View Full Version : Shitty vodka + Britta filter = GREYGOOSE??

08-05-2005, 12:45 AM
I remember reading about this somewhere. It might have been in my schools rebel newspaper, 'the booze news'. If I remembered correctly, they ran crappy vodka though a britta filter and after a few run thoughs it tasted like expensive stuff. anyone ever tried this? As soon as I get back to school this is the first thing i'm trying-parental units wouldnt like this 'science experiment' much i dont think.

08-05-2005, 12:50 AM
There was an article/ad for it in last months Maxim. I believe it used a charcoal filter to get out the contaminants without removing and alcohol. It would probably taste a bit better but it wont taste like Grey Goose. BTW No Grey Goose if ya don't get loose.

Edit: here is is http://graykangaroo.com/home.htm

08-05-2005, 01:31 AM
Haha, Mike the alchohol expert.

08-05-2005, 02:20 AM
my buddies tried it here in the dorms and i heard it came out all brown after the filtering?? it tassted better, but no one wanted to drink it bc it looked gross

08-05-2005, 02:37 AM
welcome to like 5 years ago.

08-05-2005, 06:34 AM
If you can get a brita for free, try it. Otherwise just buy a bottle of Goose cuz it'll be cheaper. Better yet, toss in a couple extra bux and get yourself a real drink. Like a nice single malt or something.

08-05-2005, 07:33 AM
if you have a brita pitcher, give it a shot. filters aren't THAT expensive

08-05-2005, 09:55 AM
my buddies tried it here in the dorms and i heard it came out all brown after the filtering?? it tassted better, but no one wanted to drink it bc it looked gross

The Brita filters need to be broken in before they can be used. If you read the directions it says the first few batches of water can't be used. They will come out brown and have a charcoal taste. It should come out clear after its broken in. I used to use Brita in the college dorms.

08-05-2005, 10:14 AM
It does clean it up some but not to top shelf level. Can take a $5 to a $10 but not a $20.

Ritz S14
08-05-2005, 10:14 AM
Why don't they filter their stuff from the factory, if it is THAT much better?

08-05-2005, 10:19 AM
Why don't they filter their stuff from the factory, if it is THAT much better?
cause it costs money. It's an extra step in the process, you have to maintain the filtering machine. Some drunks don't care so some brands don't filter as much as others.

08-05-2005, 10:41 AM
I wonder if you could filter GEM CLEAR????

08-05-2005, 10:52 AM
What's Gem Clear?

08-05-2005, 11:47 AM
well the filtering they use at the factory is different. also the water they use is different, different sort of grain. theres more than just filtering to vodka. shit, most people think that deluting everclear 40% with water will make vodka, but not really. so its not quite the same

08-05-2005, 11:53 AM
if you have a brita pitcher, give it a shot. filters aren't THAT expensive

True enough.

You could always just not buy crap to begin with. Sure there's a big gap between the goose and gordans but there are a pile of good vodkas in the $20ish/750ML range. Tanqueray Sterling is a very good vodka. It doesn't have the pretentious package that some of the others have but it's around 18ish for a 750. Either way, unless you live in a cardboard house next to a dumpster, you should buy any booze that you wouldn't want to drink straight in a class with a couple of icecubes. Some of you guys are pretty young but we're all to old to be drinking crap.

08-05-2005, 12:11 PM
i dont even know if they import good shit in the States. i never seen Gshelka or Russian Standard here in the states. only see stoli, which is great too but not as good as the first 2

08-05-2005, 12:36 PM
i dont even know if they import good shit in the States. i never seen Gshelka or Russian Standard here in the states. only see stoli, which is great too but not as good as the first 2

Yup, stoli is still good. It's weird tho, as soon as they started coming out with all these $50+ boutique vodkas, some people turn their nose up at stoli like it's junk all of the sudden. Silly marketing.

I've read good stuff about Gzhelka and wanted to try it. I can't get it locally. I did see it online (someplace in NJ I think) but my state prohibits them from shipping to me. It wasn't even expensive if I remember right.

