View Full Version : S13 redtop, into s14 chassis, almost done need a little help

07-19-2005, 08:19 AM
Well, It fired up first try no proublem, and everything for the most part is complete. But i have a couple of slight issues.
-All the harness's on the s13 tranny do not match the s14 tranny plugs (duh) but which ones are which? And what should I do? Cut and slpice the older s13 style plug into the s14 harness? If anyone had any pictures of this it would be helpful.
-Also the alternator has no plug? Which plug do i use for it, the s13 modified into the s14 harness off the fuse box? A picture again would yeild wonders!

Other then those plugs its complete, just cant seem to figure out what to do here. I thank anyone for any input they have, I just want to drive the damn thing this weekend. :coold:

07-19-2005, 09:15 AM
you need to use your tranny harness from your KA, this includes the tranny sensors, starter, AND alternator plugs, u just swap the tranny sensors from the KA into the SR, but you really don't even need them except reverse lights =]

07-19-2005, 11:39 AM
Ah, so the sensors on the sr, are a direct swap with my Ka sensors? Im not worried about the reverse lights, but it would be nice to have them, i just want a tach, and a speed sensor!

I am still slightly confused about the alternator, the plug that is on the s13 sr alternator seems to be different then the ka, as in it will not fit in the slot? what should i do there? Sorry I am a retard, I got this thing almost done just until this point.

07-19-2005, 03:15 PM
www.srgarage.com , send them an email. the website is in the middle of a redesign, so please bear with it.

07-19-2005, 07:49 PM
email sent. Is there also any way i can find out which sensor is which on the s13 sr tranny and match it to the corrospondnig s14 ka tranny, and cut and splice? If this is possibel which sensor is which, for each tranny?

07-19-2005, 08:24 PM
swap out the electronic VSS from the KA tranny (2 10mm bolts) for the s13's cable driven, plug it into the KA harness, boom your done, tach wire is done on the harness itself. As for the alternator, no idea why the plug wont fit, thats very strange indeed, could you take some pics of it?

07-20-2005, 10:37 AM
I will take some pictures tomorrow of the alternator set up. I will swap out those sensors as soon as i find some, i sold my tranny to my frined, and he then moved to north carolina, hopefully he still has them ! If not can i get them for a reasonable price somewhere else?