. Definatly worth checking out.

Now I'm gonna give 2 links for the places I BUY anime. Damn all you bootleggers.


^They have good prices and good shipping. BIG selection.


^I've ordered from them many times. A little slow on processing orders but I've always gotten everything. Lots of the popular animes are there along with some anime related objects also. Like wallscrolls and what not.

Buffalo Daughter
09-02-2005, 02:00 AM
is the best. They got alot of shit there. Alot of pre-order goods too.

09-02-2005, 02:14 AM
Ive been wanting to check out chrono crusades, but i got drawn away when i read it was a journey of girls or something. Maybe i will check it out.

I get most of my anime from netflix =D

Anyone seen .hack// ? I've been interested in that too when it came out as a game for PS2 but never got to it. Any reviews?

09-02-2005, 02:19 AM
Chrono Crusade. Yeah, there are a lot of girls but they're girls that kill demons with guns that are equiped with bullets with holy oil in them. Chrno is one main character he's a "Sinner". A very powerful demon that has killed countless other demons. He somehow became good and you'll have to watch it to find out. The other main character is Rosette. She's one of the exorcist girls. She is always up-itty and always tries to help. She is searching for her brother Joshua, who has the ability to heal people but at the expense of his own life.

IT'S AN AWESOME SHOW. I recommend it highly.

09-02-2005, 06:45 AM
Samurai Champloo- I swear to GOD that Mugen is the ancestor of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. They have the same hair, attitude, build, VOICE, and they both kick ass! Good series. Has a very good story.

it was done by the same people; that's why there are alot of similarities between the series, such as the tie between the musical style and the plot. samurai champloo = hip hop. cowboy bebop = the blues.

Full Metal Panic- Good series. FUMOFFU is worth seeing too. It's the second season but doesn't really have a on-going plot. Very funny though.

the 3rd season of Full Metal Panic is out. they are on the 7th episode. it's called Full Metal Panic : The Second Raid. internet only, of course.

GANTZ anime sucks. the end of the show goes off in a totally direction compared to the manga. i suggest you guys check out the manga; its available for download online. it's fucking long; and main characters are always getting killed and new ones are coming in. also theres a ton of naked chicks in the manga for some reason.

i haven't watched much bleach anime but i do read the manga. it's up at chapter 192 or so. the storyline went off in a sort of naruto/kenshin etc style where everyone wants to get stronger 24/7, and fights are now technique vs. technique; but its still really interesting.

09-02-2005, 01:42 PM
Ghost in the Shell was great. I like their cars. What's cool is that they had an S15 in one episode, and it blended right in with the other futuristic cars. A tach coma (sp?) was pulling plug wires to disable cars. I immediately noticed the SR20 motor, and then there was a shot of the back of the S15. I liked the stand alone epidodes better than the continuous laughing man plot.

09-02-2005, 02:36 PM
E's Otherwise: It's about psychics that are being manipulated by corporations to futher their power. One of them "escapes" and a guy finds him and helps him break his "brainwashing" withough knowing. He slowly becomes more and more powerful, when he was actually supposed to become less powerful without the corporations treatment. It's another good anime I think. Oh yeah, Asuka keeps blowing up the kitchen too. lol

Noir- It's about these 2 girls that are assassins. They slowly uncover their pasts and meet people that are trying to manipulate them. The middle scene were there is supposed to be commercials or something in all/most anime is REALLY ANNOYING. It's very flashback heavy and often times they sit there and do that for 3 episodes. (maybe exaggerating) I personally didn't like the series but it's a very popular series.

Excel Saga- The characters in this are constantly switching themes in each episode. Like one episode will be about space and the next a old western or something. Very over the top comedy and one of the main characters keeps dying....every episode. lol There is also a dog they keep for emergency back-up food and it keeps trying to escape only to be caught...every episode. lol It's pretty funny if you like the over the top kind of comedy shows.

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi- This is a story about a boy and a girl that get sent from one world to another. All of the world are imaginary yet real in the sense that it was imagined up but the world is as real to them as it is to us. For the first few episodes no story really unfolds but then you start to pick up on what is going on. Good series. I like it.