08-05-2005, 12:39 PM
Gshelka is not expensive. Russian Standard is, since its winning all the awards and all that

08-05-2005, 01:18 PM
I remember reading someone post here the Grey Goose is overrated. I've had some, its okay. But if there's better, I'd like to know. How's Belvedere?

08-05-2005, 02:02 PM
Grey Goose is ok, but i like Ketel One better. It has a more full flavor. Belvedere sucks. I like Skyy and Stoli better than Belvedere even though they are cheaper and considered lower grade.

My new drink for the past couple months.. Black Label on the rocks

And if you cant afford to buy good vodka, then drink less often.

08-05-2005, 03:27 PM
Schilkin Zarenwodka yum

08-05-2005, 04:06 PM
Vox :yum:


08-05-2005, 04:34 PM
im russian. so theres a reason i prefer russian vodka. dont like the cheap stuff tho.

08-05-2005, 04:35 PM
Grey Goose is ok, but i like Ketel One better. It has a more full flavor. Belvedere sucks.

lol, some people say K1 is over rated and my old boss (a polish guy) thought that Belvedere was the best shit on earth. I think once you get into the top self stuff in any spirits, which one is best is really subjective. Vodka is always a strange one for me because ideally, it should have a neutral taste. The places where they make the stuff look like industrial labs compared to distilleries for other spirits like scotch or bourbon.

08-05-2005, 04:53 PM
the only thing that tells me, is that polish people have no taste in cars.

08-06-2005, 07:19 PM
Do russians like Taaka?

Drunk Bastard
08-09-2005, 05:19 AM
..no grey goose if you dont get loose...

08-09-2005, 11:20 PM
Do russians like Taaka?

its aiiight. ;)

08-09-2005, 11:23 PM
actually vodka is the safest drink out of alcohol. cleanest. no oils in it to damage your liver excessively. of course, abuse it and you will do some damage. love it - and it will love you back. ahhhaha

08-10-2005, 08:02 PM
No, Taaka http://store1.yimg.com/I/randalls_1857_51053313
$1.99 a 1/5th, pretty much the cheapest poison you could put into your liver. There's one for the filter test.

And oh yeah for all the alcoholics check out This (http://www.droogle.ca)

08-11-2005, 12:07 AM
TAAKA.... no its worse than mcCormicks and thats as low and desperate i could ever go if hell froze over haha

08-11-2005, 02:20 AM
You know somthing, you should look into human antaomy, alcohol damage and the damage it does to other organs prior to commenting or giving diagnoses.

First, look into the Human Excratory system and you will see that the damage is incurred not only to the liver but far more severly in the kidneys. Their is no "safe" alcohol it is a sedative their is nothing "safe "about it. Luckly the Human organism has the process of Mitosis to repair said damage (to an extent).

Another thing worth mentioning, what the hell are you kids putting into your bodies? Fucking filtered vodka to save few bucks? I wish Natural Selection would be speeded process.

Also, my pre-med friends have entailed that the Gin creates the highest threat to your organs.

Im sorry but after reading that "air in your blood" thread it was enough to anger anyone with a BASIC understanding of the human body.

actually vodka is the safest drink out of alcohol. cleanest. no oils in it to damage your liver excessively. of course, abuse it and you will do some damage. love it - and it will love you back. ahhhaha

08-11-2005, 11:22 AM
You know somthing, you should look into human antaomy, alcohol damage and the damage it does to other organs prior to commenting or giving diagnoses.

First, look into the Human Excratory system and you will see that the damage is incurred not only to the liver but far more severly in the kidneys. Their is no "safe" alcohol it is a sedative their is nothing "safe "about it. Luckly the Human organism has the process of Mitosis to repair said damage (to an extent).

Another thing worth mentioning, what the hell are you kids putting into your bodies? Fucking filtered vodka to save few bucks? I wish Natural Selection would be speeded process.

Also, my pre-med friends have entailed that the Gin creates the highest threat to your organs.

