View Full Version : White turbine on Exhaust side of T25 - Pics

08-06-2005, 11:54 PM
Hey guys,

im not really sure if this is normal or not but for some reason i dont belive it is. This is the t25 i just took off my sr that is getting replaced with a t28,

the t28 which is used that i have has black exhaust blades however my t25 has turned white

is this a sign of running lean or too hot?

i have no detonation or knocking on the safc-2 however my timing is a little sketchy....

could this be a sign of timing that is too advanced? or running lean?

Heres a pic


08-07-2005, 06:26 AM
check your plugs.
you answered your own questions hehe. yes to everything you asked.

08-07-2005, 04:22 PM
Just cuz ur safc is not picking up anything doesnt mean your not running lean or pinging. Knock on the safc only registers wut is above normal to wut you set it to in the beginning. Plus, i wouldnt recommend banking on the stock sensor anyway. Learn to read plugs and buy a wideband O2 sensor