View Full Version : Clutch slipping, not disengaging?

Revolver Ocelot
08-29-2005, 03:51 PM
Ok today when i was driving in second i gave it a little gas and instead of going it reved, like the clutch was in. It continued to do this in all of the gears. If i baby it it is fine, but if i give it anymore then quarter throttle it will rev and then finally catch. Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone have an explanation for this? Its a brand new clutch by the way on a 95 Ka.

08-29-2005, 04:50 PM
Hmmm might want to check the clutch adjustment nut above the clutch pedal, if it's adjusted too much the clutch will slip when up to operating temps.

Once I adjusted mine a little too much to remove some of the "slack" in the pedal... I did this at night while the car was cool. The next day I drove somewhere and for the first 10+ minutes of the drive the clutch was fine but after things got warmed up it started slipping and revving with any throttle. I backed the adj nut off a little and the problem went away (and the slack came back... hehe)


Revolver Ocelot
08-29-2005, 04:53 PM
Ill try that. Yea its fine when its cold but when it warms up it happens. And i did adjust the pedal recently.

08-29-2005, 08:20 PM
dont forget to check for leaks in the lines and slave cylinder. I used to have a somewhat similiar problem but mine was because the clutch fork was not being pulled back all the way.

Revolver Ocelot
08-29-2005, 08:42 PM
Alright thanks, ill check that too. The problem seems to be solved, for now. But why would adjusting the pedal cause the clutch to slip?

08-30-2005, 12:13 AM
if all fails(and keeps slipping) then be careful your disk is worn out , but if your pressure plate goes bad, you are Fed, thats a 10 hour process of separating the tranny to the shaft and all that.. and its gonna be a biatch..

Revolver Ocelot
08-30-2005, 07:45 PM
Alright slipping problem is fixed and the pedal still has good pressure. But it tends to grind in second and third if i either shift to fast or at high rpms. I basically have to baby it now and make sure the clutch pedal goes down to the floor. Anybody else have any insight on this annoying problem.

08-30-2005, 10:14 PM
Well kinda the same thing happened to me, loosen the two bolts on the tranny that hold the clutch slave cylinder in place and slide the cylinder closer to the fork then tighten it back. It will only give you about a milimeter of adjustement but trust me that little adjustment makes a huge difference. being closer basically makes the slave move the fork that much further.

But from how it sounds you could have some bad gears or syncros on your tranny, so you might wanna get that checked also.

08-31-2005, 06:13 AM
Alright slipping problem is fixed and the pedal still has good pressure. But it tends to grind in second and third if i either shift to fast or at high rpms. I basically have to baby it now and make sure the clutch pedal goes down to the floor. Anybody else have any insight on this annoying problem.

bleed... i would do a flush actually

08-31-2005, 10:13 AM
bleed... i would do a flush actually

Yup I'd suggest the same.. Also might want to consider removing the clutch damper while you're under the car: http://garage.projectraine.com/content_guides/clutchdamper/clutchdamper01.htm

But why would adjusting the pedal cause the clutch to slip?

You probably did what I did, and that's adjust the majority of "slack" (dead feeling between pedal rest and actual engagement) out of the pedal -- while the car is cold. Then when you drive and things get up to operating temperature, your adjustment is basically keeping the clutch pedal depressed slightly which causes the clutch to slip and the engine to rev while in gear.... Not a good feeling!!


Revolver Ocelot
08-31-2005, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the help guys.