View Full Version : STOLEN: Watanabe Wheels in San Diego

08-30-2005, 08:24 AM
My brother had the wheels stolen off his car, so I'm just posting around to see if anyone's seen anything and so people can keep an eye out. Here's a description of the wheels. Thanks to all in advance for your help.


A Spec Products
08-30-2005, 04:14 PM
My brother had the wheels stolen off his car, so I'm just posting around to see if anyone's seen anything and so people can keep an eye out. Here's a description of the wheels. Thanks to all in advance for your help.


that sucks man, i hate thieves, so much activity recently.

i hate it even more when its another 240 / car enthusiast who steals it (if that is the case in this situation). someone worked hard for that mess and you just steal it instead of grinding to get your own.

thats some e thugging though on your brothers part, i hope it works. that would be gangster if the guys return it.