View Full Version : A drunks irresponsibility

07-29-2005, 02:31 AM
I like to start off by saying that I am a irresponsible bum. Over a year ago, I bought a Pacman frog for my gf’s valentine’s day gift. It was more of getting me my self something, but yet was for her if that makes sense. My gf loved it and always asked about it. One time we took a shower, and took the frog with us, non the less the frog ( Froggymus) freaked out and took a shit in the shower. Anyways (excuse me Ive been drinking) the mistake was the fact that I would take care of it. I cant take care of myself. So this is what happened. When I first got it, I fed it crickets, and it was fun to see how many it could eat. Then I fed it gold fish, then mice. After feeding it mice for a month , I got bored and lazy. I started making myself go out and get it mice. Over the next 8 months, my cares about feeding it became less and less. Instead of a 2$ mouse, I could buy a beer or almost a pack of cigarrets. Long story short, I did not feed it in 1.5 months. Though after 5 weeks, I managed to get my lazy ass to the pet store to get it a mouse. I got it a big ass mouse so I would not have to feed it in a while. I went to feed the frog, and it seemed tired and weak, It had one eye open. I tapped on the other eye that was closed until it opened it. I set the mouse in front of it and the frog bit it but the mouse got away. When ever the mouse gets away, the frog panics and wont bite at it again. So after dangling the mouse in front of the frog for another 15minutes I lost patience. I got a penny and pry the frogs mouth open. Keeping it open I stuff the mouse in its mouth, I removed the penny and it clamped down on the mouse. The mouse is half way in the frogs mouth and is dies after 15sec. I leave the frog with the mouse in its mouth for 4hrs. I come back and the frog is still in the same position. I go near it and the frog panics, spits out the mouse and starts moving about. I got pissed so I grabbed the dead mouse, flushed it down the toilet, then grabbed the frog and submerged it under water for 10sec. “If you don’t want to eat then fine” I have better shit to do, I have a final coming up in two weeks! So ten days later, yesterday morning, I noticed my room smells like ass. I went around sniffing everything, trying to find out what the smell was coming from. 10hrs later, around 3am my friend is checking his email on my computer, I start walking around my room in circles. I took a glance at the frogs cage and noticed the water was a milky brown. I took a look at the frog and its legs were sprawled out, eyes sunken in, the top of the frog was decomposing. I opened the lid and gagged from the stinch. I got my friend to help me with moving the cage. We walked down the driveway and dumped it at the side of the street. I told my gf that “the frog seast to exist” and she was pissed, and when I said I want a ferret now, that did not help. So to all the people that are irresponsible like my self, do an animal a favor by not buying one at a pet store. If you cant take care of your self , don’t even try to convince yours self that you can take care of something else. Take it from me, the drunk irresponsible fuck.

PS: here is a shot of Froggymus 15 minuts ago


07-29-2005, 03:21 AM
Poor froggymus...he lived a good life until you got lazy.

07-29-2005, 04:16 AM
So you say, that you can't even take care of a frog, but yet you want a ferret? I say, that you should just do everyone a favor and jump off a cliff. How the hell, you gonna not feed your pet for 1.5 months man? :mephfawk: :mrmeph:

07-29-2005, 05:32 AM
wow thats fawked up.... diaf

07-29-2005, 06:09 AM
Thats some fucked up shit right dur. Do frogs really eat mice? :eek:

07-29-2005, 07:53 AM
yeah man, ferrets require a lot more attention and responsibility than a frog ever will. Depending on the ferret and its environment they can require baths every two days... I really want a ferret myself but at this point in my life I realise the responsible decision would be to not buy one since 75% of the time I don't even wind up coming home for sometimes 2-3 days....
why don't you make the same kind of decision??

07-29-2005, 08:21 AM

seriously, who cares?

07-29-2005, 08:28 AM

seriously, who cares?
It's a PET, Doug and anyone who has had them cares, or at least understands... Only people without them say shit like that.

... Snail, you irresponsible bastard, if you get another animal I am calling the ASPCA and PETA on your ass.

07-29-2005, 08:46 AM
wow, i havent read something that serious on here, in like a year

sorry homie

07-29-2005, 09:12 AM
I hope nobody on this site is actually in PETA...that was pretty f-ed up

07-29-2005, 09:54 AM
I hope nobody on this site is actually in PETA...that was pretty f-ed up
I think there was one person who is, he started a thread about being vegetarian a couple months ago that started a flame war and was eventually (thank God) locked.

07-29-2005, 09:55 AM
not as fucked up as tieing a bunch of fireworks to a neighbors cat

07-29-2005, 10:46 AM
hey, i have a pet frog. he lives near my car outside. i see him a lot. haven't really thought of a name but the little fella has grown on me. im sure if/when he dies i'll have at least 3.5 seconds of misty eyed nostalgia.

07-29-2005, 12:55 PM
poor froggy, i thought doug doesnt have compassion for other living things?

Thrill Capsule
07-29-2005, 01:10 PM
TheSnail: please dont ever reproduce.

07-29-2005, 01:11 PM
....besides frogs?? duh! death to the heavans

07-29-2005, 02:10 PM
Wow, what a nice way to bury a frog.