Im sorry but after reading that "air in your blood" thread it was enough to anger anyone with a BASIC understanding of the human body.

spare me the lecture. nobody said its "safe". u know radiation is perfectly safe too? yea in a dosage.

anything is ok in moderation. u can take rat poison for all i care in minumum ammounts human body can sustain.

nobody is saying drinking is healthy. so STFU. i myself hardly ever drik anymore.

besides liver damage, it slows down your metabolism, after a while u switch to catabolic state just like if u fall asleep

btw, acholol in moderation is good for you, for your heart. thins you blood. thats right, did know that right? 50mg every other day is actually ok. liver damage? you system restores the damage within a short period of time. cyrosis occurs only under heavy drinking which is no one advocation here. so stfu and take your 15 hours-in community college-education somewhere else. i work in the health industry.

08-11-2005, 11:30 AM
somebody got the fuggin soviet stomp on their neck up in this joint.

08-11-2005, 11:37 AM
<---Finlindia!! sssmmmoooottthhhh!!!

08-11-2005, 12:51 PM
spare me the lecture. nobody said its "safe". u know radiation is perfectly safe too? yea in a dosage.

anything is ok in moderation. u can take rat poison for all i care in minumum ammounts human body can sustain.

nobody is saying drinking is healthy. so STFU. i myself hardly ever drik anymore.

besides liver damage, it slows down your metabolism, after a while u switch to catabolic state just like if u fall asleep

btw, acholol in moderation is good for you, for your heart. thins you blood. thats right, did know that right? 50mg every other day is actually ok. liver damage? you system restores the damage within a short period of time. cyrosis occurs only under heavy drinking which is no one advocation here. so stfu and take your 15 hours-in community college-education somewhere else. i work in the health industry.

This in what way makes you adept as to speak as though drinking is the next pencelium?

Advocate and innsinaute all you want, but the fact is not all bodies can sustain this, you are aware of certain diseases that damage the bodies blood, correct? Tell an anemic to drink some booze, and tell those ridden with malaeria to do the very same.

You also lack two very intricate roles of aerobic respiration when you speak of metabolism. Also that isn't true of your metabolism being suspended, why do you think your excratory system is in over-load while your pounding those beers, and have to get up every 5 minutes. If that were true, we would have 4 drinks and have a full stomach by your notion due to fluid retention.

I would also like to figure you out why you think robbing the RBC of Hemogloban is such a great idea, or "thinning out the blood". There is a reason the RBC's lose their nuclei to carry as much as possible. Also their is an immunity risk to this. You are aware of Lysis and the potential danager it creates to cells?

I don't give fuck if you do work in the field, promoting drinking is inept, more so by a person who claims to be in practicing medicine. Also its a depressent, and no one in there right mind would perscribe such. Ha, you seem to perpetuate the very same idealogy that doctors in the 30's and 40's by claiming cig's cured diseases. Reflect on Human biology further before taking that TV's doctors claims as an affirmation.

Simply becuase Mitosis can repar the damage doesn't mean its Safe/healthy. Their is no doubt about the body being able to sustain such, but that is hardly any grounds for such a claim.

Also, I have no idea where you heard the body cannot multi-function either Anabolism or Catabolism. What do you think occurs when you eat?

08-11-2005, 01:08 PM
damn we are talkin about drinks here, or more about vodkha.

we all know that its not super safe to drink heavly, it is our choice to do so after already knowing itis not safe.

do i know its not safe? yes. do i still want to drink? yes.

08-11-2005, 01:21 PM
This in what way makes you adept as to speak as though drinking is the next pencelium?

Advocate and innsinaute all you want, but the fact is not all bodies can sustain this, you are aware of certain diseases that damage the bodies blood, correct? Tell an anemic to drink some booze, and tell those ridden with malaeria to do the very same.

