View Full Version : Is Club good enough against car theft?

08-05-2005, 12:36 AM
With more and more mods into my car, I'm getting concerned about keeping it. Seems like car alarms are not useful these days. How about a club? Is it really good?
Are there ways to defeat club too, like alarms?

08-05-2005, 12:48 AM
cut the steering wheel, club comes off so no.................. wire in a fuel cut off switch and starter switch shit like that, the more u make it a hassle the more theyre unlikely to take ur car... theyll just take what ever is on the car...

08-05-2005, 12:58 AM
My hacksaw says a club doesnt do shit. Give me 10 seconds in your car and it will be off, I'm serious too.

Here are some things to do for your car:have crazy car alarms, back up car alarm with extremly loud horn. Like the illegal one that warns the people they will be deaf in a couple of seconds because its that loud. They actually sell lightweight boots now for your car, a good bit more of a pain in the ass than the club. Multiple fuel cut switches. Dont park in shady areas. have a garage with an alarm on the garage. a .38 special in your center console is nice if someone trys to get you out of the car with you in it. Just shoot below the waist, dont want to kill anyone because they are inconsiderate pricks. Probably get sued for doing that in America though...F'n a

08-05-2005, 01:02 AM
clubs are crap because they use the weakest part of your car to secure it (rubber steering wheel).

Id highly suggest getting a quick release steering wheel + hub


a cheaper route would be a Kill switch (i.e. a switch that cuts the fuel off so the engine cant be started).

dont bother with alarms, 95% of them are easy to bypass.

Ritz S14
08-05-2005, 01:40 AM
Don't bother with alarms? Ugh, ogay. My stock alarm deterred some faggot from entering my car. If it wasn't for my stock alarm, shit, I wouldn't have my car or my stereo right now.

Quick release? What the is that going to do? 70% of the people out there have the ballbearing/spline time. If you have one of those, 50/50 someone else has it too. This excludes expensive models.

I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm just saying they all work to a certain extent. Do I believe that the things listed above work? Of course I do. But it all comes down to who's doing the damage. "If someone wants it bad enough, they'll have it/take it/steal it/buy it" Unfortunately, most people who are starring in your windows, don't bother with the last.

My stock alarm worked(I say worked because now I have an better alarm now).
A ghost switch will work(switch that disables your car from driving).
Club/autolock/sometype of locking mechanism which disables you from braking/ steering etc, will work.
and so on.

I mean, if your car is on the street, with all the listed above, and some guy comes with a tow truck, it's gone.

So, whatever you buy, it will work to a certain extent. If they see a Club, they might think "Damn, too much work" and they move on. Maybe the next guy wont think that, and attemps to take your car. Best way to keep your car safe, is to never believe your car is completely safe when parked outside of your garage.

08-05-2005, 01:43 AM
Or just get that club that goes onto your pedals, i.e. your clutch pedal.

08-05-2005, 01:48 AM
there's no guarantee your car won't be stolen, but every little bit helps.

use a combination of shit.

the more time it takes them to get your car and go, the less likely your car will be stolen.

some kid was so paranoid about having his typeR stolen, he used to disconnect the ECU and take it with him wherever he went. they just towed his car away instead.

08-05-2005, 02:36 AM

08-05-2005, 04:04 AM
there was a thread on this not too long ago and someone posted a link to a "tow truck guy/repo guy" only site where they offered tools that snap everything there is...yes, even a tool to snap the "bulletproof" pedal lock...and im not positive, but im pretty sure the general public could order too...so all of the above locks and such will deter (timewise), but will not save your car...maybe the guys that good...fuel cut...disable this, disable that...that should do the trick...

08-05-2005, 06:08 AM
I thought a club would have been strong but I broke it trying to keep something from moving.

You can break those things pretty easily

08-05-2005, 07:12 AM
ever seen the repo show on discovery (or is it tlc?) where they show the guys stealling semi-trucks and crap? yeah, if they can do that, theres no hope. haha. But the clutch lock seems good anways.

08-05-2005, 08:48 AM
probably best bet is to run a combination as mentioned above

no such thing as theft prevention, only theft deterrernt

an alarm, clutch pedal club, and quick release and fuel cutoff switch and well...if your car is still gone, than they really wanted that shit and nothing you can do

08-05-2005, 08:57 AM
Most cars are stolen by being towed...so go from there.

They don't need to start or drive it to steal it.

