View Full Version : Google Instant Messaging

08-24-2005, 12:03 PM
Google has just announced their Instant Messaging service.


08-24-2005, 12:14 PM
I firmly believe that one day Google will supplant MS! I just hope they can do it while maintaining that "FREE" mentality... I absolutely CANNOT wait for a fully web based "Google Office". Suck it MS. Outsourcing bastages.

08-24-2005, 12:21 PM
That's what they were saying about Netscape too. Watch out Microsoft. But we all know what happened there.

BTW, Looks like TrillianPro supports GoogleTalk. I'm connected as [email protected]

08-24-2005, 12:21 PM
I firmly believe that one day Google will supplant MS! I just hope they can do it while maintaining that "FREE" mentality... I absolutely CANNOT wait for a fully web based "Google Office". Suck it MS. Outsourcing bastages.

Hahaha. But how will they pay the programmers if the software is free?

08-24-2005, 12:29 PM
Hahaha. But how will they pay the programmers if the software is free?
how do you think they're paying them now?

08-24-2005, 12:32 PM
seriously - this bothers the shit out of me... how the hell does google make money?!?!?! billion dollar business from a free search engine thats banner free; and everything they put out is free. I just dont get it . Seeing their stock at 200 is perplexing.

08-24-2005, 12:42 PM
yeah what a trip.... i barely use any more MS products.... its all about open source....and Apple.... sorry to say it guys but Apple are cutting edge with trends and technology for the masses... and their marketing style is one of the best...

08-24-2005, 12:46 PM
damn.. google is really taking over... so this animation is true... (i know its old)

08-24-2005, 12:46 PM
seriously - this bothers the shit out of me... how the hell does google make money?!?!?!

Advertising - they sell placement in their search engine based on keywords. You want to be at the top of the list, you (advertiser) pay on a per-click basis.

08-24-2005, 01:06 PM
yeah what a trip.... i barely use any more MS products.... its all about open source....and Apple.... sorry to say it guys but Apple are cutting edge with trends and technology for the masses... and their marketing style is one of the best...

apple is cutting edge by taking shit thats been around forever and putting it in a nice easy to use interface with a big button that says "click here to do everything you need to". For anyone who can use a computer it becomes quite annoying, especially when people i work with try to fight me on my PC ways have arguments like "oh yeah, well on my mac i can synch my ipod to ical that syncs to my dotmac account which downloads music i like and makes albums for me and burns the CD and puts it in my car for me" </rant> Apples new G5 equipment is very nice, but its not extraordinary.... http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2005/jun/06intel.html

08-24-2005, 06:38 PM
All Google needs now is an auction service.....but I doubt it would be free....just efficient while being 'simple'.

drift freaq
08-24-2005, 07:27 PM
apple is cutting edge by taking shit thats been around forever and putting it in a nice easy to use interface with a big button that says "click here to do everything you need to". For anyone who can use a computer it becomes quite annoying, especially when people i work with try to fight me on my PC ways have arguments like "oh yeah, well on my mac i can synch my ipod to ical that syncs to my dotmac account which downloads music i like and makes albums for me and burns the CD and puts it in my car for me" </rant> Apples new G5 equipment is very nice, but its not extraordinary.... http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2005/jun/06intel.html

sounds a little resentful, do you make a living by fixing peoples PC problems? hahahhahha.
Seriously dude, I have used PC's and Mac's for years , I prefer the MAC operating system because it does exactly what it says its going to do. You plug something in, it works!! At most you may have to manually add one driver. Show me a PC that does that any day of the week and I will be quite surprised. Apple has won its staunch loyal fan base by being this way. I used to have a friend that was a PC guy who used to say MAC's were for dummies. Fact is he had limited social skills and was pretty much a math nerd. Bottom line was Mac's are for people that want to do the job and do it Now. People who do want to spend hours configuring stuff and setting it up to work. They want to turn it on install software and go.
This is where Apple came from, They now have taken it a step further by integrating more stuff and coming up with some great packaging ideas for the ir computers.
Fact is Bill Gates loves Apple . Apple does all the test marketing and Gates tries to copy it with Windows. PC makers are always quick to try and copy Apple designs. Hehehehehe. No one thought about dayglo color PC's before Apple,yet everyone did after Apple.
PC's are good for certain things and areas , there is even certain software that is great on the PC and worth using.
Though for the art types/audio types/movie/Video types Apple is the predominant. For the average end user that wants a simple plug and play experience again Apple shines.
People don't buy PC's because there easier to use. People buy PC's because they have been brainwashed by Microsoft and Intel into thinking that since everyone has it it must be good. Bill Gates is a master at marketing a inferior product. Intel until quite recently was the same. Now with their core techonology things are changing . Where does google sit in all this remains to be seen.

08-24-2005, 07:49 PM
i fix pc's and macs all day, and i run a mac server. Go figure the only thing thats sure to go down once a week is the APPLE file service, all the ppl on mac's freak out and tell me the server crashed...anyway yeah i suppose im more angry at the people who use macs then macs themselves. After being around them all the time though, i honestly wouldnt use a mac, and if i didnt need to use photoshop constantly id be running debian, MS has nothing to do with me running a PC

08-25-2005, 09:31 AM
I have been playing with the google IM thing for a while now, and its ok. Their voice service is crystal clear but other than that its nothing special.

other than that Microsoft suck horrible amount of Munkie pee pee. I hate them, but they keep me paid and Im about to go back to school to be a ceirtified administrator hopefully.