+1 for Funeral Services

But we still love ya snail. Until we get lazy to feed you. :wiggle:

07-29-2005, 02:41 PM
Well I want a ferret because, you just buy a big bag of food and throw a pile in its cage and some water. Plus they can learn things, and you can let it run around the room. The frog bored me after a month. It just sits there and eats every so often. It would have been gone a long time ago if my gf was not so attached to it. I tried to give it away to my friends, and despite 150$ invested in it, no one wanted it. My original plan was to wait until winter, then unplug the cage heater, and tell my gf that the power went out. It looks like not feeding it did the trick, but it was not my intensions. I want a ferret, but my gf and you guys say “fuck that”. I will have to think about it before dropping $200 for one. Though, I think I might me too lazy to own one. Maybe next year.

07-29-2005, 03:27 PM
Once again, I repeat, just do the animals of this world a favor, and hang yourself, jump off a cliff, anything, to prevent you from having another pet. Makoto, just a frog? Perhaps to you, but to other people who love animals, and don't think of them as just "animals". I may not post on here a lot, but I do read the posts, and it's already been proven, that you are a fucking prick. Sure, you may know what you are talking about most of the time, but it just seems, to me, that you like the attention you get, from hating, or flaming others. When you prove someone wrong, hey, more props to you, but saying stupid shit like, "It's just a frog", can only come from a truely ignorant person, like yourself. That is all. :mrmeph:

07-29-2005, 03:49 PM
it WAS just a frog. Now if it was a hamster on the other hand. i'd have been pissed

07-29-2005, 04:07 PM
it WAS just a frog. Now if it was a hamster on the other hand. i'd have been pissed

besides...frogs are disgusting looking but hamsters are cool. i would do target practice with it. but then again i am a sick fuck :o

07-29-2005, 04:45 PM
Once again, I repeat, just do the animals of this world a favor, and hang yourself, jump off a cliff, anything, to prevent you from having another pet. Makoto, just a frog? Perhaps to you, but to other people who love animals, and don't think of them as just "animals". I may not post on here a lot, but I do read the posts, and it's already been proven, that you are a fucking prick. Sure, you may know what you are talking about most of the time, but it just seems, to me, that you like the attention you get, from hating, or flaming others. When you prove someone wrong, hey, more props to you, but saying stupid shit like, "It's just a frog", can only come from a truely ignorant person, like yourself. That is all. :mrmeph:

you know how many animals you ACCIDENTALLY kill on a daily basis? do you cry a bucket every time kermit jumps in front of your car on a late night? hell no, its just an unlucky little toad that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. much like the one that happened to be in his posession.

its people like you that take up for these mindless creatures so much so that they neglect the very welfare of their fellow man that they should be truly concerned with.

07-29-2005, 04:46 PM
hooray for hamsters



boo for frogshttp://www.moorephotographicprints.com/images/gallery/Brown-Tree-Frog-6033391_FRAMED.jpg

07-29-2005, 05:06 PM
heck... if just a frog dies or any reptiles die is no big deal especially when they are on my food chain. however furry animals are different excluding rats....

07-29-2005, 05:13 PM

that frog... :barf:

07-29-2005, 06:07 PM
you know how many animals you ACCIDENTALLY kill on a daily basis? do you cry a bucket every time kermit jumps in front of your car on a late night? hell no, its just an unlucky little toad that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. much like the one that happened to be in his posession.

its people like you that take up for these mindless creatures so much so that they neglect the very welfare of their fellow man that they should be truly concerned with.

How can you compare me banging a frog, to someone who decides he wants a frog, and ends up not being responsible enough to take care of it? Sure, accidents happen everyday, and animals of all sorts get taken out. But does that mean, that I go out purposely, and bang whatever creatures I see? Like I said, if you can't take care of something, don't take it in. I don't know why you capitilized<sp?> accidentally, because he did not do it accidentally. Last but not least, it was because of him, that the frog was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I'm sure, the frog didn't ask to be neglected.

07-29-2005, 06:53 PM
It actually did die "accidentally" from starvation. Now if I carried out my plan on pulling the heater plug during winter, then that would of been intentional.

PS: "banging" means fucking. At least here in GA. I hope you are not fucking animals.

07-29-2005, 06:59 PM
How many more famous frogs are there compared to famous hamsters?

Frogs > Hamsters.

Snail, no more laziness.

07-29-2005, 07:05 PM
I will continue to lack responsibility, but I will leave pets alone.

07-29-2005, 07:45 PM
hey, i have a pet frog. he lives near my car outside. i see him a lot. haven't really thought of a name but the little fella has grown on me. im sure if/when he dies i'll have at least 3.5 seconds of misty eyed nostalgia.

lol misty eyed nostalgia, that made me laugh i dont know why

07-29-2005, 07:46 PM
I will continue to lack responsibility, but I will leave pets alone.

I'm sure all the animals are glad to hear that.

