View Full Version : auto=>man computer question

07-13-2005, 09:22 AM
i've located the computer under the arm rest/center, and the computer is attached to a thick wire loom that goes from under the seat to the dash. Now can i just get rid of the computer, or is this for something else... say the power door locks/abs...etc

your help is appreciated

07-13-2005, 12:02 PM
S13 or S14?

If S14, then that's not it...the S14 auto trans computer is under the dash, where your new clutch pedal will reside.


- Brian

07-13-2005, 02:59 PM
s13, I recently found out that the computer is an seat belt module of some sort. Hmmm, but i wonder, would it do bad to remove the S13 auto computer?

07-14-2005, 12:09 AM
i have an s13, i removed that caca just because i got my gutted/stripped interior painted, left it out, it's just for the seat belts i believe, the motors, possibly door sensors? i ono, my car's fine w/o it, changed my 1/4 time by like 0.00000132987038745092384 seconds lol, j/k

the head
07-14-2005, 07:41 AM
i have an s13, i removed that caca just because i got my gutted/stripped interior painted, left it out, it's just for the seat belts i believe, the motors, possibly door sensors? i ono, my car's fine w/o it, changed my 1/4 time by like 0.00000132987038745092384 seconds lol, j/k

I call felony stupid on you. Quit dumbing down the threads with useless crap.

s13, I recently found out that the computer is an seat belt module of some sort. Hmmm, but i wonder, would it do bad to remove the S13 auto computer?

Clarify your question are you talking about the auto shift computer? or changing the Auto ECU to manual. Removing the auto shift computer makes no difference. Changing the ECU there are some differences in the revlimiters and speed limiting capabilites.