08-05-2005, 09:03 AM
Do what that guy did in the kia commerical. Get a car cover with a picture of a crappy ass car on it.
(I think it was kia)

08-05-2005, 09:10 AM
Do what that guy did in the kia commerical. Get a car cover with a picture of a crappy ass car on it.
(I think it was kia)

ironic in the fact that..kia's are shitty

but i think it was hyundai

but still ironic

08-05-2005, 09:22 AM
get a trunk monkey

08-05-2005, 09:41 AM
get 3 autolocks, aftermarket steerin wheel with quick release but they can still tow it away..lol...really doesn't matter what you do..if the thieves want your car...they are gonna get it..juss a matter of time..you put more and more stuff to slow them down...it depends if they want to spend the time to go through all the trouble to steal ur ride.

08-05-2005, 09:44 AM
what about one of those locks that go around the wheel and prevent it from moving...if they tried to tow that shit it would make a hell of a lot of noise...also get a proximity senor on your car and itll page you when someone comes near it...that and u can also have htem electrocuted if they touch ur shit...just kidding

08-05-2005, 09:46 AM
What about hood locks?

08-05-2005, 09:49 AM
there was a thread on this not too long ago and someone posted a link to a "tow truck guy/repo guy" only site where they offered tools that snap everything there is...yes, even a tool to snap the "bulletproof" pedal lock...and im not positive, but im pretty sure the general public could order too...so all of the above locks and such will deter (timewise), but will not save your car...maybe the guys that good...fuel cut...disable this, disable that...that should do the trick...

Anyone can get the items that repo-men and towtruck drivers have, but it's illegal to use them unless you're a certified repo or tow truck man/woman.

If you are caught with those items without certification you are punishable by law. A tow truck driver told me that as he attempted to jimmy my door open.

08-05-2005, 10:28 AM
i heard that if you turn your steering wheel all the way to the right and put the car in reverse or something it cant get towed... or makes it a hard time for them to tow your car =X

08-05-2005, 10:58 AM
meanwhile i sit the pit bull in the car when i park in shady places

but i also try not to take my car to such areas, if theyre dumb enough to try to break in when im home at my condo, i got a nice present i call jesus waiting.

08-05-2005, 11:21 AM
i heard that if you turn your steering wheel all the way to the right and put the car in reverse or something it cant get towed... or makes it a hard time for them to tow your car =X

wont work all they have to do is tow the front and for the rear all they have to use is a dolly thing. So your car wouldnt be touching the floor at all.

I say having a TRUE gps system is the key.

08-05-2005, 11:41 AM
dude they need to stop putting that "how cars are stolen" crap on tv etc... fawking stupid.. gives people ideas..

They need to make car theift laws stricter.. like get your hands chopped off if caught no questions asked.

08-05-2005, 11:44 AM
What about parking my car where it is in realistically plain view and earshot when I am at the house, and right outside the window by my desk at work... While I am at work, we have security providing surveilance as well, and at home I have John Moses Browning and I hear EVERYTHING in my yard.

08-05-2005, 12:39 PM
Well if it makes you all feel better my friends Audi S4 was stolen not once but twice!!! Two different cars.

BOTH had lojack. The first only had a factory alarm.

The second a factory and aftermarket alarm. The second S4 was stolen right out of a crowded movie theatre parking lot on a Friday evening.

So good luck with whatever you decide.

08-05-2005, 12:39 PM
i saw on Maximum Exposure once that a guy had a flamethrower that ran under his car....he could set off the flamethrower from inside the car or outside with a remote. It blasted a napalm-like gel that stuck to the intruder and burned him haha

08-05-2005, 12:47 PM
Well if it makes you all feel better my friends Audi S4 was stolen not once but twice!!! Two different cars.

BOTH had lojack. The first only had a factory alarm.

The second a factory and aftermarket alarm. The second S4 was stolen right out of a crowded movie theatre parking lot on a Friday evening.

So good luck with whatever you decide.

So he recovered both times? What went down?

08-05-2005, 03:07 PM
So he recovered both times? What went down?

First time they recovered the car via lojack....stripped and totalled on a deserted street in Newark NJ.

Second time they recovered the car, some minor exterior damage..but the clutch and tranny were thrashed.

08-05-2005, 04:58 PM
i saw on Maximum Exposure once that a guy had a flamethrower that ran under his car....he could set off the flamethrower from inside the car or outside with a remote. It blasted a napalm-like gel that stuck to the intruder and burned him haha

that was in england and it's been banned

08-05-2005, 05:38 PM
that was in england and it's been banned


south africa and mexico where some of the highways are extremly dangerous to travel on and people get car jacked all the time

08-06-2005, 12:18 AM
^ correct

the best thing to do is get a good insurance policy, and if you can swing it, a GPS.

08-06-2005, 03:02 AM
If you have an SR...pop your ignitor chip and take it with you!!! KA...TAKE YOUR WIRES!!!

