View Full Version : Hurricane Katrina

08-30-2005, 05:03 PM
So ummm... Katrina is one bad mo-fo!

This is my experince so far. A Customer IMs me and asked if we were going to be hit by the hurricane that just hit Miami area. I knew it was out there but was not aware of its current location or path... so I turn on the news. I respond with "No its path is to Panama City right now, and its only a Cat. 2"

It was the day before Mitzi's (co-owner) Birthday so we went out to get a headstart... we got in at about 2-3am.

7am the power goes out Mitzi wakes up and turns on the news... what a slap in the face that was! Cat. 5 and getting stronger and 95% of the path is to New Orleans area. We start packing and calling family to get a plan of atack and destination.
11am we are heading out in a 3 car convoy, and less than 24hour till landfall.
The feeling is wierd, town seems empty and quiet... almost eerie, and there is no time to do all you feel is needed.
New Orleans is about a hour from Baton Rouge (normally)... Interstate 10 would be packed so we took back roads. All radio stations were Weather related. Another slap in the face... back roads are packed... in fact it was so packed it took over 9 Hours to get to Baton Rouge. Time is running out and were still in the path.
Once we hit I-10 west traffic was moving steady about 30-50MPH.
The sceen of deperate mass exodus hits.
A car pulling a small u-haul with the back open... looks like a pile of clothing all thrown in a pile... its half filled and looks like it should be falling out the back... as you get closer you can start to see what it really is... People laying on top of each other. Welcome Centers, Truck Stops, and Rest Areas are now packed with people just waiting for the storm to pass.
The Radio is begging people to leave... the Gov. of LA is saying he has asked for States to help with Mass Services to deal with all the dead bodies.
We get just west of Laffayette, LA and hit a rest stop... Try to sleep for 2 hours till heading on to our destination. Red Cross is at the rest stops offering food and drinks... its a nice break from the chaos to see someone care about others, because driving is nothing but a personal fight to get out, at this point.
Out of harms way but far from the destination.
Next door neighbor is a cop who had to stay behind.
Cousins wife is Medical staff so now a resident of the hospital.
Friends being stupid descide to stay because they have a generator.
Land Fall - 3 dead already.
We are blind w/o TV and Radio isn't helping because we are out of the state.

We arrive at our destination at 9am... 22hours on the road.
TV was first before sleep or food... The eye missed New Orleans but by very very little... the damage is going to be carzy and we know it now. Lack of sleep takes over. We wake up 4-5 hours later wide awake and starved.
TV again... Catastophic Damage and more to come, because now the path is going to Mississippi. My mother lives in MS and was going to ride it out at a local Hotel. My sister left Slidel, LA for a hotel in Mobile, AL. Still in harms way and on the wrong side of the storm.

All Cell phones and Land Lines are down from LA to FL
No Power
No Gas

Fear the worst as News breaks on Deaths and Destruction.
Levees designed to keep water out of New Orleans (because its 20 feet below sea level) are being breached... the Lake is now New Orleans and the Pump systems are failing because they are flooded. So they blow out a levee to evacuate water, but it only brings more... so now safe dry areas are now being flooding, and the Hurricane surge & wind is still taking effect on the area.
Biloxi to Mobile area is getting Storm Surge of 20+ feet and flooding exceeds your imagination.

Now the storm is over, so we try calling hotels to find relatives with little resolve.
Cousins wife calls and tells us that what we are seeing on TV is nothing compaired to what is really happening. People are killing each other in New Orleans for mere simple possesions... Martial Law is in effect but little help because areas are not accessable.
Grocery stores are being looted so bad that a Local Wa-Mart opens it doors freely... dont be blinded by the 1 million dollar donation to the Salvation Army.

Gov. of LAis telling us not to return. Anyone trying to return will be arrested under Martial Law. Everyone who stayed is being evacuated out. We are told it should be 1 week before we can return, and even then it will only be to collect personal items. Only to leave again!

Harsh reality at this point is... is there anything left to come back to, and will it be worth it? I can run a part of the buisness with the laptop, printer, and fax, for now... anything in the warehouse is a loss from what I can see on the News.