You also lack two very intricate roles of aerobic respiration when you speak of metabolism. Also that isn't true of your metabolism being suspended, why do you think your excratory system is in over-load while your pounding those beers, and have to get up every 5 minutes. If that were true, we would have 4 drinks and have a full stomach by your notion due to fluid retention.

I would also like to figure you out why you think robbing the RBC of Hemogloban is such a great idea, or "thinning out the blood". There is a reason the RBC's lose their nuclei to carry as much as possible. Also their is an immunity risk to this. You are aware of Lysis and the potential danager it creates to cells?

I don't give fuck if you do work in the field, promoting drinking is inept, more so by a person who claims to be in practicing medicine. Also its a depressent, and no one in there right mind would perscribe such. Ha, you seem to perpetuate the very same idealogy that doctors in the 30's and 40's by claiming cig's cured diseases. Reflect on Human biology further before taking that TV's doctors claims as an affirmation.

Simply becuase Mitosis can repar the damage doesn't mean its Safe/healthy. Their is no doubt about the body being able to sustain such, but that is hardly any grounds for such a claim.

Also, I have no idea where you heard the body cannot multi-function either Anabolism or Catabolism. What do you think occurs when you eat?

DRINKING RULES!!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

08-11-2005, 01:22 PM
Alright i'll re-direct this thread becuase I no longer find its novelty in conjuring a rebuttal.

Well I drank some belveder (Sp?) and it was pretty good. Gray goose was ok as well.
Had a few martinins with Sky this weekend, it was ok.

And further sugue....

08-11-2005, 01:28 PM
Alright i'll re-direct this thread becuase I no longer find its novelty in conjuring a rebuttal.

Well I drank some belveder (Sp?) and it was pretty good. Gray goose was ok as well.
Had a few martinins with Sky this weekend, it was ok.

And further sugue....

Belvedere with an "E" at the end

Grey Goose with an "E" instead of "A"

Skyy with 2 "Y's".

Martinis doesnt have the extra "N"

And just in case you're wondering

Pompous has only one "S"

08-11-2005, 01:51 PM
you ain't kiddin var. this homo needs to take a walk.

he's about as welcome here as a klan leader in the million man march.

08-11-2005, 02:16 PM
Dont plague yourself Douglas. These superflous endeavors to make us appercieve inadequacy by way of grandstanding medical idiosyncrasies will only impel us to satirize any further rejoinder he formulates.

08-11-2005, 02:48 PM
ok let me speak the words you might understand better since you clearly didnt understand my post:

FUCK OFF bitch. Die. You about just as useful as a turd flavored lolipop

This in what way makes you adept as to speak as though drinking is the next pencelium?

Advocate and innsinaute all you want, but the fact is not all bodies can sustain this, you are aware of certain diseases that damage the bodies blood, correct? Tell an anemic to drink some booze, and tell those ridden with malaeria to do the very same.

You also lack two very intricate roles of aerobic respiration when you speak of metabolism. Also that isn't true of your metabolism being suspended, why do you think your excratory system is in over-load while your pounding those beers, and have to get up every 5 minutes. If that were true, we would have 4 drinks and have a full stomach by your notion due to fluid retention.

I would also like to figure you out why you think robbing the RBC of Hemogloban is such a great idea, or "thinning out the blood". There is a reason the RBC's lose their nuclei to carry as much as possible. Also their is an immunity risk to this. You are aware of Lysis and the potential danager it creates to cells?

I don't give fuck if you do work in the field, promoting drinking is inept, more so by a person who claims to be in practicing medicine. Also its a depressent, and no one in there right mind would perscribe such. Ha, you seem to perpetuate the very same idealogy that doctors in the 30's and 40's by claiming cig's cured diseases. Reflect on Human biology further before taking that TV's doctors claims as an affirmation.

Simply becuase Mitosis can repar the damage doesn't mean its Safe/healthy. Their is no doubt about the body being able to sustain such, but that is hardly any grounds for such a claim.

Also, I have no idea where you heard the body cannot multi-function either Anabolism or Catabolism. What do you think occurs when you eat?