08-06-2005, 03:29 AM
the real enemy is the towtruck.

I have been hella scared with my car because I know it can be towed, so I am tryin to figure out a way to lock the wheels in one place so it cant roll. my idea is to get 2 line locks for the front and back so even if they tried to tow it, it wouldn't go anywhere easily...

I dont think it would be that hard... (the linelock install...)

08-06-2005, 11:03 AM
the real enemy is the towtruck.

I have been hella scared with my car because I know it can be towed, so I am tryin to figure out a way to lock the wheels in one place so it cant roll. my idea is to get 2 line locks for the front and back so even if they tried to tow it, it wouldn't go anywhere easily...

I dont think it would be that hard... (the linelock install...)
you can still tow a car with the wheels locked. I donated my Celica a few years ago and we couldn't find the key and the tow guy didn't have any tools, so he just hooked it up and used the winch the pull it onto the bed. A lot of tow trucks have beds and winches. also theives have been known to use box trucks and winches.

there really is no way to physically secure your car, if someone wants it or something from it, they'll get it. insurance and GPS is the best bet. I have all my custom parts covered on my 7, so if it gets jacked I can find a new car and rebuild the damn thing. get a GPS system if you relaly like your chassis for some reason, but even GPS can be rather easily defeated.

EDIT: I completely forgot about those wheel carrier things repo guys use, they just jack your car up, put the locked wheels on this cart thing and tow away.

08-07-2005, 12:15 AM
i say get a alarm that has a 2 way paging capability along with a back up battery or siren. and also the fuel cut off works great. i work for circuit city as a car audio installer and i gave my co workers my key while i had my fuel cut off on. i gave them an hour to look and see if they can get my car started but they had no luck haha. the only way it can start is by waving a magnet over a reed switch to get the pump working again.(thank you honda tech for the diagrahm on fuel cut off) AND ALSO JUST FROM EXPERIENCE: WHEN YOU HAVE A SHOP INSTALL AN ALARM FOR MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HIM OR WAS REFERRED TO GO TO HIM BECAUSE I SEEN SOME SHADY WORK FROM INSTALLERS AND ITS HELLA EASY TO BYPASS THE ALARM.

08-07-2005, 12:20 AM
my friend got his turbo integra jacked from valley fair within a 1 hour of being in the mall. when the car was found a week later motorless the ignition wasnt even tampered with. somebody probably had a copy of his key from the shops he took his ride to or maybe they did that honda wiggle thing with there key to get in and leave.

08-07-2005, 03:14 AM
i say get a alarm that has a 2 way paging capability along with a back up battery or siren. and also the fuel cut off works great. i work for circuit city as a car audio installer and i gave my co workers my key while i had my fuel cut off on. i gave them an hour to look and see if they can get my car started but they had no luck haha. the only way it can start is by waving a magnet over a reed switch to get the pump working again.(thank you honda tech for the diagrahm on fuel cut off) AND ALSO JUST FROM EXPERIENCE: WHEN YOU HAVE A SHOP INSTALL AN ALARM FOR MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HIM OR WAS REFERRED TO GO TO HIM BECAUSE I SEEN SOME SHADY WORK FROM INSTALLERS AND ITS HELLA EASY TO BYPASS THE ALARM.

that idea originated a while back from www.autospeed.com (look in the archived tech articles. I put that in my s14 a couple of years back and plan on installing one in my s13. This topic has been brought up a few times before, in which I mentioned and posted a link to the article that I speak of.

here you go;immobilizer (http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=25878)

This gives you a How-to article. I did a similar test as you did and it worked like a champ. I also used real motivation and told my buddies that if they could get it started without destroying my interior, (which you would have to do, since I installed everything behind the dash support bar next to the firewall, front and center) that they would win a case of beer. I promised them that it could not be hotwired from the steering wheel column or the engine bay, which is a fact. So here you go.

08-08-2005, 11:45 AM
i put a piece of playdoh over my keyhole... theives can never get past it.

or maybe they never tried...

08-08-2005, 12:47 PM
how often do you guys think peice of shit s13's with gutted interiors get jacked though?? and don't they have some cheap tracking type stuff like hulk hogan used on hogan knows best when his daughter went out with that guy??

08-08-2005, 01:20 PM
how often do you guys think peice of shit s13's with gutted interiors get jacked though??

Well, people will jack it for the parts and whatever that is on your car. Unfortunately it is probably by someone who has a 240SX or knows they can sell the parts for money. Sometimes they will even steal your car to get the stock parts!

Remember, it maybe a cheap car to you, but to them it is a FREE car if they steal it.

08-08-2005, 04:41 PM
Does anyone have a subscription to AutoSpeed or a full copy of that article?