08-25-2005, 09:59 AM
I could care less about Microsoft, they simply make the OS for the computer I prefer to use. They haven't brainwashed me, the simple fact is that there is a billion times more software made for PC then MAC.

If all I needed to do was photoshop and browse the web, I'd be all over MAC. It's quick, sleek and intuitive. But I don't. I want to play games as well, I want to build my own PC for cheap (my current box was something like 600$, vs. a MAC @ 2500$.). I want to upgrade parts AS I NEED THEM not buy a whole new system, my sound card is fine, why do I have to buy a new one? Just because my video card isn't keeping up with today's standards, doesn't mean I want to buy a new motherboard, sound card, hard drive and case to go with it.

The defining factor with me is, you simply cannot do as much with a MAC as you can with PC. There's not enough support for it.

And BTW, my windows machine "crashes" maybe once every two months and it runs 24/7 and I run everything from games to web design to 3d animation on it. Usually the crash is attributed to cheap hardware I bought (crappy video card overheating etc.) or user error. Windows XP is in fact an amazingly reliable OS.

ps. please tell me if I'm wrong in thinking this.

As for googletalk, it's going to need a few features before I can make the full switch, such as file transfer. I reallly like google's business model so far, but I feel like eventually they will fall prey to the advertisements and banners like everyone else. I'm hoping like hell they won't, and hope they continue to bring out great software in other areas as well (google office would rule!).

08-25-2005, 10:30 AM
Hahah yet another pc v mac debate. Macs DO crash, and there are plenty of peripherals/hardware (not mac branded usually) that don't always work right. I used to work at a magazine and YES YES YES they do crash. All of that horsecrap about "it just works" is BS.

That is all. [/rant]

But back on topic. I am really impressed by the sound quality of google talk. Better than skype it seems. I think google has the backing to really make a dent in the IM market.

08-25-2005, 05:39 PM
ROFLMAO! Why do we make something vs something on every thread. If you think you are right then good for you... you might be saving hundreds of dollars. If it works better then maybe for you. Anyways i just dont want this to go as far as open bsd vs free bsd.

[/end of thisvsthis]

I was looking for something like this. Checks my gmail too. Yet i have to make new friends now.

08-25-2005, 05:50 PM
I firmly believe that one day Google will supplant MS! I just hope they can do it while maintaining that "FREE" mentality... I absolutely CANNOT wait for a fully web based "Google Office". Suck it MS. Outsourcing bastages.
google office? hehe. how about open office? check it out http://www.openoffice.org/ :D

08-25-2005, 06:56 PM
Google will never surpass MS the way it's business is set up currently. Google is a one trick pony while MS has it's grubby paws in everything. Google talk isn't bad but it's pretty basic.

08-25-2005, 06:59 PM
dude....... open office okay not perfect, but their new version is coming out soon.. its all about open source..

08-25-2005, 09:28 PM
google talk is pretty cool

it seems to have built in voice over ip as well

i havent had a chance to try yet

drift freaq
08-25-2005, 10:22 PM
Hahah yet another pc v mac debate. Macs DO crash, and there are plenty of peripherals/hardware (not mac branded usually) that don't always work right. I used to work at a magazine and YES YES YES they do crash. All of that horsecrap about "it just works" is BS.

That is all. [/rant]

you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder as well. I use tons of peripherals non mac branded with my mac and they work fine.
I never said Macs don't crash. Your putting words in my mouth that I did not ever say. Macs crash , fuck all computers crash. I tell you this though, with OSX if the program goes down your computer does not go down with it.
I don't care what any of you PC diehards say . You completely missed the objectivity of my post.
You Know what? It does just work!! I should know I do audio work all the time. Do you?
As far as statik talking about the mac fileserver going done once a week . I think he is missing something, Mac fileservers do not usually go down once a week .

08-25-2005, 10:51 PM
you sound like you have a chip on your shoulder as well. I use tons of peripherals non mac branded with my mac and they work fine.
I never said Macs don't crash. Your putting words in my mouth that I did not ever say. Macs crash , fuck all computers crash. I tell you this though, with OSX if the program goes down your computer does not go down with it.
I don't care what any of you PC diehards say . You completely missed the objectivity of my post.
You Know what? It does just work!! I should know I do audio work all the time. Do you?
As far as statik talking about the mac fileserver going done once a week . I think he is missing something, Mac fileservers do not usually go down once a week .

Sure I have a chip on my shoulder. Because I have to hear shit like "Macs just work" which is pure hypocrisy. I actually do not know how computer intensive audio production can be, but as far as graphic design and video production goes, I know from experience that macs can crash ALL THE TIME. (especially FCP).

As for whether it takes down the entire system, it depends on the app but it could go either way. FCP can crash everything, other programs you can force quit. But you know what, its the same on XP/2K.

I actually have to provide technical support for the above so all I see is the problems daily of shit just not working.