I am now apart of something I never thought would happen.
Its overwhelming.


08-30-2005, 05:36 PM
Wow. My prayers go out to you and anyone else that is going through this tragedy. That is some serious @$%@. :bite:

:fawk2: Katrina :fawk2:

08-30-2005, 05:40 PM
I am still happy to hear that you are safe. Because after i called you Saturday coming back from Irwindale.... i started to seriously worry from all that devistation they have been showing on TV. My thoughts are with you and your Family Drew. Again, please let me know if there is anything that i can do here.


08-30-2005, 05:48 PM
Hurricanes are the suck. My family got out ok but we have no idea how their house is. Its in north NewOrleans just south of this one park I cant remember the name of that was reported flooded. Good luck, tis life living on the Gulf..

08-30-2005, 05:48 PM
is that shit for real, sounds a lil far fetched. but yet i am not there sooo.

08-30-2005, 06:48 PM
You dont believe it? Yeah OK its just a govenrment conspiracy to raise gas prices! Your wallet is now alot smalled due to this hurricane... gas is going to be insaine.

Turn the TV on CNN, or the Weather Channel... this is the strongest storm to ever hit the US.

wootwoot - South of NOLA is the deepest flooding... good luck bro.

kognition - I'm safe and ok... its just a waiting game now.

TheSquidd - Thank you bro... everyone on the coast need hope at this point.


08-30-2005, 07:04 PM
I don't know anyone in the Gulf states, but I hope everyone makes it to safety. Natural disasters are truly devastating.

If you're a Californian wishing you were living over there because of the crazy strict emissions and car laws, now would be a good time to be thankful you're a Californian.

08-30-2005, 07:09 PM
So ummm... Katrina is one bad mo-fo!

Grocery stores are being looted so bad that a Local Wa-Mart opens it doors freely... dont be blinded by the 1 million dollar donation to the Salvation Army.

Gov. of LAis telling us not to return. Anyone trying to return will be arrested under Martial Law. Everyone who stayed is being evacuated out. We are told it should be 1 week before we can return, and even then it will only be to collect personal items. Only to leave again!


this is what is so hard to believe.

08-30-2005, 08:07 PM
DONATION THREAD (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=88853)

Hey Drew, I'm sorry to hear how life is treating you. I've got family down there that I haven't heard from yet. I've also got a while childhood of memories from growing up there. Hopefully not everything got washed away. :/

08-30-2005, 08:35 PM
I don't know anyone in the Gulf states, but I hope everyone makes it to safety. Natural disasters are truly devastating.

If you're a Californian wishing you were living over there because of the crazy strict emissions and car laws, now would be a good time to be thankful you're a Californian.

Shit man! Atleast we can see these storms coming so we get a chance to run. I know earthquakes arent nearly as frequent as hurricanes but those things are scary.

Sil80, why is that hard to believe? Last year when we had all the hurricanes come through almost all roads were closed off. Siesta Key was completly shut down and under mandatory evacuation. All bridges blocked off and the coast guard holding the waters for as long as possible. This is serious shit man. Some parts of the city are under 20 feet of water!! Looting happens almost anytime there is a major loss of power. This is a major city with no power, under water, with almost no current inhabitants. My Aunt/Uncle/Cousin have been told to not expect to be able to return for 2 weeks, and who knows what will be left when they get there. The house has made it through serious hurricanes before, we arent expecting major wind damage on it but who knows with the flooding. Hopefully its under 5 feet and the house will be ok. But the house could have had trees fall on it or the roof blow off or anything. The only way its not believeable is if you dont think why the Government would take these actions. The town is destroyed man, its mayhem.

08-30-2005, 09:14 PM
is that shit for real, sounds a lil far fetched. but yet i am not there sooo.

yes its real and yes about 10x worst then what yall seen on the news. yes it does suck

08-30-2005, 09:21 PM
mrmephistopheles - wow... very awsome... any donations to any of these services will be greatly needed.

wootwoot - you can check out almost any website like CNN or Weather Channel, but NOLA.com is hour by hour of what is going on.