08-11-2005, 05:00 PM
I have only stayed away from this thread because I only USED to consider myself a Vodka drinker, but now I realize that I am quite okay with mediocre vodkas at best... Fact of the matter here? WHO GIVES A FUCK! Here, we have one guy misspelling his way into certain ownage (thanks Var), yet still making no valid point. The fact of the matter is that this is life, nobody makes it out alive... NEVER
You can choose not to drink, and I will drink heavily, whatever the hell I choose to drink. At the end of the day, we'll both die. The difference? I enjoyed what I was doing to a point.

08-11-2005, 05:03 PM
yea. its not how long you lived. its how well did you spend your time. as long as your happy.

08-11-2005, 05:11 PM
Alright i'll re-direct this thread becuase I no longer find its novelty in conjuring a rebuttal.

Well I drank some belveder (Sp?) and it was pretty good. Gray goose was ok as well.
Had a few martinins with Sky this weekend, it was ok.

And further sugue....
You are not old enough to drink or be in medical school. STFUADIATFT!!!! :mad:

08-11-2005, 06:20 PM
Nor do I have any asspirations to attend Med. school.

Secondly, I have no qualms with an inability to spell alcoholic beverages, I mispell everything else on this forum/any other with no regret. It's more effort than I beleive any of you are entitled to.

VAR: Your attempts to convey your pseudo rhetoric/intellect compells me to believe you spent your lunch/day on Dictionary.com to reply to this thread. I could go on, but this no longer humors me.

420SX: I can understand your despair/medocrity. I tend to surface others inability/ignorance quite well. Your existance saddens me.

08-11-2005, 06:25 PM
VAR: Your attempts to convey your pseudo rhetoric/intellect compells me to believe you spent your lunch/day on Dictionary.com to reply to this thread. I could go on, but this no longer humors me.


Hey..it was only 5 minutes. And only an idiot would reply seriously to you on this forum. You should check out the word humor in the dictionary.

That was the whole point. Satirize..you know what that is right? I mean..jesus. did i waste me time? i thought it was funny

08-11-2005, 06:27 PM
Nor do I have any asspirations to attend Med. school.

Secondly, I have no qualms with an inability to spell alcoholic beverages, I mispell everything else on this forum/any other with no regret. It's more effort than I beleive any of you are entitled to.

VAR: Your attempts to convey your pseudo rhetoric/intellect compells me to believe you spent your lunch/day on Dictionary.com to reply to this thread. I could go on, but this no longer humors me.

420SX: I can understand your despair/medocrity. I tend to surface others inability/ignorance quite well. Your existance saddens me.
aspirations, misspell, believe, compels, mediocrity, existence are all misspelled you idiot. :duh:

08-11-2005, 06:33 PM
haha looks like i'm not the one needing to spend my lunch hour on dictionary.com

08-11-2005, 06:41 PM
Nor do I have any asspirations to attend Med. school.

Secondly, I have no qualms with an inability to spell alcoholic beverages, I mispell everything else on this forum/any other with no regret. It's more effort than I beleive any of you are entitled to.

VAR: Your attempts to convey your pseudo rhetoric/intellect compells me to believe you spent your lunch/day on Dictionary.com to reply to this thread. I could go on, but this no longer humors me.

420SX: I can understand your despair/medocrity. I tend to surface others inability/ignorance quite well. Your existance saddens me.

unlike you i AM a real life philosopher and i thoroughly enjoy the study of human beings in daily life. i especially enjoy observing retards like you tell us exactly what you are without even knowing it.

A- you're a liar. the sad thing is you actually believe otherwise.
B- var and alex have more mental conditioning and potential than you ever will should you continue on about this path to the stupid side that you so adamantly seem to defend with pompous and missplaced grammatical insufficiency.
C- the fact that you don't reply to my comments shows that you, like many others, actually fear me. you know i own you and all the pea brained fags in your little flock.
D- but this no longer humors me. coupled with Your existance saddens me. pretty much shows that you'll do anything, even contradict yourself, to feed the starving ego you so cowardly seem to hold so... high.

don't even bother replying dude, you know you're owned, i know you're owned, hell, this whole forum knows you're owned.

you simply don't belong here. not only are you a pussy but you're a trolling pussy who can't even use words (a pussies best friend) to his advantage because you seem to rape the very language you strive to portray you have mastered.

when you choke on sand i'll set you on fire.

