View Full Version : Brembo Rotor question

07-21-2005, 12:23 AM
I just got my front and rear brembo blanks.

Why are the lathe marks so much more visible on the front rotors than the rear?

Anyone else noticed this?

I figured since all four were blanks, the machining would look identical.

Just curious because I'm a nerd like that.

07-22-2005, 12:15 AM
lathe marks? it should have swirls crisscross marks .

07-22-2005, 12:50 AM
They have crisscross like ^ said. They warp easy. They are made in mexico. So dont expect much. I dumped 160$ for mine 2 years ago, and they wore down after 2 months. Had to resurface them after 3 months. After 4 months I sold them for 60$ and replaced them with stock ones again.

07-22-2005, 12:56 AM
brembo blanks are made in mexico? I did NOT know that

07-22-2005, 01:26 AM
They have crisscross like ^ said. They warp easy. They are made in mexico. So dont expect much. I dumped 160$ for mine 2 years ago, and they wore down after 2 months. Had to resurface them after 3 months. After 4 months I sold them for 60$ and replaced them with stock ones again.

i've had a set of 4 for almost two years with no warpage.

did you break them in properly?

07-22-2005, 01:35 AM
1- yes made in the all mighty Mexico

2- I brake them in by slaming on the brakes, then I go from there. They where 2/3rds the width after 2 months.

ps- Aznpoopy, I had drilled and slotted, What ones did you get?

07-22-2005, 01:40 AM
oh i see

i have brembo oem replacement blanks, no drills or slots.

that's probably the reason why

07-22-2005, 04:11 AM
What pads were you running Snail?

07-22-2005, 05:00 AM
did you break them in properly?

care to explain?


07-22-2005, 05:26 AM
you need to do rotor / pad break in when you install new rotors and pads


1. basically get up to 50 mph or so and brake hard down to 10mph or so (don't stop)
2. repeat a few times
3. then limp it home using as little braking as possible and park it on a flat surface, without e-brake

i believe the point is to
-temper the rotors
-transfer pad material to the rotors

the reason you don't want to use the brake much or come to a complete stop during the break in...
-hot pads locked on one section of untempered rotors = warp
-transfer uneven amount of pad material to one section of the rotor only

honestly im fuzzy on all of this, all i know is it worked well for me; i was just following the advice of my track buddies.

07-22-2005, 03:12 PM
I used my crossdrilled/slotted brebmo's i got on ebay with 5 sets of high temp pads over the course of 40k miles. No problems here.

07-22-2005, 03:28 PM
you need to do rotor / pad break in when you install new rotors and pads


1. basically get up to 50 mph or so and brake hard down to 10mph or so (don't stop)
2. repeat a few times
3. then limp it home using as little braking as possible and park it on a flat surface, without e-brake

there's few diferent procedure's for breaking in pads, but usually do the start slow and work your way up in speed in 5mph incremints. 10-5mph, 15-5mph, 20-5mph, etc...

also if your brakes fail for some odd reason or another you arent cruising at full speed.

07-22-2005, 03:32 PM
The slotted and/or drilled rotors are crap. All that stuff reduces the strength and surface area of the rotor itself. The solid rotors are much better.

07-22-2005, 04:55 PM
also if your brakes fail for some odd reason or another you arent cruising at full speed.


that's a very good point.

07-22-2005, 04:56 PM
but the only thing about solid rotors is that they dont displace the heat as well. i have heard that rotora makes great quality rotors. if i remembered their name correctly that is :P

07-23-2005, 12:40 PM
but the only thing about solid rotors is that they dont displace the heat as well. i have heard that rotora makes great quality rotors. if i remembered their name correctly that is :P

incorrect... Solid rotors have more mass and can abosrd more heat than drilled and slotted. Drilling in rotors isn't there to manage heat. It's there to manage outgassing from brake pads. If you have good pads that don't outgas much, the drilled rotors will only decrease ultimate heat capability.

Also, Brembo does not sell drilled or slotted rotors. The only rotors brembo makes with holes in them are for their GT kit,ad those holes are cast in.

07-23-2005, 01:09 PM
theyre brembo blanks with aftermarket machining.

07-23-2005, 01:21 PM
i have bembo blanks all around on my car and thought they looked rather generic when i installed em.

07-23-2005, 01:32 PM
yea, I believe companies take brembo blanks and drill them, and they market them as "brembo drilled rotors."

07-23-2005, 01:45 PM
i've had my brembo crossdrilled/slotted rotors for 3 years and i haven't had to get them resurfaced... they <B>might</b> me made in mexico but brembo is still a reputable company with good products...