View Full Version : fuel cutoff????

06-29-2005, 03:55 PM
First of all, I'm new to this site. I know that newbies tend to get hounded quite a bit here but here it goes anyway. I recently bought a zenki s14. So far I love every thing about it. I'll try to get some pics up of it later. But I also have a question. A friend of mine also has one but is having a problem where when he makes a somewhat hard right turn, it feels like his fuel is being cut off. And it only happens when he has half a tank of gas or less. We traced fuel lines all the way back to the tank but can't find anywhere that it might be pinched or kinked. We also pulled the fuel pump hoping that we'd come across something that didn't look right but still had no luck. Someone from Speed Alliance suggested that it might be something do to with the idle being set too low. Can anyone confirm this? And if that was the case, why would it only happen when turning right?

07-02-2005, 07:10 AM
anyone have any clues?

07-02-2005, 02:41 PM
I'd start by checking for loose wires.

07-02-2005, 06:59 PM
Was the baffle still in your fuel tank? Somethimes they break loose.

07-04-2005, 06:10 PM
i dont know, i'll have to find out. i've also read that bad mafs can cause a fuel cutoff like symptom. could that be a possibility?

07-07-2005, 03:51 AM
..... having a problem where when he makes a somewhat hard right turn, it feels like his fuel is being cut off. And it only happens when he has half a tank of gas or less. We traced fuel lines all the way back to the tank but can't find anywhere that it might be pinched or kinked. We also pulled the fuel pump hoping that we'd come across something that didn't look right but still had no luck. Someone from Speed Alliance suggested that it might be something do to with the idle being set too low. Can anyone confirm this? And if that was the case, why would it only happen when turning right?

Get ahold of a FSM for your model year car & check the Evaporative Emissions System on your car. Zenki...95-96 right? Is it an OBD I 95 Zenki or an OBD II 96 Zenki?? If it's an OBD I 95 Zenki, then it could be a carbon cannister related problem. If it's an OBD II 96 Zenki, then it could be a purge valve problem....96 OBD II's did away with the carbon cannister.

You might have a faulty gas cap/fuel purge system, that is creating a vacuum in the gas tank and fuel system, that is not allowing enough fuel into the rail and regulator. Troubleshooting this problem may be a royal BEYOTCH!!...You DEFINITELY need to get your hands on a FSM....
Good luck!!!

'95 OBD I S14....

07-07-2005, 04:24 PM
Its an OBD I 95 Zenki. I will definitely get ahold of an FSM and check out the carbon canister. Also, the purge valve problem could still be a problem on a 95 right? As far as troubleshooting goes, its ALREADY been a "royal BEYOTCH!" I imagine its only going to get worse. Thanks for the help.