08-11-2005, 06:55 PM
So you had a prelude motor in a 5th gen hatch and then had to jump bandwagons to the 240?

08-11-2005, 07:02 PM
hah. another lost soul. i wander if he would ever be able to comprehend the concept of communication, you know that "thing" that dilivers your thoughts to the others. appently, your leisure time consists of going through the dictionary to find high sylabil words that you actually cant even use properly and secondly posting stuff from A&P class that you took at a community college on you overly underachieved way to receiveing or hoping to do so, an associates degree. or maybe you just went on google and looked all that up - that I dont know. but beyond all this, you did indeed get "owned". so just sit quite and observe your pitiful existance torn apart by vultures of zilvia.net
good day to you sir!

thats if you are, of course a "sir" that is.

08-11-2005, 07:24 PM
Didn't have Email/internet at the time. I had to use what was avilable. You fail to see that my join IS prior to your own, but that is irrelevent. And having been 16 when I purchased my S13, you can see why your claim is inaccurate. BUT I can understand how you could come to such an irrational conclusion.

Makat- what the ever the hell you name yourself- you should really look into the studies of Philopshy, the blantent ineptitude that spews from your mouth is what makes me advert your opinions, they mean nothing, the retain no value. Also, I find it amusing that you label yourself such, when in fact the image of being a philospher and dedicating a title to yourself contradicts itself. Socrates, Locke, Plato, etc.. would never succomb to your antics. They found value without possesion, and never needed to set convictions. Also, I have yet to see your Proofs or laws. Fear? I cannot fear was it insignificant and insipid. I do not claim a mastery in Philosphy, although it intrigues me it yields no effort to persue it further. What exactly qualafies you to be one? The vile description you write in your sig? Or perhaps your volatile tendancies to convince yourself of one thing or another. Please...

However, I focus more of my effort into Biology which I have been studying, and seem to be the only one to solidfy my observations and notions with experience. My purpose was to inform you, you were unable to comprhend- im unable to instruct any further.

Your convictions of "owned" or the other elude any significance, what I have said to this point is accurate. Read a damn Biology book, and take an anatomy class and you shall see why your views are so skewed. Anyone who works or has a position pertaining to medicine and believes what was said above is an imbicile. Either that or horridly misinformed, i say the prior due to his hessatance to accept other information regarding it.

This has become a question of Character or portyal of one rather than Biological functions and its damages. Why or how, that is beyond me. And I can no longer speak on the matter as it does not concern me nor interest me.

Toy with your image to someone else, this ends here.

08-11-2005, 07:40 PM
Didn't have Email/internet at the time. I had to use what was avilable. You fail to see that my join IS prior to your own, but that is irrelevent. And having been 16 when I purchased my S13, you can see why your claim is inaccurate. BUT I can understand how you could come to such an irrational conclusion.

Makat- what the ever the hell you name yourself- you should really look into the studies of Philopshy, the blantent ineptitude that spews from your mouth is what makes me advert your opinions, they mean nothing, the retain no value. Also, I find it amusing that you label yourself such, when in fact the image of being a philospher and dedicating a title to yourself contradicts itself. Socrates, Locke, Plato, etc.. would never succomb to your antics. They found value without possesion, and never needed to set convictions. Also, I have yet to see your Proofs or laws. Fear? I cannot fear was it insignificant and insipid. I do not claim a mastery in Philosphy, although it intrigues me it yields no effort to persue it further. What exactly qualafies you to be one? The vile description you write in your sig? Or perhaps your volatile tendancies to convince yourself of one thing or another. Please...