07-29-2005, 10:29 PM
How can you compare me having sex with a frog, to someone who decides he wants a frog, and ends up not being responsible enough to take care of it? Sure, accidents happen everyday, and animals of all sorts get taken out. But does that mean, that I go out purposely, and have sex with whatever creatures I see? Like I said, if you can't take care of something, don't take it in. I don't know why you capitilized<sp?> accidentally, because he did not do it accidentally. Last but not least, it was because of him, that the frog was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I'm sure, the frog didn't ask to be neglected.

i translated it into regional dialect.

do you seriously think that frog was destined for greatness? ITS A FREAKING SLIMY LITTLE CRITTER DUDE LOL. this cracks me up beyond belief. i dont have pets because i'm a selfish prick and see them as only parasitic in nature.

snail- next time just cook it instead of letting it starve to death. would that qualify as irony?

07-29-2005, 10:43 PM

what kind of frog is that? thats the most badass frog I've ever seen

07-29-2005, 11:02 PM
^^ I dont know what that is, but here is what a pacman frog looks like. I got the albino edition for 20$ more.:)

*Edit* Had the albino edition.


07-29-2005, 11:10 PM
boo for frogshttp://www.moorephotographicprints.com/images/gallery/Brown-Tree-Frog-6033391_FRAMED.jpg
I don't know why but upon seeing this picture I instantly thought of Meatwad:


Therefore: I LOL

07-30-2005, 12:31 AM
i translated it into regional dialect.

do you seriously think that frog was destined for greatness? ITS A FREAKING SLIMY LITTLE CRITTER DUDE LOL. this cracks me up beyond belief. i dont have pets because i'm a selfish prick and see them as only parasitic in nature.

snail- next time just cook it instead of letting it starve to death. would that qualify as irony?

It's kind of hard to argue, with someone who openly admits, that there a selfish prick, so I shall stop here, and save my fingers a lot of work, to which, I shall see no result.

07-30-2005, 12:46 AM
It's kind of hard to argue, with someone who openly admits, that there a selfish prick, so I shall stop here, and save my fingers a lot of work, to which, I shall see no result.

Wow speedgod, you sure do have alot of anger in you. Maybe you should join PETA. And i find it Makoto pretty humorous. I think we should him and his quick tongue.

07-30-2005, 09:05 AM
I don't know why but upon seeing this picture I instantly thought of Meatwad:


Therefore: I LOL

HAHA..i wish i could have meatwad as a pet cause he kicks ass.

07-30-2005, 10:09 AM
It's kind of hard to argue, with someone who openly admits, that there a selfish prick, so I shall stop here, and save my fingers a lot of work, to which, I shall see no result.

hoensty's a mofo eh? here's to not iceskating uphill.

07-30-2005, 12:26 PM
and another member joins the anti makoto regime...
+1 for doug by being an ass lol
that brown from looks like pooooo


Drunk Bastard
07-30-2005, 01:27 PM
bwahahhaha AWESOME thread Snail!!!!

08-02-2005, 10:46 PM
just lookin at the picture makes me gag cuz i know its stanky.

08-02-2005, 11:41 PM
I know that big frog!!!

Its called a cannibus amphibious.

+1 for PhotoCHopping in PAINT!

08-02-2005, 11:53 PM
^ LMAO oh that shits great!

08-06-2005, 10:16 AM
gah, does nobody know what kind of frog that is? it would be a sweet pet

08-06-2005, 10:27 PM
dude that frog is almost as gross as your mom.


Jesse Jericho
08-06-2005, 11:17 PM
...So after dangling the mouse in front of the frog for another 15minutes I lost patience. I got a penny and pry the frogs mouth open. Keeping it open I stuff the mouse in its mouth, I removed the penny and it clamped down on the mouse. The mouse is half way in the frogs mouth and is dies after 15sec. I leave the frog with the mouse in its mouth for 4hrs. I come back and the frog is still in the same position. I go near it and the frog panics, spits out the mouse and starts moving about. I got pissed so I grabbed the dead mouse, flushed it down the toilet, then grabbed the frog and submerged it under water for 10sec.[/IMG]

Anyone wanna forward that to the local PD, and have them start a file on this guy? Dude, that is some seriously twisted, wacko shit, and you should talk to someone about it... :loco:

08-07-2005, 12:47 AM
alot of ppl are gonna say something about ur post, espacially how long you've been on zilvia...

08-07-2005, 11:54 AM
minus reputation points will work just fine.

08-07-2005, 12:09 PM
Anyone wanna forward that to the local PD, and have them start a file on this guy? Dude, that is some seriously twisted, wacko shit, and you should talk to someone about it... :loco:

hey idiot, its a frog and a rodent... he didn't hold a newborn under water for 10 seconds. what a douchebag.

08-07-2005, 01:28 PM
lol meatwad.

08-08-2005, 05:38 AM
hey everyone freakin relax im sure the frog will get eaten by some squirrel or something...or decompose and give life to some new weeds or something...its all a part of the circle of life...nobody freakin watched lion king?

Drunk Bastard
08-09-2005, 05:14 AM
bah, who cares about some stupid frog....as long as there is beer in the fridge

08-09-2005, 07:22 AM
Don't get a ferret, get like a Burmese Python or something.

That way, you'll have incentive to feed the damned thing, because if you don't, it'll eat you.