View Full Version : need some help.. im asking everybody i can...

08-18-2005, 10:01 PM
at my girls work we suspect her work phone to be tapped.... not sure yet.. in the morning im gonna call the local law enforcement about it... but the night before 100 bucks went missing..(the count the drawer ever night.. not shift) and the next day there are cameras set up all around the cash register... then they told her she had to use the store phone.. and she couldnt use the cell phone at all...(before they wanted her to use the cell phone to save money) so she called me and and we shoot the shit.. then she said the phone sounded fuzzy.. and before she called me the managers where being descreet..but the conversation went like this... (manager 1: are the phones uh..... manager2: yeah,.... its taken care of) my girl was busy doing something but heard them say it exactly like that... i know in the state of florida phone tap is very illegal.. felony offence... but if anybody can point me in the right direction to get this taken care of it would be greatly appreciated

also.. they fail to give her a pay stub.... im looking around to see if that is illegal or not... but maby im searching in the wrong places.... if anybody can give any sort of guidance or direction.. i would greatly appreciate it... in both situations..

08-18-2005, 10:15 PM
I am sure you can legally tap a phone if you own it and it's on your property. It's not like they tapped her personal phone. What's the big deal anyways? Got something shady to hide? Lay off the phone sex and you'll be fine.

08-18-2005, 10:54 PM
nothing to hide.... dont need phone sex... anyways................ i guess there isnt anybody familiar with this sorta thing on the boards.... thanks anyways guys....

midnight zenki
08-18-2005, 11:13 PM
I am currently employed by Sears as a loss prevention agent and under the proper circumstances the company does have the ability to listen in to phone calls that occur on company time and on company lines. Keep in mind that I am in Colorado and as you stated Florida may have explicited laws regarding this subject. Are you sure that your girlfriend is the target of thier investigation? If not there should be nothing to worry about.

08-18-2005, 11:16 PM
i say you just use your cell phone.

FUCK the Feds! or whoever. :wiggle:

08-19-2005, 12:35 AM
yes. federal law says u can tap your own phone lines as long as you dont screen "ALL" the phone calls. so basically they can "randomly" monitor their own lines to check for anything unusial, like industrial espionage and etc.
theres no such thing as employee privacy. employer will be favored by courts. in this kind of situation that is.
this is from a law class btw last semester.

08-19-2005, 02:03 AM
sounds like they're about to fire her... tell her to find a new job.
if you really want to find out if the lines are tapped, get access to the phone room or junction box(usually open) and look for lines being tapped... but that requires knowledge of what to look for and I don't wanna get into that unless you really want to know.

08-19-2005, 02:39 AM
Why dont you ask her if she stole the money first? :rawk:

08-19-2005, 09:08 AM
cameras and possible phone tapping? thats a lot of trouble for 100 bucks. unless they got thier surveillance stuff from ebay :)

08-19-2005, 09:18 AM
she didnt take the money.... but the people that worked the shifts before her... they are the only people who would consider it since they have a high dollar life style with a cheap ass high school job anybody can get...

this job doesnt matter to her... its not the only job in the world.. we want to get him(the owner) fined or somthing.. because he begged her to comeback and promised her X amount of money but everything he said was a lie... just wanted to get a little revenge on him.... :hammer:

08-19-2005, 10:43 AM
Florida laws concerning wire tapping

Fla. Stat. ch. 934.03: All parties must consent to the recording or the disclosure of the contents of any wire, oral or electronic communication in Florida. Recording or disclosing without the consent of all parties is a felony, unless the interception is a first offense committed without any illegal purpose, and not for commercial gain, or the communication is the radio portion of a cellular conversation. Such first offenses and the interception of cellular communications are misdemeanors. State v. News-Press Pub. Co., 338 So. 2d 1313 (1976), State v. Tsavaris, 394 So. 2d 418 (1981).

Under the statute, consent is not required for the taping of a non-electronic communication uttered by a person who does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in that communication. See definition of "oral communication," Fla. Stat. ch. 934.02.

Anyone whose communications have been illegally intercepted may recover actual damages or $100 for each day of violation or $1,000, whichever is greater, along with punitive damages, attorney fees and litigation costs. Fla. Stat. ch. 934.10.

A federal appellate court has held that because only interceptions made through an "electronic, mechanical or other device" are illegal under Florida law, telephones used in the ordinary course of business to record conversations do not violate the law. The court found that business telephones are not the type of devices addressed in the law and, thus, that a life insurance company did not violate the law when it routinely recorded business-related calls on its business extensions. Royal Health Care Servs., Inc. v. Jefferson-Pilot Life Ins. Co., 924 F.2d 215 (11th Cir. 1991).

