View Full Version : Australia

07-20-2005, 04:10 PM
Hi to all,
I have just joined.
I live in Adelaide, South Australia and drive a Nissan S15 200SX which I purchased new in August 2002.
I am also a member of the Sporting Car Club Of South Australia; supposedly the second oldest car club in the world, being established in 1934.
Ron :wavey:

07-20-2005, 04:20 PM
Welcome to Zilvia. Please be sure and read the Forum Rules and Guidelines carefully, and learn to love the SEARCH button.

07-21-2005, 11:56 AM
this is one thing that i love about zilvia, it really brings together other countries around the world, and not just socal and florida :)

hope you enjoy the board and ignore the people that should be ignored

i cant wait to get back down to australia again (im 50% aussie) not that anyone really cares...

07-21-2005, 03:08 PM
Thanks Crioten.
Do you guys have trouble getting S15s?
I feel we were lucky over here as we were the only country, outside Japan, to get the Silvia S15 (200SX here). It was Australia's top selling sports car before they decided to cease production in 2002. It also won Motor Magazine's Performance Car Of The Year in 2001.
There were 3818 sold here.

07-21-2005, 03:20 PM
this is one thing that i love about zilvia, it really brings together other countries around the world, and not just socal and florida :)

Hey you noticed that too! I always found it weird that Florida, Texas, and frickin California are always the number 1 people on most boards. Ironically, those 3 states also hail the highest ownership in 3rd gen rx7's(Texas, Florida, then California). Maybe this just shows we love imports the most? Or that we live in generally rust free areas so cars dont get ruined and we still have large population......
I'm planning to go to Austrailia in about a year from now with a friend, it takes time to save and all. I'm definitely jealous of the car situation but if I lived there it wouldnt matter. I wouldnt be able to afford a s15 anyway. Cong ratulations you lucky bastard :cry:

07-21-2005, 03:35 PM
Thanks Crioten.
Do you guys have trouble getting S15s?
I feel we were lucky over here as we were the only country, outside Japan, to get the Silvia S15 (200SX here). It was Australia's top selling sports car before they decided to cease production in 2002. It also won Motor Magazine's Performance Car Of The Year in 2001.
There were 3818 sold here.
Uh, you guys got it cause the UK got it. Sorry to be such a piker.

07-21-2005, 03:46 PM
Sorry, the UK DID NOT get it!!
I have a friend over there that went to a lot of trouble to import one. He was always P-----D that they did not get it. They got the S14 I believe, but not the S15.

07-21-2005, 04:04 PM
welcome aboard! let's see some pictures of your car.

07-21-2005, 04:14 PM
It's my mistake cause those pommies sold the s14 into 99 and I asumed that it was an s15.

07-21-2005, 10:43 PM
i cant wait to get back down to australia again (im 50% aussie) not that anyone really cares...

Yes, we dont! But thanx for sharinG!!! :rolleyes:

07-21-2005, 10:53 PM
this is one thing that i love about zilvia, it really brings together other countries around the world, and not just socal and florida :)

hope you enjoy the board and ignore the people that should be ignored

i cant wait to get back down to australia again (im 50% aussie) not that anyone really cares...

you forgot Texas you nazi bastard :duh:

07-21-2005, 11:04 PM
sx2002- I will buy you whatever turbokit you want if you can get me a koala. My wife has been bugging me for 3years, wanting me to go to australia and get her one. I know I would get caught in customs with a koala stuffed in a lugage bag, and slaped with a hefty fine. So if you know of a loophole to get one to me, you will get a the turbo kit you wanted. Im being serious, her birthday is coming up in 3 months.

07-21-2005, 11:07 PM
you forgot Texas you nazi bastard :duh:
Stop with the OT posts! :squint:

07-22-2005, 01:22 AM
Austraila rules but its the offtopic AUSTRALIA forum =(
How much is "petrol" running out there right now? Also curious what your minimum wage is =)


07-22-2005, 04:34 PM
I paid $5.60 (Australian dollars) for my last tank full. This is for BP Ultimate which is 98 Octane. This is about $1.23/litre. Normal unleaded is approx 8-10 cents/litre cheaper (92 octane). Unfortunately my S15 wont run on the cheap stuff. The Aussie dollar is about 80% of the USA dollar.
We also have PULP (Premium Unleaded, 96 octane) which is 3 cents/litre cheaper than the 98 octane stuff. This is what they are starting to use as a lead replacement fuel; problem is every one with an old car must now buy an upper cylinder lubricant to go with it.
Not sure about the minimum wage, I stopped work three years ago due to some pretty severe spinal injuries and have lost touch. I was a Mechanical Engineer with CSIRO (Australia's and one of the World's largest research organisations, we used to do a lot of work for BOEING and other USA companies) I was on a pretty good wage and at the time. I think the basic was in the high $400 range. Of course this will have increased by now.

07-22-2005, 04:52 PM
Would she settle for a stuffed one. I don't mean one thats been hit by a car, but an actual stuffed toy one :keke:
Sending the real thing would end me up in prison

07-22-2005, 04:57 PM
Here it is.
The upload function is not working. If anyone would like to email me direct I would love to have a chat and send you some pics.
Ron. [email protected]

07-22-2005, 10:02 PM
Would she settle for a stuffed one. I don't mean one thats been hit by a car, but an actual stuffed toy one :keke:
Sending the real thing would end me up in prison
Send her a Roo Bag(sack). :keke:

07-23-2005, 05:14 PM
How are you guys placing pics in your posts?
I browsed for some pics of my car to post, uploaded them for inclusion, but nothing happened :confused: I'll try again here.

07-23-2005, 06:25 PM