Some more stuff coming over the wire... Doctors are left with the finnal word of who lives and dies in local hospitas now due to the lack of power. Some people getting sent directly to Baton Rouge after being rescued.

A cop was killed trying to stop looting in Jefferson Parish.


08-30-2005, 10:34 PM
I'm glad you're ok. I'm planing to make a good donation through Zilvia with the Red Cross. I wish I could do more but I'm leaving on the 8th. I hope you get back on your feet soon and that all of your family is ok.

08-31-2005, 12:03 AM
Drew, where do you live?
I'm originally from Luling, and have family that still live there. I've heard scary shit about Jefferson Parish and would like to know what you know. Hearing that a cop has been killed there is NOT making me feel better.

08-31-2005, 12:40 AM
I will most likely be going out to new Iberia, lafayette, or morgan city and jump on a crew heading out to repair/salvage the oil rigs and pipelines that were damaged. Im sure every commercial diver in the world could go to the gulf right now and they would still want more guys, mother nature is one crazy ass bitch.

08-31-2005, 01:21 AM
Glad you're ok. I wouldn't know how it feels like to be hit by a hurricane.. it's scary to think about it. Move to California. We just get earthquakes, but the last major one was the Northridge quake back in '94. That means another big one is bound to happen.. *knocks on wood*

My prayers go out to the friends and family of the people who were affected by Katrina.

08-31-2005, 01:39 AM
Drew..so sorry to hear this. It's crazy how you told the story. Reminded me EXACTLY of when i saw War of the Worlds a few months ago. Basically get up and haul ass..not caring about anything. I can't imagine what it must feel like. There's nothing as comforting as the thought of home to me. If you make out this far west you have a place to stay. Peace

08-31-2005, 02:19 AM
good lord man this is all so unbelievable!! So good to hear you're ok. Our prayers go out to you and everyone out there.

Once honda-tech is back up I will link you guys to some pictures a member took while riding the storm out in his office building!

08-31-2005, 02:22 AM
ok here are some more pictures:


08-31-2005, 02:24 AM
more pictures of the destruction:

08-31-2005, 09:06 AM
Recently found out the cop was not killed... but he was shot in the face.

Also a couple guys with AK-47s opened fire at a police station... cops are moving in 10+ convoys. The News is stressing that people need to be saved, but all the looting and killing to me means they dont want help. Save who you can and let the ignorant get served their last.

Emotions are crazy because so many questions are not answered and natually fearing the worst.

mrmephistopheles - Harahan... part of Jefferson Parish. If your watching the news: the house fire that is close to the Mall (Clearview) is Metarie... in fact, I delivered parts to SlowCoupe in that parking lot, less than a week ago.
The over-pass behind the mall goes to River Ridge/ Harahan.

They showed a high arial shot and it looks like the lake and river are one... thats about 20-30 Miles across of Land that is now Water. The lake alone is half the size of Delaware. New Orleans has been in fear of a hurricane flooding the city for decades. It was bound to happen.

I am not the only one effected by this... I know SlowCoupe is from the area as well, and several Zilvians who are probably not able to post.

Make donations to:

Thank you for the support guys... I am going to try and conduct some simple business... mainly drop ship from US based comapnies. My contacts from Japan have contacted us in great concern... I can-not cunduct business to Japan untill we are at a stable location again. It sucks I have to do all this from a Hotel, but it is possable... and it keeps my mind off of what is going on.

Thank you again

08-31-2005, 09:18 AM
i hope thats not my house thats on fire. i live like 3 mins away from clearview mall. quote my words. this will be a great theme to a movie.

08-31-2005, 09:29 AM
Drew, I know where that is. It's been years since I've lived there, but I'm still pretty familiar with what is where.

Got in touch with my extended family today (Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and their kids). They're in Baton Rouge roughing it in a hotel. I guess their homes were very lightly damaged - they got very lucky. Unfortunately, they'll be stuck away from home for about a month just like everyone else.

Seeing the news and all the stuff about looting, I'd be lying if I said I was shocked.