__________________________________________________ ___________
Another article, this will pertain more to the information you're looking for.

08-19-2005, 10:49 AM
I am sure you can legally tap a phone if you own it and it's on your property. It's not like they tapped her personal phone. What's the big deal anyways? Got something shady to hide? Lay off the phone sex and you'll be fine.
Not in FL. Both partys have to know durning the call that the call is being recorded. i.e. you have to tell the person that you are recording. 3rd party recording like you think the boss is doing is illegal unless it's for quality control and the party is notified. She has not been told so it is illegal. If they ever try to use the tape on anyone you could sue them for invasion of privacy and the cops could charge them as well.

If she is so concerned have her get a Tap detector from one of these spy shops. it's not illegal to wear a wire in FL so, if she is ballsy enough to ask them out right and get a confession she can pin them to the wall. Don't be like "this is illegal and I can sue your ass" cause they will destroy all the evidence. Hell, talk about robbing the store on the phone. Then record them when they pull her aside to ask her about what she's talking about on the phone.

But I think the best plan is to get a tap detector and check the line. Then go to you local police dept. and file a complaint and talk with a detective.

08-19-2005, 12:04 PM
also.. they fail to give her a pay stub.... im looking around to see if that is illegal or not... but maby im searching in the wrong places.... if anybody can give any sort of guidance or direction.. i would greatly appreciate it... in both situations..

In California you can get fined by the DOL (Department of Labor) if they have enough evidence to suspect that the employer is intentionally not providing that information. I am uncertain about Florida though.

Has your girlfriend asked as to why they do not provide her with one? You may want to check in with the DOL in your state to confirm the legality of the situation. The DOL does not investigate complaints/cases for at least 6 months from the date the complaint was filed. Most businesses can get pegged for unpaid overtime, posting requirements (those posters you see in your breakroom), minimum wage requirements, and etc. I am quite sure that the problem should be easily solved by her requesting a paystub when she picks up her paycheck though.

(Kinda reread your comment on revenge)
Complaints though OSHA is more severe if you're looking for revenge. OSHA violations on a first time offense are about $15,000. Repeats are more severe and more costly. (One of our branches where I work was pegged by OSHA. Our company had to hire lawyers to reduce the sentence to about $5,000, but even lawyers need to get paid :rant2: )

What kind of work does your girlfriend do? I think some of us here can find some alternative ways for revenge. :D

08-20-2005, 09:03 AM
In California you can get fined by the DOL (Department of Labor) if they have enough evidence to suspect that the employer is intentionally not providing that information. I am uncertain about Florida though.

Has your girlfriend asked as to why they do not provide her with one? You may want to check in with the DOL in your state to confirm the legality of the situation. The DOL does not investigate complaints/cases for at least 6 months from the date the complaint was filed. Most businesses can get pegged for unpaid overtime, posting requirements (those posters you see in your breakroom), minimum wage requirements, and etc. I am quite sure that the problem should be easily solved by her requesting a paystub when she picks up her paycheck though.

(Kinda reread your comment on revenge)
Complaints though OSHA is more severe if you're looking for revenge. OSHA violations on a first time offense are about $15,000. Repeats are more severe and more costly. (One of our branches where I work was pegged by OSHA. Our company had to hire lawyers to reduce the sentence to about $5,000, but even lawyers need to get paid :rant2: )

What kind of work does your girlfriend do? I think some of us here can find some alternative ways for revenge. :D

they dont give her pay stubs because she gets hella over time..... we are college students... and every penny counts for us.... she is a hard worker and does not deserve this.... there pay stubs are printed on a computer... and they do everybodys at once.... so when they say oops.. we forgot... yeah bull shit.. they do it on purpose...

im not too sure where to get a tap detector.... we dont have spy shops here... this is a pretty small town.....kinda..... been talking to the local law enforcement... i think we are getting somewhere... thanks for all the help guys... if anybody has any more helpfull information.. please post it..

08-20-2005, 09:34 AM

tew photy
08-21-2005, 12:11 AM
periods are cool.

08-21-2005, 04:59 AM
this is kinda happening here at work too. We get paid SUPER late sometimes, but most the time its just normally late, say, Saturdays instead of fridays. And we dont' get pay stubs. Should i threaten his fatass (the boss)? Bastard has a NICE boat, JDM Soarer, H2, and other goodies.

08-21-2005, 11:09 AM
im not too sure where to get a tap detector.... we dont have spy shops here... this is a pretty small town.....kinda..... been talking to the local law enforcement... i think we are getting somewhere... thanks for all the help guys... if anybody has any more helpfull information.. please post it..

:blah: :blah: sweet jesus on a pogo stick! Why go to all that trouble. I'd just quit and go work for someone that isn't a jackass. Move on.