View Full Version : Firewall?

08-11-2005, 06:22 PM
Im trying to find out if my comp is firewalled. My comp is on a wireless network and my windows firewall is off. I went into my router settings and i forwarded the ports so im not firewalled on certain ports. When i play my xbox online it still says im firewalled.

08-11-2005, 06:43 PM
is the xbox wireless too?

08-11-2005, 09:16 PM
Yeah find if you have a firewall. It cant be on your pc but it can be on your router. If all of that dosent work just connect the xbox directly to the broadband modem. Now if the xbox is hooked up with that wireless adapter i dont know crap about it.

08-12-2005, 08:49 AM
no the xbox goes through my comp, then to the router.

08-12-2005, 12:43 PM
no the xbox goes through my comp, then to the router.

so u have 2 NIC cards in the puter?
the xbox SHOULD just go straight the router, unless you're using your comp as your WAP, but I dunno why you'd do that. Whether hardwired or wireless, the Xbox should go str8 to your router... no reason really to req. a firewall for the xbox, the NAT of the router should do any filtering u might need for xbox live on it's own. Firewalling hte xbox is kinda overkill and only will make your setup harder.

For your puter, get zonealarm or sygate free firewalls for 32bit windows.
Windows "firewall" shouldn't even be allowed to be called a firewall. In a way, the NAT of hte router is acting as a firewall and guarding u against most network based attacks, but only a software firewall will save you from yourself (ie. u go to a directX attack page and get infected, then certain programs try shouting out w/o your expressed permission). Get one of the above programs and you'll be fine.