However, I focus more of my effort into Biology which I have been studying, and seem to be the only one to solidfy my observations and notions with experience. My purpose was to inform you, you were unable to comprhend- im unable to instruct any further.

Your convictions of "owned" or the other elude any significance, what I have said to this point is accurate. Read a damn Biology book, and take an anatomy class and you shall see why your views are so skewed. Anyone who works or has a position pertaining to medicine and believes what was said above is an imbicile. Either that or horridly misinformed, i say the prior due to his hessatance to accept other information regarding it.

This has become a question of Character or portyal of one rather than Biological functions and its damages. Why or how, that is beyond me. And I can no longer speak on the matter as it does not concern me nor interest me.

Toy with your image to someone else, this ends here.
You misspelled even more words this time:
available, irrelevant, Philosophy(2x), blatant, philosopher, succomb, possesion, pursue, qualifies, tendencies, solidify, comprehend, I'm, imbecile, hessatance, portrayal,

Don't even get me started at your middle school grammar. What college let your illiterate ass in?

08-11-2005, 07:45 PM
Stock-S13: do us a favor and GTFO of this thread so we can get back to vodka n drinks.

08-11-2005, 07:47 PM
apparently you keep misreading Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. they had plenty of possesions, go on, read or research a little more before you make your next move. They were quite the jewels of society comming from somewhat well positioned families with no real care for money.
My favourite, Aristotle had definately not a worry about money since he was teaching the most ambitious and promising young minds, unlike your own. Guess what, teaching Alexander as a kid was probably a fortune for him. haha. so you really are "owned" now my friend.

also, does it really surpise you that alot of revolutionaries, philosophers and writers come from wealthy families?

so, i'm gonna let you marinate you on that one. since you clearly have no clue and your reading skills really suck, so do spelling. not that im trying to claim anything of my own. hahah.

go and read my posts about vodka. i said everything is ok in moderation. and their is science behind that. die.

08-11-2005, 07:50 PM
Stock-S13: do us a favor and GTFO of this thread so we can get back to vodka n drinks.

no let him. he keeps humiliating himself by showing the lack of education. haha :ghey:

08-11-2005, 08:26 PM
Don't even get me started at your middle school grammar. What college let your illiterate ass in?

seriously, i haven't seen that much out of context rhetoric since... hell... i dont think i've ever seen such a horrible raping of the english language. the sad thing is, we aren't even sticklers for that, this guy that jacks off to the thesaurus seems to believe that multisyllabical words provide more impact than run of the mill everyday speech.

this very belief seems to hint at a need to impress but inability to follow through based on a very basic lack of intelligence.

its a lot like a 50 year old blues guitarist being compared to an up and coming thrash metal artist. sure the blues guy has the experience to wail out countless notes to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who's the midget and who's the man. he doesn't because the need isn't there. he doesn't have to because his music has the soul that only needs a few notes to outshine a hundred metal riffs.

he doesn't need the flamboyant display because he truly understands his media.

this kid just doesn't get it.

08-11-2005, 08:30 PM
i think thats a good explaination of the situation. I dont even think the kid has any ability to escalate this any further for all the reasons that Doug and me went through in the few preceding posts. :barf:

well back on the topic. i think i feel like going and making myself a drink :rolleyes:

08-11-2005, 09:53 PM
i think thats a good explaination of the situation. I dont even think the kid has any ability to escalate this any further for all the reasons that Doug and me went through in the few preceding posts. :barf:

well back on the topic. i think i feel like going and making myself a drink :rolleyes:

^^^ I'm with you this time around, and for those of you who do the "mediocre" flavored vodkas, has anyone tried the newer absolut flavors?

08-11-2005, 10:43 PM
About to hit some Grey Goose. Cheers fellas

08-12-2005, 10:59 AM
i dont know about flavored vodkas, but i really dig the apple flavored stoli. very interesting....

08-12-2005, 12:50 PM
the madarin and apple abolut vodka are quite good...... as are all of the smirnoff flavors, especailly the black cherry