View Full Version : Primer Impacto

08-20-2005, 03:15 PM
Well if you ever see the spanish news this is like the "Real TV" part. So my mom was watching it all of the sudden they say "a new dangerous car side show" yeah its drifting. I immediatly laughed when they called it a "side show" not in spanish but english.

So i waited like 5 min before they show it. OMFG!.. It was the gheyest thing i have ever seen. It was mustangs, hondas, trucks, one rx7 and no cars that can actually go side ways. Well all they were doing was donuts in a parking lot. They called it dangerous because there was about 100 people standing about 3 feet from the car. I guess what caught the news attention was that someone was hit by a car and someone had caught it on camera.

That guy was a retard all this was, was a guy getting hit when the mustang didnt complete the full 360 maybe because of the open differential and hit that dude. Now they are saying that cops are cracking down on these "side shows". Really retarted since its the people around it that cause it to be dangerous which was a lot just standing there i wish i could find a clip.

LMAO. :wackit:

08-20-2005, 06:17 PM
Thats not drifting.. its basically doing donuts/sideshows.

08-20-2005, 06:40 PM
The chics on that show are reason enough to watch sometimes...

tew photy
08-21-2005, 12:01 AM
haha anybody from the bay area knows the difference between a side show and drifting. i think you got :Owned: by your location. sorry dude, better luck next time

08-21-2005, 05:06 AM
Oh did i now. Hmm same shit. Drifting, donuts, you break traction. But yeah i guess these things aint popular around here. I was kinda like a wtf moment since i dont see much shit around here.