08-31-2005, 09:40 AM
Drew, I know where that is. It's been years since I've lived there, but I'm still pretty familiar with what is where.

Got in touch with my extended family today (Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and their kids). They're in Baton Rouge roughing it in a hotel. I guess their homes were very lightly damaged - they got very lucky. Unfortunately, they'll be stuck away from home for about a month just like everyone else.

Seeing the news and all the stuff about looting, I'd be lying if I said I was shocked.

if their homes were in luling they probably made out ok. My home is in westwego/avondale area and we only got light flooding and minor wind damage. Its downtown neworleans taht got the worst of it- Rob

08-31-2005, 10:05 AM
My prayers go out to everyone involved in this catastrophe. 13yrs ago I went through Andrew and I can tell you from first hand experience that the pics you see on tv do the damage no justice. It's not just the damage that is bad but the complete feeling of hopelessness(sp?) that overcomes you. I have lived in the south miami area all of my life and know it like the back of my hand, but after Andrew I almost couldn't find my way around. I knew where I was but didn't recognize anything due to the lack of landmarks or anything that resembled anything that I recognized. I will take at least 5 yrs for things to go back to "normal" in New Orleans & Alabama. God please be with those people. I will definitely be make a donation.

08-31-2005, 11:33 AM
I'm just scared how it must be in person. Every hurricane damage I have ever seen on the news is nothing compared to how it is in person. This looks like hell on the news so what about in person? Think they will just leave it flooded and start travelling on jet skis inside the city when they move back? It'd be a hell of a lot easier. God is pissed at the USA, he just keeps hitting us!

Mad Scientist, what are the plans???

08-31-2005, 03:16 PM
Mad Scientist, what are the plans???

As of right now, I dont know!?!
We are in a Hotel right now in Austin TX.. untill Sunday. We have about 15 family members with us. We were offered to stay at a friends Ranch, or stay in Baton Rouge with another family member. My mothers place in MS was not damaged but no power or phone.

Its hard to conduct business when you dont have a stable location.
I actually have a shipment from Japan arriving to Harahan, LA in about 2 days... I have to get it, then ship the product out somehow.

Being a refugee is really odd... I dont ask for handouts or like recieving stuff out of simpathy. I was actualy just called away from the computer to pick-up a Care-Package donated from the City of Austin. Everytime we go eat we are discounted or given free drinks and the servers usually refuse to take a tip. The hotel (LaQuinta Inn) has went to the extent of dropping our room cost so much that corperate is involved and helping.

Greatly thankfull for everything being done for refugees.
I could right a novel on everything that has happened and still I dont think it would express the overwhelming feeling... its way to much to take in so fast.

I think its time for the Government to make a huge step... the last three days it seems they have been on the sidelines watching till the last minute.


08-31-2005, 03:19 PM
Well we are spending 181million a day on Iraq, 5.6 billion a month.....Think they could uh..yeah?

08-31-2005, 06:30 PM
Drew, glad to hear that businesses are doing their part to assist refugees from the disaster area.

08-31-2005, 07:14 PM
why do people try to make everything political? There are people that need help, whether or not we are at war.

08-31-2005, 07:26 PM
You dont believe it? Yeah OK its just a govenrment conspiracy to raise gas prices! Your wallet is now alot smalled due to this hurricane... gas is going to be insaine.

well its not a conspiracy but i wouldnt be suprised if they did raise the gas priced for an excuse

08-31-2005, 07:31 PM
I watched gas prices jump 20 cents in only one day with most places being sold out. Its going to get worse ofcourse. I'm almost angry at the people who did not listen to the warnings and ended up getting themselves killed. Hurricanes are serious shit.

FastBack 240
08-31-2005, 07:55 PM
well its not a conspiracy but i wouldnt be suprised if they did raise the gas priced for an excuse

Yea your right. It's Bush's fault. He picked up the hurricane and brought it ashore. :loco:

Anyways prayers go out to all. I hope and pray that the people of the gulf states can do what they always do. Pull up on their boot straps and rebuild.

