View Full Version : power window wants to go up but not down

08-30-2005, 04:06 PM
91 se coupe ok my passenger window is stuck all the way up, it's been like that for awhile, now i'm just starting to deal with it, im sure the lock is off, i've tried numerous times pressing the lock in/out but doesn't want to roll down, i even tried unplugging the driver side power window control thing, so only the passenger side was hooked up, but same thing, it wants to roll up instead of down, see the motor wanting to go up only, friend came over and brought his good working motor over, plugged it in, and it only rolls up, but not down, what could the problem be, i'm going to check later if it's the switch itself, in the mean time i want your ideas/solutions, and if it's electrical where should i start, if it's not getting any signal what i should do etc. just helpful information towards this is appreciated, tired of girls trying to talk to me but i can't roll my window down, gotta stick my head out the sun roof lol, and it gets damned hott in my car

08-30-2005, 05:06 PM

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08-30-2005, 05:08 PM
damn, so you think i'd have to replace both? cause i try both out and it won't roll down

09-02-2005, 02:28 PM
I had almost the same problem but in my case, window would go down but not back up. after getting another used passenger side window motor it still did the same thing. i ended up checking the driver's side window switch, wiggled the wires that connect to it a bit and it worked! bad wiring or switch maybe but it's been working fine now. hah, i felt like a dumbass.

09-03-2005, 01:04 AM
it's my wiring, i tried the switching the switches with my friends working ones, but no luck, i gotta check my wiring =( probably gonna be a pita