View Full Version : attention C's SS owners! I have 1 question.

Nan Desu Ka?!
08-24-2005, 01:34 PM
Why doesn't my Nismo GT resin Knob thread on?? My stock knob fits, but my Nismo one doesn't; yet my Nismo knob fit fine on my stock shifter.

I'm really confused here. Can anyone tell me if they have had the same experience or what they did about it? Also, do you guys know what other knobs fit on the C's ss?

my only thought would be that the treads of the stock knob are coned shapped? The wider threads are at the bottom and get progessivly smaller, thus being able to fit a larger thread pattern? lookign something like this

/ \ <--cone pattern. larger thread on bottom, smaller on top

Any info would be much appreciated!!

08-24-2005, 06:46 PM
IIRC, the resin knobs are not prethreaded. You have to physically cut the threads in by installing it.

Nan Desu Ka?!
08-25-2005, 12:42 AM
IIRC, the resin knobs are not prethreaded. You have to physically cut the threads in by installing it.

Any truth to this? cause on the box it came in (all of it was in japanese exept for the numbers) it says 10mm

I know there's some of ya out there with the C's, let me know!

08-25-2005, 01:03 AM

I have a s15 sr, and figured the shift knob is the same as an 5 spd sr or ka or ca etc... I went to put on a shift knob and it was too small in diameter. I got my friends aftermarket ka ca 5spd sr shift knob with plastic insides (thread), heated the shifter with a blow torch and screwed the s13-14 shift knob while the s15 shifted was hot. It seems you got a shift knob for a s15 since the diameter for the 6spd shifter is larger.

08-25-2005, 02:05 AM
Stock thread is 10mm. S15 6 speed has a 12mm thread. So his knob is correct if the box said 10mm unless he has a S15 SR tranny. Did you get your shifter used?

08-25-2005, 02:19 AM
the stock threading is 10X1.25 which is the pitch. Check your resin knob inside do you see any threads ? If not you'll have to warm up your shifter wth a torch or heat gun or if yo uare ghetto a lighter and have at it. If you want to make it easier and harder on yourself i guess you can get a 10X1.25 tap and just tap the shift knob.

08-25-2005, 03:36 AM
S13/S14 threading is 10mm, and I had a Nismo leather knob that was for a 10mm and it fit perfectly on my C's.

Nan Desu Ka?!
08-25-2005, 05:37 AM
Stock thread is 10mm. S15 6 speed has a 12mm thread. So his knob is correct if the box said 10mm unless he has a S15 SR tranny. Did you get your shifter used?

this is all on a KA tranny by the way, and yes i got it used, no knob though. it was still in another tranny when i bought it. just removed and installed. went to put on my GT knob and no dice.

so, in conclusion, the C's thread is 12mm then? hrm, yes there are threads in my nismo GT knob. There is a little metal cuff that can be unscrewed from the top of the knob (using an allen wrench). it can slip out and be threaded onto the shifter first, then you can just slip the actaul knob over that and bolt it in using the allen bolt. I hope that made some sense.

by why you guys are telling me, looks like i have to find an s15 shift knob... too bad they will all probably say 1-2-3-4-5-6-R... and i only have 5 gears :wtc:

08-25-2005, 07:09 AM
so, in conclusion, the C's thread is 12mm then? hrm, yes there are threads in my nismo GT knob.

No, it's 10mm. Where did you get 12mm from? Nowhere in this thread was that mentioned.

08-25-2005, 07:21 AM
Everyone step back from the keyboard and rest for a minute. This is where he got 12mm from, it was menitoned.

Stock thread is 10mm. S15 6 speed has a 12mm thread. So his knob is correct if the box said 10mm unless he has a S15 SR tranny. Did you get your shifter used?

Now reread the original post and THINK about this. He said his stock knob (which obviously fits his stock shifter) will thread onto the SS just fine. The Nismo knob, which is the GT knob (rubber), not a resin knob fits on his stock shifter fine, but won't thread onto his new SS. That makes no sense at all. Are you sure you're not trying to crossthread the GT knob when you put it on? Put the GT knob on teh top of the SS and turn it backwards (i.e. unthreading it to take it off) until you feel it "drop down" so you know the threads are lined up and ready to thread on. That's my only guess. Going by your first post, it logically makes no sense that the GT knob won't go on.


08-25-2005, 10:56 PM
I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you got a shift knob and would not fit and not a new shifter and the shift knob would not fit . There is no way you can have a s15 shifter, so the s15 stuff is out of question.

Nan Desu Ka?!
08-27-2005, 03:54 AM
Everyone step back from the keyboard and rest for a minute. This is where he got 12mm from, it was menitoned.

Now reread the original post and THINK about this. He said his stock knob (which obviously fits his stock shifter) will thread onto the SS just fine. The Nismo knob, which is the GT knob (rubber), not a resin knob fits on his stock shifter fine, but won't thread onto his new SS. That makes no sense at all. Are you sure you're not trying to crossthread the GT knob when you put it on? Put the GT knob on teh top of the SS and turn it backwards (i.e. unthreading it to take it off) until you feel it "drop down" so you know the threads are lined up and ready to thread on. That's my only guess. Going by your first post, it logically makes no sense that the GT knob won't go on.


Thank you so much for acctually reading my post :D I know it makes no sense, thats why i was so damn confused... im not the smartest person in the world, but i have comon sense. I will try the backwards rotation so the threads sit together method and see what happens. Thanks for all the input guys, especially upSLIDEdown.


08-27-2005, 04:17 AM
Thank you so much for acctually reading my post :D I know it makes no sense, thats why i was so damn confused... im not the smartest person in the world, but i have comon sense. I will try the backwards rotation so the threads sit together method and see what happens. Thanks for all the input guys, especially upSLIDEdown.

We tried that already, the night you installed the shifter.