08-31-2005, 08:08 PM
yeah checking in. im in lafeyette right now. i just saw the donation thread. reading through this has got me teary eyed because its all you see on the news. its to the point where you don't want to see it anymore but yet it still gets worse. i am going to start a thread for those ppl that come to this forum to check in because phone service isn't working at all, and i would like to know everyone is ok. i have lost everything back home but im ok and with my family. i can't get in touch with any of my friends tho. drew im glad to here that your ok as well as your family.

08-31-2005, 08:21 PM
OK... RARE TRICK is not going down without a fight! I called all our dealers to let then know our situation and they are very willing to help.

I have very little options with shipments from Japan so that is still in the works... Sea Freight is out of the question for now... but EMS is possable.

Let me do some more work and I will have full opperations again in a day.

Katrina :rl:


08-31-2005, 08:56 PM
There are oil rigs in the Gulf and Katrina shut down 95% of them. Gulf oil accounts for 25% of the Country's oil, so expect an increasing rate in the following months.

Good to hear you're alright Drew, and everyone else.
It's sad watch the news, this guy was telling his story to this reporter, and she started crying. He was telling how he held on to his wife in the flood, and she said "you can't hold me, take care of the kids" and she was gone. I was holding back tears, I can't watch the news for more than 10 mins.

08-31-2005, 09:26 PM
I was amazed when i first heard of Katrina being a Cat. 1 hurricane, then in like 2 days it was a Cat. 5. I was like, "Holy shit!" I hope everyone's family and friends got out alive. Also, isn't there a huge refinery in LA? I think it started with a P or something. There was a short movie about how gas prices would rise, and it was talking about a hurricane hitting LA and disabling this refinery and gas prices shoot through the sky at like $8 a gallon. Enough of my rambling, I just hope everyone got out ok.

08-31-2005, 10:10 PM
Hang in there Drew and everyone else down there.

09-01-2005, 02:34 AM
A few days earlier, i wouldn't have cared much, but now it hits close to home. Everyone, please donate to the relief fund.

drift freaq
09-01-2005, 09:25 AM
Drew, I am glad you made it out ok. Come to Cali, if you have to,you will be welcomed with open arms. One more company doing business here will be cool especially if its Rare Trick!!!

09-01-2005, 11:50 AM
Good luck guys.. sorry to hear about the trouble..

donation made in the zilvia relief thread.. everyone should be donating one way or another.

09-02-2005, 12:11 PM
Maybe I missed this in another thread, but here is an interview with the mayor of New Orleans.


He is my new hero and should be yours too.

09-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Maybe I missed this in another thread, but here is an interview with the mayor of New Orleans.


He is my new hero and should be yours too.

This is the Absolute Truth! Everyone should be hearing this... CNN, FOX, FEMA, Everyone... this should be played every hour in loops.

Ray Nagin has always been a very very real person when he speaks... my jaw dropped when I first heard this comming from our Mayor... but its the absolute truth, and its how everyone in the Gulf Coast feels.

Gov. Blanco has ruined her career.
FEMA is full of shit... they dont care about anyone... unless a camera is pointed at you, they are doing nothing for you.

I heard a conversation about Oil Refineries and profit/ mark up.... its insaine... They can produce a barrel of Oil for $4... that includes all cost incured... but they are selling @ $70+ now... they wont even drop Proffit by 20%... that would put Gas prices down to what they were before the Hurricane... National Fuel Reserves were released and 60Million are released for International...Its all BS
They dont want to release fuel because they say we will run out because it will cause a fuel surge of people buying the hell out of it... Although that is exactly what is happening now because they are telling us were going to run out.... how the hell does loosing 20% of production equal a total loss of all fuel?? If fuel prices didn't rise at all due to the hurricane there would have never been a Surge!! It seems like a Surge of Ignorance & Greed on part of the Refineries.

Its only going to get worst!


09-02-2005, 11:22 PM
glad to hear you got out ok

09-03-2005, 02:34 AM
Maybe I missed this in another thread, but here is an interview with the mayor of New Orleans.


He is my new hero and should be yours too.

wow .. what the heck, after 911 u would think we would be prepared for crap like this..

we should pull troops now and save our ppl 1st..