Aznpoopy- I know it was the same people that did it. I just think it's kinda funny to think of it that way. That Mugen and Spike are related. lol

What didn't you like about Gantz? I personally wouldn't buy it because it's only 2 episodes per disk! WTF!? I borrow it from my friend. So you're telling me the main characters in the manga change or the ones in DVD get freed or do they get killed? 10 more points!

09-02-2005, 02:44 PM
i only watch what's on adult swim. So Inuyasha , Samurai Shamploo, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist. I like all of them...except Inuyasha, which i just watch anyways. I think it's starting to grow on me. He fights Sesshomaru way too often though. it's getting old and i've only seen 5 episodes

09-02-2005, 04:21 PM
Aznpoopy- I know it was the same people that did it. I just think it's kinda funny to think of it that way. That Mugen and Spike are related. lol

What didn't you like about Gantz? I personally wouldn't buy it because it's only 2 episodes per disk! WTF!? I borrow it from my friend. So you're telling me the main characters in the manga change or the ones in DVD get freed or do they get killed? 10 more points!

the story is pretty consistent until the end of the anime. if you haven't seen the end of the anime then i won't spoil it for you. the anime tries to tidy up loose ends by giving a 'wtf' kind of ending. but the manga branches off in a different directiong; goes on way past the end of the anime, and is still currently ongoing.

09-02-2005, 04:34 PM
ive just jumped on ghost in teh shell.. finished watching SAC, now on SAC 2nd gig.. =D

Drunk Bastard
09-02-2005, 04:45 PM
has anyone heard of this new anime called "initial d" there is a real cool kid who drives the bestest car in the world! he calls it an eight six, i call it: bestest car in the world.

i want to buy a white eight six now!!

09-02-2005, 04:48 PM
Its not an anime hes real. Thats just my friend takumi fujawawawara wah.

09-02-2005, 04:50 PM
old school 8 man, guyver, and Ghost in the Shell... my favs...

JOE u know ur all about the hentai

09-02-2005, 04:56 PM
I used to translate and subtitle anime. Our group is at http://users.cwnet.com/ryoohki/fansubs/
We haven't subtitled in a long time and I haven't watched any new series lately. Well, besides keeping up on Initial D... which doesn't really count.

Last series that I seriously liked was "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien". After episode 2, it gets really good. Not an action series, its a pretty deep relationship drama and kinda depressing but good storytelling and will get you hooked. Here's the description from animenfo:

Narumi Takayuki is a third year high school student, who doesn't study very much for the college entrance exams. However, he is wasting his days neither studying nor being able to find anything else interesting to do.

His friends Taira Shinji and Hayase Mizuki are both busy with studying and swimming, so Takayuki is left feeling very alone.

Until one day, when he meets a girl...

Check out animenfo.com They have tons of reviews and stuff about anime series. Out of their top 200 anime list, I've probably seen over 1/2 of them plus all the obscure ones that never became popular in the USA.

09-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Monster - compelling, original, mindfuck. if you don't like it, then you are a worthless pile of shit and your opinion is hereby invalidated forever.

09-02-2005, 08:40 PM
its soo crazy when naruto uses bukkaki no jutsu!

09-02-2005, 10:59 PM
whats a good naruto ps2 game ?? i just want the fighting.. since there are a few of them

09-03-2005, 12:13 AM
gungrave is a good one.

09-03-2005, 12:23 AM
I love how most of these anime give kids seizures or have some kind of 'dont' sit too close, you might get a seizure just watching' warning.

We should all watch Pokemon. maybe learn a lesson or 2 in being nice. Its cool watching it cuz when you really think about it, no one goes to school, shit is always free, you could fuck people up fairly legally, AND guaranteed, chicks will touch your balls.

Or how about YuGiOh? Its cool how he has a seizure and becomes cool.

09-03-2005, 02:23 AM
Monster - compelling, original, mindfuck. if you don't like it, then you are a worthless pile of shit and your opinion is hereby invalidated forever.

monster is dope reminds me of btk