View Full Version : Think about this

Jonnie Fraz
07-12-2005, 12:19 PM
Yesterday here in Sac. a women was found in her driveway with tire tracks accros her torso. Aparently she was run over when she tried to stop a thief from stealing her sons car. She later died from her injuries.
So the moral of the story is if someone is trying to take your car from you let them have it. I know that I would rather have my mom than my car.

07-12-2005, 12:26 PM
if someone were taking my car i'd shoot them with my pump shotty.


07-12-2005, 12:29 PM
the morale of the story, make sure your mom knows how to operate ak-47 that you should keep above your tv loaded at all times.... thats if you still live with your mom. LOL. :squint: if your like 16 or somethin

i know im gonna get one since they are legal now. and i have no problem cleaning someones brains from my driver seat, as long as the car not stolen

07-12-2005, 12:38 PM
the morale of the story, make sure your mom knows how to operate ak-47 that you should keep above your tv loaded at all times.... thats if you still live with your mom. LOL. :squint: if your like 16 or somethin

i know im gonna get one since they are legal now. and i have no problem cleaning someones brains from my driver seat, as long as the car not stolen

That's one thing about you Texans that i enjoy.(Please allow me to freely stereotype) Your lack of caring about human life. I feel the same way guys. I feel if someone was messing with my car, his life value automatically drops to zero and i would shoot his ass if it was legal. Splatter his brains all over the place. Then take pictures and send it to his mother.

07-12-2005, 12:39 PM
That's so sad, I would much rather have my mom than my car. . . fucking theif, I hope they catch him and kill him.

07-12-2005, 12:52 PM
I agree that if I had a gun, I'd prolly shoot him.. but for myself, and everyone else who said that we'd do that, by shooting him, we basically get sent to jail. Is it worth it?

And, unfortunately for us Cali folk, AK-47's are still illegal here, cause the state has its own assault weapon ban. :P

07-12-2005, 01:24 PM
^^ yay for cali

How much do ak's go for?

07-12-2005, 01:28 PM
Well, no one said you had to shoot him in the head, shoot him in the arms, or legs, so he can't drive away. . .LOL, everyone thinks "Shoot to kill."

07-12-2005, 01:56 PM
Was this in EG?

Andrew Bohan
07-12-2005, 02:00 PM
only reason to shoot is to kill

07-12-2005, 02:46 PM
waiting for snails response.

07-12-2005, 04:06 PM
Well my response would be about the same, But I would rather grab the shotgun since going out there with the glock in a drunken slumber, I would most likly do more damage to my car and just make noise. Two nights ago I saw a big ass rat in my garage. After looking for the pellet gun for 20min, I went to my room and got the next smallest caliber. I stood there smoking cigarettes for 30mins with a chambered glock in my hand, waiting for it to show its face again. I got bored and went back inside to play on zilvia. When I woke up sober, my reasoning was much improved and I was gratefull that the rat did not come out again. It was retarded of me to try to hunt the rat with a 9mm pistol, in my own house, drunk at 3am. At best, I would of just blown holes in the wall. I have not got to use the pistol on a living thing yet, and I am eager to do so. Even more so while drinking, and me drinking at night is when the thieves come out, so there is no dought in my mind that I would not do anything other then shoot to kill.

07-12-2005, 04:13 PM
if you don't feel the need to kill you shouldn't feel the need to shoot anyone.

i come from a cop family and thats how we think.

07-12-2005, 04:26 PM
My family knows if someone is looking at my cars there automatic thing to do is call my dad or me to see who it is.Some time they have woke me up inthe early hours of 4am because they hear something like a alarm.Yeah my mom has great shot aim not like my dad....lol....oh yeah i feel sorry for that guy and i hope they get the mother fucker :hammer:

Jonnie Fraz
07-12-2005, 05:52 PM
They found the car a couple miles away, abandoned. Sac. is rumored to have one of the best CSI teams in the USA. I realy hope they catch this waste of skin soon.
As for you guys that want to "shoot to kill", I hope you have time to get a shot off, or you are in the same boat as that poor guys mom. Here in Cali. you go to jail killing someone protecting property, you must be in fear for your life.

07-12-2005, 05:55 PM
when they catch him, they should saw off his limbs in segments....... then strap him to a rope and hang the rope from a tree branch and let a pack of dogs jump at him while hes still alive with blood drippin.. biting little pieces off of his torso and body..... then if he isnt dead yet..... wrap him and his body parts up... and drop him off at his familys house with a letter stating what he did...

just killing him wouldnt justify nothing to me... its to easy..., i wanna see him live in guilt with a lifetime in pain.... thats justifiable.....

07-12-2005, 06:01 PM

tie a man down over a bamboo sprout. drip water on his forehead. nail his fingertips to planks. cut him a thousand times and pour salt in his wounds.

there are many things worse than death. when a person chooses to steal like this they know full well that they are risking their life.

07-12-2005, 06:22 PM
eh.........thats too easy
i wanna keep mnes bloody and painful.....

so im right makoto ur wrong,< i know u dont like that