04-16-2002, 06:48 PM
ok ladies and gentlemen, i beleive i may have a sickly 240 on my hands <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> unfortunately, due to my lack of experience with cars (17yrs old here, never was interested in cars till i got my sexy lil' 240) i have no real clue what the problem may be.
so i guess it would be best to start off with the symptoms i beleive i am sensing.
1) today while driving around i noticed on a few occasions the smell of pure, unburned gasoline while driving. not sure what to make of this one
2) when accellerating, i sometimes notice that my car feels a bit hesitant to go, like it will start off accelerating like normal, then it will slow down to a constant speed for oh, maybe less than a second, then continue accelerating... it happens unpredictably, and i cant seem to induce this to happen. some days it happens, some it doesnt.
3) on the engine itself, i see oil seeping slowly out the sides where the top cover dealy (sorry i dont know the actual names yet <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> ) meets the rest of the engine, and on the sides where (i think) the fuel injectors are, it looks liek there are gas stains, and i cant really tell if it looks liek they are leaking out of the spark plug covers or if its being sprayed up onto that area. dang this sounds real vague, i hope everyone understands what i mean lol. today i wiped up the stains a bit so i could see a little better jsut where everything is coming from, and i will check it all again in a few days.
other than that, a freind of mine told me while driving behind me one day, that when i accelerated real fast, he could smell somethign really bad or strong or something from my exhaust...
once again i apologize for being vague, i cant really think of/rememebr the actual terms for what im talking about, so i hope my odd descriptions at least point you in the right direction as to what i mean lol.
any help diagnosing my problems is appreciated, thanks in advance <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
so i guess it would be best to start off with the symptoms i beleive i am sensing.
1) today while driving around i noticed on a few occasions the smell of pure, unburned gasoline while driving. not sure what to make of this one
2) when accellerating, i sometimes notice that my car feels a bit hesitant to go, like it will start off accelerating like normal, then it will slow down to a constant speed for oh, maybe less than a second, then continue accelerating... it happens unpredictably, and i cant seem to induce this to happen. some days it happens, some it doesnt.
3) on the engine itself, i see oil seeping slowly out the sides where the top cover dealy (sorry i dont know the actual names yet <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> ) meets the rest of the engine, and on the sides where (i think) the fuel injectors are, it looks liek there are gas stains, and i cant really tell if it looks liek they are leaking out of the spark plug covers or if its being sprayed up onto that area. dang this sounds real vague, i hope everyone understands what i mean lol. today i wiped up the stains a bit so i could see a little better jsut where everything is coming from, and i will check it all again in a few days.
other than that, a freind of mine told me while driving behind me one day, that when i accelerated real fast, he could smell somethign really bad or strong or something from my exhaust...
once again i apologize for being vague, i cant really think of/rememebr the actual terms for what im talking about, so i hope my odd descriptions at least point you in the right direction as to what i mean lol.
any help diagnosing my problems is appreciated, thanks in advance <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>